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Walrus Kingdom (former PocketWalrus) [PC] [Windows] [Java] [Walrus]

b/[Completed] Walrii Games (TI/HP/PC/2600) Started by p2, September 21, 2016, 09:23:42 AM

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u/p2 February 10, 2017, 07:08:49 AM
Yeah but I yet have to include methods to save changes to the map and stuff like that xD
Those tree-less areas on the right bottom corner of the map are all connected by corridors made of those trees you will be able to cut down.
In addition to that, a statue will at first block the way to the second one.
so the player will be enforced to follow the general storyline (still writing on that), even tho I plan on adding multiple smaller sidequests to let the player decide what to do and when :) (multiple parallel storylines are the target, so you can decide for yourself how the game ends)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 10, 2017, 05:36:55 PM
Yeah in Reuben Quest I just resetted the map once re-entering it. :P

Also I see about the story. Will be included?
u/p2 February 10, 2017, 07:46:39 PM
Maybe as a little sidequest, we'll see xD but I doubt I can add an animated one like this as a permanent character, it would look weird... :/
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 11, 2017, 12:37:43 AM
Yeah I was thinking more as a NPC.
u/p2 February 11, 2017, 09:52:34 AM
I think I got an idea on how to implement it :) but as I said it'll be hard to get it working as that would mean different number of tiles and animation speeds for all the stuff... >.<
We'll see, maybe I'll just hardcode it to spawn behind a house, run over to he next house (animated) and then disappear again, as some sort of easteregg :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 13, 2017, 07:33:30 PM
Ah right, variable animation speeds might be a problem >.<. It's fine if you make him slower I guess.
u/p2 February 13, 2017, 09:37:33 PM
Well the last version (Written in AutoIt, called PocketWalrus) supported a variable amount of frames but the timing for one complete animation loop was the same for all animated tiles.
This new version (Written in Java, called WalrusKingdom) doesnt use any animated tiles yet, so far the character is the only thing animated in the entire game xD

I already wrote the entire storyline for a second NPC-sidestory (wont go in detail now) but I still got the big problem about how to do NPCs.....
idk yet if I should really add them as real players but give them some kind of super-low random intelligence or not....
Afterall the game so far is written in a way it would support multiple characters at ones (given they would use different key controls) so it woul be possible
(Don't want to admit I never worked with game AIs before)  :ninja:
even tho it would probably only be a simple pathfinding and random location picking within their area ^^

we'll see how I decide about that :)
u/p2 February 14, 2017, 01:10:32 PM
I wanted to finish the graphics first before going over to add massive code changes.
Now FINALLY redrew the house tiles to higher definition, something I wanted to do since last year

above is the old house, below the new one ^.^

Quotev0.4.2 The Beauty
- redrew last house tiles in higher definition
- adapted block data definition
- adapted map data
as always all the stuff is available on GitHub if anyone wants to take a closer look at it :)

things on my to-do list:
- drawing the tiles for the huge library
- writing the sidestory for the shapeshifting walrus
- add an ingame menu for stats and items
- add the animated telegram walrii to the intro (forgot it AGAIN)
Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 02:30:36 PM by p2
u/p2 February 15, 2017, 10:48:44 AM
v0.4.3 The Speedup
- increased screenUpdate and Rendering speed
- various minor bugfixes and improvements

Pretty much perfected the rendering methods, it now renders a minimal amount of data, in that proces recognizes not only movement but also your position relative to the map (only updates the background, if it really scrolled, so no complete redraw when you're close to the edges or in a ScrollLock area like the garden. In those cases it only renders a 3x3 tiles area, which boosted the rendering speed bretty much :) (not that I had any problems with it so far)

complete changelog:
[spoiler]v0.0.1 The First
- first stable build
- super boring
- super crappy
- gonna work on it

v0.0.2 Fix Map Rendering
- fixed map rendering
- reduced to 2 layer compression
- removed "trigger" layer
- updated tiles source file

v0.0.3 Map Rendering
- bugfixes on map rendering

v0.0.4 Map and Key Input
- extended the map
- implemented keyboard input

v0.0.5 Map and Tiles
- added new tiles (big house)
- updated block data definitions

v0.0.6 Minor Fixes
- minor fixes everywhere, idk

v0.1.0 Rendering and Animations
- rendering optimized (only render changes)
- implemented different Walrii tiles (directions)
- added walking animation at 10FPS
- minor bugfixes

v0.1.1 Rendering
- Setup regions with different scroll behavior
- completed block data definitions
- extended map
- minor fixes to map data

v0.1.2 Graphics Rework
- major graphics rework
- optimized movement animation
- minor bug fixes (map data)

0.2.0 The Menu 1
- added game menu
- included new tiles (second type of tree)
- added more map data
- major bug fixes (map data)

0.2.1 The Dialogue
- added fancy Textbox
- added multiple font colours

v0.3.0 The Intro
- added intro sequence
- added separate map
- dialogues implemented
- various bugfixes

v0.3.1 Rendering Fixes
- minor bug fixes (character rendering)

v0.3.2 The Bugfix
- Major bugfix in zoom adaption
- various minor bugfixes
- simplified startup code

v0.3.3 The Menu 2
- Added new main menu
- updated block data definitions
- modified display algorithms
- reworked key inputs
- reworked communication between classes

v0.3.4 The Menu Bugfix 1
- fixed critical bug in menu structure

v0.3.5 The Update
- updated tiles
- updated block data definitions
- added "MENU" map
- modified key inputs

v0.3.6 The Menu Bugfix 2
- completely turned menu into a map

v0.3.7 The Menu Bugfix 3
- fixed major bug in menu background scroll effect
- added new tiles
- updated menu map data

v0.3.8 Fancy Dialogues
- made dialogues adapt to screen size as well
- simplified working with size adaption

v0.3.9 The Intro Bugfix
- fixed flickering when resizing for all dialogues

v0.4.0 The Interactive
- fixed minor keybinding bug in Intro
- implemented interactive components

v0.4.1 The Teleporter
- implemented overlapping maps
- implemented silent teleportation
- implemented trigger-caused actions

v0.4.2 The Beauty
- redrew last house tiles in higher definition
- adapted block data definition
- adapted map data

v0.4.3 The Speedup
- increased screenUpdate and Rendering speed
- various minor bugfixes and improvements

known bugs:
The character's Y-offset does not adapt to the current zoom factor as expected
Short darkening of a sign's shadow when passing by  (would be the same for other semi-transparent foreground-blocks)

Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 01:27:53 PM by p2
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 15, 2017, 05:32:33 PM
Glad to see the new houses being done. They fit even better now :D, and I'm happy to see the shapeshifting :walrii: in the todo list ^.^

By the way, your last pic doesn't work
u/p2 February 15, 2017, 05:50:31 PM
ok this is the video:
*see attached files*

I wish I could give you a longer video, but sadly the filesize won'T allow it.. :(
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2017, 05:24:02 AM
You could always upload to Youtube for future longer videos . It would also play on all computers. Nice, though. Will the final game use tile by tile scrolling or do you have plans to switch to smooth scrolling?
u/p2 February 16, 2017, 08:24:04 AM
I was already planning to do it but it's massively complicated because the entire game is adapting to the window size (adapting zoom) which makes it much harder to implement.
So I guess it will be done one day, but not now xD
And yeah, I pretty much think about making a stupid YouTube account...

guess I'll give the maps another try today (found a massive bug caused by a problem with the map), afterwards maybe the tiles :)
even tho I got zero motivation left for another round of drawing tiles xD

Edit: Just got rid of  minor rendering bug :)
Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 08:36:09 AM by p2
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 20, 2017, 09:10:27 PM
With window upscaling, do the tiles remain at 1:1 ratio all the time? Even if black bars appear on each side it would be better to have 1:1 ratio, else at nearly full screen the graphics will be stretched up horizontally :P. Also do you use blur or nearest neighbor?
u/p2 February 20, 2017, 09:12:22 PM
grey bars appear, the ratio always stays 1:1
also the game itself only adapts every 20 (?) or so pixels, so each tile still remains the same size as all the others.
The upscaling uses nearest neighbour :)
I admit it looks a bit blocky this way... :/
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