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Sonata Arctica newest album: The Ninth Hour

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b/General Music Talk publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga September 28, 2016, 02:56:06 AM
I was worried when they announced the new album and posted a new song that the new Sonata Arctica album would drift even further from their roots and erase all the progress that was made in Pariah Child and Stone Grows her Names, but it seems that at least one of the new song will be true to their old fast power metal style :)

For those who don't know Sonata Arctica much, back in 1999-2004 this band was a fast power metal band with a style a little similar to Dragonforce, but in 2007 or so Jani left the band and things either changed or went downhill, depending of your opinion, with Unia and The Days of Grays album being extremely different and much more darker than their previous ones, except the song Flag in the Ground. Then came Stone Grows her Name which was a bit closer to their old style but still a far cry from it, and then Pariah Child, which went closer to their old style but still not enough for fans, who seemed to consider that Sonata died in 2007. Anyway I am curious what they'll come up with next and I wonder if anyone will buy their new album?
Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 02:59:45 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/aetios September 28, 2016, 10:06:10 AM
Not sure if I will buy, but I'll definitely listen to it.
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