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Sorcery of Uvutu PC Port

b/Game Downloads Started by 123outerme, August 17, 2017, 09:45:20 PM

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u/123outerme September 12, 2017, 01:47:20 AM
Quote from: JamesV on September 11, 2017, 10:16:40 PM
This is looking great! One suggestion I have is that if you added 1 or 2 variations of tiles such as grass, trees, pathways, etc. it would really spice up the look of the maps :)
Thanks! I would love to do that, especially when/if I find the time to add more variations of certain tiles and add them into the PC version's maps. I pretty much have maps in the same format as CSE maps, so as an added bonus I'd probably be able to transfer these new maps to the CSE as well!

No screenshot update yet, as most things left don't impact anything visual. I have, however, reworked some code to allow the move upgrader to finally work, and have also finally allowed custom keymapping! The keymapping will be saved in the savefile, but if anyone thinks I should make a config file I'll definitely do that and add some nice other options as well! The default is the layout I've been using, WASD, Space to act as 2nd (aka an Interact button), and Esc to act as Mode (aka the Menu button). However, once I'm done, you'll be able to go to a config menu to change the keymapping to anything you like! Have fun with different keymappings and tune your layout to your desires! Or, at least you better, or I'm gonna ask for some money in exchange for the couple of hours I pondered and worked on it ;)
u/JamesV September 12, 2017, 06:03:22 AM
I'll definitely appreciate the custom keymapping, as WASD / Space would feel weird to me. If it's an old school type game where I'm not using the mouse, I prefer arrow keys (with my right hand) and then something like Space, Ctrl or Shift for my left hand. Otherwise, for games such as WoW / Minecraft, etc. where I have the mouse in my right hand, I use QWED (Q / E for strafing left/right). I think that originated from the default WoW controls, where Q is strafe left and A is turn left.
u/123outerme September 16, 2017, 09:59:54 PM
Quote from: JamesV on September 12, 2017, 06:03:22 AM
I'll definitely appreciate the custom keymapping, as WASD / Space would feel weird to me. If it's an old school type game where I'm not using the mouse, I prefer arrow keys (with my right hand) and then something like Space, Ctrl or Shift for my left hand. Otherwise, for games such as WoW / Minecraft, etc. where I have the mouse in my right hand, I use QWED (Q / E for strafing left/right). I think that originated from the default WoW controls, where Q is strafe left and A is turn left.
Awesome, I'm glad! Unfortunately, I wasn't about to write strings for every possible key input, so I just made the key config menu show the keycode literals, which don't really help you if you want to know what keys you're using, but at least it shows you that your key has been changed. I even added a check so that if you try to map a key that's already being used, it won't map that key, and keep the key that was previously there. I also decided to change the battle menu, so now instead of it being mapped WASD + LShift, it's mapped to whatever your Up, Down, Left, and Right keys were mapped to, plus Menu for Back/Run.

And strangely, I find myself nearing the end of development for this game sooner than I anticipated. I've added many things that so far it has lacked, including all NPC text, boss quips before your battle, move upgrading, and more. With the completion of the code that makes your teleport Stone, an essential item for game progress, function correctly, it appears it can be played fully, just like the CSE original. However, I could test every single possible interaction to confirm this, or I could do it the more fun way, both for you and for I, and release it into public beta!
Public beta will come soon; just as soon as I confirm that the game builds and runs perfectly fine on machines other than my own. If you'd like to do that (and I'll put a :P right here when I've found my person -> :P), please PM me or highlight me on IRC. All you need, as far as I know, is my distributed package, and a computer. I have custom build scripts for both Windows and Linux (and Mac too, pretty sure the Linux script will work on Mac).

And now, for a screenshot! However, this is different than a normal screenshot, because it's a video, not a gif! Every tool I've used to convert mp4s to gifs either reduce the quality pretty bad, or lower the framerate to ~10 FPS. I decided that neither were acceptable to showing off a soon-to-be-finished product, so I just uploaded the mp4 straight to Youtube!
Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 12:29:35 AM by 123outerme
u/123outerme September 18, 2017, 07:29:02 PM
Thanks to my testers, I've confirmed that SoU can successfully build and run on Windows 10, Windows 7, and Linux (Ubuntu at least). Let me know if your version works or doesn't work. So far, I know that when I was testing it on my Linux VM, I got a segfault after creating a new game, after passing the intro text. I've figured out it was something about drawing tiles, but it looked to be a fault of the SDL library on Linux, not of my own fault. Let me know if you can help me with debugging and getting around this issue. If you want to see the full synopsis of this problem, you can find it as a question I asked on StackOverflow here. Otherwise, the game should totally work. However, I've limited your progression to just the first world; all 8 worlds will come with the official v1.0 release!

Download (build it yourself):
Download (prebuilt):
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 18, 2017, 11:04:30 PM
Very nice so far, and very old-school as well ^^
u/123outerme September 20, 2017, 02:32:45 AM
Quote from: xlibman on September 18, 2017, 11:04:30 PM
Very nice so far, and very old-school as well ^^
Thanks! I liked it as well in that screenshot, but now I have a new one!
I decided I wanted Sorcery PC to be a little less old-school and a straight port of the CSE version, so I added a lot more visual flare! The opening text fades in from black, the character sprite moves around per-pixel (although still in tile-sized chunks), attacking animations now highlight who's attacking with more style, and more! I updated the OP to include the download links, which I'm now hosting off GitHub instead of Dropbox. Here's the screenshot:

I show the same things off as before, but with a lot more visual style, emphasizing the work I did to make everything pop and feel more lively on a more powerful machine! I figured since I had the space and speed for complicated animations and movement, I figured I might as well put it to good use. I can fine-tune the look of all my animations, so give me some feedback on what you (dis)like!

EDIT: Sorcery of Uvutu v1.1.1rc has been released! I fixed the issue where custom keymapping doesn't save/load, but if anyone's still experiencing this, please let me know. I also added the ability to go back to the main menu when you Save & Quit, instead of just closing the game, and changed the attack text in the Stats menu and the New Move menu from Up/Left/Down/Right to ^/</V/>, for ease of reading and text alignment. Download it from the OP, where the latest releases will always be.
Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 09:02:49 PM by 123outerme
u/123outerme October 03, 2017, 12:26:26 AM
Well, I've done it; I've finally released Sorcery of Uvutu PC! It's released under v1.0. I'll give you what did change between the release candidates, and then I'll talk about plans for the future. All download links and promotion material can be found in the original post, and in this one.

Right now, Sorcery of Uvutu is confirmed to work on Windows; both as a prebuilt executable, and as a self-built package. Unfortunately, all of my attempts to test on GNU-based machines have gone awry, so I'm depending on the community to help me on that front. As far as I know, Sorcery of Uvutu PC can't run on Linux, at least not on my Ubuntu VM, and another user confirmed issues. Not if it was compiled by the machine, anyways. I attempted to get Wine to work, but unfortunately it is too large to download to my VM, so I need to increase the space, but long story short I wiped the machine to reset it. I'm not sure how much space it needs, but a lot is already taken up by my stuff on the Windows side of the machine, so I don't know how much I have to spare. Again, the same user who reported issues with the Linux binaries found that the pre-buitl verison worked with Wine, although to what extent remains to be seem. If you can get Sorcery working or understand what the problem is and how to fix it, please, let me know, I'd love to have my project work on as many computers as possible!

Sorcery of Uvutu v1.0, as opposed to the Release Candidate versions, allows players to experience the game past the first world. Of course, this was done to ensure that there were no bugs present in the next worlds, and trust me, there were lots. As for the players who tried the Release Candidate versions, I thank you so much for helping me test and ensuring that various issues were accounted for and fixed accordingly. Unfortunately for the RC testers, if you beat the Plain Plains boss, you will have to create new save files. Why? Because you defeated the first boss, and that makes him go away. In the versions you tested, he never gave you the all-important Teleport Stone to let you progress through the worlds. In essence, you are stuck in World 1. Sorry for this minor inconvenience, but I hope you enjoy the second playthrough of Plain Plains! I'm sure you'll notice this time that the name is not really descriptive of the area; plains don't have lots of trees.

Going forward, I would love to add music. I have a friend who would like to do music, but he's pretty busy right now, so it'll have to come sometime later. On top of that, I'd have to learn the SDL_mixer library, and while that's not as hard as creating a soundtrack, it's nothing to scoff at. As well, I'd love to do a remake version that fixes many of the gameplay and story aspects that a lot said needed work, adds some additional features, and gives new content. Let me know if you're interested in a Director's Cut-esque remake. That being said, I like the original version as it stands, since it's a more accurate representation of the work I did on the CSE and monochrome 84+ versions of the game. This is by far my largest project, in terms of scope of potential player base; of course it should come to represent how much I'm worth as a game creator, but there's a certain aspect of legacy that I like to capture as well. That would be less the focus in a DX remake, but I think it would be all the better for it, giving players different opportunities to experience my vision in a more unrestricted sense. However, despite the insistence I have on keeping Sorcery PC mostly identical to the original TI calculator releases, I hope you find that it's great and unique!

As for other projects, now that Sorcery is complete, I have a couple ideas for new projects. Stay tuned for any announcements if you like my work, but the theme here will likely be remakes. If you're familiar with my work when I first started programming on the calculators, then you will love to hear what I've got brewing. I plan on having something playable (or at least worthy of a screenshot sent around on IRC) decently soon, although at this point I'm probably going to take a little break to get the programmer juice flowing again.

Download here:
Report issues here:
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 04, 2017, 12:53:37 PM
Awesome! When I can be staff again I will put a link to this topic in the downloads section. You could make a separate topic so that we can put it on the front page too. ^^
u/123outerme October 07, 2017, 09:58:57 PM
Quote from: xlibman on October 04, 2017, 12:53:37 PM
Awesome! When I can be staff again I will put a link to this topic in the downloads section. You could make a separate topic so that we can put it on the front page too. ^^
Thanks! I hope you've had some time to try it out. I was also wondering, when you do that, could you also change the description of this board to say "a cross-platform RPG" instead of "a CSE RPG"? Thanks so much!
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 08, 2017, 03:38:57 PM
Ok noted. I can't tedt now because I'm at the hospital, though.
u/123outerme October 11, 2017, 01:09:31 AM
My sincerest apologies for not having Linux compatibility in the first place. As @gameblabla helped basically hand-hold me through, I scotch-taped v1.0 together so that it worked on Windows, but consistently crashed on Linux. Thanks to his efforts (no really, he did like 80% of the digging on this), I was able to see how and where I had scotch tape in the engine, and thankfully patched it up with some real compatibility. I've tested it myself, Sorcery of Uvutu is officially not broken for Linux! And by that logic, it's compatible. However, there have been some reports about glitchy graphics, and I've done my best to fix what I know is glitchy, so please report them if you find them. Here's the link if you missed it:
u/gameblabla October 12, 2017, 09:19:39 PM
Don't forget to fix the "give your name" screen and the battle sequences, they still flicker.
But everything else works fine.

I'll do a port on the GCW0 once that is fixed
u/_iPhoenix_ October 13, 2017, 10:46:23 AM
Quote from: 123outerme on October 11, 2017, 01:09:31 AM
My sincerest apologies for not having Linux compatibility in the first place. As @gameblabla helped basically hand-hold me through, I scotch-taped v1.0 together so that it worked on Windows, but consistently crashed on Linux. Thanks to his efforts (no really, he did like 80% of the digging on this), I was able to see how and where I had scotch tape in the engine, and thankfully patched it up with some real compatibility. I've tested it myself, Sorcery of Uvutu is officially not broken for Linux! And by that logic, it's compatible. However, there have been some reports about glitchy graphics, and I've done my best to fix what I know is glitchy, so please report them if you find them. Here's the link if you missed it:
* _iPhoenix_ groans something about Mac compatibility
u/123outerme October 14, 2017, 01:15:41 AM
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on October 13, 2017, 10:46:23 AM
Quote from: 123outerme on October 11, 2017, 01:09:31 AM
My sincerest apologies for not having Linux compatibility in the first place. As @gameblabla helped basically hand-hold me through, I scotch-taped v1.0 together so that it worked on Windows, but consistently crashed on Linux. Thanks to his efforts (no really, he did like 80% of the digging on this), I was able to see how and where I had scotch tape in the engine, and thankfully patched it up with some real compatibility. I've tested it myself, Sorcery of Uvutu is officially not broken for Linux! And by that logic, it's compatible. However, there have been some reports about glitchy graphics, and I've done my best to fix what I know is glitchy, so please report them if you find them. Here's the link if you missed it:
* _iPhoenix_ groans something about Mac compatibility
Why, is there something wrong with Mac compatibility? If you have GCC, you should be able to build your own version and play that.
Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 01:17:47 AM by 123outerme
u/gameblabla October 14, 2017, 02:14:14 AM
Mac sucks anyway, tell Apple to make that OS free. No africans can afford a Mac.
But yeah, once 123outerme fixes the name screen and battles, it should work on Mac too properly.
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