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Messages - xMarminq_

Shoot.  :D

I have been focusing more on school n' stuff as of lately and would love to get back to doing more packs maybe in the next month or two.
Super Marm World 6 to be released TOMORROW! Happy New Year everyone!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Web / Re: asciiworld [ucc3]
December 31, 2017, 11:01:03 PM
Awesome so far! Could it be possible to push multiple boxes at once, as  when they get really thick you cannot push them and they get stuck. Maybe a pulling mechanic?
How do you start it?
Games / Re: [TI-84+CE] Oiram CE
December 29, 2017, 04:52:02 PM
Thank you Mateo! Sorry I wasn't stalking Oiram CE forums all day for the past few days (I don't do it btw hehe) or I would have noticed sooner. I heard you had finals soon (Or are they in the future?) and I hope you are  or are going to do well on them. Please fix my Oiram pack! :)
Still no fix, @MateoConLechuga but now you can vote for what gets made next!
Here is the first part of Super Marm Odyssey, complete with the firs scene and Cap Kingdom. Enjoy it while I get Super Marm World finished. :thumbsup:

File didn't load in editor now, hope it works...

EDIT: They work, but getting past level 2 isn't working, can't open in the editor... halp
News: Still working on it (~60% at the time of this post). Also considering the Marm Galaxy post a while back, maybe a Mario Odyssey themed pack, maybe porting all the SMB3 levels over.  :D

Sorry the pack is taking soooooooooo long!!

Took a break but now working on it.
Gaming / Re: Super Mario Odyssey
October 30, 2017, 10:57:32 PM

from r/Mario

from r/gaming

You are not welcome...  >:D

from r/gaming
Gaming / Re: Super Mario Odyssey
October 30, 2017, 03:07:25 AM
It's the perfect mix. You'll be fine
Gaming / Re: Super Mario Odyssey
October 30, 2017, 01:59:59 AM
The game for the most part had contributions by the creators and designers of the Open-World Mario titles like 64 and sunshine and even Galaxy for level design and music. Combined with the signature of some linear platforming, it's a hybrid that hits the middle of both. I don't own the game, but I've seen multiple walkthroughs of it. It's overwhelming how many YTers are covering this. This game is all about mobility with the cap and even the devs for this game put stacks of coins in high places not even associated with the levels. This game hits the sweetspot of open-world and linear AND the casual and hardcore gamer. It looks really fun to play.
JWin, I love this game already after playing the two levels  :D . The integration of reflective panels and spikes are awesome. I wish there was a reset button as I made some mistakes in solving level 2 and needed to restart the whole game in order to get a new try. Other than that it is great. Wish you luck on finishing it!  :w00t:

Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on October 29, 2017, 02:57:32 PM
I'd gladly help design levels.

I'll create about 20 decent levels, then shoot you a PM with the level data.

As stated on Cemetech, I'm also working on a program that generates levels procedurally.
Maybe make any levels you can and then order them in difficulty?
Haha. I'll try to get this pack done by the end of the week  ;) :D
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