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Messages - p2

Calculator Development / Re: Driller kNight
July 28, 2017, 08:33:42 PM
Nice, glad to hear that :)
btw in case something goes wrong, how much extra time for such cases have you planned in on your statement to release it on August 5th? :)

(Rick and Morty Season 3 release sunday July 30 and only on adult swim, weeee!)
This topic has been moved to Topic Graveyard.
Thx to the kind spambot for sharing it with us.
Nastrovje <3
(or however that is written, idk...)
me is still waiting for the food  :'(
*boops @Unicorn
I use Paint.Net as well. It doesn'T have as many tools as Gimp but if you know how to use the tools you can get great results from it
Awwwww I love the fact the walrus says Nüf! ^.^ <3
Also the horse is awesome!! :D
Hardware / Re: The WalrusLink Project
June 22, 2017, 12:03:58 AM
that should be possible, but mind that the entire downscaling would have to be done on the PC's side since the calc would lack the processing power. So we'd end up with a blurred image whene u could see almost nothing of any GUIs and stuff, abd it would be a mere slave, non-functional without the right software on the computer (just like that good old irc program for the 83+)
Drawing & Animation / Re: My very own art thread
June 12, 2017, 01:35:00 PM
omg I totally love how the right guy's eyes go derp  :love:
great work!  :thumbsup:

But this somehow reminds me of this...
iirc there was a walrii having tiny flapping wings, they would probably fit in pretty good if the walrii can jump that heigh ;)
Gaming / Re: Ravenfield
June 10, 2017, 04:55:42 PM
You can literally spend 4 or 5 hours straight shooting at minecraft like characters and still won't get bored of doing it. It's a great game and the rather simple graphics are actually a positive point ;)

About the new ravenfield:
the updates looked great, but I dislike the fact it's only available on steam... :/
Also it looks like they updated the character models, which I don't like either :/
true, drops during development process have to b e expected, but that'S a solid framerate you're starting with, so even if it'D drop by 50% it'd still be playable :)
how exactly does it work? :)
off-topic but 12.107 kills  :thumbsup:
(100bots, 5sec respawn time, on challenging mode)
It was apartment 69-B, I'll prepare some candles and stuff for our dinner  :love:
seeya tonight <3
Congrats Juju :)

u now have to prepare a fancy sticker saying " award winner 2017" and place it on the game cabinet ;D
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