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Hero Core - Tools

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b/[Inactive] Hero Core (TI-83+/84+) publicado por u/Keoni29 January 01, 2015, 12:12:07 AM
Separate topic for development tools for Hero Core. I wanted to create my own tools because I was not happy with the existing ones.

Core Editor (short: cEdit)
Type: World editor
Platform: Win32/Linux
Progress: Almost done for first release

Type: Music editor
Platform: TI83+
Progress: Tracker screen and scrolling works.
Eiyeron is helping me with this one :D
Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 04:15:46 PM by Keoni29
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u/Keoni29 January 01, 2015, 11:55:05 AM
Tool update: Core Editor

You can now place tiles, but it's just drawing them directly to the screen buffer instead of saving them in an array. You cant save anything yet. That will be the next step.
u/pimathbrainiac January 01, 2015, 04:52:33 PM
Sweet! I'll have to rebuild my TIMID soon to use TRAXE2.
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 02, 2015, 07:32:41 AM
What will be nice in TRAXE is if we can hear what we type in the notes sequencing, like in Music/Music 2000, if that's not implemented already. Also nice work on the editor so far. Looking at those maps makes me smile because I like looking at big maps for old school games. :P
u/Keoni29 January 02, 2015, 08:32:31 AM
Yeah, I like making maps as well. Already this editor works much nicer than the editor supplied with gamemaker >_>
u/Keoni29 January 02, 2015, 03:15:54 PM
Tool update: Core Editor

It is now possible to save and load. Next thing I will be working on is moving around the world map, so you can edit all rooms.
Whenever I post a tool update I will also push my commits to github.
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 02, 2015, 05:18:24 PM
Is the world map similar to the other maps or is it like an early Final Fantasy game world map linking every area together?
u/Keoni29 January 02, 2015, 06:53:54 PM
This is what the map screen looks like on the PC version. I want mine to be similar.

You see where you can pass trough walls (indicated by a gap.) This only shows for rooms that you visited.

Here's a miniature of one of the maps found in Hero Core for the Pc

I'd like to add a miniature preview to the editor as well, but that does not have top priority right now.

I just cleaned up some code and added scrolling. You can now edit the entire world. Next I will add commandline parameter parsing, so you can select your input and output files, specify a tileset image, world size, that sorta jazz.

Edit: Some graphical updates
Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 08:45:11 PM by Keoni29
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 03, 2015, 08:29:29 AM
Ooh pretty nifty. For the mini map I hope you can manage to fit it in one calc screen. :P

Will your map tool eventually support 20x15 chunks too in case someone wants to port your game to color models?
u/Keoni29 January 03, 2015, 11:11:48 AM
It already does support that! There is no way for the user to change these parameters yet. I will be working on the command-line editor parser.

These are the settings that will be available:
Grid size
Word size
Room size
Tileset size
Tileset image
View size

Tool Update: Core Editor
I made a world miniature which will show where all the entrances to rooms are. For this I need to write an entrance-detection algoritm (fancy term for empty space checking.)
You can use it to navigate trough the world. You can drag the view across the world map using the miniature.

It's now possible to export to 8xv using the included tool: to8xv :D
Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 11:22:06 AM by Keoni29
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 03, 2015, 12:29:32 PM
Ah cool to hear. :D And how is the 8xv laid out?
u/Keoni29 January 03, 2015, 12:39:39 PM
header field:
1 byte: World width
1 byte: World height
perhaps some more info will follow
data field:
in Hero Core's case 9 x 8 chunks of 88 bytes tilemap data.
u/aetios January 03, 2015, 01:52:19 PM
Are you aiming for a 1:1 clone or are you going to create a version with different maps and stuff?
u/Keoni29 January 03, 2015, 02:06:03 PM
I will be using the same game mechanics, but a different map. I am not sure what I will be doing with the story.
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 04, 2015, 06:01:03 AM
Quote from: Keoni29 on January 03, 2015, 12:39:39 PM
header field:
1 byte: World width
1 byte: World height
perhaps some more info will follow
data field:
in Hero Core's case 9 x 8 chunks of 88 bytes tilemap data.
Ok thanks. That would be useful if we ever decide to use the editor to make the game for a different language or calculator and if we want to convert the data.
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b/[Inactive] Hero Core (TI-83+/84+)

Keoni29's epic port of Hero Core for the TI-83+ series.

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