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CTF Format [pc]

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b/Software Downloads publicado por u/kotu February 15, 2017, 03:00:57 PM
A couple of years ago I invented a file format called .CTF format - standing for 'control text format'

It is designed to be used for control systems and anything where detail or safety are important

It is based on RTF.... here is an example of the raw data in the file
{treedata '0' 'example 1'}
{treedata '0' 'example 2'}
{treedata '0' 'example 3'}
{treedata '1' '[_info_]'}
{treedata '1' '[_todo_]'}

{{ctf '1'}{c3}THIS IS A HEADING
/p {cx}this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p {cx}this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p {cx}this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This page is best.
/p }

{{ctf '2'}{cx}THIS IS A HEADING
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This should be ok.
/p                                                                                      Ink!
/p                                                                                      Mention mono preview.
/p                                                                                      Paper vs Screens.
/p                                                                                      This is second best.
/p }

{{ctf '3'}{cx}THIS IS A HEADING
/p {c3}this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue this text is in blue
/p {cx}
/p {c2}this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p this text is in green this text is in green this text is in green this text is in gr
/p {cx}
/p {c1}this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this text is in red this
/p {cx}
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p this text is in black this text is in black this text is in black this text is in bl
/p                                                                                      This is hard to read and wastes lots of ink.
/p                                                                                      But looks nice.
/p                                                                                      Third best.
/p }

{{ctf '0'}{c2}The Information Principle
/p {cx}  - can extra information be added with italics?
/p {c3}The Importance Principle
/p {cx}  - everything on the page will be important
/p   - the format forces rapid file creation - no underline
/p {c1}What Will It Be Used For?
/p {cx}  - air traffic control
/p   - nuclear power stations
/p   - military
/p   - gambling systems
/p   - any control system
/p   - and basic notes
/p {s}                   >
/p {/s}{c2}ACTIVE{c3}PRINT
/p {cx} - ink spares need to be kept in this model
/p  - {c3}doctors{cx} do not use this much
/p {s}                   >
/p {/s}CTF is not for writing stories
/p }

/p     - 'like' a rock -  with a light sweat fragrance
/p {cx}
/p {c3}node redirection - X3 (paste as sibling, paste as child, move)
/p {cx}
/p {c1}research_
/p {c3}CONTROL TEXT EDITOR {c2}- v 1.0
/p {c3}NOTETAKER{c2} - v 1.2
/p {c1}
/p }

To understand the format and its purpose fully you can read the help file I made which is at  (colour is used in a unique way in CTF and the help explains why, to do with different energy states)

I have not supplied an executable for this as the program is only in a prototype stage. This post is more to gauge anyone's opinions of the file format. It's actually quite a useful thing imo ..... but atm I just use it for basic notes

The help file only takes 5 minutes to understand and read.

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u/kotu February 16, 2017, 03:52:11 AM
just thought i would add, this was not actually a piece of clever design, it was more of a random coincidence, which ended up serving more than one purpose

the way the format came about was...... i wanted to invent a custom text format, just for my own use, for making notes and things. i decided that the format i wanted was 4 colours (key red green blue), strikethrough, and nothing else

the rest of it came later  ;)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2017, 05:01:30 AM
Hm interesting, I'll have to study your format thoroughly to understand it, though. I haven't used stuff other than plain text in years.
u/kotu February 16, 2017, 05:09:06 AM
it's all based around sequences of events, starting cool, peaceful, then becoming alert, then becoming extremely aware and active and capable of moving quickly and taking decisions. Blue -> Green -> Red

in actual life you could also have 3 inch by 6 inch cards in the separate colours to have by your desk for the different segments. this actually helps
u/p2 February 16, 2017, 08:47:37 AM
so this is an alternative to Markdown Syntax (.md) which for example WIkipedia uses? :)
u/kotu February 16, 2017, 08:55:36 AM
read the help file
u/p2 February 16, 2017, 09:02:21 AM
it appears to contain no text, at least it's shown as 4 empty documents on my laptop...  :-\
u/kotu February 16, 2017, 09:08:05 AM
oh yeah don't know why that is .... will paste the pages here.... please forgive me everyone as this will have to involve 3 or 4 topposts (which I secretly enjoy :trollface: )

[spoiler=Notetaker Introduction]
Notetaker Introduction
Welcome to the Notetaker help system.

Notetaker is a simple app designed for making notes, and more specifically, for editing CTF (control text format) files. This makes the app particularly useful when dealing with control systems, or any situation where safety and detail are paramount.

The formatting options for CTF files are extremely limited, to keep everything simple. For that reason CTF is sometimes referred to as 'controlled text format'.

[spoiler=What are CTF files?]____________________________________
What are CTF files?
They are very simple. They allow simple formatting of text. This includes 4 colours including black, and strikethrough. This is the only formatting the format allows.

What are they for?

The format is particularly useful when dealing with control systems, or any situation where safety and detail are paramount. They are used for making printouts, for example of safety detail or instructions, and for making checklists to be ticked off on the PC.

They are also useful for simple tasks like shopping lists and for simple notes.

The Information Principle
Can extra information really be added with italics? No.

The Importance Principle
Everything on the page will be important.

The format forces rapid file creation - no underline.

Non-bold keeps you calm.

Bold has you panicking around and keeps you panicking ie. 'the information is only here'. The bold font also conveys excessive importance and this goes against the importance principle, which says that all the text is important.

Caps is used for doing headings and colour is very direct - it directs you.

The three colours available are red, green and blue.

These colours correspond to different energy states. Red symbolises urgency. Blue and green indicate peaceful states.

Is there a focus on printing?

[spoiler=What Could It Be Used For?]What Could It Be Used For?
- air traffic control

- nuclear power stations

- military

- gambling systems

- any control system

- and simple notes.

What does it look like?

What does it look like in black?

A third example

How should you use the colours in a control environment?
Blue - for things that were done or checked last night, 'everything is ok'

Green - keeps you awake - 'be alert'

Red - very important. NOW



- be prepared to run out of ink
Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 09:25:02 AM by p2
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