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Tech, Science & IT / Re: iPhone X
September 28, 2017, 09:12:25 PM
I don't think that advertising has changed, but rather the main goals of companies...
The job of advertising has always been to attract customers and tell them to buy your products.
But where once it was QUALITY PRODUCTS, now it's MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY...
where u once got a screwdriver that was terribly expensive but lasted for half your lifetime, you now  get one for 25$ that lasts for idk? maybe a year at best?
ouch, that sucks... I wish you well tho, hope U still find enough time for programming :)

I thought about how cool it would be having a game using this as well...
But u start working on a new game using the gLib library...
...  and by the time u finish the first beta, there's a gLib version available that ruuns 3x faster...  <_<
I probably would wait a little longer with such projects  ;)
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
September 28, 2017, 08:50:50 PM
Wew, yet another guy that was a calc pro even before I was born  :thumbsup:
Welcome to the site @Leviset  :)
Hope you enjoy your stay
sooo full support for my 4k VR Pr0n estimated by the end of next week?  ;)

seriously man, what you're doing there is magic  :thumbsup:
Also it'd be great to see a comparison of speed, like re-rendering one of the old demos with the current state of ur program so we can see the actual difference ^^
Guess then it'd probably be even more impressive than the more and more complex models (that are impressive enough already) ;D
Drawing & Animation / Re: Fake Yuguoh cards that i made
September 22, 2017, 11:04:56 AM
the SPELL CARD text at BUILD A WALL is off... :)
Tech, Science & IT / Re: iPhone X
September 22, 2017, 09:39:44 AM
I still stick to my iPod touch (256GB) plus a super cheap phone (nokia) since that's the cheapest way yet better in tearms of reachability since I got the insane battery lifetime  :thumbsup:

the AR features would be really cool to have, but not at that price  :ninja:
Walriified only shows new posts if I don't reply to myself it seems... (all my posts show up except my post to WalrusKingdom where I replied to myself)
Other / Re: Kotu will not be back on CodeWalrus
September 22, 2017, 09:11:20 AM
Farewell my friend, it was a nice time with you <3
aah so that explains the reported failure of shortened URLs ^^
glad it was only a minor problem
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
September 22, 2017, 09:07:06 AM
I guess most of us were similar:
We started programming on calculators, mostly the 83+/84+ family, then learned xLib, later axe or ASM, and finally moved to PCs, and now we're fully fledged software devs still sticking to the forum where we grew up <3
But I think that's actually not a bad thing as new members still get a lot og´f help in calculator problems, while we also get more and more help for other stuff like C# or Java ^^
yey congrats @CVSoft and also @Caleb Hansberry  :)
Gaming / Re: Pokemon Go
September 03, 2017, 08:39:37 PM
wow, you're seriously still playing this?  :ninja:
I thought it was dead ages ago x.x
wouldnt it make more sense to just post here? ;)
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
September 03, 2017, 08:38:01 PM
hey there Steve,
Since you're new to this topic:
BASIC is, as the name says, a very basic language, It's super easy to use but can't do that much things and is rather slow - but enough for BASIC games  ;)
Axe is something special some genius came up with. it's basically basic, but with all kinds of new commands (maybe twice as many) and you have to learn a little more about how the hardware works to fully understand it. But it's incredibly fast and can do almost anything! It's special since you will have the App AXE on your calc, that will compile (translate) ur axe code to ASM, making it super fast.
ASM is like 0980F0A375BB8DA1 and weird stuff liek that (hexadecimal code)... noone except the ASM guys understand it, aaaand it's different for every CPU (so ur pc, ur calc, ur second calc, ur smartphone... ASM is different on each of them...) It's suuuper hard to learn, but it's soooo fast x.x

if you already know the VERY basics (loop, if, else, ...) then start with Axe and you will have a lot of fun  :thumbsup:
Hey there and welcome to the site, @TheLastMillennial :)
I'm not sure if I should answer the question for the post button... since you posted the question  ;D

And pls don't tell me this weird stuff has already spread to Cemetech as well... >.>
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