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Messages - Hayleia

Tech, Science & IT / Re: Pocketchip
April 14, 2017, 07:33:29 AM
For some reason I wanted one two years ago when it was only a Kickstarter. Now I don't care anymore. I'd rather have a real PC for computer things and more specific devices for more specific tasks, such as a Game Pie Advance for my handheld retrogaming needs. Yeah, it has no keyboard which is annoying if I want to do C, but let's stop pretending I'd enjoy doing C on any of these tiny screens anyway. I'd only use them for retrogaming, and the GPA is better at that.

Also, there was already a topic about that here
Gaming / Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild
April 07, 2017, 04:49:35 AM
Quote from: tr1p1ea on April 06, 2017, 08:51:13 PM
Agree that in this day and age it's harder to find time to play games that require a prolonged sitting.

You never know, it may grow on you!
Yeah, I agree, but it's going to have a hard time growing on me. I do not have enough "prolonged sitting" periods of time in my schedule.
Gaming / Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild
April 06, 2017, 04:56:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 06, 2017, 03:26:31 AM
I guess people are used to Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past
Quote from: tr1p1ea on April 05, 2017, 11:05:42 PM
Complaining that Zelda has Zelda elements reminds me of people who complained that Rogue One had too much Star Wars in it ... what exactly are people expecting?
This can't be me since I'm not a fan of Zeldas, so I don't really know what are "Zelda elements" and never played A Link to the Past (and was bored in OoT) :P

Quote from: tr1p1ea on April 05, 2017, 11:05:42 PM
It is a game that requires the player to engage for an extended period, not '10 minute rounds at a time' like most other games these days.
Well that's a problem. I don't have long periods of time available in my schedule outside of week ends.
I guess I'll play Splatoon during weeks and consider BoTW in week ends.

But ok. If that was just a bad first impression (at least on me, not necessarily on everyone), I don't mind. I mean, Monster Hunter makes even worse first impressions and MH4U is one of my favourite games of all times (my current inner debate even puts it before Smash in my list). So ok, I'll discard that first impression and give that game a serious try later.
Gaming / Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild
April 05, 2017, 01:49:40 PM
With all the awesome reviews everywhere, I was kind of underwhelmed when I finally gave it a try.

If there is a storyline, it isn't obvious from the beginning. I mean a female voice saying "wake up, Link" with Link sleeping in a magical bath in a cave. Could you even make it more stereotypical if you tried? I couldn't. Then towers coming out of the ground. Saints Row IV did this. And Saints Row IV mocked every unoriginal everything. And then "wow wow, evil Ganon has taken over the castle, or maybe the contrary, we're not too sure anymore, but whatever, at some point we'll be doomed and need a savior". Really? Even Monster Hunter makes better scenarios than this.

Then again, that's only after one hour of playing. Maybe there's more to the story after that. But yeah, that's kind of the other annoying point. In one hour I just got that due to running around like a fool just to get to my objective. If that's just the beginning where it's supposed to be more tutorial-ish and the rest is going to make me run around even more, it's going to be boring.

So yeah, of course, don't take this as the best opinion ever on BoTW since I usually don't like Zelda games (the only one I liked enough to finish was Minish Cap, then I could have finished ALBW if I didn't lose my savegame maybe) and I only played for one hour. But that just explains why I stopped BoTW for Splatoon.

Does the game get more interesting later on? I usually love open world games (which is why I tried that particular Zelda) so I would really be annoyed if I missed something huge just because the beginning is bad. I'd give it another try with other expectations if you would tell me I should.
Randomness / Re: Forum Game: Counter!
March 23, 2017, 04:29:18 PM
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on March 23, 2017, 12:03:08 AM
I'll fill in for 3.

I am 3. I relate to this number because I, uhh... Tend to put 3 dots (an ellipsis) after every sentence...
I seriously could not come up with anything better.

I see your argument, but seriously?
It was not serious at all (is that thread supposed to be serious?) but I didn't want to relate to 3 :P

Also, I'm 6. Because that's my mental age, as you could tell from my posts here.
Randomness / Re: Forum Game: Counter!
March 22, 2017, 12:16:09 PM
I am 4, which is great since I have 4 screens at work, 4 3DS consoles, and my Windows password is "4" (not even a joke but there is nothing to see there).

And the first post (which I'll quote here before it gets edited) never specified that the third post would be three, not even with an "and so on", so I'm four.
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on March 21, 2017, 08:19:12 PM
If you don't know what a forum game is, well, it's a game you play on a forum.

In this forum game, you have a number. This post is one, the next post will be 2. In your post, you post some information about you that relates you to that number. For example:

Quote from: My post, which is number oneI am 1.
I am related to this number because I have one color calculator, my CE. I tend to spend a lot of time on my CE, which can sometimes be a bad thing ;D .
I also have a single monochrome calc, but I do not spend as much time on that calculator.

Your post, of course, will be longer, as that was just a demo.

Only post (here) twice per week, at most, and don't double post.
No profane or inappropriate comments/stories.
If you have nothing in common with the next number, reset to 1.
You may comment on other posts, but only do that if you are participating in this game. (I.E. increment the post and add a fact)
You cannot be the same number twice. (I cannot be one again)
You cannot reset to one to be mean. That simply makes it less fun for everyone.
No flaming.  >:( >:D (jk, but seriously, don't :thumbsup: )
The objective is to get as high as we can, but that is not the objective of the thread (It's an added objective). The objective of the thread is to have fun and learn about each other.

Other / Re: Tell your crappy jokes here!
March 16, 2017, 10:50:47 AM
Quote from: p2 on March 16, 2017, 09:28:40 AM
And again I read the content of the spoiler BEFORE reading the NOTE line...  9_9
Note, p2 and people who watched Rogue One can click the spoiler but it's not recommended for others.
(I wrote the note before the spoiler this time :P)
Not sure if it's that much of a spoiler actually. It's a movie that happens between movies we already know, and none of the new people introduced in there are to be seen in next episodes. Because they died of course. Or because they're useless, but who makes a Star Wars movie about useless people?
Other / Re: Tell your crappy jokes here!
March 16, 2017, 09:19:33 AM
Life is like Rogue One
[spoiler]everyone dies at the end.[/spoiler]
Note, obviously don't click if you didn't watch it yet :P
Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch console
March 07, 2017, 05:51:24 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 06, 2017, 02:25:50 PM
It has 100+ games in development for 2017, but how many are physical releases and how many are exclusives?
Quote from: p2 on March 06, 2017, 04:33:09 PM
so it's not worth buying yet, but might be once more games are released? :)
Both of you missed an important point. These games also need to be interesting :P
But yeah, I'd say that at least for now, it isn't worth buying at all. We'll see what comes next.
Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch console
March 06, 2017, 09:26:08 AM
Quote from: gameblabla on March 05, 2017, 08:48:51 PM
I can't see myself buying a 300€ video game console where the killer app is available on the Wii U, with a combined price of lower.
Plus, all the games at launch were not that impressive.
I guess you can thank Nintendo for being paranoid (yet again) and not sending the devkits to indies before launch.
This exactly. I'm actually trying to see if I can't get my Wii U back (yeah, I got one at some point lol) because now that I think of it, even if it had to cheat by counting GC and Wii games, it did have a few interesting games. If the Switch doesn't get more Switch-exclusive games than the Wii U got, then it won't have anything since it doesn't have any kind of retro compatibility.

Note, I know it's just out so of course it doesn't have 100 games already. I'm just saying that the Wii U had the advantage of the retro compatibility and that I'm waiting to see if the Switch will manage to be worth it without this advantage.
Quote from: p2 on February 01, 2017, 10:07:08 AM
Clickbait titles suck. Seriously. We should stop it  :ninja:
Why would american elites not want us to know that clickbait titles suck?
Media Talk / Re: Rogue One
January 29, 2017, 07:49:58 AM
Saw it two weeks ago.
[spoiler]Well, Leia is well done indeed. Or maybe that's because we see her for half a second and she doesn't even move, but at least there wasn't any problem to be noticed. Tarkin looked like a character from Pixar though. Too much skin detail and reaction to light. Plus the fact that I don't know how they animated him but either that was bad motion capture or great "traditional animation", but it was not realistic enough anyway. In a Pixar movie, you don't care, they're all unrealistic, but here he breaks the whole coherence.

About the story, well lol yeah, everybody dies. But on the other hand, that was to be expected. They can't appear in the rest of the story since the rest of the story is already out and they're not there :P

I enjoyed watching it. As a Star Wars, there was enough space battles and enough "why we do space battles" so ok, not disappointed.
And as a special Star Wars it was even better. I mean, you don't necessarily expect everyone to die but you know that you don't have to expect these new characters to stay either, unlike in other Star Wars. It was exactly the contrary as for SW7 where fans were happy to see the old team, so when Han dies it's more of a shock. So yeah, with RO, it was just sit-and-enjoy without consequences.
And it allowed them to make more complex characters. I mean, in 1-6 the only complex character is Darth Vader. Good guy at the beginning, bad guy at the end, good guy again at the very end. All the other ones are either good guys or bad guys. Here, since everyone dies, they can all have their facets. Cassian looks like a bad guy at the beginning, killing another rebel without blinking. But in the end you see he was doing it for the rebels and stuff, and that he didn't blink but he still didn't like doing it.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 31, 2016, 05:32:30 PM
Wait, the Wii U pro gamepad has input lag? How did Nintendo fail their own controller? ???
Quote from: Juju on December 31, 2016, 09:30:55 PM
I'm not sure input lag is that noticeable. My main issue with controllers and other devices is when the wire breaks so you'd have to be in a contorted position so it works. Like my mouse right now.
It's obviously not that noticeable :P
But in the case where it's used plugged in for charging reasons, there is no point having even the slightest input lag when information could travel through the wire.

Quote from: Juju on December 31, 2016, 09:30:55 PM
The best, at least for me, is something with a replacable wire that functions both wired and wireless.
You mean like the Dualshock 4? :P
Quote from: STV on December 30, 2016, 07:17:53 PM
Lol, actually if the controller runs on a rechargeable battery (like the Wii U Pro one) you can still plug it to have unlimited battery :p And My Wii U Pro controller still has its 80 hours of battery life after one year and a half :D
But then your controller has input lag and is heavier than a regular wired controller without any benefit.
Media Talk / Re: Rogue One
December 30, 2016, 08:42:08 AM
I clicked because I live dangerously, but could people post spoilers in spoiler tags, so that people who didn't see the movie can read people's opinion without necessarily be spoilered? Seems like an obvious rule but we never know :P
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