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_iPhoenix_'s music stuff!

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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/_iPhoenix_ April 07, 2017, 08:03:07 PM
I have been doing some things in the music department and thought I'd share it here :)

I have a youtube channel, and I will be posting my music projects here!

I will be sorting by project type.


The Kahoot! lobby theme:

All Star - by Smash Mouth (well part of it, I'm can't be bothered to do the rest):

Misc Starwars stuff:
Link to old stuff

Wacky synths version of Canon, in D major:
Link to more old stuff

Original Compositions
Stumbling Through Math

I'm working on a really cool set of songs (my Halcyon Plains album), and I am proud to present the first, a very pretty (oooh) piece.
[spoiler=Halcyon Plains]

Second piece:

Third piece:

Fourth, and final piece:


Here, on SoundCloud!

Also on SoundCloud.

More stuff coming soon
Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 08:28:56 PM by _iPhoenix_
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u/Dream of Omnimaga May 06, 2017, 06:12:53 PM
The beginning of Tranquility and most of  Peace gotta be my favorite parts. I also like the piano stuff quite a bit ^^
u/_iPhoenix_ May 06, 2017, 07:58:19 PM
Thanks! I messed up some of chords in the beginning of Peace... *flinches* That synths entrance, though.

I really like the end of Beauty and Peace, but my favorite song of the bunch has to be Tranquility or Happiness.

EDIT: The next set of songs are going to be released when I have:
a) come up with names and
b) actually finish them.

I'm going to do it all at once, much less of a hassle.
u/p2 May 06, 2017, 08:11:15 PM
song names:
- Walrii's great adventure
- 8 posts a day
- Welcome to the walrus world
- I am the walrus
- The walrus within
- Tusk song
- Nüf

and I have no idea what ur talking about, the "peace" song is beautiful  :love:
u/garvalf May 06, 2017, 08:51:06 PM
You music is really great! It's full of spirit and very enjoyable to listen to. The only thing which could be improved is the sound in my opinion. It rather sounds like general midi stuff (I don't know if it's the case) and lacks deepness. You might try to use some panning and effects on it. Overall, it sounds ok, but I think it could be much better if you work on it further (I'm generally more sensible to the notes than to the sound so it's ok for me)
u/_iPhoenix_ May 06, 2017, 08:52:35 PM
Yeah it is general midi. I just do not have the time/money rn to buy some decent software.
u/p2 May 06, 2017, 08:54:54 PM
for all of the tools (but none of the comfort), try Audacity to manipulate mp3 files.
But I'm not sure how much positive can be added to the song...

to me it sounds like the perfect mixture of a piano play and gameboy music, it's beautiful <3
u/_iPhoenix_ May 06, 2017, 09:03:22 PM
I tried out audacity, but I suck at it, and my mac comes with garageband, which is all of the comfort without the tools, but it keeps bothering you about "unlock such and such for $$$$$.".
Logic is basically the best of both worlds but $$.
There is a thing called "Tracktion" but it a) sucks and b) keeps pestering you about $$.

People wonder why I make all of my tracks free to use...
It's so freaking annoying..

I can technically afford it, I just have better ways to spend my $$.
u/p2 May 08, 2017, 07:41:18 PM
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on May 06, 2017, 09:03:22 PM
People wonder why I make all of my tracks free to use...
It's so freaking annoying..
idk... cuz u'r not a c?
not that I hate everyone not doing this, but sharing ur music for free is really awesome!
I dislike that system of "first pay, then listen to it, then realize u actually don't like the song u just paied for"
I prefer systems like bandcamp much more where u can listen to the full tracks before buying them.
u/_iPhoenix_ May 08, 2017, 07:42:50 PM
Yeah. I also don't like the 3 second previews, either.

"Here, listen to this really good part, then buy and listen to the rest, which I spent ~30 seconds on for $99.99!"
u/p2 May 09, 2017, 12:10:59 PM
So I started working with that program as well (huuuge thanks für your help!)

But somehow it can only play the music LOUD. It won't play when bluetooth headphones are connected.
sooo I can only listen to the current thingy when I export it as an audio file (cuz iTunes works with headphones of cause)
then the next problem appeared:
for whatever reason it can'd read the external codec file I gave it for mp3 export
so I used WAV format.
But when I export as WAV the audio stops after a few seconds...
so I'm now working with FLAC file export, which is not causing any problems.
Then I realized the export of WAV works but only if I dont overwrite the file (delete the last one first) which is probably cuz iTunes doesn't see the file was changed, idk...

But now I'm having a question: can I turn down the volume of the Square Synthesizer somehow?
its so loud x.x
u/_iPhoenix_ May 09, 2017, 08:06:08 PM
Dynamic markings?

On your left hand side of the screen (assuming you are in fullscreen) there should be a dropdown menu that says "Dynamics". Click it. Click and drag a "mp" (mezzo piano, meaning "half soft" in latin. It could be "p" if you want it even softer. ) dynamic marking to where you want it (ideally under the Square Synthesizer's first note).

If you have any other problems, feel free to pm me!
u/p2 May 09, 2017, 09:41:32 PM
I ended up exporting the instruments separately and adjusting the volumes later in audacity ^^
But thx for the hint I was wondering where (and if) such stuff existed ^^

Btw if u have any advice for me feel free to tell me.
I already know my song sucks and it isn't even a song, just a pretty crappy 25sec melody  :P
u/_iPhoenix_ May 09, 2017, 10:05:09 PM
Everyone has to start somewhere!
Go to my soundcloud and check out Epsilon. That was a 3 second melody until I kept adding and adding.
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