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Heapsort, VATSort, and ListSort

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b/Calculator Development publicado por u/Zeda July 04, 2018, 02:28:02 AM
Hey all, I implemented the heapsort algorithm with some features inspired by Sean McLaughlin's implementation. Heapsort operates in O(n*log(n)) time, so it is fast even as array sizes increase. The cool perk to Sean's implementation that I wanted to include in mine is the ability to have a callback function that performs comparisons. This is fantastic if your array contains pointers to, say, an array of strings. The callback function can take the inputs (in my case, HL and DE), perform a string comparison, and return the result to the heapsort routine. Heapsort will then know whether or not to swap the elements.

As an example, I created a VAT sorting routine. It creates an array of pointers to the VAT entries of named variables (like Programs, Appvars, etc.), and then uses a fancy callback function that compares the names of the VAT entries. Returned is an alphabetically sorted array of pointers.

As well, I made a very fast routine to sort TI lists. The callback routine for this takes indices, constructs pointers to the actual list data, compares them, then returns the result. Since the OS routine uses an O(n2) algorithm, my program can perform way faster on larger lists. I ran a few tests on random lists and came up with:

* at 100 elements, the OS routine and my routine were pretty close in speed.
* at 400 elements, my routine sorted it in ~1.3 seconds, versus ~9.5. for the OS routine
* at 999 elements, my routine sorted it in ~3.0 seconds, versus ~55.5. for the OS.

Code (Heapsort) Select

#ifndef scrap
#define scrap 8000h
.echo "Warning, 'scrap' not defined, defining scrap=8000h"
#ifndef SMC
arraybase= scrap
arraylen = scrap+2
heapflags= 33
curchild = 0
;   HL points to the array data
;   BC is the size of the array. NOT GREATER THAN 32767
;   IX points to the routine that compares the values
#ifdef fast
    call heapify
    ld hl,(arraylen)
    push bc
    call heapify
    pop hl
    dec hl
    ld (arraylen),hl
#ifndef fast
    push hl
    ld de,(arraybase)
    add hl,hl
    inc de
    add hl,de
#ifdef fast
    ld a,(de)
    inc hl
    ld (hl),a
    dec hl
    ld a,(de)
    inc hl
    ld (hl),a
    call swap
    ld bc,1
    call propogate
#ifdef fast
    ld hl,(arraylen)
    pop hl
    ld a,h
    or l
    jr nz,-_   
;   HL points to the array data
;   BC is the size of the array. NOT GREATER THAN 32767
;   IX points to the routine that compares the values
    ld (arraybase),hl
    ld (arraylen),bc
    srl b
    rr c
    push bc
    call propogate
    pop bc
    dec bc
    ld a,b
    or c
    jr nz,-_
;BC-1 is the parent index
;2BC is the child1 index
    res curchild,(iy+heapflags)
    sla c
    rl b
    ld d,b
    ld e,c
#ifdef SMC
    ld hl,0
    ld hl,(arraylen)
    sbc hl,de
    add hl,de
    ret c  ;no children
;compare the two children
#ifdef SMC
    ld hl,0
    ld hl,(arraybase)
    add hl,de
    add hl,de
    inc hl
    ld d,(hl)
    dec hl
    ld e,(hl)
    dec hl
    push hl
    ld a,(hl)
    dec hl
    ld l,(hl)
    ld h,a
    ;HL holds the value of child0
    ;DE holds the value of child1
    jr z,+_
    call callix
    jr nc,+_
    ex de,hl
    pop de
    inc de
    inc de
    set curchild,(iy+heapflags)
    push de
;{stack} points to the child
;HL is the value of the child
;BC points to the parent
;now compare the child and parent
    ex de,hl
    ld hl,(arraybase)
    add hl,bc
    push hl
    dec hl
    ld a,(hl)
    dec hl
    ld l,(hl)
    ld h,a
    call callix
    pop hl
    pop de
    ret nc
    dec hl
    call swap
;values swapped, now set parent=child
;BC is the index of child1
    bit curchild,(iy+heapflags)
    jp z,proppost
    inc bc
    jp propogate
;HL points to the top of one word
;DE points to the top of another
;Must preserve BC
#ifdef fast
    ld a,(de)
    inc hl
    ld (hl),a
    dec hl
    ld a,(de)
    inc hl
    ld (hl),a
    inc c
    inc bc
    call +_
    ld a,(de)
    inc hl
    ld (hl),a
    dec hl
    inc bc
    jp (ix)

Even when optimizing for speed over size, my code is smaller, but I'm fairly sure there are more optimizations to be found!
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u/Lionel Debroux July 04, 2018, 04:48:26 AM
Hi Zeda :)
That's another great display that TI uses silly, slow algorithms...
That reminds me of Samuel Stearley's faster next_expression_index() and list item access routines for the TI-68k series.

Out of curiosity:
* how much execution time does inlining the comparison function save ?
* what's the execution time of an implementation of shellsort with a reasonable sequence (not the original O(n^2) one) on the same-sized lists produced from the same random seeds ? There's no O(n*log(n)) implementation of shellsort, but there's usually a range of sizes where an implementation with a reasonable sequence it trounces the quadratic sorts while being competitive with some asymptotically better O(n*log(n)) sorts. 200 items could be within that range, but 999 usually isn't.
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