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Messages - Duke "Tape" Eiyeron

Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 22, 2016, 10:53:14 AM
Well, it'll decrease performances because more data is pushed to the GPU. Also I don't remember if the gpu does mipmapping from its own.
Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 16, 2016, 04:14:30 PM
Well, not everyone have 32GB microSD cards too :p Don't overdo it, okay? :p

i(m trying to figure what should I use to make correct perspective. I mean I have to figure the correct factor to avoid making my eyes cross from the whole thing. WIth 2D graphics, it's pretty hard on the eyes, actually.
Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 15, 2016, 05:16:21 PM
Quote from: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on May 13, 2016, 07:33:00 AM
Oh, by the way, LodePNG perfectly works on 3DS, if you need to load textures from PNG directly on your 3DS if you need it.
You can see me having problems with lodepng here :P

Funny, I have yet to face any issues with lodepng. I knew about the limited supported format set but not about such issues. Have you tried using them in a PC targeted program to see if it comes from it or somewhere else? (Also, you could send me such files so I could try them on WRPG and determine where they crash)
Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 13, 2016, 07:33:00 AM
Am I the only one to have seen first relation to Tag, the Power of Paint before Splatoon?
Oh, by the way, LodePNG perfectly works on 3DS, if you need to load textures from PNG directly on your 3DS if you need it.
Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 12, 2016, 01:26:14 PM
Probalby because it's more or less developped among people whi use the IRC channel for 3ds dev so they probably expect people to talk to them about it?

Indeed, 3DS scene is small, but at least, it's not dead *glances at Nspire's*. Also, it's time for them to shine as now HB dev on this console should be quite easy with all the libs we're given (just have to figure on how stuff is working). Also, i have some things about DSP if you want to get your hands on this subject.
Consoles / Re: Unnamed 3DS homebrew
May 12, 2016, 11:59:01 AM
WOuld be interesting to gather common infos e get about Citra3D to make up for the lack of documentation. (Also maybe get in touch in a communication method faster than a forum)
Indeed, she sued (after getting sued for stealing the money) for abusive behaviour concerning one's privacy and right to not be used in media. WHen you're filmed/recorded/shoot (even if in background), you have the right to refuse to be shown or even ask for royalties. So yeah, the clever girl just sued for him posting a video of her on FB and might get away with it because regarding to the laws, he wasn't allowed to do so.
Other / Re: I'm giving up on programming.
April 27, 2016, 10:09:06 AM
Quote from: kegwaan on April 27, 2016, 12:24:06 AM
I've never finished a project that's worthy of anything. Remember when I tried to make Fallout 84+ and got no where, then gave up on it? And Rocket League 84+ -- forget about it, it's just not going to happen.

You have to start low, make simple projects, spend time on how the bigger would be done, and go progressively on more and more complex projects. You don't start with "I'm making a AAA game clone", because big expectations will be put on you and you'll very probably will never make it (because of lack of experience at this point). I don't blame you, I'm just pointing at my own first projects (cloning Gen 1 Pokémon battle engine. It worked but it was in the end too big for me to keep attention on it) and showing that everyone went through this.

And that's just calculator stuff -- I haven't mentioned anything about actual, computer programming. I've yet to be even remotely useful with a language. I've tried to learn C++, Python, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and all I've learned is that I'm trash at programming.

Which resources do you use? Are you asking to more skilled people some help? Do you really want to program? I know part of the skill to learn is derived from the motivation to learn.

And programming isn't the only thing I suck at. Just a little bit ago I got back from a Jazz Festival where I played the drums. And just as I thought I was getting better at them (this is my first year playing) some kid had to put me to shame. At that moment, I realized there are so many things I'm just not cut out for.
Yeah, people with my age showed me they could program things I would never think I'm skilled for this. For instance, a friend was making a frigging OS kernel for Casio calcs when he was 19 (today the project is a bit stalled,  Ishould get back to it sometimes). I was the little prodigy on computers when younger in my surroundings, but only because I was dragged to it when I was 5yo. DOn't ever demotivate yourself because you're half as good as this child. Everyone gets better at their own pace. Learn yours, whatever skill/thing you want to learn/master.

"Patience et longueur de temps font plus que force ni que rage."
Other / Re: Internet no longer exists
September 11, 2015, 09:36:11 PM
Yeah, 305 bytes. And how much a SVG rendering library weight on our browsers? They could directly bundle the logo in every browsers and put a 4byte marker so it'll be the most byte effective. :|
Other / Re: Post your desktop !
August 26, 2015, 06:24:16 PM
>inb4 screw linux extremists
Melee was greatly welcomed for its nervosity and many tricks that have been decimated when Brawl came out. P:M is an attempt to bring back that Melee feeling/gameplay, fix&balance, give improvments not appeared on both Brawl and Melee and be acceptable for competitive/contest gaming.
Yeah, I more or less lost the handle of pixel art and have to get back on the road of spriting to not get too much rusty.
Have you tried OBS?
Quote from: gbl08ma on July 08, 2015, 03:52:10 PM
Hey there, I'm gbl08ma of Casio fx-CG 10/20 programming fame. You may know me from other calculator-related communities. I registered here just to make sure my username would not be taken by someone else. :) I registered here because I'm a bit tired of the forums I usually frequent and this one seemed nice and friendly.

Besides Prizm programming (which I'm getting tired of doing), I like messing with other embedded systems from ready-made hacking platforms like the Raspi and the ESP8266-based boards to whatever other devices come to my hands (old and new mobile phones, for example).

I also have experience with Linux server management and, to a lesser extent, web development (both back-end and front-end). I am the main developer and administrator of the shortener, the PrizmID statistics collection project, and other upcoming websites and services.

Heya there Still on Prizm dev? I could get back on it if you get me some radical news on this calc! :p
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