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(politics) WikiLeak's current situation

b/Other Started by p2, October 20, 2016, 08:56:20 AM

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u/gameblabla December 02, 2016, 06:40:57 PM
You're sure he wasn't captured by the british and sent back to the USA ?
Because so far, that seems to be the case...

Or maybe Assange found a way to escape the embassy and the embassy was merely trying to protect him
by refusing to answer if he's alive or not.
u/p2 December 04, 2016, 12:13:53 PM
all we know so far is that whoever is controling the bitcoin wallet and the wikileaks and embasy car twitter accounts is on our side or at least wants us to think so (given all the hints and hidden messages they published so far).
But who knows.

As for the moment the research on the Wikileaks case seems to have been paused until we get some more information to work with. :/
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 06, 2016, 07:57:31 PM
Ok, the Pizzagate matter (or maybe fake/satire news stories) is really going out of hands now O.O

Reminds me  two years ago when my former hi-school had three fake bomb threats in a month or two
u/p2 December 06, 2016, 08:04:54 PM
oh that guy that stormed a CPP? yeah heard about it.
at first we weren't sure if it wa a fake as a news website already reportet the incident 3-4 hours BEFORE it actually happened, but that seems to have been a failure caused by the google API...
and btw dj, I dont want to tell you what to think, but if you watch the vids and check some of the sources for yourself it's really hard to still believe this could all be just a fake ^^
u/Dream of Omnimaga December 07, 2016, 12:31:22 AM
Well, IIRC the shooting was real, but it was triggered by a fake news about pedophile allegations.

Also I have the bad feeling that Assange is dead (I still don't know what to believe about the sexual assault allegations against him), but that authorities and countries are trying to hide any evidence of it (but are struggling to contain the leaks). I don't have time to read all videos and walls of text, though...
u/p2 January 13, 2017, 09:33:19 AM
still no change in situation. No proove of life from assange. We can assume he's dead now.
No change in situation from Wikileak's side, they still deny everything, I suspect the twitter account as well as the website are no longer nder their control.
Also the Canary Statement was still not updated, so it's safe to assume has been taken over which means both Julian Assange end Edward Snowden are in trouble now.

What a great world we're living in...
u/gameblabla April 28, 2019, 11:50:10 PM
Of course old thread but Julian Assange has since been arrested and it's expected he will spend around 1 year or so in prison before being presumably
deported back to the US for 5 more years.
His cat was also given to a shelter some years ago (around 2017 it seems).

Honestly though, they are really being harsh on this guy and his hacking attempt did not even succeed : He had to ask Manning for access.
(And manning got a pardon from Obama)
But US law does not even care if the hack was successfully as they only care for intent, which is a lot of balls.
(I could claim that i want to hack the US military and that alone would be enough for prosecution)

Also, the rape allegations are a lot of balls : his supposed victims said they were not raped and one even said it was a conspiracy by the Sweden Government to deport Assange.
(The previous judge had closed the whole thing for lack of proof)
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