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Juju's current projects

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b/Other publicado por u/Yuki September 04, 2018, 08:44:00 AM
Hey, let's have a quick rundown of my current projects and the stuff I want to do in the near future, cause why not.

- My job: As I might have told you, I'm working on an Internet service with a few friends. We're almost done, the list of things we need to do before releasing a beta is getting shorter and we hope getting it out this month. Don't worry, I'm going to tell you guys about it in detail when it's going to be released, but until then I can only tease you a bit :) But yeah, this is the thing that should take most of my time at least this month. I hope you'll hear about it soon :)

- Zarmina: Kinda taking a pause of it and I'll get back to it later and finish writing chapter 2, adding some music cause why not and commission a few cute graphics to put on the site. Long-term plans also includes other unrelated original stories and interactive fiction. Also, a half-elf, together with some friends. Anyway. Writing is kinda fun.

- Blogs and websites: Considering rehauling a few of my personal websites (,, First one is pretty much my online presence and I have a good idea for it. The latter two are my blogs, the MLP one is no longer about MLP only and probably needs a good redesign. So is which is my Tumblr and also needs a good rehaul, probably as a good ol' pro blog about things that doesn't really fit anywhere else and technical articles. Probably also going to move away from WordPress and Tumblr, any good ideas? Ghost sounds nice, or I could always reuse the framework I built for Zarmina and stole borrowed from my job.

- CodeWalrus: Site looks kinda dead, we're mostly on Discord, but people still check the site often enough, so feel free to post away. I also have some novel ideas for it and should rehaul a few stuff around. I also take some ideas, what you want to see here?

- Music: I'm playing music on my piano, mostly, but I hardly make those anymore. Not that I already was constant in my music production, far from it. I probably should transcribe my original compositions, arrangements and covers someday.

- DUGCon: My friends are running some convention about some Québec French TV show from 20 years ago, it's in 2 months, I helped a bit with their kickstarter thing, go check them out if you're planning to go in the Montréal area in early November. Throw money at them, if you like the idea.

- Minecraft: I remind you we have a Minecraft server, together with other Minecraft servers on the same server. Kinda weird setup. Again, there's a few stuff I should rehaul internally, like a proper admin panel for those who don't know how to admin a server via SSH and other wonky stuff going on with them.

- Other stuff: Considered cancelled and/or one-off things for above reasons. I have too much things to think about, albeit I still mess around when I'm bored. I should concentrate on working and being productive and stuff.

- Throw money at me: That would help. It pays for the CW server and its numerous services and most stuff I said here. I have a Patreon.

That's a bit of a list, I'm involved with quite a lot of stuff and I hope going though it in the near future. If you want to help in any way, I probably wouldn't say no, that would be helpful, even if it's just ideas thrown around ^_^

(whew 5am I guess I got a bit carried away, but yeah)
Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 09:07:25 AM by Juju
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u/Caleb Hansberry September 04, 2018, 11:46:30 PM
Looking forward to hear about your "internet service" :) Also yes the Minecraft stuff - I would like to know a way to promote the server better or something so we have more people on. And I'm one of those SSH-illiterate people so that would be quite convenient :)
u/rowan_futurerave September 12, 2018, 07:14:53 AM
Quote from: Juju on September 04, 2018, 08:44:00 AM
- Throw money at me: That would help. It pays for the CW server and its numerous services and most stuff I said here. I have a Patreon.

That's a bit of a list, I'm involved with quite a lot of stuff and I hope going though it in the near future. If you want to help in any way, I probably wouldn't say no, that would be helpful, even if it's just ideas thrown around ^_^

always interested in helping out if its cool stuff lol
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