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Board and IRC Rules

b/Website Talk Started by Dream of Omnimaga, November 21, 2014, 04:44:15 AM

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u/p2 February 20, 2017, 10:05:54 AM
Translated the Rules to German.
I sometimes had to split them or change them a little bit
They should be 99% the same as the english ones.

Um zu gewährleisten dass sich jeder wohlfühlt und motiviert ist zu programmieren und seine/ihre Ergebnisse zu Teilen, müssen ein paar Regeln eingehalten werden:

#1a Die Regeln gelten für jedes Mitglied der Gemeinschaft, unabhängig von Fähigkeiten, Erfahrung, Rang, Alter, Herkunft, Religion, Freundschaft mit anderen Mitgliedern und der Hautfarbe.

#1b Das Opfer zu spielen damit andere bestraft werden ist nicht erlaubt.

#2 Intoleranzen und Bleidigungen sowie Provokationen und Manipulation anderer Mitglieder sind verboten. Dasselbe gilt für das Starten von Drama.

#3a Diskussionen oder Dateiweitergabe mit dem Ziel in Prüfungen zu betrügen sind nicht erwünscht. Dasselbe gilt für Schadsoftware und private Informationen (Dox).

#3b Öffentliches Antworten auf private Nachrichten ohne die Erlaubnis des Absenders ist nicht erwünscht.

#4a Offenes Werben, Spam, überfluten des Chat, übertriebenes Fluchen sowie störendes Verhalten im Allgemeinen sind nicht erlaubt.

#4b Accounts mit dem ausschließlichen Ziel zu Werben (spam-accounts) werden sofort gelöscht oder ihren Rechten enthoben.

#5 Doppeltes Posten in einem Thread innerhalb eines Tages wird nicht befürwortet. Den MODIFY-Knopf gibt es nicht umsonst. Ausgenommen sind wichtige Updates.

#6 Bitte misbraucht die Post-bewertungs funktion nicht, zum Beispiel durch massenhaftes Negativ-bewerten der Posts eines bestimmten Benutzers. Positiv-bewertung sind für hilfreiche Beiträge, negativ-bewertungen für inakzeptablen Inhalt.

#7 Jeder Versuch, die Forumregelungen zu umgehen (Doppelter Account, Mehrfach-abstimmungen, Ban-umgehungen, ...) führen zum Verlust deines Accounts.

#8 Nach mündlichen Verwarnungen die du über eine PM erhältst, hast du 24 Stunden Zeit zu antworten. Danach wird angenommen dass du die Nachricht erhalten hast und sie Akzeptierst.

#9a Für Posts darfst du Englisch, Französisch und Niederländisch verwenden.

#9b Für Topics die nicht Englisch sind, muss die Sprache im Titel angegeben werden: Tolles Thema [French]

#10 Wenn ein Forenmitglied zwar nicht die Reglen bricht, aber sich dauerhaft an der Grenze des Verbotenen bewegt und Ärger verursacht (die Regeln ständig austestet) kann er trotzdem verwarnt werden.

Rules I would add:
- Warnings expire after one year
- All staff decicions are made in democratic votings among all staff members, regardless their rank within staff
- Staff decicions may overpower the forum rules (so far happened 0 times)

rules I would change:
#10 - If a forum member never breaks the rules, but it becomes clear that he constantly behaves at the very limit of bannability or that he is testing the rules non-stop (eg finding loopholes), then he can still be warned for it. Long hiatuses from the forum will not protect such users.

Quote from: IRCStreetwal   p2   11:06:13
Streetwal   how bored are you   11:06:17
always a pleasure <3
and yeah, I am ^^
Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 10:09:06 AM by p2
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 20, 2017, 03:01:31 PM
Thanks for the translation. May I ask, though, why is it necessary to split the rules in German compared to English? Do German language require every sentence to be split by paragraph?

As for the following:
Quote from: p2 on February 20, 2017, 10:05:54 AM
Rules I would add:
- Warnings expire after one year
Quote from: p2 on February 20, 2017, 10:05:54 AM
- Staff decicions may overpower the forum rules (so far happened 0 times)

I disagree. Sure, warnings can expire after a year, but not all warnings will. If after one year the user starts screwing up again and again with no improvements over the previous year, then the next warning he receives will probably never expire or at least won't do so in one year. Too many people have gamed the system in the past on other sites.

As for staff decisions overpowering the rules, I don't think such clause should become a thing, considering this Omnimaga clause is the very reason why CodeWalrus happened in the first place.
u/PT_ February 21, 2017, 11:43:04 AM
Quote from: Snektron on January 27, 2015, 02:19:46 PM
Mocht dit toch gebeuren dan wordt de betreffende account verwijderd.
"het account" is more official

Quote from: Snektron on January 27, 2015, 02:19:46 PM
Tenslotte nog een paar aanbevelingen:
"Tenslotte" = "per slot van rekening", "ten slotte" = "tot slot", so you need "ten slotte" ;)
u/p2 February 21, 2017, 03:37:53 PM
I think it'd be wrong to make every user think their warnings would never expire. afterall It's only very few exceptions that are handled differently.
(For which we have a separated rule - the one that targets people that keep testing the rules and only come here for trolling.)

And I agree that the rule saying "staff may overpower forum rules" makes us look bad... but that'S exactly what I added the counter "Happened 0 times so far" for, to show we usually DO stick to the forum rules :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga June 18, 2017, 05:05:21 AM
Should we amend the rules to clarify that each user is responsible for what is posted on their account, even if they use crappy passwords, forget to log out of public computers, are under the influence of illicit or alcoholic substances or not 100% in control of themselves?

I am asking because in the past, there were multiple instances where WIRC or even forum topics were pretty much rendered unusable by out-of-control behaviors. Heck, I even got banned 1 week from WIRC for it once in 2015 or so.
Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 05:18:43 AM by xlibman
u/c4ooo June 18, 2017, 06:44:00 PM
Quote from: xlibman on June 18, 2017, 05:05:21 AM
Should we amend the rules to clarify that each user is responsible for what is posted on their account, even if they use crappy passwords, forget to log out of public computers, are under the influence of illicit or alcoholic substances or not 100% in control of themselves?

I am asking because in the past, there were multiple instances where WIRC or even forum topics were pretty much rendered unusable by out-of-control behaviors. Heck, I even got banned 1 week from WIRC for it once in 2015 or so.
Do hypothetically if an admin's account gets hacked and the database deleted, the admin should be banned? Seems a bit unfair :( 
Although I do think this rule *should* apply if you are drunk/on drugs.
u/mazhat June 18, 2017, 08:01:27 PM
Quote from: p2 on February 21, 2017, 03:37:53 PM
And I agree that the rule saying "staff may overpower forum rules" makes us look bad... but that'S exactly what I added the counter "Happened 0 times so far" for, to show we usually DO stick to the forum rules :)

@p2, In a way, there is in-explicit rules. If you talk to the right people in real life: you can actually
break some laws, but that's in few cases where breaking the law only does good.

For Codewalrus, I feel that there's non-spoken rules. Rules that are not spoken, but felt.
You guys can break rules, but only do it for the benefit of everyone, okay? :^)
u/_iPhoenix_ June 18, 2017, 10:49:13 PM
I feel that admins should be able to break rules, as they see fit, as they are all sensible people.
u/Yuki June 18, 2017, 11:05:32 PM
Of course we're going to use common sense, you should expect us to act appropriately if something happens here. If anyone gets hacked, don't assume we'd think it's going to be your fault.
u/_iPhoenix_ June 18, 2017, 11:08:02 PM
At least if you do have to break the rules, try not to hide it, perhaps, if it's not too private, post here when and why
u/Yuki June 18, 2017, 11:21:12 PM
Of course. Everyone should know what we are doing, and we'll always have a sensible reason why.
u/aetios June 19, 2017, 07:19:32 AM
well, if were doing official stuff that is. I'm just flailing around in other cases.
u/Dream of Omnimaga June 20, 2017, 05:08:21 AM
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on June 18, 2017, 10:49:13 PM
I feel that admins should be able to break rules, as they see fit, as they are all sensible people.
Nah we try to avoid that :P although sometimes we tend to double post more :3=
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