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Ludum Dare 31

b/PC, Mac & Vintage Computers Started by Scipi, December 05, 2014, 11:56:03 PM

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u/Dream of Omnimaga December 07, 2014, 04:20:36 AM
@Unknownloner aah seems cool so far. I liked System Crash by Scipi. 

@Scipi I like the new tiles, did you make them?
u/Scipi December 07, 2014, 05:11:12 AM
Yes. For the compo, you must make all code and assets during the competition. The only exception is a logo/splash screen and personal code you share with the community beforehand. :P

I like the tiles, but I need to rework some of them. The sand texture is dreadful, so I'll be repalleting the hills to be sand dunes. The grass is also a bit too noisy, while hills look like plastic. Mountains also need to lose the checkerboard pattern and be a bit more crowded. And I plan on switching around some of the water tiles (some shallow tiles look more like deep water, and vice versa)
u/unknownloner December 07, 2014, 06:47:46 AM
Going to sleep but you can mess around with what I have at
WASD/Arrow keys = move
Space / Left click = shoot
Shift / Right click = laser, but it doesnt do damage yet it just looks neat.
If you turn completely red you're dead, but no lose state yet. Shoot magenta (temporary graphic) glowy red things, don't die :)

Tomorrow hopefully I can add some sort of goals and variation to the gameplay, make it better as an actual game.
Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 07:26:58 AM by unknownloner
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 07, 2014, 12:05:01 PM
Oh I like it so far, especially how enemies blink when you shoot them. It's pretty hard though O.O
u/novenary December 07, 2014, 05:04:44 PM
Hmmm... Vimperator hates js stuff. :P
u/Scipi December 07, 2014, 06:23:39 PM
I love the style you went for there. Like DJ mentioned, it reminds me a lot of my System Crash game. :P
u/unknownloner December 08, 2014, 12:19:14 AM
Stuff like this is why I never finish ludum dares
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 08, 2014, 12:27:40 AM
Wait, what happened? O.O
u/unknownloner December 08, 2014, 12:32:13 AM
I got sidetracked repurposing it to make a parody video with that song
(Thats not part of the final gameplay)
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 08, 2014, 12:34:28 AM
Oh right. Sometimes that happens when I code something and then get sidetracked experimenting and doing all sort of weird effects.
u/pimathbrainiac December 08, 2014, 01:41:27 AM
That is the best video
u/Scipi December 08, 2014, 06:26:01 AM
Got my entry ready and sent in. You guys can try it out here:


Balancing it nonexistant, atm. I'll get that done tomorrow at some point. Here's what the final product looks like:

Hint: Notice the flavor text on the side panel.
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 08, 2014, 06:31:24 AM
Seeing this screenshot, the first thing I checked afterward was if the screenshot with CodeWalrus site in the background was leaked publicly O.O

That said it was mostly hidden so people would probably have no clue what it is. :P

Anyway it's looking better and better, although the contrast between tiles is quite high so it might be hard to distinguish character sprites sometimes.
u/Scipi December 08, 2014, 07:06:27 AM
The public screenshots are all cropped to just the game window. So no leaks. :P

I meant to redo the grass and mountain tiles, but I ran out of time. I plan on continuing the project, though, so it'll get an overhaul.
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 08, 2014, 07:18:55 AM
Oh wait it's already finished? D: Darn I don't realize how some of those contests have short deadlines sometimes.

ANyway if you get this further you could eventually create a separate topic and maybe if it's a long game it could get a sub-forum. :) (yes, computer projects can get sub-forums too)
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