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CodeWalrus turns 1 year old

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b/Website News publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga October 24, 2015, 05:26:34 AM
1 year ago, it happened: CodeWalrus became a thing. It was the day the walrus started to fly. While the idea was first brought up on September 6th 2011 then discussed in June 2014, it is on October 24th 2014 that this new website and forum project officially started. At the time, no official name had been chosen yet, although TI-Walrus, CalcWalrus and TI-Legacy were among the first being considered. A few days later, a name that is less calculator-centric was chosen: CodeWalrus. Then the domain name was registered. A logo and the Walrii mascot (the latter which eventually generated a fanart thread of over 140 little walruses and close to 1000 replies) were designed on November 4th. The forums were finally installed on November 11th and remained mostly private, then everyone got access on January 1st 2015.

What happened next is the revival of a long-lost community past, because people wanted it back and it had become clear that the only way to bring it back was via CodeWalrus. Then CW eventually grew into an active and friendly discussion environment where there is a significant sense of community and involvement. We would like to give 24402 thanks all the contributors who have helped CodeWalrus grow over the year and helped us going through hard times. As always, we welcome site suggestions to improve and encourage everyone to share their creations and give feedback on others, be it calculator, mobile, other platforms or simply art. Remember that we also have an IRC channel called #codewalrus on EFnet network. We hope for more years of CodeWalrus with you. :walrii:

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Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 07:10:42 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/Max Leiter October 24, 2015, 05:28:36 AM
Kinda upset I found it so late (Thanks @Ivoah d:); happy birthday CW :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 24, 2015, 05:19:11 PM
Lol that happens with new websites or websites that switches URL. Traffic is always low at first because people can't find us easily via Google.
u/Snektron October 24, 2015, 05:34:13 PM
Woo for CW :D  :w00t: :walrii:
u/Yuki October 24, 2015, 06:18:44 PM
Well, that was quite the ride, I like how our little project became successful despite literally everything, hope it stays around for quite a while. Happy birthday!
u/aetios October 24, 2015, 06:26:52 PM
Eh, the first recorded chat message in the 'New site' telegram group (now bearing the very appropriate name of "Praise Karpet and James Hetfield and The Magical Python of Doom and Salvador Dali and The Game and Walrii") was sent on oct 28th, if I'm not mistaken. Happy birthday to CW anyway!

Edit: I re-read the OP and I stand corrected, indeed on oct 24 DJ first talked to me about starting a new site.
u/novenary October 24, 2015, 09:39:18 PM
Happy anniversary CW !
u/Strontium October 25, 2015, 09:44:14 AM
Happy birthday to you / happy birthday to you / happy birthday dear codewalrus / happy birthday to you!

u/DarkestEx October 25, 2015, 10:28:26 AM

Happy birthday CodeWalrus!

I hope for another awesome year here and that CW will exist for a long time.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 26, 2015, 04:58:40 AM
Quote from: DarkestEx on October 25, 2015, 10:28:26 AM

Happy birthday CodeWalrus!

I hope for another awesome year here and that CW will exist for a long time.
I wish that this cake was more 2D so I could do a :walrii: out of it. But I could always try to make my own cake sprite then walrify it. :P

My next goals and hopes for CW is that future staff keeps the site like it is, mentality-wise, since, after all, that's a bit why the site started in the first place. I'll most likely remain CW staff and that grocery store job for the rest of my life, but if I was ever forced to step down or if anything else happened, I also want to ensure that CW continues to thrive no matter who runs it, to avoid a repeat of past events. Otherwise I hope I eventually get motivation to finish a few more calculator projects and hope that people will continue showcasing their stuff regardless of the platform.

Something I like overall is that people here are generally open-minded towards other members, regardless of the platform (calculator brand, computer OS, etc), site allegiance (if any) or programming language they use. We can joke about platforms and languages in jest or create debate topics, but I mean that no one gets singled out, which is good. I also like how involved people get in this part of the TI community: For example the Walrii fanart, the Android and PC post notifiers, programming/project help.
Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 07:20:17 AM by DJ Omnimaga
u/Ivoah October 26, 2015, 12:02:00 PM
Quote from: Max Leiter on October 24, 2015, 05:28:36 AM
Kinda upset I found it so late (Thanks @Ivoah d:); happy birthday CW :)

I'm glad you joined!
u/Araidia October 26, 2015, 06:12:31 PM
Congrats on be a year old! :w00t:
Let's hope that this will be the first among many anniversaries!
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 27, 2015, 03:08:47 AM
It will. I and @Streetwalrus are already dedicated to keep CW the way it was originally founded for and @Juju is most likely committed to keep CW as it is (by that I mean its DJ-era Omnimaga mentality from 2011 and before). I don't know about the rest of the staff such as @Cumred_Snektron and @Ivoah since they joined after the split but with the "truth about CW" thread I think they got the message. Basically, there will not be any drastic site policy/administration changes regardless of if I am part of the team or not.

The problem is my life and health have been on shaky ground for at least a year, especially lately (which is why my activity dropped so much), and I had a past history of similar events. As a result, since the beginning in October 2014 I always had to operate CodeWalrus as if I would be forced to leave at any moment, hence why I always pushed for having active staff who gives feedback to other projects when they can, even if I am sometimes annoying about that,  and elite coders who are involved in CW, over staff/EC that posts once a month or worse. CodeWalrus is here to stay as long as staff can afford to pay the hosting and domain name bills *pokes juju to stop buying several dozens of domain names every month <_<*.

EDIT: Also this song was ironically made around when CW started, although it's dedicated to a completely different and unrelated community. However, the lyrics would have fitted well with CW premise:
Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 04:41:28 AM by DJ Omnimaga
u/novenary October 27, 2015, 09:21:49 AM
Oh yeah, that song is nice. :)

And yeah, I'm determined to keep CW as it is as long as I'm around.
u/GalacticPirate October 30, 2015, 02:02:04 PM
Happy 1st :walrii:-versary CW ! That's cool !
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