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Topics - kotu

@JWinslow23 been talking about calendars lately so I thought I would upload this tool which I made in 2014 for printing calendars. Saves me quite a bit of money! Good for stinges.  :D

screenshot...... below
in this game you will have the oppurtunity to throw things at me and shoot me with a machine gun while i insult you

PC, Mac & Vintage Computers / Mateo Quiz
July 25, 2017, 10:17:48 AM
Ok probably can't be bothered to make this into a game now as the questions are completed and I am busy with Mateo Face Drop.
I'm just gonna shove ya all the questions and answers so you can read them. Enjoy!!!!!


(   /    this is a tick )



the mateoconlechuga tribute quiz game

based on mateo's past lives


In one of his past lives, was/hmm MateoConLechuga did/hmm what etc....

1) Was a knight of the round table
2) Once punched a woman                     /

1) was a celibate monk
2) had sex with a lion an elephant and a sheep     /

1) got plenty of exercise
2) weighed 19 tonnes because he ate chips only        /

1) always said 'x 1000' when he insulted someone cleverly
2) never said 'x 1000'                                        /

1) was known as aids baby
2) cured the sickness of others as he was jesus           /

1) was born on the pakistan/india border
2) was born on the india/pakistan border            /

1) organised 17,000 world wars        /
2) was a peace protestor

1) mateo ruled the world as a kind king
2) mateo was a thief and a beggar           /

1) was a baby tyrannosaurus rex
2) was a baby tripod too small for cameras   /

1) was a small piece of cellophane
2) was a small hole in a piece of cellophane      /

2) he saw a massive mech coming and was overjoyed.





this game was going to feature a small section of audio at the end of the game, performed by me and my friend DJ Rob Roy, Rob starring as 'the voice' of mateo patio...... thought I would provide the script. I am playing myself.


yes mateo what? im writing a script for our quiz game?


my program doesnt compile

did you put a bug in it?


of course i didn't

let's see it then

is that it?


put a semi-colon on the end


no mateos were harmed in the making of this quiz game.
Well I couldn't resist it so I'm posting the mockup of my front screen.

I sure hope @MateoConLechuga doesn't see this.....



Second screen mockup now attached, enjoy.
sorry for the spelling mistake, i just noticed

if you don't know what this is about... see competition thread here
Calculator Talk / New CE game - upcoming [TI-84+CE]
June 29, 2017, 02:51:53 PM
 :D at last a new project to announce

i am currently working on a new game, based upon my 'Building Priest Smash' game, which involved bunches of AOE priests getting smashed by houses (did not have / could not make new priest sprite waving angry fist into the air looking straight up at you, bla, bla, shouting 'why did you do that')

the new game has a similar theme and i cannot divulge any more details here, except this one - it should be quite easy to build so should [MAYBE] get made!
Randomness / Is mateo patio a thing??
June 19, 2017, 07:59:53 PM
So I was speaking to my friend the other day who works at a DIY shop, he was telling me that this chain of shops in UK are now importing a unique type of patio tile from the US for patios and outdoor garden areas, called mateo patio. Apparently each tile has a picture of @MateoConLechuga 's face on it.

Can anyone verify this??

Ok bai

does anyone have a mateo patio if so can we please have a pic? ok thx
Calculator Development / BPM Sheet - bespoke DJ app
June 06, 2017, 03:24:13 PM
Just thought I would post this capture of my last little project, which is a personal app for helping me with DJ sets. Kind of using my calc like a PDA...

here is the capture.... prepare to be amazed!!! Woo!!!

(click it)

Other / Got some bad news for y'all guys
June 06, 2017, 02:31:36 PM

oh yes
Randomness / Nick Hewer's Good Cars (NSFW) [NSFW]
April 30, 2017, 09:24:06 AM
a few years ago i invented 2 nick hewer based boardgames, look him up

here is a screenshot from the program i made that simulated a game.....
apart from that just try and enjoy it  ;D


in this game you can see you are collecting businesses by buying them off Nick
at the end, the winner is the person to cut up their property cards with a pair of scissors
I created Juice image viewer as a custom image viewer with exactly the functions I need.... have a look at the page here....
Randomness / So, Kotuism - what is it?
April 23, 2017, 02:35:19 PM
As some of on the forum know I recently started my own religion..... the full details of which are contained in my blog here......

So far I only have one follower - the first initiatite was @p4nix from this board

If any of you read the blog and decide you want to become a kotuist, just post as much in this thread! It's free and we need to get the numbers up

Thanks for your time!!! Yay!!!! Woooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!   8)
Randomness / How untidy is your desk??
April 22, 2017, 11:54:23 AM
How untidy is your desk??

I rate mine 3 out of 5 what do you think

Drawing & Animation / kotu's art
April 21, 2017, 07:00:43 PM


This poll will run for 90 days.
Ok so haven't really shown my VJ apps on here before, although they have always been on my website. There are two ;)

The first tries to generate live visuals in response to the music. It only works with certain types of music :( , but is not too bad. Here is the page ------ >
It is currently a free download (and although it just says 'supports windows 10', supports backwards to XP as well)
here is a pic of it working.... you might need to play with your soundcard mixer settings (the record settings - even though this program doesn't actually record audio, but it does capture it)

Forgot to add my second VJ program - this one is just for displaying text on the screen - but it could be pretty useful for a VJ, or a promoter, or a DJ! It was made in response to a 'how do I do this' thread on a music/dj forum. Again, a free download....... page here ----------->>>>

ALSO here is a video of the Imager app..
Randomness / archangel comeback
April 06, 2017, 07:39:23 PM
the archangels are coming back @MateoConLechuga

first off, it's 'star man'
yay, i'm black because i cant see!
i am star man

yay it's rodane
you look like kris ludds.
are you gay?

thank heaven for justinius. thanks a lot
are you saying i look like andy hamilton!! you are a poof!

real kris l;udds
f*** you

i'm not jewish!!
i swear i did not say anything  8)

seth's dad is not a baby remix





Randomness / announcing massive cenobites victory
April 06, 2017, 07:06:24 PM
massive victory for gay cenobites REPEAT massive victory for gay cenobites

Oiram is a thing
Other / How old are you?? (poll)
April 05, 2017, 03:35:39 AM
pretty sure the results are anonymous on polls
Tech, Science & IT / What OS do you use?? (poll)
April 05, 2017, 02:41:32 AM
Just wondering what OSes people on here use.

You are allowed up to 2 votes each.
Ok so who wants a cenobites game on calc?

Cenobites are like from hellraiser film ie..

Who wants this?? Turn-based game with large cenobites
Calculator Development / StopwatchCE [ti-84+ce]
March 28, 2017, 07:33:37 PM
So I thought it would be useful to be able to use your calc as a stopwatch, so I made this utility for the CE.

Source code and .8xp file available here....

I might add other features (such as lap times) if enough people want that.
Other / An email I wrote today
March 22, 2017, 09:59:02 PM
Hi Michael thanks for the email, I enjoyed the webpage.

The one thing I am worried about currently is human-device integration. That is the main thing I am worried about ie. implants within the eye or brain to give a heads-up display etc. I think things like this could go badly, especially if largely adopted. I have seen on TV, one leading scientist saying human-to-internet connection via brain (I think) implants are a good idea, a great potential and the way forward. I think something like this would be a disaster, and I think that scientist is a big stupid idiot who should (really) be killed or sent to Spain to live. Actually that was a joke I have nothing against Spain. France! (joke again). The Arctic.

I hope you do not live in the arctic.

However I predict these bad things will not happen.

However I do see potential for one or two advanced technologies at around 100 level tech (current Earth tech is level 3-4).

One is a device called a gorgon which is a type of robot designed for fighting and indistinguishable from a human woman. The reason she is 100 level tech is that her CPU is housed inside an atom. This is possible using miniature subspace technology. The miniature subspace developments will allow her CPU to be

(A) totally flat and, if normal size, would be wider than the entire universe (star width). The reason it has to be flat is that this is what allows free will! It is an advanced CPU.

(B) wrapped around and in between the protons and neutrons of the atom and still be remaining flat by distorting physical space / space-time.

Production of these units was limited to two. Actually three. Meh.

The other 100 level tech I call unified universal gear drive system.and will power cars. The car has one gear only and behaves more like a animal (for example a gerbil) in its gearing up and down. The car has two cogs, a front cog and a back cog. The cogs change size and the number of spokes (?) changes. This leads to complications with cog spacing but the car is run by a clever CPU. The chain changes size etc and is the hardest part of the car to produce.

So, there are no gears, just an accelerator and a brake. The car can be powered by a manufactured (ancient technology) binary star system in standard subspace.

The end!


Disclaimer. I am not insane

Btw horsepower 130,000 BHP per ton will be standard. You are not allowed one of these cars. Bye now

Hi all I am now making a new mech game, this should be a quick one to make (unlike KILL CMND)

I am using isometric tiles for this game.... here is the first gif (just testing things out really)

And for anyone that's interested, here is how you draw isotiles if you want a square map (unlike AoCE which is using a diamond-shaped map)...

Softwares / CTF Format [pc]
February 15, 2017, 03:00:57 PM
A couple of years ago I invented a file format called .CTF format - standing for 'control text format'

It is designed to be used for control systems and anything where detail or safety are important

It is based on RTF.... here is an example of the raw data in the file
{treedata '0' 'example 1'}
{treedata '0' 'example 2'}
{treedata '0' 'example 3'}
{treedata '1' '[_info_]'}
{treedata '1' '[_todo_]'}

{{ctf '1'}{c3}THIS IS A HEADING
/p {cx}this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p {cx}this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p {cx}this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This page is best.
/p }

{{ctf '2'}{cx}THIS IS A HEADING
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This should be ok.
/p                                                                                      Ink!
/p                                                                                      Mention mono preview.
/p                                                                                      Paper vs Screens.
/p                                                                                      This is second best.
/p }

{{ctf '3'}{cx}THIS IS A HEADING
/p {c3}this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p {cx}
/p {c2}this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p {cx}
/p {c1}this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p {cx}
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This is hard to read and wastes lots of ink.
/p                                                                                      But looks nice.
/p                                                                                      Third best.
/p }

{{ctf '0'}{c2}The Information Principle
/p {cx}  - can extra information be added with italics?
/p {c3}The Importance Principle
/p {cx}  - everything on the page will be important
/p   - the format forces rapid file creation - no underline
/p {c1}What Will It Be Used For?
/p {cx}  - air traffic control
/p   - nuclear power stations
/p   - military
/p   - gambling systems
/p   - any control system
/p   - and basic notes
/p {s}                   >
/p {/s}{c2}ACTIVE{c3}PRINT
/p {cx} - ink spares need to be kept in this model
/p  - {c3}doctors{cx} do not use this much
/p {s}                   >
/p {/s}CTF is not for writing stories
/p }

/p     - 'like' a rock -  with a light sweat fragrance
/p {cx}
/p {c3}node redirection - X3 (paste as sibling, paste as child, move)
/p {cx}
/p {c1}research_
/p {c3}CONTROL TEXT EDITOR {c2}- v 1.0
/p {c3}NOTETAKER{c2} - v 1.2
/p {c1}
/p }

To understand the format and its purpose fully you can read the help file I made which is at  (colour is used in a unique way in CTF and the help explains why, to do with different energy states)

I have not supplied an executable for this as the program is only in a prototype stage. This post is more to gauge anyone's opinions of the file format. It's actually quite a useful thing imo ..... but atm I just use it for basic notes

The help file only takes 5 minutes to understand and read.

Softwares / [PC] Shajun - Free 3D terrain utility
February 02, 2017, 01:37:34 AM
Thought I would add this as a tool, it's a tool for visualising 3D terrains (based on input heightmap) which can output a useful selection of images.....

normal map (x,y and z of terrain normal encoded as rgb)

shade map (lighting adjustable)

full lighting+colour 2d output

use of custom gradient

Link here --->>

feature requests anyone??
Today I visited Bristol Zoo which is near where I live. Couldn't get many good videos but here are the ones I got.  (-_(//));

Seals, penguins, and, as a bonus, some Lemurs!

Other / Divination and Tarot
January 19, 2017, 12:22:08 AM
From my site.......

"QCards are a basic divination technique I invented suitable for beginners or experts."

"QPrint lets you print a deck of cards or choose a card/cards randomly for a reading."


(c++ random number generation IS good enough to do this effectively. it's as good as having a real deck)

im an experienced semi-intuitive psychic and can prove this (probably) to anyone who wants a reading
just pm me
Other / Biorhythms
January 18, 2017, 10:08:53 PM
Ok we have had a star sign thread so why not a biorhythms one!

I am not actually sure if this is made up and false or actually true, but it is interesting. It says that we have a physical cycle (23 days), an emotional one (28 days) and a intellectual one (33 days). Go to the following page and enter your date and year of birth, then it gives you graphs for these cycles (and a few others). Interesting.
Softwares / [PC] Isometric Tile Creator Program
January 04, 2017, 09:57:39 PM
dj said i should upload this it makes isometric tiles from square pictures

(EDIT by DJ: Added tag in topic title)
Tech, Science & IT / Who likes Han?
December 25, 2016, 07:16:28 PM
Who likes Han I love him. here he is, and he's gorgeous! (not gay)

Website Talk / Youtube links not working
December 23, 2016, 01:11:39 AM

The Youtube links from someone's profile are not working

The 'c' in the link address needs to be changed to 'channel'

Thanks :)
DJ suggested I start this topic as I have several small animated cartoons (6) on my website plus (11) video blogs which I have made with various friends. The content is supposed to funny and relevant, but the videos in particular DO feature some bad language, so be warned. Although there IS a warning on the site in any case. The Cartoons have no swearing, and feature a young boy who turns into a lice ninja.  :)

Here is the link to the page on my site with this stuff........

The Cartoons are at the top of the page and the Video Blogs are toward the bottom. Ignore the other stuff (or dont ignore it if you dont want to ignore it lol)

here is a taste of what is to come WARNING bad language!  [+immature]  should be fun  :crazy:

much love kotu

all your feedback will be welcomed, even ideas for blogs would be good! anything you want discussed!!

o  o  o
Other / What is your Star Sign?
December 10, 2016, 11:29:53 PM
Me Cancer (Water Cardinal)

  - water - sensitive, emotional

- cardinal - leader
Tech, Science & IT / What amp do you own?
December 10, 2016, 04:23:38 PM
Cambridge Audio Azur 351A (Silver)

Is it trivial to do this? @MateoConLechuga ? lol. or anyone

my game is coming close to the upper size limit, not sure if it will make it at the moment. there's not much space for code lol

PC, Mac & Vintage Computers / C++Builder
November 09, 2016, 08:08:02 PM
Does anyone use C++Builder? it is a mighty tool.

I still use Turbo C++ 2006 free edition which came with 100 years license

* kotu runs
Calculator Talk / CBR2
November 09, 2016, 01:17:33 AM
Has anyone used one of these? (it's an ultra-sonic motion detector for data logging / distance, velocity and acceleration)

Other / Scenery in your country (user photos only)
November 09, 2016, 01:08:05 AM
This thread is for showing the countryside and wildlife from your country. User photos ONLY. Be sure to say which country it is. Thanks!

Here is some from UK ..... of moorland

haytor - dartmoor

haytor - dartmoor

This is my new game Blackspace it should be ready in a week or two then I will carry on work on Kill Cmnd. It is for PC.

Here is how it starts.

This topic was suggested by @p2 and focusses on getting keypress events in java.
It also features some tile rendering code which I made previously.
It features a little walrii, who you can walk around a map.
Also pressing space will change the terrain.

Here is the code.... hopefully it will explain itself.... if not then just ask what you want explaining!

Many thanks

Here is the source code....... the first file contains all the keypress stuff, the second two files are the tile rendering stuff. Feel free to use both if you want
package tiletest;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import tiletest.TileArea;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class TileTestApp implements KeyListener
private int m_walriix = 280, m_walriiy = 180;
private boolean m_keyDown = false;
private boolean m_keyUp = false;
private boolean m_keyLeft = false;
private boolean m_keyRight = false;
private int m_bgTile = 0;

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
if (m_bgTile > 7) {
m_bgTile = 0;
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) m_keyLeft = true;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) m_keyRight = true;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) m_keyUp = true;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) m_keyDown = true;
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) m_keyLeft = false;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) m_keyRight = false;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) m_keyUp = false;
else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) m_keyDown = false;
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)

JFrame frame = new JFrame("kotu java demo");

// add TileArea to the JFrame here
TileArea tileArea = new TileArea(600, 408);
frame.add("Center", tileArea);

// load tileset
TileSource tiles = new TileSource("all-3.png", 24);

for (;;)
if (m_keyRight) m_walriix += 4;
if (m_keyLeft) m_walriix -= 4;
if (m_keyUp) m_walriiy -= 4;
if (m_keyDown) m_walriiy += 4;

for (int x = 0; x < 25; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 17; y++) {
tileArea.drawTile(tiles, m_bgTile, 3, tiles.getTileSize()*x, tiles.getTileSize()*y);

tileArea.drawTile(tiles,  2,  1, m_walriix, m_walriiy);


try { // wait 10ms to avoid any flicker
} catch(InterruptedException ex) {


public static void main(String[] args)
new TileTestApp();
package tiletest;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;

public class TileArea extends Component
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private BufferedImage m_image;
private int m_width, m_height;

public TileArea(int width, int height)
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

public Dimension getPreferredSize()
        return new Dimension(m_width, m_height);

public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawImage(m_image, 0, 0, null);

public void drawTile(TileSource tileSource, int tilex, int tiley, int x, int y)
Graphics2D g = m_image.createGraphics();
    g.drawImage(tileSource.getTile(tilex, tiley), x, y, null);
package tiletest;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class TileSource extends Component
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private BufferedImage m_tiles;
private int m_tileSize;

public TileSource(String filename, int tileSize)
m_tileSize = tileSize;
try {
m_tiles = File(filename));
catch (IOException e) { // no need to do anything here
} // m_tiles will be null anyway

if (m_tiles == null) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "p2, no! could not load tileset.");

public int getTileSize()
return m_tileSize;

public BufferedImage getTile(int tilex, int tiley)
if (m_tiles == null) {
return null;
return m_tiles.getSubimage(tilex*(m_tileSize+1)+1, tiley*(m_tileSize+1)+1, m_tileSize, m_tileSize);

You will also need to include this image in your project (from p2's game)

General Music Talk / Yay my decks arrived!!!
October 31, 2016, 10:58:36 PM

who else had an XT??

mine was 4.77Mhz, 10Mb hard disk, CGA graphics. i ran msdos 3.3 and quickbasic

i remember PGA tour golf - in 4 colour CGA
xenon 2 - in monochrome
leather goddesses of phobos.

these games were amazing and these are the ones i remember best..

so who else had an xt? (im 38)
Other / goofs
October 19, 2016, 05:15:02 PM
getting a bit confused by DJs quote and his ad which he placed

i figured maybe what he wants is for us to post lists of shopping lists

i will go first.

here we go... i just bought this...

a 500gm pack of grapes
2 packs of salad
i vanilla yoghurt
2 3oogm packs of sag aloo
1 lemon
1 pack piri piri hummus
1 pack baked strawberries, for fun
430gm pack macaroni cheese
2x1L juice drink (pressed+puree - not from concentrate)**
2 pints cows milk cows milk is holy
2 thin base vegetable pizzas!!

although this list is, i am actually not a vegetarian
although i have been before in the past (15+ years)

this stuff will last me a few days!

after that i eat nothing but dead rats for a week.
then 3 weeks on the sugar and fags.
then i drink silt from a lake.
then back on normal food for a bit.

**apple 33% orange 21% pineapple 21% mango puree 15%
passion fruit puree 5% banana puree 5%
this stuff is quite thick and i think it is good
for bodybuilding. no more data
Games / [PC] Tach Chess
October 19, 2016, 02:27:39 AM
Anyone like chess? I invented a chess derivative called Tach Chess which has rotating pawns and teleport Queens.

It comes with a starter PDF and is free. For Windows XP to 10.

If anyone plays it it would be interesting to see what you think.


Calculator Talk / TI-83 which runs gameboy games
October 08, 2016, 01:19:47 AM
Has anyone else seen this? Cos I haven't seen it mentioned on here

Gaming / Best graphics you have ever seen
October 03, 2016, 02:48:21 AM
I like


Calculator Development / KILL CMND [TI-84+CE]
September 13, 2016, 03:47:33 AM
It is the year 3067. You are a renegade commander for the imperial army (human). Your DNA has become slightly mutated, and is now a strain known as DNA-FX1. DNA-FX1 is being targeted by the imperial army for extinction, although its members are basically human. They live on certain planets where the trees grow very fast.

You have crash landed your shuttle ship on one of these planets, where your friend runs a bot shop. You can buy bots because you're still a commander. You spend your time hidden in a tree next to the bot shop because that is the only safe place to be. You use a cloaking technology to avoid detection.

You use the trees as cover for your bots. The base is impervious to attack (due to 6 separate technologies).

I am lucky enough to have @p2 helping me out with the graphics on this. Check it out.....

btw this game is a tribute to the film Kill Command, its really good
Calculator Talk / CE hi res timer? [TI-84+CE]
September 05, 2016, 05:45:42 PM


Can anyone help with this

I need a hi res timer which gives a time in milliseconds at least, to time the time between frames

Does anyone here have experience of writing directly to the pixel buffer with the C Sdk?

I can't seem to get it to work - indeed, it doesn't seem to be properly catered for, as far as I can see. Hmm!

(you want this for super-fast custom drawing functions)
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