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Topics - ACagliano

Drawing & Animation / Sprites for Star Trek MP
August 24, 2018, 06:37:26 PM
So I'm posting here to see if anyone wants to help me out with sprites for the Star Trek multiplayer demo. Currently requested sprites are:

1. Phaser bolt (weapon)
2. Photon torpedo (weapon)
3. Quantum torpedo (weapon)
4. The Narada (from Star Trek 2009) (ship)
5. Weapon-on-shield clash flare (vfx)
6. Explosion (vfx)

For the weapons, either a 32x32 or a 64x64 will suffice.
For the Narada ship, you can use your own discretion as to the size of this sprite. Keep in mind that the Narada is a massive ship.
For the vfx, please keep to a 32x32 or a 64x64.

Also, something I'd like input on. I want to show on the screen some sort of spark rain effect that you'll be seeing periodically when your ship's hull integrity module is below 25% health. Examples of the effect I want to create are here:

Also if I want to shake the screen in response to a weapons impact, what's the best way to do this? In C. Substituted "screen corruption" effect.
So after trying time and time again to run TokenIDE using wine and mono for the BasicColors palette, I am finally giving up on this program. Therefore I need either a sprite maker who can run TokenIDE, a version of TokenIDE that works on OSX, or the BasicColors palette (as a file?) for me to import into Gimp.

So I'm looking for someone decently skilled with C programming to help me learn the ropes of designing a textured raycaster. I have a textured raycaster in C++ that I've been trying to port, but my skills aren't sufficient enough to percieve differences between C and C++ and implement proper substitution, so I am asking for help.

ps: the C++ snippet im looking at is
I'm trying to get a font made for the TI-84+ CE. Any takers? You can private message me here or email me at [email protected]. :)
As many of you know I've been working on a project that entails the use of Python for networking. I have made significant effort to learn Python, and while I know how the language works, learning how to create an application with networking is a whole other ball game. I need a hands on approach to this and therefore am asking anyone here who knows Python at this level to PM me or comment and ill discuss what im trying to learn to do and what i need.

edit: here are some details. This is for the calcnet server to my Star Trek game, a realtime MMO, where calculators render graphics and do some stuff like firing weapons and changing position/direction. Every time a packet containing something (a client join/leave, a weapon fired, a change in direction and speed, a chat message, etc) is sent to the calcnet "server", the server responds in some fashion. It could be as simple as retransmitting the packet to another unit, adding an "object" to a database of objects in the virtual world, changing its coordinates or status, or sending information about environment to a unit. If you head to my project page, and go to "Features", you'll see some of the things I want to do.

Thanks in advance.
Web / The Big Bad Duplex of Website Issues
October 29, 2015, 09:46:46 PM
Issue 1 - Weird Select Tag Behavior

Issue: Click on "Post a Bug". In the widget that pops up, the drop down menu is properly formed but I also get the selected option echoed back out in front of the object. Why? Code for the entire page is here:

Issue 2 - Weird Slender page glitch

Issue: Clicking on a link at the bottom of the page creates a text shadow from the previous page for some users. Why? There is no javascript bound to a click event. Only the first link works.
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