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Messages - pimathbrainiac


The soundcloud track isn't showing the player, but it you click the link, it goes to a working player.
General Music Talk / Re: What are you listening to?
August 08, 2016, 05:02:21 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 08, 2016, 06:40:26 AM
Final Fantasy XIII-3: Bluesy Chocobo & Marimba de Chocobo ( @pimathbrainiac might like that one)

I do in fact like it! :D

Doing a classical thing, and it's not even close to done, hence it not being a public track.
Dang, I forgot about his chiptunes. They are, indeed, amazing.
* pimathbrainiac mutters something about being incompetent at newsing while wondering why he has this job.
Hello everyone! Now that school is out, I once again have time to devote to news articles, and today, I present onto you a new occasional news series: the Calculator Community Music News/Showcase. I figured that it's about time the many talented musicians, composers, and producers in the community get recognized. This first article will cover the musicians themselves, and less so the individual tracks. In the future, individual tracks released between now and the next article will be showcased. So without further blabbing, let's get to the features!

GTemples27 has started composing his own music very recently. Here is his first piece. He has some potential to make some really great music in the future, and I wish him the best of luck doing so.

Our friend unknownloner is a cool dude. He also began producing some pretty cool DnB music around February. While he hasn't posted much of it on the forums recently, it is worth mentioning that his Soundcloud has been pretty active. His stuff is worth the listen.

Guitar player and CodeWalrus admin aeTIos has been experimenting in the last few months with a cover of "Sweet Child of Mine" and a Funk-style track. Check out his Soundcloud to hear what he has put together.

Velocity Games
The guys at Velocity Games have been working on the game "Valhalla" for a while. Recently, they composed a theme song for Valhalla that is worth listening to.

Matref has always been a metal man. And dang, he slays at guitar. Just check out his Soundcloud to hear what I'm talking about. He recently got someone else to help with mixing to increase production quality, and I certainly believe this decision is paying out.

JWinslow is a great singer. He also is a great mathematician. Just check out his latest track about how tau is superior to pi.

This guy just loves making music on everything, especially calculators. His tracks are on his Soundcloud, and they're pretty awesome.

@DJ Omnimaga
If I didn't mention DJ, I might as well have not written this article. This CodeWalrus admin has been producing music using MTV Music Generator/Music Generator 2000 for a long time. His BandCamp certainly proves it.

Shameless Self Plug Time!
If you didn't know already, I compose a lot of music myself. My Soundcloud showcases some of my best stuff, as well as some of my older, not-so-best stuff. In some exciting news, one of the pieces I wrote, "Shattered Glass," is currently being considered for publication. Whether or not it will actually be published is yet to be seen, but it is a huge step for me, and I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without the community's support and feedback!

That wraps it up for now! See you in the next (calculator/programming related) article!
General Music Talk / Re: What are you listening to?
April 22, 2016, 10:58:46 AM
New Haken album drops tomorrow :w00t:


An arrangement of the Hibike! Euphonium OP (fittingly) for a euphonium quartet
Been fangirling about this anime for quite a bit. I might actually be able to get a real recording of this one done, so stay tuned!
My two cents: I don't think up/down-voting should be available on IRC if one can just up/down-vote someone without context. I propose, if there is any karma tracking, that each up/down-vote be tied to a message and only one up/down-vote be allowed per voter per message, the same way it works on the forums.

As for syntax, I have an idea. I can spin up a quick IRC bot to test and once I do, explain the syntax, if you guys would like.

EDIT: The proposed syntax would be ([name]++ [message number]) | ([name]-- [message number])
[message number] refers how many messages the person upon whose messages are being voted sent since the voted message. If left blank, it would assume 0

<pimath> | Pizza is the best food ever
<randomPizza> | pimath++ 0
<pimath> | wow thanks
<randomTaco> | pimath-- 1
<randomTaco> | wrong tacos are the best
<randomPizza> | randomTaco--

Obviously this scenario is a bit contrived, but it gets the point across. "Pizza is the best food ever" gets upvoted and then downvoted, for a net change of zero. "wrong tacos are the best" gets downvoted for a net change of negative one.
Euphonium is a brass instrument :P Yes I Still play marimba/percussion, but I picked up Euph last year and have been practicing a ton.
Quote from: Dudeman313 on February 23, 2016, 01:02:17 AM
How is this going so far, pimath? Will we see screenies?

It's going. I've been falling a bit behind, but I should have most of the planning/flowchart stuff done by the end of the week. I just updated the first post to include the movement engine flowchart.
Also no screenies because I'm still in planning stages :P
BTW you can download version 0.92 from here, which is the latest version and was uploaded by the calc84maniac, the author.
In other words, all of the O5 are staff at some capacity again :P (okay, technically I'm not staff, but still :P)

Congrats 123outerme, and wb aeTIos!
By the way this piece (and all of my others) are here. This thread was created when I was banned, so it only has the one song :P
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 20, 2016, 06:16:41 AM
Thanks for mentioning the contest by the way. Just as an head up, though: Do you plan to copy the news on all three sites verbatim? Because it might be worth it if you get your posts on front pages to ensure that staff is ok with duplicate program features (for example, on CW news the CW Contest II results have been featured twice now :P

I made sure the stuff that got rehashed on Cemetech was okay with Kerm. As far as here, I forgot to ask O.o I'm willing to make omissions from the cross-posts if a site admin would like those omissions.
Well some idiot over here by the name of pimath has been slacking at his job, so it's time for a (non-project) community news roundup!

First on the list is the TI-Nspire CX/TI-Nspire CX CAS OS 4.2, which is the second major Nspire OS TI has released since they dropped support for monochrome Nspires (the last supported OS for the monochrome Nspires is 3.9). It added some new features, such as inequality graphing, sliders on graphs, and new context menus.

As with every Nspire OS update, 4.2 blocked Ndless, but after an extremely short amount of time, Ndless 4.2 has been released. For those who don't know, Ndless is a TI-Nspire "jailbreak" that allows for the execution of assembly and C programs (which are not supported on the OS), including some awesome games and tools.

Also news from TI: mISSion imaginaTIon, a new series of TI-Nspire activities, made in conjunction with NASA, to inspire students to participate in STEM fields. In addition to the first TI-Nspire activity, Fuel for the Fire, there is an engineering design challenge in which the winners get to talk with a NASA expert and win a set of TI-Nspires!

There has also been lots of activity in the community recently. Long time News Editor for Ryan Boyd has retired from his position. We will miss you, our dear friend Ryan. To take his place, Xavier "critor" Andreani has stepped up. We look forward to more exciting news on the front page in the future!

There have also been two major contests! First up we have Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing. In this contest, participants were issued a series of cryptography challenges. Scores were determined by expedience and source size. The smaller the program and the faster it was turned in, the more points accumulated. The winners were Hooloovoo, PT_, and lirtosiast. Well done guys!

Over on CodeWalrus, there was CodeWalrus Contest II: A Game About Walruses, in which participants were asked to include the CodeWalrus mascott, Walrii, in their games. Winners were determined by a hybrid judging/community vote. The winners were c4ooo and Unicorn. Congratulations!

As for project releases, there have been quite a few. One of the most notable was CEmu, a TI-84+CE (and equivalent) emulator, made by a team lead by MateoConLechuga. It is open source and anyone can contribute. Take a look if you haven't already! Technically, there is no official "release" yet and is very much in alpha, but it is very much worth mentioning.

Also made by a team lead by Mateo, we have A CE C SDK, LibLoad, and Libraries. These projects allow for easier C programming on the CE series, as well as the use of dynamically linked libraries on the CE.

Finally we have KermMartian's Graph3DC for the TI-84+CSE (and equivalents). Graph3DC is a 3D grapher for the CSE series that has full color support and OS integration.

And with that, there is the major news roundup of the last few months. Thanks for reading!
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