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Personal list of NES Game Genie codes

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b/Other publicado por u/JWinslow23 April 15, 2017, 03:33:00 AM
@DJ Omnimaga wanted me to make this, so I am :P

I have an Everdrive N8 and an NES at home, and I love to play on it often. One thing that's sometimes fun to do, besides playing the games, is making up useful, funny, or just interesting Game Genie codes. I will post new codes I make for new games as I create them.

Also, yes, every code here is of my own creation. Almost.

Big Bird's Hide & Speak

ASETPAEYYou will select the right person, no matter who you select (game might softlock)
ENKLTTEIEveryone, no matter if they're the right person, nods their head after you choose them
ESETPAEYYou will select the right person if you select anyone that's not him
PEUTIAGAYou only need to select 1 person correctly to win the round
ZZEUTZTZAs soon as the characters enter, they are all Ernie; game softlocks after round

Blurred Lines 2048 (yes, that's a thing)

AAATATOnly 4 tiles spawn
EIIVTGMute the DPCM channel (no "Hey hey hey"s or "Everybody get up"s or similar will play)
ZEYVAIAlternate code to AAATAT

Dr. Mario

EAAOUTPills appear at the beginning of each round instead of viruses
ENLEUGPills float in the air, instead of falling
IXPAGZThe last music track to play will continue to play through each level
GOALOKAlternate code to TELAEI
TELAEIThe game thinks it's being pirated (crashes when you place a pill)
YUPAEYPlace viruses instead of pills

Kirby's Adventure

AAAPKTInfinite energy

Mario Bros

ENTSZZEarthquake when POW block is hit


AYATLAOnly need 1 dot to win

Sesame Street Countdown

ASPLULEvery number you choose within the level, no matter what, is counted as correct
AYIZELThe Count says that every number is correct, but it might not be
POPZAANo matter what number you choose, The Count will always say a glitch number called "ah ah ah"

Summer Carnival '92 - Recca

AXUSYKGG+KSKIPGUIActivates an interesting (unused) intro: the SEGA logo and jingle appear, then explode, and then the Nintendo logo drops down and plays the Game Boy startup sound effect

Super Mario Bros

AATLKYGravity is not imposed on enemies and powerups
AATLOGPowerups don't come out of blocks
AAZUZTMario can always shoot fireballs, regardless of his powerup
AEGISSHold LEFT against any solid object to enter a subworld (where you go depends on where you are in the level)
AEGLKGPowerups don't move
AETAIGMost things that give you points give you 1-Ups
AILALL2-player mode is disabled
AIPVEZEach Toad looks like Peach
AITELGPress B at a Toad to go back to the title screen and unlock "hard mode", effectively beating the game
ANYAAZA rather...umm...interesting way of starting on World 2
ANNEPIEYMario has the palette of Luigi
ASALPA+TGYOPOWalk around in the intro of 1-2 (can't escape)
ASPOULAlmost every hole in the ground is filled
AYAPKLHidden 1-Up blocks are always active (as opposed to only being active after collecting a certain number of coins)
AYOETGEY+YZVAEEZY+YZVASALIMario is always referred to as Luigi in-game
AYPVEZYou rescue Toad at the end of the game
AYTELGYou continue on to 9-1 at the end of the game (seems to break Coin Heaven; game crashes at World A-1 if you fall down)
AYZEPGPeach will tell you the princess is in another castle at the end of the game
AYZIPYAs Fire Mario, press B to kill all enemies on-screen
AYZSVAInstead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you go to the next world after a few seconds
AZPIOEMushrooms behave like 1-Up Mushrooms
EIAGOP+YYAGEOAll enemies are Bowser
ENAISAEnemies are powerups and powerups are enemies
ENZUUKMushrooms don't move
ESIINKHitting a block gives you 200 points and may kill some enemies
GAGLITMario can't shoot fireballs underwater (because physics)
GIZSVAInstead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you turn into Small Mario, but he can't hit blocks
GTAOZPThe Starman music plays instead of the regular music
GTLPXZEvery brick is loaded as a cloud
GVAPZGThe ground is rendered as clouds
GVPLAPYou don't die by falling down pits, but you come down in a sublevel (for example, falling down the pits in 1-1 put you in the underground section)
GVPOZGOnly one row of the ground is rendered
LAAIKEPowerups, in addition to their power, also give 1-Ups
LALISPMario never dies when getting hit
LYZSVAInstead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, the sky changes to night
LZZENKHidden 1-UP blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small exclamation point
NGZEUKHidden coin blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small letter C in a circle
NNILXIEvery mushroom/flower is replaced with a weird Koopa-shell powerup that acts like a Starman
OOIINGBecome Starman-invincible whenever you hit a block (WARNING: can crash emulators)
OSIINKHitting a block gives you 400 points and may turn some enemies into Koopas
PEZLEKFire Flowers move like Mushrooms
PZAEUK+PZPENKStarmen in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small * icon
PZPPANEvery screen in the game scrolls (even the intro to undergroud/underwater stages, and the Warp Zones)
SUYLUYAnything that falls down the bottom will appear on the top, and vice versa (you can't escape Coin Heaven; buggy behavior with lifts)
TEYIUTPress DOWN on any solid surface to go to a subworld (where you go depends on where you are in the level)
TGGITNFireballs can kill all enemies instantly, even "unkillable" ones (except Firebars)
TITLPZ+VGLIVOA Fire Flower gives you one extra hit
TXZYGVThe death noise sounds like a pulse fading out...I dunno how to describe the sound
TZAENK+TZZAUKCoins in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small coin icon
VELLZNThe pipe that leads to the Minus World leads instead to World 8 (not completely tested)
VGAAUK+VGPANKPowerups in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon
VKPAUKPowerups in ? Blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon
VTAETUOnce you beat the game and can press B to select a world, you may select any world from 1 to 255 (world numbers appear as graphical garbage, and levels are loaded as garbage data; some may crash)
VTLAPEImmediately start in an inescapable water world (not the Minus World), but return to the title screen as normal once you die
XTLGGKLakitu's Spiny Eggs do not fall straight down; they veer to the sides based on your position, speed, and random chance (not tested completely)
XYTEIXPress B at the title screen to change the world you start in

  • Combine ANNEPIEY, AYOETGEY, YZVAEEZY, and YZVASALI for full gameplay as Luigi, even in 1 player mode! (Requires 2 chained GG devices, or some method/apparatus for entering more than 3 codes.)
  • Combine GTAOZP, GTLPXZ, GVAPZG, GVPLAP, and GVPOZG for a full Coin-Heaven-like experience! (For normal GG devices with only 3 codes, the middle 3 suffice.)
  • Combine VTAETU and XYTEIX to access any world from 1 to 255 right from when you start the game!

Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)

AENEOGPPEveryone can float by holding A
AEOUETTPThe screen is always shaking as if you just threw a POW block; strange gravity with some objects
AESOTAIAPull up a big vegetable to freeze time
AEUEKKGLJump way higher than usual
AIUENLEYPress UP and DOWN to climb invisible vines (doors don't work; you must climb down in front of them)
AYOENGEIJump in midair
EEEAXXEKNo matter how many lives you lose, you never get a game over
IENOTSLPSnifits spit Snifits (and they spit Snifits who spit other Snifits, etc)
KEOOXXSEThe Super Mario Bros 1 theme plays at the title screen
OXXOKAEU+VOXOSAOOShells bounce off obstacles
SXOUXVVKThrow down a POW block, and kill every enemy in sight until you go through a door
TONOTSLOSnifits spit eggs
ZAXPGGALSubspace looks normal (but with graphical glitches)

Super Mario Bros 3

AATEVTPause is disabled
ALUZZIYZFire Mario now looks more like he did in SMB1
AOZULTImmediately get forced into an unused level (possibly a rejected World 6 level)
EIGXLTIf you duck on any platform for long enough, you will fall through to the background
EYEZEZEITurn into Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower while small (instead of turning into Super Mario)
EYUZXGEITurn into Raccoon Mario when collecting a Super Leaf while small (instead of turning into Super Mario)
LPOGVPYXPress Select to toggle invincibility
GGUXSKXV+KZUXNKXV+OGUXVKXVActivates Debug Mode on the menu if holding A+B on controller 2
NNXXKGAEAlways run as if your P-Meter was full
PAIUUTYou fall through to the background on white blocks instantly
ZPXXTSZXLuigi is usually a slightly lighter green in-game than on the map screen; this code makes the color consistent

Takeshi no Chousenjou

EGOYESOKPress A at the title screen to warp to the final room
GONNOGLEAlternate code to EGOYESOK

Tetris (Nintendo)

AYIAEPPieces go down faster when you hold DOWN
ENTONAThe demo is desynced; you get the same pieces every time you play
EYTZAGPress START at the title screen to immediately skip the copyright notice
PALEGZShorter wait at the copyright notice (not too noticeable, though, to be honest)
ZALAAPPartly-functional 2 player mode!

  • Combine EYTZAG and PALEGZ to skip the copyright notice altogether!
Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 01:35:15 PM by JWinslow23
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u/Dream of Omnimaga May 03, 2017, 05:50:57 AM
Thanks for those codes. I haven't gotten any time to try them as I got sidetracked by many other things, online and offline. I'll take a further look later, though. I'm particularly interested by the SMB/SMB3/Tetris ones. Also wtf about the 2-player Tetris mode? Do you mean the game includes an unfinished one?
u/JWinslow23 May 03, 2017, 03:40:48 PM
Yes, Nintendo's Tetris for NES originally was going to include a 2-player mode. It got cut, but most of the code was left in the game, and is functional (but it crashes if anyone tops out). That code enables it. It's most comparable to Battle Mode in later Tetris games, with each player even sending garbage lines to the other player upon clearing lines. It's a shame that it was cut, because it's actually a fun mode!

Funnily enough, there is another code in the official Game Genie manual for Tetris NES giving a 2 player mode (ENEALYNN), but it was that one player controlled the direction the piece moved, and one controlled the orientation.
u/p2 May 03, 2017, 09:00:59 PM
COINAGE you get 1000 gold
QUERRY you get 1000 stones

I hope noone notices I have never even touched a NES >_>
u/aetios May 04, 2017, 12:03:19 AM
It's not even querry

it's quarry

u/JWinslow23 May 12, 2017, 12:42:24 AM
I decided to put my hacking skills to the test, and fix what I've always wanted to fix within Super Mario Bros: making it so Small Mario powers up to Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower (because, oddly enough, he doesn't :-\ ). This took 12 Game Genie codes, though, so instead of putting it in the Game Genie list, I'm attaching it here as an IPS patch.

Patch it to an original Super Mario Bros ROM with a utility such as Lunar IPS. This will fix the issue of powerups not powering you up enough.

Also, @p2, neither of those codes are valid. Yet, oddly, enough, GGENIE is. :P
u/p2 May 12, 2017, 12:45:02 AM
@JWinslow23 they were cheats from Age of Empires 1 ;)
also good job on that patch  :thumbsup:
u/JWinslow23 May 12, 2017, 12:49:23 AM
Oh, OK then.

And, as it turns out, it's easier to "fix" the powerups in Super Mario Bros 3 (where the same "Small Mario won't power up to the actual powerup" quirk exists for the Super Leaf and the Fire Flower). There are unused flags to see if those powerups are coming out of Big ? Blocks (unused, as in, there are none of those powerups that come out of Big ? Blocks), and if a powerup has come out of one, it powers Mario up to that immediately, regardless of powerup status. "Fixing" that game's powerups, then, comes down to two codes. It's amazing how much unused stuff is in that game.
u/p2 May 12, 2017, 08:05:08 AM
above my level, but doesn't ths call for a second patch, enabeling most of that unused code to give the game a new touch? ;)
u/JWinslow23 May 12, 2017, 05:57:39 PM
A lot of patches to unlock hidden or unused features in SMB3 already exist. Here are some examples.

  • The hidden debug mode can be accessed with the Game Genie code KKKZSPIU, or you can activate it the "intended" way with GGUXSKXV+KZUXNKXV+OGUXVKXV by holding A+B on the title screen with Player 2. (I say "intended" because there exists a check within the code to see if Player 2 is holding A+B at the title screen, and the area of the code that executes when the check is successful is NOP'ed out...but there is just enough space there to enable the debug mode.) A patch to accomplish the same, with a hacked-in menu to show the effects of the debug mode better, is downloadable here.
  • There is an unused functionality coded in the game that would toggle Mario being invincible whenever the player presses Select. (A popular guess seems to be that this is a remnant of the debug mode, but I doubt it, since Select changes powerup status in debug mode.) The code is still there and fully functional, but the game unconditionally jumps past it. The Game Genie code LPOGVPYX will enable this functionality.
  • There are 15 unused levels still in the game's code that seem to be early versions of final levels, or levels made for testing. In three of these levels, there are some new enemy types, the Green Parabeetle and the Gold Cheep Cheep. One of the levels, a World 6-like ice level, can be accessed with the Game Genie code AOZULT (which simply forces immediate entry in the level tile you're currently standing on), because the START tile contains a pointer to this level. An IPS patch that allows access to all of these levels through a hacked overworld map is downloadable right here.
  • There are MANY bonus games that went unused, but remnants of their code still exist within the game. A good write-up on what exactly these are and what they're supposed to do (and what they do instead) is available at The Cutting Room Floor, and a patch to access these bonus games is downloadable right here (apply to the Japanese ROM).
Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 07:49:59 PM by JWinslow23
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 12, 2017, 07:40:49 PM
I remember some of the unused worlds from that hacked world map. Aren't some super glitchy and impossible to finish, though?
u/JWinslow23 May 12, 2017, 07:51:54 PM
Yes, some are incomplete or don't end properly. They are all playable, though.
u/JWinslow23 June 10, 2017, 07:24:56 AM

In Super Mario Bros, RAM address $03F0 keeps track of the number of blocks hit, but no routine actually uses that value. So, I wanted to turn the coin counter into a counter of this variable. Once I realized it's not that simple for the display itself, I did a whole lot of workarounds that basically make hitting blocks the new equivalent of collecting coins, and collecting coins now do nothing. And yes, hitting 100 blocks gives you a 1-UP now.

Here are the Game Genie codes I used, along with what they actually accomplish separately.

SPASKT+SPYUVLCoins do nothing
AZTAKZ+ULTAVX+VYTASXHitting a block increments the coin counter
IAZLUG+PLZLSKHitting any block gives 50 points (if these codes weren't here, they'd give 200 points)
AAPLKTActually breaking a block doesn't count for an additional 50 points
YGTETYThe coin icon is replaced with a brick icon (because clarity is important)

Apply every one of these to implement the full functionality, or only do the ones you want.

As well, I've made a jump counter using some other Game Genie codes. See how many jumps you average in Super Mario Bros!

SPASKT+SPYUVLCoins do nothing
AEZUPG+AXZLIG+EXZUAG+UUZLYK+VNZLTKJumping increments the coin counter
ZATETNThe coin icon is replaced with the letter A (for "A button")
Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 10:25:23 PM by JWinslow23
u/JWinslow23 June 13, 2017, 10:41:33 AM

Added a lot of new Super Mario Bros codes! Most of these have to do with powerups.

AAZUZTMario can always shoot fireballs, regardless of his powerup
AEGLKGPowerups don't move
AYAPKLHidden 1-Up blocks are always active (as opposed to only being active after collecting a certain number of coins)
AYZIPYAs Fire Mario, press B to kill all enemies on-screen
AYZSVAInstead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you go to the next world after a few seconds
AZPIOEMushrooms behave like 1-Up Mushrooms
ENAISAEnemies are powerups and powerups are enemies
ENZUUKMushrooms don't move
GAGLITMario can't shoot fireballs underwater (because physics)
GIZSVAInstead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you turn into Small Mario, but he can't hit blocks
LAAIKEPowerups, in addition to their power, also give 1-Ups
PEZLEKFire Flowers move like Mushrooms

These codes are very fun to play around with, and AAZUZT+AYZIPY makes you truly unstoppable!

Also, I made a bunch of codes that reveal some hidden items.

LZZENKHidden 1-UP blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small exclamation point
NGZEUKHidden coin blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small letter C in a circle
OZAANG+OZPEUGVines in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small vine-like shape
PZAEUK+PZPENKStarmen in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small * icon
TZAENK+TZZAUKCoins in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small coin icon
VGAAUK+VGPANKPowerups in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon
VKPAUKPowerups in ? Blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon

All of those codes are really helpful, and you might even discover some hidden items you've never seen before!
Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 04:25:35 PM by JWinslow23
u/JWinslow23 March 12, 2018, 07:45:26 PM

I was playing through Takeshi no Chousenjou recently, and I couldn't get far, but I wanted to see the ending. Apparently, according to an internet rumor, punching 30,720 times at the title screen warps you to the final room of the game, which sounds outlandish. However, looking through the code of the game, it's entirely true!

Therefore, I had to make a Game Genie code related to this. My results are EGOYESOK and GONNOGLE (both attempts at making "readable" codes), which do the same thing: punch once at the title screen to warp to the final room of the game.

The ending, of course, is underwhelming. :P
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