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Messages - CKH4

Quote from: DarkestEx on August 14, 2015, 10:22:22 PM
Well, how much freedom would you all like?
We try to make it as free as possible, but we still want to make it secure - no game should be able to hack local computers or collect data. We will certainly have quite a few security functions, but they will all be similar to Android. So when installing Apps you will be prompted with all the permissions an app does request and you can't run it without accepting them.
Would it be possible to accept certain permissions and deny others so that when a permission is needed you will be prompted that the part of the app will not function unless you allow the permission.
Very cool, maybe this will become very popular as it sounds great.
Nice, I'm still getting around to playing it but that would make me play it sooner.
Drawing & Animation / Re: Walrii fanart
July 25, 2015, 07:20:56 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 25, 2015, 02:59:43 PM

I lolled at that one. If we get an FF or Chrome one I have an animation I'd like to do.
Drawing & Animation / Re: LD's Art Room
July 22, 2015, 06:40:18 PM
Wow LD I'm impressed by all your stuff that you make. I'm glad you are back to making stuff again.
I scaled it down and it looked fine at 16x16 but still :( because of the usage rights. If you were able to make the die bigger it'd probably be best.
@Unicorn if I can remember to I'll just scale the gif down to whatever the smallest res is that still looks reasonable.

Do you know what the image rights are? I'd rather not reupload it if I'm not supposed to.
Their usage policy is a total downer. There's nothing that you can do with it.

I wish that we could all avoid using sites with such restrictive terms.
Quote from: flimflam on July 22, 2015, 03:31:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 22, 2015, 03:21:09 AM
Heya flimflam and welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear about your TI-84 Plus SE. What issue does it have? As for 68K programming, @catastropher is working on a 3D engine right now and Lionel used to do a lot of it too, so they can probably help you. :)
I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

Thanks! The keypad on the SE went bust (except for the ON button). I tried all the usual reset tricks, reinstalled the OS, etc., but to no avail. Eventually, I found a guide on Cemetech to take the thing apart and clean it. I took it apart and removed and cleaned all the keys and the mat, but after putting it back together it still didn't work.

I was thinking of getting a CX CAS, but the constant boot code changing and TI's antipathy towards asm make me think the 89Ti is a better choice.

Welcome and you could probably buy a for parts ti 84+ se on eBay and swap the keyboards given that most calculator issues originate from the screen. I'd put that off until you learned 68k though because I know that at least for me, I'd go with the language that I've already learned rather than the one I am in the process of learning. Also I think that the 89 is a much better choice than the cx cas for a regular calc programmer.
Keep on working, your stuff is quite good. Also if you're still into pico 8 dev a game like crawl would be awesome.
They look nice, glad to see that you're making stuff again.
Drawing & Animation / Re: Walrii fanart
July 20, 2015, 12:29:10 AM
Quote from: sifodias on July 19, 2015, 11:05:30 PM
You guys asked:
Let me present you ... *drums*
Whalerii :

Which one should I do next ?
If you don't mind I'm going to make my own cartoon whalerus. I like yours a lot but I want something very cheesy.

Edit for formatting.
Phones & Tablets / Re: Mincraft
July 14, 2015, 12:05:58 PM
I love the simplicity and indiffence of the ai. I'll see if I can make an actual 3d one though because we do have 3 of the four sides of walrii. Also at the beginning of the video there were so many walriis falling from the sky.
Drawing & Animation / Re: Walrii fanart
July 14, 2015, 11:54:43 AM
I didn't make that gif but I can try to recreate it where it says spawn walrus instead of spawn tnt using the blue green egg.

The right facing walrii would be a good forumwide prank. Have a little script that flips small images (like less than 50x50).
Oooh, sounds great. Does the ti 89 category contain titanium as well? (I'm not too familiar with 68k)

Also I'll take a look at the source. I might learn something.
That's an interesting upside to the solid mode. I'm really glad to see the progress. What calculators does this run on, I might try to find one that can run this because of how great it is.
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