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[TI-84+ Series Hybrid BASIC] Sorcery of Uvutu (Released!)

b/Game Downloads Started by 123outerme, October 15, 2015, 10:35:37 PM

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u/123outerme January 22, 2016, 11:44:25 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 22, 2016, 03:38:20 AM
Wait, do you mean you are quitting calculators and CodeWalrus completely @123outerme ? I hope not. Either way I hope you have fun with your lightsaber and that you stick around regardless. D:
No, sorry. I was joking that I'd get so into my lightsaber that I'd never visit again. I'm sticking around, like I said I have work to do.
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 22, 2016, 04:52:14 PM
Okay, phew. You scared me last night >.< (I know people left that way before for stuff like LDS church missions or Quigibo when he started working for Leap Motion)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2016, 04:09:40 AM
* DJ Omnimaga wonders if @123outerme made any new progress on this, such as new worlds?
u/123outerme February 16, 2016, 05:13:13 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2016, 04:09:40 AM
* DJ Omnimaga wonders if @123outerme made any new progress on this, such as new worlds?
I will continue making new worlds, but I intend to fix the bugs I made before I make more content. I'd be sort of like certain PC developers if I focused on the downloadable Content before I actually made the game playable. Also, I'm going to rewrite the code to get a Save + Continue feature because I too agree that it would be immensely useful to have.
Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 05:27:01 PM by 123outerme
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2016, 05:33:15 PM
Paid DLC? O.O

Just kidding (lots of companies abuse those >.<). As for the bugs, so far they seemed mostly re-appearing chests after a while when switching worlds and restarting, combined with game balance issues. There was also the error when exiting the menu after accessing the item menu. Other than that I couldn't find anything weird.
u/123outerme February 16, 2016, 05:37:10 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2016, 05:33:15 PM
Paid DLC? O.O

Just kidding (lots of companies abuse those >.<). As for the bugs, so far they seemed mostly re-appearing chests after a while when switching worlds and restarting, combined with game balance issues. There was also the error when exiting the menu after accessing the item menu. Other than that I couldn't find anything weird.
Thanks for the report! I'll be absolutely sure I squash every one of those bugs. After that, I'll probably add more story stuff like requiring backtracking, like you requested. After that, I'll work on maps. I want to polish my game before I dump content on it.
(And btw., the DLC thing was making fun of the terrible Arkham Knight PC port, Evolve which was a failure, and so on)
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2016, 06:19:04 PM
Yeah I know about those DLCs and stuff. Some people hate them because some companies just release their games unfinished or with limited content nowadays, so that people pay for extra content later and I am 100% sure that some companies tried to make people pay for bug fixes via DLC before. I'm glad this isn't a common practice in the calculator scene >.<

And yeah, my backtracking idea was because I saw an unreachable island in World 2, which could be a nice spot for when you complete previous worlds, not to mention your worlds use so few tiles that you could perhaps make a fake lava tile that you can walk on that looks identical to real lava. That could either be World 8 (with World 7 being the final world) or an extra world if you have extra space. But yeah fixing the bugs would be better first :P
u/123outerme February 16, 2016, 07:46:58 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2016, 06:19:04 PM
Yeah I know about those DLCs and stuff. Some people hate them because some companies just release their games unfinished or with limited content nowadays, so that people pay for extra content later and I am 100% sure that some companies tried to make people pay for bug fixes via DLC before. I'm glad this isn't a common practice in the calculator scene >.<

And yeah, my backtracking idea was because I saw an unreachable island in World 2, which could be a nice spot for when you complete previous worlds, not to mention your worlds use so few tiles that you could perhaps make a fake lava tile that you can walk on that looks identical to real lava. That could either be World 8 (with World 7 being the final world) or an extra world if you have extra space. But yeah fixing the bugs would be better first :P
The only issue remaining is the balance. All known bugs have been permanently squashed. The balance will take me a little longer to work out, as I have to play through the game and figure out how to modify all the algorithms. As well as that, to balance things out further, I'll add bonus upgrade points, given randomly, and more upgrade points the higher the level you are. Hopefully this will fix the problem that increasing attack doesn't do all that much later, and it takes a high speed to beat enemies. I'll also try to fix both those problems from their source as well as adding this fix.

Imagine if TI implemented oCP (on-Calc Purchases) - "Pay $0.99 to calculate this math problem, or pay $19.99 for Premium Edition, with no ads and no charges!"
And then if the calc gaming scene got a hold of this - "Pay $0.99 to continue playing Portal Prelude!" My point, it would suck.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 16, 2016, 08:28:32 PM
From what I recall from the last beta, here are the main issues I encountered:

-It was impossible to tell if the latest mediafire link you were sending was actually an update. I don't even know if the latest version was really the latest, as a result. So it might be better in the future to make a new Mediafire link on every update to avoid confusion. Or maybe make it an open beta so more people can test.

-When your attack or skills were increased, there was barely any difference in the amount of damage they caused. This basically rendered any attack/skill upgrade useless. Also there was no elemental weakness or stuff like that for each move.

-Maybe speed should determine the percentage of chances that enemy attack first on each turn rather than the entire battle, so that when you have a speed of 10 but the enemy has a speed of 11, he sometimes attack first and other times last, not first all the time.

-I don't think bonus points should be awarded randomly, else the game will be entirely luck-based. I think you should do like Illusiat 8, where every stat is upgraded on level up, but you can give an extra point to something of your liking. Super Mario RPG worked like that. Or you can keep the current Illusiat 7 system.

-Or you could redo the entire formula system from scratch and use something like Illusiat series. For example, attack damage could be LV*10, then each skill could have its own attack/elemental power, so if for example flare has an attack multiplier of 1.1 against regular enemies and 0.6 against enemies strong against fire, then it would do LV*10*1.1 damage against non-fire enemies and LV*10*0.6 against fire enemies. And when you upgrade fire to the next spell, its damage multiplier could be 1.6, then the next upgrade 2.1, and so on. And there could be a final set of moves available in a secret area that makes everything so that the damage multiplier is 10.1 :P (9999 damage at level 99, but then using xLIB uservars would be impossible since they can only range from -9999 to 9999)
u/123outerme February 19, 2016, 03:01:38 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2016, 08:28:32 PM
From what I recall from the last beta, here are the main issues I encountered:

-It was impossible to tell if the latest mediafire link you were sending was actually an update. I don't even know if the latest version was really the latest, as a result. So it might be better in the future to make a new Mediafire link on every update to avoid confusion. Or maybe make it an open beta so more people can test.

-When your attack or skills were increased, there was barely any difference in the amount of damage they caused. This basically rendered any attack/skill upgrade useless. Also there was no elemental weakness or stuff like that for each move.

-Maybe speed should determine the percentage of chances that enemy attack first on each turn rather than the entire battle, so that when you have a speed of 10 but the enemy has a speed of 11, he sometimes attack first and other times last, not first all the time.

-I don't think bonus points should be awarded randomly, else the game will be entirely luck-based. I think you should do like Illusiat 8, where every stat is upgraded on level up, but you can give an extra point to something of your liking. Super Mario RPG worked like that. Or you can keep the current Illusiat 7 system.

-Or you could redo the entire formula system from scratch and use something like Illusiat series. For example, attack damage could be LV*10, then each skill could have its own attack/elemental power, so if for example flare has an attack multiplier of 1.1 against regular enemies and 0.6 against enemies strong against fire, then it would do LV*10*1.1 damage against non-fire enemies and LV*10*0.6 against fire enemies. And when you upgrade fire to the next spell, its damage multiplier could be 1.6, then the next upgrade 2.1, and so on. And there could be a final set of moves available in a secret area that makes everything so that the damage multiplier is 10.1 :P (9999 damage at level 99, but then using xLIB uservars would be impossible since they can only range from -9999 to 9999)

- That should be easy, I can do that from now on, I'll probably make files 0.51, 0.52 instead of 0.5. I may or may not include this numbering in the program itself, possibly only in the file name. Though, that should be enough.

- I can fix this. I'm working on it now. And as well, elemental weaknesses shouldn't be too hard.

- I can try make the difference in speed contribute to a random chance of you going first each turn, if your speed is close to the enemy's. I may not be able to do this, though. If not, I'll probably have another way to balance this problem out.

- I don't mean random bonus points whenever, I meant more like on level up, you have a chance of getting an extra bonus point. This is how many RPGs and games with leveling systems handle their stats. Well, you don't have upgrade points as an intermediate, you just have straight up stat increases, but games like Pokemon and Fire Emblem have random chances to upgrade certain stats. This is sorta what I'm going for as well. It feels great to get an extra bonus point, and every time you replay the game, you won't be at exactly the same point when you're "going through the motions" and playing the game.

- I've thought about redoing the formula system, and honestly I think all I have to do is tweak my current system, and then it'd be fine I think.

Thanks for spending so much time testing the game and writing these posts! I think it's fair to say that at this point, all I'm doing is coding what you tell me to do :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 20, 2016, 06:01:07 AM
I got your new version via PM, but I don't have time to test it right now.

Good idea about the versioning actually. Just as long as I know I am downloading the right file and that you are not sending outdated links :P. As for the random enemy attack first thing, if you did it it would be more like Final Fantasy on the NES I think. And I see about bonus points. I was worried you wanted to make it a bit like in FFII where if you didn't get a stat increase, nothing else increased, so it was entirely luck-based and you could remain stuck at low stats for like 100 battles if you were not lucky. A random bonus point on top of full increases would definitively be fine. As for formulas you can always check the code of my old RPGs for some ideas.

And lol no problem. I can't wait to see this game come into fruitionwalrition. :3=

u/123outerme February 24, 2016, 10:02:43 PM
What you see here is the newest screenshot, with many features suggested by the testers who work with me. Not many tiles, if any, have changed since the last screenshot. Most of what changed is internal work, such as a small chance that you can attack first, even if you don't outspeed the enemy (and the opposite is also true). This isn't demonstrated in the screenshot, but it's an example.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 24, 2016, 10:11:10 PM
I like the new HP boxes actually. Do you still plan to add the gradient thing I posted once?

Also if the engine can be re-used in other games, it would be cool if there was a sequel/prequel or remake of Dragonsglid that had shops and the ability to equip one or two item for use in battles.
u/123outerme February 24, 2016, 10:24:18 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 24, 2016, 10:11:10 PM
I like the new HP boxes actually. Do you still plan to add the gradient thing I posted once?

Also if the engine can be re-used in other games, it would be cool if there was a sequel/prequel or remake of Dragonsglid that had shops and the ability to equip one or two item for use in battles.
I like them too. I have the program on my computer, in a directory in my SoU folder, but I have yet to play around with it and find all the gradients I need.

Most of the engine is re-usable. The only thing isn't is chest and locations, NPCs (for the most part, there'll still be one in every house), and things like item and enemy names. Other than that, you could add your own maps and tiles (as long as you use a format), and you'd basically have another game. I actually had the idea of remaking that Terrors game I made, probably modifying the story and what-not. But mostly I think the energy sword would be fun to implement into a game.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 27, 2016, 05:11:58 PM
Yeah that would be a cool idea, and maybe a Dragonsglid remake. Also if you do a sequel to this game then it would be cool if all areas were linked together by another. For example, you could start in a prison or something, exit, then end up in a forest with an house hidden there to heal you and with a boss at the end, then afterwards you end up in a village with more forest that links to various dungeons (north, south, southwest, etc) or areas. So the game would be one big map like Illusiat 13.
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