
Development => Calculators => Calculator News, Coding, Help & Talk => Topic started by: E37 on September 20, 2016, 08:54:35 PM

Title: Menu hooks for the 83/84 plus
Post by: E37 on September 20, 2016, 08:54:35 PM
General question: Does anyone know how to use the Menu hook? (and be willing to teach me how to use it)
I am familiar with how to use other hooks (home screen and key)
My current attempts have lead to some screwed up menus. (At least that much of the hook works)
I mainly use Axe, but can easily enough hash out a solution to a problem in assembly.
(I'm really just looking for some example code - I don't care if it is Axe or assembly and it doesn't even need to be commented!)
Thanks for any help!  :)
Title: Re: Menu hooks for the 83/84 plus
Post by: PT_ on September 20, 2016, 10:20:42 PM
WikiTI has the answer :)
See or . I think both should work well.
Title: Re: Menu hooks for the 83/84 plus
Post by: E37 on September 20, 2016, 10:24:33 PM
Quote from: PT_ on September 20, 2016, 10:20:42 PM
WikiTI has the answer :)
See or . I think both should work well.
Thanks, but I have already thoroughly covered wikiti.
I still seem to be missing something. Do you have any example code complete with the initialization of the hook to the execution? I know you use one in ICE. Even that code would be nice.
Title: Re: Menu hooks for the 83/84 plus
Post by: PT_ on September 20, 2016, 10:26:53 PM
Well what do you want exactly then? Modify an OS menu? Replace the entries with your own 'tokens'?

Here is my code for the hooks in ICE. Since it's a combination of 3 hooks, I will post them all

ld hl, ICEAppvar
call _Mov9ToOP1
call _ChkFindSym
jr c, +_
call _Arc_Unarc
ld bc, 5 ; weird TI; it points HL to the address locating the memory, in the VAT, not the file type :/
add hl, bc
call _DelVar
_: ld hl, Hooks_end - KeyHook_start
call _CreateAppVar
push de
call _OP4ToOP1
pop de
inc de
inc de
ld hl, KeyHook_start
ld bc, Hooks_end - KeyHook_start
call _Arc_Unarc
call _ChkFindSym

ld hl, 19 ; archived program header+VAT entry
add hl, de
ld (hookDataStart), hl
call _SetGetCSCHook

ld de, KeyHook_end - KeyHook_start
add hl, de
call _SetMenuHook

ld de, MenuHook_end - MenuHook_start
add hl, de
jp _SetTokenHook

.db 83h
cp 1Bh
ret nz
bit trace_is_pressed, (iy+myFlags)
jr z, +_
or 1
ld a, b
_: ld a, (cxCurApp)
cp cxPrgmEdit
ld a, b
ret nz
res trace_is_pressed, (iy+myFlags)
cp skTrace
ret nz
set trace_is_pressed, (iy+myFlags)
ld a, skMath-1
inc a

.db 83h
or a
jr z, ++_
cp a, 3
jr nz, +_
res trace_is_pressed, (iy+myFlags)
_: cp a
_: bit trace_is_pressed, (iy+myFlags)
ret z
ld hl, (hookDataStart)
ld de, MenuHook_data - KeyHook_start
add hl, de
or 1
.db 4
.db 4, 3, 6, 5
.db 036h, 029h, 035h, 026h

.db 0FCh, 0B1h ; 1
.db 0FCh, 0B2h ; 2
.db 0FCh, 0B3h ; 3
.db 0FCh, 0B4h ; 4
.db 0FCh, 0B5h ; 5
.db 0FCh, 0B6h ; 6
.db 0FCh, 0B7h ; 7
.db 0FCh, 0B8h ; 8
.db 0FCh, 0B9h ; 9
.db 0FCh, 0BAh ; 10
.db 0FCh, 0BBh ; 11
.db 0FCh, 0BCh ; 12
.db 0FCh, 0BDh ; 13
.db 0FCh, 0BEh ; 14
.db 0FCh, 0BFh ; 15
.db 0FCh, 0C0h ; 16
.db 0FCh, 0C1h ; 17
.db 0FCh, 0C2h ; 18

.db 83h
ld a, d
cp 7
ret nz
ld a, e
cp 2+3+Token1-TokenHook_data
ret nc
sub 2
ld hl, (hookDataStart)
ld de, TokenHook_data - KeyHook_start
add hl, de
ld de, 0
ld e, a
add hl, de
ld hl, (hl)
ld de, (hookDataStart)
add hl, de
dec hl
.dl Token1 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token2 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token3 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token4 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token5 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token6 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token7 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token8 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token9 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token10 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token11 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token12 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token13 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token14 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token15 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token16 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token17 - KeyHook_start
.dl Token18 - KeyHook_start

Token1:  .db 9,  "ReadByte("
Token2:  .db 12, "ReplaceByte("
Token3:  .db 8,  "AddByte("
Token4:  .db 11, "DeleteByte("
Token5:  .db 7,  "Sprite("
Token6:  .db 10, "Rectangle("
Token7:  .db 11, "Background("
Token8:  .db 4,  "Inc("
Token9:  .db 4,  "Dec("
Token10: .db 8,  "ExecHex("
Token11: .db 12, "SetVar3Byte("
Token12: .db 12, "SetVar1Byte("
Token13: .db 11, "SetListDim("
Token14: .db 10, "SetupPrgm("
Token15: .db 9,  "CreateVar"
Token16: .db 10, "ArchiveVar"
Token17: .db 12, "UnArchiveVar"
Token18: .db 9,  "DeleteVar"

; switch_
; case_

Title: Re: Menu hooks for the 83/84 plus
Post by: E37 on September 24, 2016, 07:32:58 PM
Thanks! (a little late)
You didn't share you install code. I'm installing it to ram (So I don't have make an app each time) Do you have any other commands after the bcall to set the hook? (I have to use a clone of Axe's input because for some reason that makes the code work in ram...)