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Topics - SiphonicSugar

General Help / iPhone Overheating
January 18, 2017, 12:23:16 PM
Hey everyone, I have a major problem here. I have an iPhone 6s, and lately, the battery has not been charging up farther than 86%, even after 6 hours of charging, the phone will randomly shut off saying it does not have any battery, though it has 75% or what not. It heats up A LOT when I use it. Keeping it plugged in heats it up so much that it gives me a temperature message saying it needs to sit for a while.   >:(

Other / The Most Important Languages
November 17, 2016, 03:47:33 AM
Hey everyone! Could everyone post a top 3 list of programming languages that they think is the most important and why?


Also, could you make a list of the spoken languages that you think are the most important? (not computer ones)
Other / Have any of you ever been scammed?
August 02, 2016, 02:10:02 AM
Please everyone, post any stories about how you or someone you know has been scammed!

So, I have not been on the forums for a while because the mobile platform is pretty hard to use and I don't have a working computer. I have all of the components for my computer besides the CPU, and here's why.

I don't have a debit card anymore, so buying the CPU on the website Superbiiz was going to be hard. My parents didn't want more of their information everywhere so they wouldn't create an account to buy the CPU on Superbiiz. My parents did have an Amazon account, so I found the same CPU for a slightly more expensive price from a foreign company called chienglin. We ordered it and after 20 days, it never got to us and they company removed their account from Amazon. We eventually did get a refund from Amazon, but that company still has money that we have them.
Well hello everyone! After endlessly staring at the Dream Calculator Topic for a while (, I thought, "MAN! Some of the calculators seem pretty crappy, but a lot of them seem really good!"

After that, I thought for a while, and came up with this: People rant all the time about limited functionality for TI calculators mostly, so why don't we knock out two birds with one stone? We (or probably just me) can compile together a list of specs from different dream calculators. Then this calculator will be made. Then build guides will be posted, and places that you can buy this calculator from. It would have maximum functionally and you would be able to do many things on it.

SO!!! (Sorry about the craziness) Here's what I ask of everyone on the forums who actually care:

Create a list in your post that gives the processing speed, ram amount, storage amount, GPU, type of storage (electronic, mechanical, etc), type of screen and size (monochrome or color), IO ports, internet or no internet, the name of this "dream calculator", and the price range. Please add any comments under your list.  :thumbsup:
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