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[3DO] Gameblabla's Crappy Compilation

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b/Game Downloads publicado por u/gameblabla August 19, 2016, 11:07:32 AM

I'm working on Gameblabla's Crappy Compilation, a compilation of 4 games combined together in one disc !
This is for the 3DO video game console btw.

I intend to release this on a real cd, with a case and a manual.
It will work on all 3DO consoles, except the early Goldstars because they have a wonky laser.
I only plan to make 5 copies though.
As for the CD itself, it will not be pressed (sadly) but it will be Gold-platted.

The four games are :
Unlucky Pony

Hinote the delivery man



If you have a 3DO emulator (and the bios), you can download the compilation here :
Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 05:23:36 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2016, 08:16:20 PM
Lol I like the idea and also I didn't know about the first two games. I will definitively give this a try once (or if) I manage to find a way to play 3DO games :)
u/gameblabla August 19, 2016, 10:21:07 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 19, 2016, 08:16:20 PM
Lol I like the idea and also I didn't know about the first two games. I will definitively give this a try once (or if) I manage to find a way to play 3DO games :)
If you want to play 3DO games, there's 4DO you can use. Make sure to have the 3DO bios though.

I have released a minor update that adds saving to all games except Hinote the delivery man and fixes some minor issues with KillMinds.

I was thinking for the packaging : should i use a simple jewel case or a strong librabry disc case instead ?
I personally don't like the cheap cases that are provided with games now...
A Genesis case like the ones Piko Interactive provides would be great except they can't hold CDs...
Where i can find a strong case for CDs ?
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2016, 10:39:38 PM
Yeah the issue is I don't have the Bios. I hope it's not as difficult to find as it was to find a GBA bios back in 2003-05. I bet it's easier now but the 3DO sold much less than the GBA.

As for packaging I generally go for a standard case like most music albums, but to be fancy you can always use a cardboard one like some music artists. Or you can just go with a standard DVD case. In any case, while it's good to make your games look as authentic as possible, if I was you I would avoid original 3DO cases because they're just too big vertically and don't fit anywhere.

On an off-topic note, are 3DO games saved on an hard drive, a battery backup memory (Sega Saturn style) or a memory card?
u/gameblabla August 19, 2016, 11:00:10 PM
QuoteYeah the issue is I don't have the Bios. I hope it's not as difficult to find as it was to find a GBA bios back in 2003-05. I bet it's easier now but the 3DO sold much less than the GBA.
It's much easier to find than the GBA bios, you should not have any trouble to find it.

QuoteAs for packaging I generally go for a standard case like most music albums, but to be fancy you can always use a cardboard one like some music artists. Or you can just go with a standard DVD case. In any case, while it's good to make your games look as authentic as possible, if I was you I would avoid original 3DO cases because they're just too big vertically and don't fit anywhere.
Yeah, i agree the huge 3DO boxes are pretty bad and not very solid...
I wouldn't call a cardboard sleeve "fancy" though.
I think i will go with a standard CD jewel case.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 19, 2016, 10:39:38 PM
On an off-topic note, are 3DO games saved on an hard drive, a battery backup memory (Sega Saturn style) or a memory card?
3DO Games (including this one) are saved on the internal NAND.
It is very small though, around 32kb, like the Amiga CD32 actually.
There's also a japanese battery backup memory for the 3DO but it's so rare it might as well not exist...
As an alternative though, there's Game Guru, a utility that can compress/uncompress saves.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 20, 2016, 12:00:24 AM
Ah ok that surprises me lol. For the GBA I remember I spent an entire day trying to find a BIOS XD (most links just led to a link directory asking me to vote for my favorite emulation website and all links there linked back and forth between similar sites with absolutely zero download link).

I didn't know the 3DO boxes were not solid. As for cardboard I just noticed some music artists release their collector editions in cardboard jackets. They look much nicer but they aren't as durable. I agree that you might be better off going with a standard jewel case. Try to pick the ones that have a transparent side and back cover, though, for extra artwork space. Plus on the side you could put  "For use on 3DO" or something.

Thanks for the info about saves. Are they generally big? I mean, I think Illusiat 13 save was about 600 bytes large and that was because it used floating points. It's not like 3DO games were that complex either (compared for example to Final Fantasy VII where you have 200+ different items and 200+ equipments, hundreds of character stats, side quests and stuff.
u/gameblabla August 20, 2016, 12:29:37 AM
QuoteAh ok that surprises me lol. For the GBA I remember I spent an entire day trying to find a BIOS XD (most links just led to a link directory asking me to vote for my favorite emulation website and all links there linked back and forth between similar sites with absolutely zero download link).
I admit i had some issues to find a proper dump of the GBA bios too.
It doesn't help there are a lot of fakes out-there...

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 20, 2016, 12:00:24 AM
Thanks for the info about saves. Are they generally big? I mean, I think Illusiat 13 save was about 600 bytes large and that was because it used floating points. It's not like 3DO games were that complex either (compared for example to Final Fantasy VII where you have 200+ different items and 200+ equipments, hundreds of character stats, side quests and stuff.
3DO saves are generally not very big (only a few bytes) but some of them (JRPGs actually) can be up to 6kb !
Thankfully, there's GameGuru to compress such saves but this makes me wish it was bundled with the console instead...

I still want to try that library disc case i linked earlier because the jewel cases are not very solid...
Are Blu-ray cases more solid ?
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 20, 2016, 02:39:18 AM
Yeah, aside from all the fake download sites (the download links that just redirects to link directories/voting pages) I often ran into malware as well. But that's what you get  when going on such sites. Ideally it's best to avoid them unless you run VirtualBox, Mac or Linux :P

Also since when are there JRPGs on the 3DO? O.O

And I agree about jewel cases, not to mention the quality is unpredictable when you buy them in bulk. For example, the ones at the dollar store were very bad, but then I bought more at Staples and they were even worse. I don't know about blu ray cases.
u/gameblabla August 20, 2016, 03:09:25 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 20, 2016, 02:39:18 AM
Also since when are there JRPGs on the 3DO? O.O
What if i told you the 3DO has more JRPG than the N64 ?
Guardian War, Lucienne's Quest, Blue Forest Story, Oukoku no Gran Chef, Kurokishi no Kamen....
I probably forgot some.
The N64 got its revenge though because it has more shumps than 3DO, which literally has none. (except some on-rail shooters)

QuoteAnd I agree about jewel cases, not to mention the quality is unpredictable when you buy them in bulk. For example, the ones at the dollar store were very bad, but then I bought more at Staples and they were even worse. I don't know about blu ray cases.
I think i will buy these library disc cases.
If not, well i'll just use a DVD case but they're not ideal.

I'm surprised NO ONE is making strong and solid CD/DVD cases, i dare you guys, try to look up online.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 20, 2016, 03:26:34 AM
I checked Google and Youtube for 3DO JRPGs and saw Guardian War and  Lucienne's Quest, but the other ones were not brought up and everything else were not even JRPGs, but rather western RPGs such as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. I was disappointed to see that Guardian War and Lucienne's Quest were tactical games, though (I don't like those because 1 battle lasts over 10 minutes. I prefer JRPGs where battles against regular enemies last less than 1 minute)

Oukoku no Gran Chef seems like an actual non-tactical JRPG, though, and perhaps I would like it, but like other 3DO games, it seems to suffer from the same problem as modern games: Too many cinematics. Lol I guess the 3DO was ahead of its time on that point XD.

I can't find any video of the last one. And yeah the N64 had so few JRPGs.

As for strong CD/DVD cases, could it be that strong ones just costs much more to produce?

By the way, by using CDs you have a strong advantage because you can make more money from your releases. With cartridges you need to charge $59.99 in order to break even, which is the price of a new AAA game release. If your games includes remakes/ports then you would need to ask permission to sell them, though.
u/gameblabla August 21, 2016, 10:10:05 PM
So far, 2 people are interested in buying physical copies, which is great.
I tried to see how much it would cost to import some MAM-A Gold CD-Rs and holy c...
shipping is around 50$ !

I looked for some other alternatives but all i can have at best are crappy AZO Verbatim discs...

Any suggestions ?
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 22, 2016, 07:57:46 PM
Wow that sucks O.O

I don't know really. But in any case avoid Fujifilm CD-R's. Most CD ROM/DVD ROM players don't play them.
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