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b/Other publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga July 26, 2019, 05:49:16 PM

Given where I got punched at first, you are lucky to still see me around today, because I could have died instantly. Basically last Friday I got attacked and robbed despite all doors being locked (they came in through a window) and they even disconnected my internet and stolen my phone to ensure I lose contact with the rest of the world.

This must be one of the first home invasion in Quebec City this year. They better not get caught because some friends might do illegal, non-violent stuff as retaliation (doxxing, DDoS attack?).
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u/TIfanx1999 July 27, 2019, 02:13:49 AM
Just saw your post. Man, that is awful. I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. Hopefully, the police are able to track down the robbers. Hope things go better for you man. :/
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