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Messages - p2

Looks really really nice PT_  :)
I suppose it supports only the red and blue teams?

Is your current implementation of units already capable of doing animated sprites (walking animations) or do you probably plan not to use animated tiles at all? Not sure how much the hardware can handle...
* p2 just fell in love...  :ninja:
I still miss me sheep but it looks really fantastic, can't wait for the next update!! :love:
I dont really know how ur game works, but I'd go for the following option:
- split houses in front (that can be overlapped by units - bottom half of house tiles) and back (that will overlap units - top half of tiles)
- draw background
- draw bottom tiles of houses
- draw units
- draw top tiles of houses
they should overlap each other and end up being accurate. Think this will work for you?
Even hardcore fans probably can't spell that name nor draw the logo... probably the best way to avoid getting famous  :thumbsup:

Edit: Post #2300, wew
Gaming / Re: Post your game purchases and collection!
November 06, 2017, 09:58:03 AM
bought my gamecube number 5 (gave 2 away) aaand controllers number 7  and 8 ^^
*Now I have two Gamecubes in beautiful purple as well as two purple controllers ^.^ <3
dj: u should stream how u create music  :ninja: (watch me making music!!)
juju: u should do livestreams of playing on ur retro arcarde machine u build with ur bro ^^ ;D
weew, that's amazing dj, I didn't expect things to go this smooth (selling online, selling in local shops, ...)  :D
can't wait for the first CDs including a poster and an autogram being available at shops in Germany  :thumbsup: maybe 2018?  ;)
Maybe you could make the map slowly changing, like a bacteria slowly eating it away... and you have to get through all the rooms on one of many parallel paths (maybe solving puzzles or something) but be fast enough before all the paths close? (like escaping a burning maze)
Hardware / Re: Gamebuino Meta
October 27, 2017, 08:46:06 PM
Heh, your entrance in TEAM on the kickstarter site:
QuoteSorunome - Huge contributor, from ideas to code. Loves ponies.
nice one soru  :thumbsup:

Also yey I'm glad that thingy is finally public  :)
Looks great, especially with the wooden part, I'll probably buy one  :thumbsup:
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
October 07, 2017, 05:31:09 PM
Hey there and welcome back in the world of the living
(Not sure if we have met before since I was gone for a long time as well...)
Aww it's always sad to have to end a project but I hope what you learned in this project will help you in future projects :)
Quote from: Juju on June 02, 2017, 01:04:27 AM
EDIT2: This server, nicknamed pinkiepie (because it's pink), is okay, I only need to run fsck manually so it can boot correctly. Hopefully. And I have to find a keyboard that isn't broken.
Idk why I missed this earlier...
But is that server really pink?  :ninja:
Might be a good idea to just write down ur plans and ideas on how to solve proglems, maybe we can provide ideas as well and help you :)
Website Talk / Re: Telegram CW group vanished?
September 29, 2017, 09:44:09 AM
I guess the Telegram group won't be restored since we completely switched to Discord (meh), even for Staff groups?
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
September 29, 2017, 09:41:06 AM
I'm starting to wonder how many calcs you have @Leviset...  9_9
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