
CodeWalrus Website => Website Talk => Topic started by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 12, 2014, 07:18:29 AM

Title: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 12, 2014, 07:18:29 AM
List updated May 23 2016. This topic was originally used to discuss the website construction before it finally opened to public on Jan 1st 2015 and was/is/will be used to update users on minor site updates.

Major site upgrade features to add
Recent Posts:
-Recent posts feature with the same layout as regular sub-forums (like on Omnimaga) with the category and cloned locations appearing below the title next to the author
-The ability to filter the recent posts list by category (like on Lexaloffle and Flarum), one at a time and also by genre (eg dev-related) and certain tags (calcs, tutorials, etc)
-Recent posts page shows by default instead of board index, but there would be an option to switch between board index by default or vice-versa, depending of user's preference.

AJAX notification system (for those who don't use IRC nor WalrusIRC):
-Updates every 30 second
-When mentioned in a post (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When a PM is received (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When there are new posts on the forums  (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When a new post is made in the currently-viewed topic (a warning appears below the list of posts in the topic)

Site navigation
-Welcome User+Avatar inside navbar, to the left
-Inbox and profile gets replaced with icons that appears next to it
-Rest of navigation moved to the center

Feature ideas (some might be scrapped if a SMF 2.1 upgrade come at the horizon)
-Add more games to the arcade, which must either be ports/remakes of calculator games or games made by our members. Having more z80/ez80-themed games would be nice, like Supersonic Ball.
-Make the Report to Moderator feature downvote posts automatically.
-Make WalrusIRC show forum and Telegram users in the online list instead of just IRC users
-Fix theme glitch when using search (green rectangle appearing besides the Logout link
-Fix all PHP errors. None causes any harm it seems, but an error-free site would definitively be much better and professional.
-Add merch store (there is one under construction but the selection is poor and I need to buy samples) <-This is scrapped until the Canadian dollar increases again. I can't afford to spend $50 for a t-shirt.

-Add flood control to and fix the directory listing.
-Get W-803, W-804, W-805 and W-807 back online and on a stable connection. We need more than 3 bots to keep the channel opped.
-Make WalrusIRC iOS-compatible. (seems like a CSS3 problem causing the textarea to be hidden in shoutbox view)
-Add a tutorials link in the site navigation
-Fix some theme issues preventing some text from being visible on mobile. For example, on the board stats page, maybe we could hide New members column or make some lists a smaller width percentage, such as 95%?
-Fix karma showing up twice below posts
-Fix display issues with upvote/downvote buttons inside locked topics for non-staff members.

Suggestions can be posted here or in this forum section. :)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 12, 2014, 09:39:55 AM
Regarding the site theme I would like it to be squary because that would fit in with the logo. I'd also like the site to be mobile-friendly as in no hover menus, instead having single buttons. I can help with the design, sadly I can't be of much help code-wise as of now because I don't know c about SMF, I should probably look into that. Then even though I would like to help I would probably cause more problems than solving them because of me messing up and breaking things ;D

Tapatalk: we should get rid of the nag indeed. if users want to use tapatalk it's fine but if ppl want to use the forums instead they shouldn't be notified OH HEY DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TAPATALK on top of every page. I'm not sure if I want social login. It's been proven to not really been liked by people who used it to sign up for omnimaga for example they seem not to be able to change their name from the social name.

edit I just noticed that I got logged off even though I set always logged on to be enabled. Does this have to do with the issue where settings get reset every 10m?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 12, 2014, 05:07:50 PM
@Site theme: Yes, rectangular borders were being considered. I might use the other theme as a base because it will be hard to start from SMF Curve, but SMF Core appears to be kinda broken, so I'm still unsure yet. I might start from a different theme. I would like the main borders to be identical to the logo, although I'm still undecided on inner colors, and obviously it's possible we won't be able to do double-borders (the translucent blue thing inside the logo border, that is). I could use the color from the sig version, though.

@Tapatalk: Yes, this is a serious issue that annoys the hell out of me when I use Proboards and Omni via the browser. I would rather make the notice now pop up an alert and make the notice smaller or get rid of it entirely.

@Social login: I'll look into that, although what is guaranteed is that registering via social network will be implemented one way or another, because 99% of the new Omni members now sign up using a social network. I could always allow users to change their nicknames as they wish, but since SMF appears to lack a nick change limit, I might make it a policy to not abuse this feature. But yeah, the fact that some people will not sign up on a site unless it lets you register in one or two clicks via Facebook is how lazy the world is, today, and we have to adapt. If it wasn't for the fact that no social login feature existed for SMF 1.1.x, then Omnimaga would have gotten that feature 4 years ago.

@Logging in issues are most likely due to server misconfiguration or you probably used the quick login form on board index. Juju and Street will have to look into this (particularly juju since he did server stuff for years). I hope they are cooperative about it and that it doesn't require us switching hosting providers or worse because that's an important feature to fix if it's broken.

EDIT: First post updated with your suggestions/reports (in blue)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 12, 2014, 05:31:46 PM
Regarding the login thing, I haven't had to log in since that happened. Might have been a one-time thing.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 12, 2014, 05:43:28 PM
Oh ok. Let me know if this happens again.And I hope street, Pimath and juju starts appearing soon so they can check too.

Also the logo needs to be fixed because there's a white rectangle in it >.<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 12, 2014, 11:56:02 PM
Youtube tag has been added. But it still needs to be fixed for HTTPS support.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 01:02:10 AM
I'll get to it when I can.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 13, 2014, 01:25:29 AM
Online Today and Char left in post modifications look like they are in working order. However, I might uninstall stuff randomly at some points if they are missing from the new theme.

Also avatar upload is broken. Shows white page of death. Also, avatar galleries are broken image links too. They default to

EDIT: Logos have been fixed.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 13, 2014, 09:48:55 AM
I got logged out again this morning. I visited the site for like  a few pages, I think wrote a reply, and got logged out. Re-logged in everything is fine. Gotta figure out why this happens though.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 13, 2014, 10:33:41 AM
The log off issue might just be due to cookie expiration or something. It happens to me often on Omni and other forums.

Something much more annoying is that I get a session timeout for posting just by reading the threads. >.>
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 08:07:27 PM
Hmmm, do you want me to write a first draft the forum rules? I already have a draft (kinda) here (
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 08:38:21 PM

- Increased upload max file size from 1M to 32M (should fix quite a few stuff and bigger mods can be uploaded)
- Installed Tapatalk (nag might still be present once every 90 days but no mobile welcome screen)
- www automatically 301-redirects to no-www

So yeah, as we fix stuff, cross it in the OP and if you find any, add it in the OP and in a reply. This will be kind of our changelog.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 09:56:48 PM
Quote from: Juju on November 13, 2014, 08:38:21 PM
So yeah, as we fix stuff, cross it in the OP and if you find any, add it in the OP and in a reply. This will be kind of our changelog.

Will do. Do you think you can fix the White Screen of Death on the attachment settings panel next?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 10:15:17 PM
I'm looking at this.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 10:16:30 PM
Awesome! I'll try to report any white screen of death pages as I see them.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 13, 2014, 10:18:32 PM
Thanks for notifying us juju. :) As for Tapatalk, will the change make it hard to upgrade the mod? If possible, you should let us know in the staff board what code needs to be replaced and where if Tapatalk ever needs to be updated, in case we are ever required to update the mod.
Quote from: aeTIos on November 13, 2014, 09:48:55 AM
I got logged out again this morning. I visited the site for like  a few pages, I think wrote a reply, and got logged out. Re-logged in everything is fine. Gotta figure out why this happens though.
This might be due to the fact I changed the board URL to instead of last night, so everybody got logged out. However, let us know if this happens again.

Also, I tried a 3rd gender mod that pimath showed to me last night, but unfortunately it's only compatible with SMF 2.0 RC2 and older. It shows error warnings if I try to emulate an older version of SMF in the package manager. So if we want 3rd gender we will have to find an alternative.

Also whoever decides to write SMF mods need to make sure they can uninstall properly too. I saw mods on SMF website that installs fine, but then won't uninstall at all because the code to revert back to is not the same as the code to replace.

Quote from: Streetwalrus on November 13, 2014, 10:33:41 AM
Something much more annoying is that I get a session timeout for posting just by reading the threads. >.>
Ugh I remember on Omni v4 through v6 this happens a lot to me and it was irritating. For some people they couldn't post at all sometimes. Does it happen frequently? This might be another  thing to look into in the server settings. The forum itself is currently set so that sessions last 2880 seconds (so normally such error should only occur if you take over 48 minutes to post).
Quote from: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 08:07:27 PM
Hmmm, do you want me to write a first draft the forum rules? I already have a draft (kinda) here (
I already had some ideas in mind, but I'll check this out. A lot of the rules are supposed to be similar to Omni, though, in terms of hostility-free-ness. It's just that admin stuff will probably be more public (eg this topic) sometimes so that members will know that we are doing stuff. We still need a global e-mail address, though, and some notifications sent via it, in case a member cannot access the site for whatever reasons and also for moderator/admin logs.

Quote from: Juju on November 13, 2014, 10:15:17 PM
I'm looking at this.
I suspect compatibility issues with hhvm. Uploading large files, avatars and accessing the avatars setting page caused a blank page too.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 10:20:52 PM

I made no changes to Tapatalk yet, it's just a check that should be unchecked in the settings, actually. Also, uploading large files should work as I uploaded the Tapatalk mod. I'll try to debug whatever causes a blank page of death and the session thing in the error log.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 10:40:22 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 13, 2014, 10:18:32 PM
Quote from: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 08:07:27 PM
Hmmm, do you want me to write a first draft the forum rules? I already have a draft (kinda) here (
I already had some ideas in mind, but I'll check this out. A lot of the rules are supposed to be similar to Omni, though, in terms of hostility-free-ness. It's just that admin stuff will probably be more public (eg this topic) sometimes so that members will know that we are doing stuff. We still need a global e-mail address, though, and some notifications sent via it, in case a member cannot access the site for whatever reasons and also for moderator/admin logs.

Okay. If you want some help with the rules, shoot me an email of PM or the like. I'm happy to help.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 10:49:43 PM

- Added other gender options
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 11:05:24 PM
Yay now to set my gender. Thanks!

EDIT: now to add the pic for it :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 11:08:04 PM
You can add all the genders you want as long you have the pic for it, I made it a custom field.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 11:12:08 PM
Okay. I'll just put in a question mark or a shrug emoticon for it for now.

I accidentally edited your post... oops...
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 11:29:18 PM
Should be kind of smaller. And with more transparency. Otherwise, nice icon.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 13, 2014, 11:30:39 PM
I made it smaller. I'm having trouble with the transparency (and the upload in general). I'll fix it later, but I gtg at the moment.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2014, 11:41:44 PM
Oh, and what about a download mod?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 14, 2014, 12:31:55 AM
Here's the results of my investigation. Have some excerpts of the hhvm error.log:

QuoteFatal error: f_get_extension_funcs is not supported: extensions are built differently in /var/www/ on line 158

Fatal error: f_get_extension_funcs is not supported: extensions are built differently in /var/www/ on line 219

Happens on blank pages of death. The faulty function is get_extension_funcs, which always throws a fatal error with hhvm.

Quotejuju@rick:~$ grep -r get_extension_funcs /var/www/
/var/www/ if (($extensionFunctions = get_extension_funcs('gd')) === false)
/var/www/ $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');
/var/www/     $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');
/var/www/     $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');

It happens 4 times in 2 files, so you can easily write a mod to fix it.

QuoteWarning: Invalid argument: function: method 'ob_gzhandler' not found in /var/www/ on line 97

This one is pretty harmless, but it happens quite a lot.

So yeah, a few solutions:

1. Write a mod to fix it
2. Switch to PHP

Suggested steps are also:

3. Complain to HHVM's GitHub and IRC channel
4. Also complain to SMF
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 14, 2014, 12:56:01 AM
Oh wow I didn't know the custom profile fields supported dropdowns O.O. That's cool I guess. Also nice touch to disable the default gender option and use custom fields lol. I guess this renders the forum stats male/female ratio unuseable but it's not too bad.
Quote from: Juju on November 14, 2014, 12:31:55 AM
3. Complain to HHVM's GitHub and IRC channel
4. Also complain to SMF

Past experience tell me that if we do such thing, we're in for months and months of wait, if our request is even considered at all. We might be better off doing 1 or switch to PHP.
Quote from: Juju on November 13, 2014, 11:41:44 PM
Oh, and what about a download mod?
The file archives will be integrated directly into the forums, as categories and sub-forums, like Omni had back in 2005-2007. There will only be 1 sub-forum for now, though (topic titles will include the platform in them).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 14, 2014, 01:55:45 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2014, 12:56:01 AM
Quote from: Juju on November 13, 2014, 11:41:44 PM
Oh, and what about a download mod?
The file archives will be integrated directly into the forums, as categories and sub-forums, like Omni had back in 2005-2007. There will only be 1 sub-forum for now, though (topic titles will include the platform in them).

Sounds good.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 14, 2014, 03:29:35 AM
We also need a forum banner for Tapatalk. Currently it shows the default. What is the image format for banners/logos in Tapatalk?


Maybe something like this?

I also disabled EzPortal because it had too many problems (sometimes, blocks appeared, then other times, they didn't. And the copyright was missing). Time to switch to PHP me thinks.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 14, 2014, 01:03:38 PM
It needs a 192x128 pic iirc. And another 640x480 or something I'll confirm you the actual dimensions.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussiondddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddd
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 14, 2014, 05:32:25 PM
Ok. Btw where do I put the files?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 14, 2014, 06:09:38 PM
In your home directory or in img/ or something like that. And yeah the sizes, I just checked, are 196x144 and 640x360. Also...


- Switched to PHP 5.6.2 (solves quite a ton of stuff)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 14, 2014, 06:51:14 PM
Sweet. I have set the allowed attachment extensions to doc,mpg,pdf,txt,zip, and rar for now, so images are not allowed to be attached at the moment.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 14, 2014, 07:03:16 PM
Great to see all those updates coming in. I wish I could do some stuff but everything has already been taken care of :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 14, 2014, 10:32:30 PM
It doesn't seem that much slower so far. We'll need to see how it goes with more users posting, though. Sometimes, posting large messages filled with BBCode caused lag.

Also I found a nice SMF mod: Multiple groups. You know how SMF lets admins put members in secondary, invisible groups, right? Well, that mod makes every group visible, so it will be MUCH easier for members to know which staff can do what.

EDIT: Btw, do not edit any of the default theme files! If you want to change something, copy them in the CodeWalrus theme folder. Otherwise we won't be able to upgrade anymore.

Also, I am contemplating making the board invisible to guests instead of in maintenance mode and enabling registrations with admin approval mode. Basically, people could register, but we won't approve them until they are invited or that the board opens to public. Because right now it's a major pain to manually register people myself one by one.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 15, 2014, 02:06:15 AM
I like the mod addition idea. I'll be sure not to edit the default theme. Also I second the motion to make the board invisible with admin approval. It will make it easier when we add more members.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 15, 2014, 05:14:35 AM
THe latest version of EzPortal is completely broken, especially the recent topics block, so when changing parameters it does nothing at all. I decided to instead go with Omnimaga's recent post mod from Github.

I'll try to alter the site navigation when I have some time.

Board is also now open to registrations, but all accounts require admin approval. Site content is invisible to guests.

Karma mode is also enabled again, since PHP supports it, unlike HHVM, but I still need to move the buttons elsewhere more visible.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 15, 2014, 02:43:36 PM
Okay. Once ezPortal is updated, we should try it again, imo. Maybe we should put the karma buttons at the bottom right of the post, so people see them after they finish reading. Yay? Nay?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 15, 2014, 02:49:42 PM
By the way I think staff board posts count against your total posts. We may want to change that, let me check.

Yup it does, let me look into fixing it.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 15, 2014, 02:54:07 PM
Good to know. We don't want new members to think that the staff are 1337 h4xx0rs who artificially boost post count.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 15, 2014, 05:17:07 PM
Well DJ said that it's still contributions so I'm not touching it until everyone agrees.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 15, 2014, 11:00:45 PM
I personally think it's fine if staff posts still count. After all, that's how I had Omni always setup in the past and if we really wanted to boost our post counts we would boost them by 1000, not 7.

IMHO, only spam/humor shouldn't count, or intro if we ever get those boards, but so far I think humor/jokes will be about 4-5 threads max in the off-topic section (funny pics, Youtube vids, quotes, etc) and I am contemplating doing like Cemetech for intros so that there is 1 single introduction thread for everyone, to avoid cluttering the board.

Also major issue: The forums no longer show up in Tapatalk search. It still supports Tapatalk AFAIK, but If I type Calculators, TI-Nspire, TI-84 plus, Codewalrus or even the URL in Tapatalk search, it says there is no result found. I don't know how Tapatalk works but I suspect juju needs to enter meta tags in the Tapatalk settings or I need to put some meta tags in the theme.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 16, 2014, 02:17:16 AM
I have set Tapatalk in incognito mode so nobody can find us yet. Or else you might try to search for
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 16, 2014, 04:45:05 AM
Nope, even didn't return any result. Maybe later you can turn it ON to public then I can add it? Then you can turn it back off. Just so I can use it when at work and stuff. 

Also I changed the Welcome guest/member at the top of the screen so that not only it replaces Unread topics and Recent posts since last visit with Cooliojazz's mod, but also show up for guests instead of just members. This is until I decide to move stuff elsewhere and stuff. I was too busy this weekend to work on much stuff.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 16, 2014, 05:51:32 AM
Oh it's really cool that you installed that mod. Thank you DJ. <3
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 16, 2014, 06:00:40 AM
No problem. Somebody will probably need to modify it so that it also shows up on board index, though, but smaller and with only 10-15 topics at a time.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 16, 2014, 12:30:12 PM
Yeah, I could give this a try tonight.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 16, 2014, 01:42:16 PM
So SimplePortal is installed, and it is awesome. Feel free to mess around with it if you don't like the current configuration, DJ. (And yes, still hidden to guests)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 16, 2014, 08:27:54 PM
OmnomIRC is pseudo-implimented (if someone wants to fix the width, that'd be great). We also have a chanserv reserved channel on freenode now (#CodeWalrus) that Omnom is linked to. I still need to create a cron job for WalriiBot/TopicBot, though.

Also first double post.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 17, 2014, 03:37:51 AM
Width fixed, at least in Chrome/Opera. Now we need an EFnet channel for people from #cemetech and #ti who don't want to join multiple networks.

Also I think there was another double-post before :P. That reminds me, I still need to write down some rules. I want to keep them short, but get the point across.

Also yeah news have been redone so that we can submit any topic without having to move them in a news sub-forum. Kinda like Cemetech I guess. I was surprised that Simpleportal now had exactly what I wanted (well, almost, but it does the job for now). Back in 2008, SimplePortal was so limited. >.<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 17, 2014, 02:10:08 PM
I'll take care of efnet linking after we set up eggdrop. Do we want eggdrop hosted on the same server as the site, or somewhere else?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 17, 2014, 05:54:02 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 17, 2014, 03:37:51 AM
Also yeah news have been redone so that we can submit any topic without having to move them in a news sub-forum. Kinda like Cemetech I guess. I was surprised that Simpleportal now had exactly what I wanted (well, almost, but it does the job for now). Back in 2008, SimplePortal was so limited. >.<
Oh that's really nice, now we don't need to hack around with mods. :D

Also pimath, shouldn't we just use Omnom for cross network syncing ?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 17, 2014, 05:59:07 PM
Multiple places. A botnet needs multiple bots hosted at multiple places to be secure. We were lucky to survive on 2 unlinked bots on #omnimaga for as long as we did.

2  bots should be on the server, using two different EFnet servers that are known to be reliable and bot-friendly. Same for some other staff. Ideally, having 6-7 bots through 4-5 different connections and 2-3 EFnet servers would probably do the trick.

However, we need to fix OmnomIRC online list because it currently misses the forum users.

Btw our todo list is shrinking. I didn't remove the striked stuff yet because at one point I'll reinstall a fresh copy of SMF then re-install all mods to fix the package manager, to ensure everything is clean. Once that is done and that whatever is working so far still works, I'll edit the list to only include what still needs to be done.

I am surprised we got Omnom working this fast and without too much hassle so far (although I notice occasional server lag), but yeah there are still some other things I want to fix before starting inviting people .
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 17, 2014, 07:06:35 PM
Having znc idling with the autoop module should work well enough as a botnet. We can use withg znc for one connection, Juju might have another one, we can ask Soru about it and then we have the znc hosted on our server in case OmnomIRC dies.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 17, 2014, 07:17:11 PM
Maybe we can host some eggdrop here, and some on Juju's server? I like Freenode because there is no need for a botnet.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 17, 2014, 07:22:01 PM
Yeah, Efnet really sucks balls for not having services and this stupid nickname limit. We can also spin up some random free VPS on that site I found to host some zncs on there. We just need to login to the control panel periodically because they shut down the thing without notice if you don't log in for a month (we could automate it though :P).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 17, 2014, 10:44:01 PM
Quote from: pimathbrainiac on November 17, 2014, 07:17:11 PM
Maybe we can host some eggdrop here, and some on Juju's server? I like Freenode because there is no need for a botnet.
Same. The only reason why I want the channel to use multiple networks like #omnimaga currently does is for visibility:

-EFnet: has no services, but has #ti, #cemetech and #omnimaga
-Omninet: has services plus #omnimaga, but no other calculator channel.
-Freenode: has services and #knightos, but no other calculator channel.

And many people do not like to connect to multiple networks at once. I myself can only use two, because IRCCloud only allows 2 networks at a time unless you pay.

Also site update, since we have 1 member now: member permissions have been edited accordingly with the following post ranks:

0 posts: New User (can't send PM, upload attachments)
1 posts: New User (uploading attachments now possible, but requires approval)
5 posts: New User (can now send PMs)
20 posts: Full User (nothing special, but in the future this will be the minimum post limit to use OmnomIRC.)
500 posts: Super User (can edit custom rank title)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 17, 2014, 11:40:54 PM
There's also #inspired on Efnet for nspire dev (it's totally inactive though lol).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 18, 2014, 01:04:59 AM
Indeed. Also I am kinda surprised that channel, which is ran by TI-Planet, is still part of the extra OmnomIRC channels on Omni, considering what happened between TI-Planet and Omnimaga last Winter. will probably not have extra chans unless it eventually affiliates with Omnimaga or something in the future.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 18, 2014, 01:21:19 AM
They probably forgot it existed in the extra channels.

Also trying to make stuff work, I'll keep you updated.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 18, 2014, 01:54:45 AM
Ok let us know when you change stuff by the way. It will be much easier for us.

Also could you maybe ask on SMF support board why your site might load slowly? Just tell them your hosting plan specs, the softwares you run on your VPS, the current memory/CPU usage, PHP load time and tell them that on the site, page execution time is under 0.100 seconds most of the time. Other people could, but since you often run Ponies websites it will look less suspicious if an Omni member frequents SMF website and they will just think you need help with BroniesQC or something.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 18, 2014, 02:25:15 AM

- Usernames correctly redirect to your profile in OmnomIRC

And yeah, I probably should setup a cache for static files so it would probably speed up? Otherwise, yeah the fact I run other sites makes me pretty legit to ask such questions.

aeTIos: fixed typo
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 18, 2014, 03:10:39 AM
Cool, I thought Omnom had that by default but I guess I was wrong. Maybe static files cache would speed things up but I notice that images and HTML files usually load pretty fast. It's just PHP stuff that seems to lag (even the splash screen)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 18, 2014, 12:51:58 PM
Cool :D Also I fixed a typo in jujus post to try out my newfound mod powers :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 18, 2014, 01:44:47 PM
Quote from: aeTIos on November 18, 2014, 12:51:58 PM
Cool :D Also I fixed a typo in jujus post to try out my newfound mod powers :P
Haha it's nothing like splitting and merging topics. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 18, 2014, 10:51:24 PM
I remember a glitch with merging topics where if you merged an old topic with a newer one then the old posts were deleted because SMF tried to add them after the new posts. I'm unsure if that still exists, though.

Also I added an About page:;topicseen#new . I still need to add a rule page, but now now just use the Omni rules I guess.

EDIT: I cleaned up the TODO list in the first post.


[spoiler]I also forgot to add a spoiler tag. It's different than the one on SMF 1.1, tho. Not sure where Omni found theirs.[/spoiler]

[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]the game[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=testing if Chrome still screws up CODE tags]e
Those spoiler tags will be against signature rules unless they're small. There is a line limit already in place, though.

EDIT: Removed issue about small code inside spoiler tags. It's a Chrome bug I think because no CSS editing can fix it even if you copy-paste the CSS from quote verbatim.

And posted links are now bolded by default.

EDIT 2: Site now use Arial font by default, like on Fluxbb.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 02:51:01 PM
We need to fix login 404 (should be index.php?action=forum not ?action=forum)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 19, 2014, 03:55:17 PM
Grr, stop making me click through all these spoiler tags <_<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 05:40:29 PM
Hehe ;D

Also although we can't use the site name nor logo on other sites yet, we can use some slogans like "Remember when the walrus started to fly" in our sigs.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 19, 2014, 05:54:24 PM
Will do! *goes to update Omni sig*
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 05:59:35 PM
Also I think matref is on the verge of being invited in ^^
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 19, 2014, 06:47:31 PM
Added the slogan to my Omni sig and matref is in now. :D
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 19, 2014, 07:04:18 PM
By the way, you can always add your favorite slogans in walrii.php.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 19, 2014, 07:12:41 PM
Oh cool. Where are these used ?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 19, 2014, 07:36:40 PM
The main page ( Used to hide the real main page.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 08:31:40 PM
But when I added more last time it errored out so I had to replace some. <.<

EDIT: Good news, the 404 not found on login was fixed. It's due to a bug in SimplePortal with the Disable Portal Redirect option. I unchecked it now.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 19, 2014, 10:47:30 PM

- [email protected] is now a valid email address. If you guys want one (either the pass to that email and/or your own email), please ask me.
- HTTPS is enabled

New bugs:

- HTTPS is broken
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 19, 2014, 11:14:05 PM
Quote from: Juju on November 19, 2014, 07:36:40 PM
The main page ( Used to hide the real main page.
Oh nice I didn't notice. :D
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 11:17:15 PM
Quote from: Juju on November 19, 2014, 10:47:30 PM

- [email protected] is now a valid email address. If you guys want one (either the pass to that email and/or your own email), please ask me.
- HTTPS is enabled

New bugs:

- HTTPS is broken
Does enabling HTTPS on the site cost money, though, or did you get a decent certificate for free?

Also for e-mail is it possible to make emails forward to another address too? I only use Gmail as client so I might forget to check the e-mail address. >.<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 19, 2014, 11:38:20 PM
I don't even remember I saw a unused certificate lying around in my namecheap account that must came with something else and I used it. And yes you can configure Gmail to check other email addresses.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Keoni29 on November 19, 2014, 11:41:08 PM
The website is so much more responsive now that omnomirc has been disabled. I don't mind using a separate client for IRC.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: aetios on November 19, 2014, 11:45:04 PM
Yeah same. Also how do I edit walrii.php, someone teach me pl0x.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 11:51:20 PM
Quote from: keoni29 on November 19, 2014, 11:41:08 PM
The website is so much more responsive now that omnomirc has been disabled. I don't mind using a separate client for IRC.
If Juju and pimath can't figure out how to fix the issues, then what juju or someone else could do is modify SimplePortal's default shoutbox feature so that when people send messages, it relays them to IRC and vice-versa and when there is a new post, the forums automatically posts a notification in the shoutbox.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 20, 2014, 01:26:56 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 19, 2014, 11:51:20 PM
Quote from: keoni29 on November 19, 2014, 11:41:08 PM
The website is so much more responsive now that omnomirc has been disabled. I don't mind using a separate client for IRC.
If Juju and pimath can't figure out how to fix the issues, then what juju or someone else could do is modify SimplePortal's default shoutbox feature so that when people send messages, it relays them to IRC and vice-versa and when there is a new post, the forums automatically posts a notification in the shoutbox.
It would be sad if we had to get rid of Omnom. Omni doesn't have such issues and it's not the server specs since the resource usage is perfectly fine. Maybe because they use Apache while we use Nginx ? But Soru's site and Juju's sites have Omnom without any issues and Soru's server runs Nginx.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 20, 2014, 01:35:15 AM
Idk, I still think our server is not configured properly. But yeah if there is no solution found before it's almost time to open this site to public we will definitively have to find alternatives.

EDIT: Best. 404. Page. Ever: .
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 20, 2014, 10:21:50 AM
Yeah, an ajax irc client would maybe do the trick but I'm not sure.
/me lost
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 20, 2014, 12:29:38 PM
There are already AJAX plugins for SMF, iirc. That might be easier.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 21, 2014, 04:57:17 AM
Forum rules and advice for good forum experience have been written.

The todo list have also been rewritten, split by priority. Stuff in purple are forum issues that I cannot fix myself, so I need help from our resident server and web devs:
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 21, 2014, 12:05:01 PM
Okay, nice rules and forum advice. Do you want me to write a thing similar to "Omnimaga Rules of the Road" in a separate thread (So we have some netiquette established)?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 21, 2014, 12:29:44 PM
It could work but it might confuse ppl. Just make it clear what are the official rules.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 21, 2014, 12:33:58 PM
Okay. Will do.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 21, 2014, 09:58:58 PM
Shouldn't rule #3 say "cheating on tests and exams" ? Cheating in games is perfectly fine as long as it's not an online game, and it should be made clear that what we mean is school stuff.
Also, "advice" never takes an S. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 22, 2014, 12:08:31 AM
Ah right, I'll have to check that out. It's definitively a rule against cheating.

Heck, even the third-party HP Prime bootloader (if it happens) will block ASM/C if the exam mode is enabled, in order to stay on HP good side. :P

That said, cheating can also include online tests, like that Free Prizm contest thing a while ago or when people want to cheat to get money for free or something.

EDIT: Ok, so for the custom site navigation, my idea was to use a floating bar at the top like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and TI-Planet. However, what color do you think it should be? Should there also be a bottom border and some sort of differently-colored line below the text?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Keoni29 on November 22, 2014, 09:30:42 AM
I just noticed this website has a very similar color scheme to one of mine

I got one of those floating bars. Feel free to use this page as source of inspiration.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 22, 2014, 09:34:33 AM
Ah right, that site used green too (nice design btw!). I thought it was blue since I had 8times8 in my head :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 22, 2014, 05:17:37 PM
Smileys have been replaced. Most are from the 2005-06 and 2010-11 Omnimaga backups as well as SMF 1.1, and only one is from after I retired from admin (*.*)

I also added a Monthly top poster block on the front page. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 22, 2014, 09:23:00 PM
Nice updates DJ. And yes I meant cheating when it can get you in trouble more than just at school (so online games because that sucks and also illegal things).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 23, 2014, 07:21:53 AM
Thanks and yeah I guess it can include games, although it depends. Game Genie codes sharing and stuff would be fine, but not asking how to hack in online multiplayer games in order to gain an unfair advantage on your opponent.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 23, 2014, 12:17:42 PM
Yeah lol that's exactly what I meant. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 23, 2014, 10:40:10 PM
I also edited the buttons again. The others were too green. However I need to fix the inner borders.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 23, 2014, 11:00:46 PM
Ah it's much better like that. Before you fixed them it looked really weird. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 24, 2014, 05:17:33 AM
Indeed. I initially wanted to see how buttons like this would work and this was the first color scheme I came up with. Then I had to go to work >.<

Now to move the main site navigation below the logo...
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2014, 03:50:58 AM
So now I finally made the navigation and search so that they float at the top of the page, like Twitter, TI-Planet and Facebook. However, I never figured out how to properly insert the Welcome Username/Guest+Login/Register boxes there, so that will have to do for now. Stupid Z-indexes and overlapping on small resolutions x.x

I'll need to edit the links now, but apparently in SMF 2 that requires editing the Sources files. That could cause problems during upgrades, but if we ever need multiple themes this would make it so we only have 1 file to edit.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 25, 2014, 01:21:35 PM
That navbar at the top looks pretty cool.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 25, 2014, 01:57:19 PM
oIRC fixed by someone. That's a thing now.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2014, 04:50:56 PM
Yes but I just disabled it again because the lag (over 30 seconds loading) became unbearable.

Also I did some more editing to the theme to improve some mobile views. For example, under a certain resolution the navbar is no longer fixed (it will scroll with the page), although it doesn't work if you zoom in, for some reasons, and under 1000 pixels or so the search and info center moves down below the logo.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 25, 2014, 06:42:31 PM
I have found a dashboard thing. i have a copy running on my server. (
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 25, 2014, 08:18:57 PM
Oh nice. It's also running ( on the Codewalrus server. Pimath, you're hogging all the CPU with OmnomIRC.

Speaking of which, Omnom is now running on a subdomain, it seems to improve page loading for some reason.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on November 25, 2014, 08:26:05 PM
Omnom on subdomain works, cool. I believe you are fixing right now, so that might be fixed soon.

Also I leave in a bit for Pittsburgh.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2014, 08:56:04 PM
Quote from: Juju on November 25, 2014, 08:18:57 PM
Oh nice. It's also running ( on the Codewalrus server. Pimath, you're hogging all the CPU with OmnomIRC.

Speaking of which, Omnom is now running on a subdomain, it seems to improve page loading for some reason.
Strange, I would have thought that running in a folder, especially as relative link, not absolute, it would speed things up. ???

As for the Dash thing, if it's secure to be accessed publicly, could you maybe move it to or make that page display some stats as well as DigitalOcean's/CodeWalrus twitter feeds?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 25, 2014, 09:08:43 PM
Of course, I'll try to hack something about that.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 01:16:48 AM
Twitterfeed has been setup with Twitter and Facebook pages for the site. However, they are either unpublished or protected for now.

EDIT: Youtube has been fixed too, but now it no longer uses the Youtube BBCode: It just automatically parses the Youtube URLs as embedded videos (except on mobile devices). It supports HTTPs, Vine, DailyMotion and Vimeo, though. I didn't enable the rest, since I don't trust them (especially Facebook videos which contains viruses sometimes).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 06:10:22 AM
As a simple user, I can't set my beautiful avatar, I only have simple templates like celebrities. Could you fix that please?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 06:45:20 AM
Strange, you should normally be able to set it since you have more than 1 post. Let me check permissions. EDIT: Try now.

Btw Social Login have been fixed. It turns out that Twitter was already working, but the rest wasn't.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 07:04:52 AM
Done! It helps to have a normal user for starting with! :p
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 07:11:37 AM
Indeed. I wish that SMF had that Facebook option to view forum as a specific user or member group >.< though, because when nobody is online it would help.

Also, the site background and color scheme is now used on my Bandcamp page: . However, the banner remained intact and the background includes DJ Omnimaga logos so that the change doesn't look suspicious. But yeah people can now have a sneak peak of the site background (sort-of) <_< . It doesn't mean we are going public yet, though. (Jan 1st 2015, although some clues will slowly start to appear through December and staff already started using "Remember the day the walrus started to fly..." in their sigs without the logo.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 07:14:08 AM
Do you know where is the codewalrus's omnom server? I'd like to use a IRC client instead of having to deal with a bugged text box on Firefox.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 07:25:26 AM
You have to use EFnet or Freenode for the time being. Omninet will be added too around December, so that will be a triple-network IRC channel and the channel is #CodeWalrus. :)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 07:36:51 AM
Could you remove that please? This is quite annoying and blocks the access to the forum (well, reloading the URL works but it's still annoying)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 07:38:04 AM
For some reasons, Tapatalk's latest version gets rid of the option to remove the annoying Tapatalk nag. I will need to see if there is an alternative, because I got asked to upgrade now and before the upgrade there was an option to disable Tapatalk nag.

Maybe juju can find something.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 07:47:43 AM
Tell Tapatalk I hate them.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 07:49:49 AM
Yeah I sent a support ticket begging that they bring back the option.

That said, I haven't gotten the pop up in 1 week, even after tonight's upgrade. Maybe it only shows once or there are options to desactivate it for a certain period of time?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 26, 2014, 01:44:55 PM
Been posting with my phone and I didn't see the popup either.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 03:37:50 PM
So I got there by bad luck. :/ let's avoid this problem reappear...
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 26, 2014, 04:18:43 PM
Maybe because it was your first visit or your cookie got reset ?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 05:00:25 PM
Or he is using IE6 :trollface:
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 26, 2014, 05:01:51 PM :trollface:
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 06:48:15 PM
Yes :P. That said, some people are still stuck with IE6 because some schools lack the budget to pay staff to upgrade their computers or to purchase copies of Windows that supports IE7 or higher.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 07:07:42 PM
It's not like if one could upgrade IE to IE7 on XP :-°
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 09:49:01 PM
Well XP supports IE up to IE8. But I am pretty sure that some schools still use Windows 98, ME or 2000. :P

After all, in South America, the Playstation 2 is still the most popular console (even more than the Playstation 3) and this is why things like this happened:

Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 26, 2014, 09:54:53 PM
Or TLoZ Twilight Princess. It was released as well on Gamecube and Wii. (Funfact : the game is mirrored on the WIi, Link here is right handed where he is left-handed on the GC version, as he should be.)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 26, 2014, 10:21:28 PM
Yeah although by the the GC was only 5-6 years old. When FIFA 14 came out on the PS2 the console had been out for 13 years and discontinued since 6 months. On a side note Twilight Princess is particularly expensive on the GC now because of how rare it is.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 27, 2014, 10:36:45 PM
On a side note, now the Youtube tag is supported again in its old format.

You can still use just the Youtube URL with no tag and the videos will end up being embedded by default on non-mobile devices and outside preview mode, but the Youtube BBCode syntax (non-https) will be supported as well in order to make it easier to cross-post stuff from other forums.

For example, the following:

will give this:
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 28, 2014, 06:44:14 AM
Ah nice. What would be even better is to make the YouTube tag show the link below the video as well. When I browse on mobile I use Firefox in which embedded videos don't work but the site works perfectly fine.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 28, 2014, 07:41:36 AM
Yeah I wish I knew how to do that. Maybe eventually someone could mod the Youtube BBCode hack so that it does that and also add HTTPS support.

Also the reason why embeded videos won't work without the Youtube tag is because we use two different video mods and I disabled the one that parses videos without the BBCode for mobile browsers.

Also, technically the new Youtube mod supports like 100 vid websites, but I only enabled a few because I don't really trust other sites much and many were either buggy or not working.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 28, 2014, 04:37:26 PM
Better than thé previous but still suite unwanted...
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 28, 2014, 04:40:17 PM
Yeah, gotta hate that... If you delete a few php files in the mod it might probably work. But pretty sure it's against their TOS. Maybe not. We should also read it.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 28, 2014, 04:56:48 PM
Maybe check Tapatalk admin panel. I submitted a support ticket a few days ago.

Btw juju any luck fixing Omnom lag?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 28, 2014, 07:53:04 PM
Quote from: Juju on November 28, 2014, 04:40:17 PM
Yeah, gotta hate that... If you delete a few php files in the mod it might probably work. But pretty sure it's against their TOS. Maybe not. We should also read it.
That would suck. Imo a theme that works well on mobile should be better than Tapatalk. Make the theme UA based so that the user can request the desktop version too. I'll give it a try at one point (kinda like wptouch for WordPress).
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 28, 2014, 08:14:59 PM
I absolutely hate mobile special themes as they are quite clunky and they don't the whole expeirenceyou could have with a responsive design where you could keep all the features of the desktop site.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 28, 2014, 08:24:05 PM
I don't mean a stripped down version don't worry. I might consider making the current theme responsive though. :)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 28, 2014, 09:19:28 PM
A mobile theme would be pretty nice. That could maybe even replace Tapatalk if done well.

The forum would check the useragent to check if you're on mobile and put the mobile theme by default and you can always request the desktop theme instead. And anyway mobile browsers have a "View desktop version" option.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 28, 2014, 10:32:44 PM
Yes that's exactly how I suggested to do it. :)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 28, 2014, 11:34:30 PM
As long as the current theme remains intact on desktop view I am fine with your ideas.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 29, 2014, 09:41:36 AM
Heheh, that's responsive is for! Keeping UI/UX for desktop and giving a better for mobiles. Aaanhway, you said that editing style on a SMF was hard because it doesn't give acces easily to the style. How will you manage to do it?
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 29, 2014, 07:10:40 PM
It gives easy access to CSS, but to change navigation links you must edit subs.php or something.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 29, 2014, 07:15:13 PM
Wait are we really gonna hit 1000 posts in under a month? My original projection for jan 1st was 1000 on opening day. O.O.

But again, I was originally planning to not invite anybody else than the staff until December 1st. Also the original plan was that if by Jan 1st we had under 1K we would wait until we reach it before opening.

Thanks to everyone so far.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 29, 2014, 08:26:45 PM
Hehe, everyone likes when everything goes better than expected.

(inb4 we didn't even launched yet and we're more active than Omnimaga)

Edit: Wait, we are? I did the math and for the 18 days since the site creation until I write those lines:

Omnimaga posts: 1080
Omnimaga topics: 62
Codewalrus posts: 892
Codewalrus topics: 55
Number of days CW's been more active than Omni: 6 (33%)

Way to go, guys.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 29, 2014, 08:56:34 PM
Although if this site really takes off then it wouldn't hurt to use it later to send some ppl to Omni (assuming staff is still around there). After all if we get ppl asking for ASM or Axe help, sometimes we might not always be able to help.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 30, 2014, 05:14:31 AM
Ok, so one feature idea I had since a long time ago on Omnimaga was so that the rating system would be tied directly with the "Report to Moderator" feature. I added this suggestion to the todo list because I might not be able to code such thing, but it would be nice to have in a not-so-distant future.

Here's how it would work:

-When voting a message up, it would increase the post and user Karma normally.
-However, in order to vote a message down, you would need to report it to moderators ("Report to Moderator" link would be replaced with a downvote button), where a reason would be given.

Because currently, if we force people to give a reason for voting, it makes the report system redundant and it also discourages people from voting messages up since it takes too long.

I disabled voting reasons for now but I will enable it again later if people abuse it after the site opens.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 30, 2014, 08:49:04 AM
IMO they should be necessary only when downvoting.  I usually don't write much more for the vote than a post giving my opinion...
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on November 30, 2014, 09:44:31 AM
Quote from: Juju on November 29, 2014, 08:26:45 PM
Hehe, everyone likes when everything goes better than expected.

(inb4 we didn't even launched yet and we're more active than Omnimaga)

Edit: Wait, we are? I did the math and for the 18 days since the site creation until I write those lines:

Omnimaga posts: 1080
Omnimaga topics: 62
Codewalrus posts: 892
Codewalrus topics: 55
Number of days CW's been more active than Omni: 6 (33%)

Way to go, guys.
Factor in the number of people posting and we are effectively more acitve than omni members. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on November 30, 2014, 03:28:45 PM
Factor in the members who are more active here than there! :p
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 30, 2014, 05:17:13 PM

Quote from: Eiyeron on November 30, 2014, 08:49:04 AM
IMO they should be necessary only when downvoting.

The main issue right now is that the karma mod lacks such feature. It's either mandatory reason for both or none at all.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 01, 2014, 02:42:59 AM
If we mod that mod, that might be doable.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 01, 2014, 04:44:36 AM
Ok so robot.txt is gone now (unless there is another one elsewhere?). Although we are not sharing it ourselves the site will probably have some meta-tags soon too.

Also on Omni I decided to use the Walrii avatar that has the spikes power up to reduce confusion.

EDIT: I also got rid of the orange links in the site theme. I thought it kinda looked nice at first, but now that most stuff is green it looks a bit weird to just have those orange.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on December 01, 2014, 05:21:36 PM
Maybe the blue should go away too. Also the pink text. <_<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 01, 2014, 05:26:37 PM
Yeah, I was wondering if I would ask you which was would have done that <_<
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 01, 2014, 05:43:56 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on December 01, 2014, 05:21:36 PM
Maybe the blue should go away too. Also the pink text. <_<
Do you mean the blue-gray-ish links for other links? I thought about making them green, but then I would need to change the CodeWalrus staff color. :P
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 01, 2014, 05:49:44 PM
Do you mean the breacrumb? It's quite useful in some times, but only some times... Nah, drop it.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 01, 2014, 08:23:56 PM
Yeah those, as well as Quote, Modify, Remove, etc
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 02, 2014, 04:06:30 AM
Custom site navigation has been implemented. Some links were moved under Forum or elsewhere and links to the site downloads section, as well as the external store, were added.

Unfortunately, unlike in SMF 1.1, in order to edit SMF 2.0 navigation, you must edit the SMF source files (subs.php). This could prevent site upgrades, although we will only see when SMF 2.0.10 is out. If that's the case, then either the navigation will have to be moved to index.template.php like in SMF 1.1 or it will need to be removed then implemented again and again during each upgrade.

However, this basically means that my todo list for urgent stuff has been processed entirely. The rest, written in bold purple, is under juju/Streetwalrus/pimath's hand. I still need to update a lot of stuff, but all of it is either non-urgent or cannot be done immediately.

By the way, thanks a lot to everyone who helped so far and others who voiced their opinion about possible site updates. Hopefully we can present a fully functional site on January 1st 2015. :)

On a side note: For all the non-staff members who were let into this website before opening, ever since this website project started the plan was that I would be solely Forum maintenance staff. In other words, I will admin board categories and stuff, but once this site opens to public, I won't be full moderator nor will I have full server access. I'll be more like some sort of CEO I guess, a position I am more comfortable (and stable) with. Had I been able to return to Omni administration back in 2012 (I ran Omni from Sept 2001 to July 2011, although my server privileges were reduced starting in Feb 2011 and mod privileges by May 2011), the lack of mod privileges would have been my condition, but unfortunately split usergroups happened too late, preventing such non-moderator admin position.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 03, 2014, 03:32:41 PM

Note : this is pretty borken
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 03, 2014, 04:18:11 PM
I never understood why text is sometimes enlarged and other times not on mobile browsers O.O

I'm gonna fix later.
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 03, 2014, 05:30:13 PM
Huurr durr enlarge your text :p
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 03, 2014, 06:00:23 PM
I might make it part of the logo
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 04, 2014, 05:38:34 AM
I finally added the slogan to the logo image itself. I used TI fonts, except I modified them to avoid copyright problems (I doubt it, though, else they would have sent Omnimaga a DMCA notice long ago. Btw there was an april fools joke there about that :P)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: novenary on December 04, 2014, 12:32:08 PM
Nice, I like how it looks. :)
Title: Re: todo list & building discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 04, 2014, 02:23:34 PM
Thanks :D
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 04, 2014, 05:02:08 PM
Oh, I would have trid with the Nokia cellphone font but well, since Canabalt and Flixel, I see it almost everywhere... ><

EDIT : In the "who's active" panel in the index page, who are the "Spiders"?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 04, 2014, 08:57:54 PM
Search engine bots. Should normally be 0 as we have a robots.txt on and we never linked this site anywhere publicly yet.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 04, 2014, 11:56:04 PM
Juju the robot.txt was deleted on December 1st (unless someone added it again), so that might explain why bots started to appear. The site is also on Google analytics since then.

On an unrelated note, for IRC post notifications I wonder if those scripts could be of any use, if anyone knows how to install and set them up?

EDIT: Omninet support added.

EDIT: Thanks to pimath, the post notifier bot is working :D (although disabled until the forum is visible to guests).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 05, 2014, 06:18:51 AM
Ok, another update:

The Karma buttons were renamed and moved besides the Quote and Modify buttons. The upvote link now says Like (Facebook-style) and the downvote icon was replaced with a stop sign with an exclamation mark saying "Flag as abusive". Hopefully this encourages people to use the post rating system accordingly. I could not seem to figure out how to make the text aligned with the other buttons, though, but again the different text alignment could distract users and prevent people from accidentally downvoting instead of quoting.

Because I could not find any way to merge downvotes with report to moderator, I have left the Report to moderator link intact. I also added an extra navigation option under the Moderate dropdown leading to the liked and flagged posts log, so that moderators can easily monitor post rating activity in case of abuse.

EDIT: Added About navigation (leading to the About page, board rules and post stats)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 09, 2014, 02:59:04 AM
Just to confirm, because I had disabled the Recent Post mod earlier due to concern about its license, but Cooliojazz told me it's fine if I use it regardless of what site it is for. It lacks a license but he made it himself. So it's enabled again now. Same for OmnomIRC with Soru, although he gave me approval a few weeks ago already.

The rest of the mods were found elsewhere including on SMF website and are free to use anywhere.

Also the theme is based on SMF Curve (default).

The About section is being edited accordingly.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 09, 2014, 01:29:00 PM
Well technically if it doesn't have a license then we can do whatever with it, but it's good to have explicit permission from Coolio. Besides he wouldn't have put it up if he didn't want anyone using it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 09, 2014, 02:27:02 PM
Open source code without any license means default copyright laws apply. You can freely use the software, but you can't reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from it (that is, modify it) and Coolio retains all rights to the code. However, if it's been published to GitHub, you have some additional rights as Coolio accepted the terms and services by signing up, specifically, view and fork the repository.

But in doubt, it's always preferable to ask the original author as you did, especially if you're gonna modify the software. As Street said, he wouldn't have put it up if he didn't want anyone using it.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 09, 2014, 03:32:45 PM
Ah that's good to know Juju, thanks. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 09, 2014, 08:41:41 PM
Thanks for the info :)

Also some minor uodated: the staff board link is now blue for visibility and at the same time to make it easier to distinguish forum discussion. I am also contemplating making the CW staff #009900 or the same green as the logo because I would like to change link colors to something more distinguishable. What do you think?

EDIT: Twitterfeed confirmed to work. Some lucky guests might have seen the website for a couple of minutes. :P
EDIT: Changed forum categories and did some edits/merges, per aeTIos recommendation.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 10, 2014, 02:29:40 AM

- You can do this stuff now:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 10, 2014, 02:49:54 AM
That is awesome. What will happen with topic 404, though? :P

Also, there is an SMF mod that makes post links look like that by default, but I don't know if it breaks stuff, plus I can no longer find it (maybe it was removed recently or on another site?)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 10, 2014, 02:59:47 AM
It just says that the topic doesn't exist.

How it works, I pretty much modified the 404 handler to point to a php file that parses the path, if it's not integers then it points to the actual 404.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 10, 2014, 03:01:57 AM
Aah ok, I was unsure. Imagine if topic 404 (if we reach that :P) was a super important CW release or something.

EDIT: I am also editing Omnom CSS because two divs still had the wrong colors. I also replaced the Extra channel alert message, since it was completely irrelevant to our site.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Scipi on December 10, 2014, 07:03:37 PM
Found a small bug. On the forum drop down, Board Index gives the incorrect link:. instead of
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 10, 2014, 07:23:55 PM
Thanks for reporting. I'll fix it asap.

I also can't seem to track down what causes the menu bar glitch when searching the forums (there's a green rectangle to the right of the Logout link). I'll need to check with the default subs.php file to see if my modification is what causes the problem.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 10, 2014, 10:32:33 PM
Heh, don't worry, topic 404 will redirect to the right place.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 11, 2014, 04:10:33 AM
Confirming that when using HTTPS:
-We get warned that our certificate is invalid and asked if we want to continue anyway
-OmnomIRC doesn't work in that mode (invalid URL)

OmnomIRC still also has lag despite the recent changes, but at least when enabled forum-wide it no longer causes the entire site to take 30 seconds to load if reloaded before OmnomIRC was loaded last time, so we just have to browse normally if we don't use Omnom.


-Bandcamp store redesign complete.
-About section updated with staff group descriptions. Updated staff list and site description.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 11, 2014, 09:04:40 AM
Yup, you guys can thank sorunome for the help on omnomirc. I might let him into the server and forum admin for a while so that he can check things out. If he agrees that is.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 11, 2014, 09:21:10 AM
Although while I welcome his help and that I would normally trust him with full site access, he was extremely hostile to the CW idea at first (and to myself as a result) despite the motives behind it. Unless he (partially) changed his mind?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 11, 2014, 10:18:31 AM
Well he took the initiative of helping us so I guess he changed his mind now. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 11, 2014, 04:06:08 PM
Aaah ok good to hear.

Also some problems I ran into on OmnomIRC just now: 3 warnings and 3 errors:

Close Warnings
Time: 11:02:36 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=cGltYXRoYnJhaW5pYWM,&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: ID not set, some features may be unavailable
Time: 11:02:36 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=cGltYXRoYnJhaW5pYWM,&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: Didn't set a channel, defaulting to 0
Time: 11:02:36 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=cGltYXRoYnJhaW5pYWM,&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: Not logged in

EDIT: Errors:
Close Errors
Time: 12:01:58 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=U3RyZWV0d2FscnVz&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: Nick not set
Time: 12:01:58 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=U3RyZWV0d2FscnVz&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: Signature not set
Time: 12:01:58 AM
File: Load.php?userinfo&name=U3RyZWV0d2FscnVz&chan=0&online=2
type: misc
message: You need to log in to be able to view chat!

And the following sometimes happen:

504 Gateway Time-out

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 11, 2014, 10:42:46 PM
Although I got the go from Cooliojazz to use his Recent post mod, Coolio pmed me again today because it turns out that I also need to ask Eeems as well (done) before, so this is why it was removed for the time being. In other words it's another Mighty No.9 vs Capcom scenario.

It will be put back up if we get official confirmation that we can use it, otherwise we will switch to something like
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Scipi on December 11, 2014, 11:07:57 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 11, 2014, 10:42:46 PM
Although I got the go from Cooliojazz to use his Recent post mod, Coolio pmed me again today because it turns out that I also need to ask Eeems as well (done) before, so this is why it was removed for the time being. In other words it's another Mighty No.9 vs Capcom scenario.

It will be put back up if we get official confirmation that we can use it, otherwise we will switch to something like

If we don't get permission, I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be too difficult to modify existing code to suit the same purpose. At the very least, we can make a few changes to the code going on in that link to give a little more information.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 12, 2014, 12:13:42 AM
We can create a custom SimplePortal block based on the link above. With Nice Tooltips suppirt it would rule.

EDIT: I updated the navigation with the temporary recent posts page at
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 12, 2014, 07:39:43 AM
Social buttons have been added to the forums, so when you view a topic you can like it on Facebook or share it on Twitter.

There is now also a block on the front page where starting Saturday, you will be able to like, follow or access our Facebook and Twitter pages.

In addition to that, below each post, you can select a short version of that post URL for easier sharing. There is another one at the bottom of the topic if you just want to link to the topic, not a specific post.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 12, 2014, 10:59:22 PM
Nice additions DJ. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 12, 2014, 11:49:33 PM
Thanks :). I have replaced the Recent Topics blocks with a custom SimplePortal block by Blue from SimplePortal Forums. I made everything in one line, removed the hr line separator and removed avatars, though. If we can't use Omnimaga's as replacement in the near future, I'll look into making the custom block so that it displays the board in which the topic is located

Not sure if it will look good on mobile, but at least it doesn't have that bug preventing it from displaying more than 31 topics. It does too many queries for my needs, though, so we might need to switch to something less resource-intensive asap.

ALso the Facebook/Twitter pages are going public soon, but not much will happen there yet since the RSS feed is invisible to guests.

EDIT: OmnomIRC bug: Topic change doesn't work (it changes Omnom topic but not the IRC chans).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 13, 2014, 07:20:31 AM
It doesn't look bad. We still need that recent post module so it's a nice thing you put there.

Edit : oh well Noe it's bigger than the oost
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 13, 2014, 11:41:23 AM
Hmmm the topic thing is because TopicWalrii is disabled. I need to enabled it and (h)op it on all three networks. :P Also pimath has chanserv ownership on freenode and Omninet so we need him for that. <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2014, 12:10:54 PM
Yeah that's what PImath told me last night, although beforehand for some reasons he was against giving operator privileges to the bot. O.O (I guess it might be in case all other ops disconnect and only that bot keeps operator privileges, though.)

He really should transfer the channels because as +a on Omninet I can't even change permissions. >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on December 13, 2014, 01:52:50 PM
Hi. I was checking the site and have to interject something. The OmnomIRC TopicWalrii is the new post bot aka the one that WalTopic (on efnet) will replace once it's Jan 1st and some code is uncommented). WalriiBot should get ops for topic changing, so yeah, I'll do that and I'll +a Street on both Freenode and Omninet.

Also stuff in my personal life is clearing up (which is why I've been able to work on the bot). Source code is here ( btw. (You need the gson libraries and PircBotX libraries to run, as per readme. Also the build.xml names it CDBot by default, since this is based on that project).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2014, 03:15:15 PM
Good luck pimath on your life stuff :) (also thanks a lot  ^^)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 13, 2014, 09:23:17 PM
I'll try to work on a more efficient solution that is deeply integrated with SMF once my semester ends on Monday. By then I may not be on much.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 13, 2014, 10:09:15 PM
Hmmm, the problem is even though I have +a it doesn't mean I can edit chanserv permissions. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2014, 11:27:41 PM
Quote from: Juju on December 13, 2014, 09:23:17 PM
I'll try to work on a more efficient solution that is deeply integrated with SMF once my semester ends on Monday. By then I may not be on much.
That would be an idea, except that Geekboy told me that Omni used to have that and it caused too many problems. Not sure what they use now, though.

Btw do you think you'll be able to fix Omnom lag? While it doesn't slow down the site anymore, I disabled the block anyway now because it only loads 10% of the time, although Omnom Full usually finishes loading (even if it takes a while) everytime. It will be easier to access the full block now.

ALso about the current New Posts block, another issue it has is that it doesn't support boards with titles that contains HTML. For example, I had to remove the span tag from the Staff board title for it to display fine.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 14, 2014, 11:25:43 AM
Omnom loads all the time for me but it takes a while.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 14, 2014, 12:17:17 PM
For me it usually ranges between 5 seconds and 30 seconds, otherwise it just remains blank forever. As for sending text, it was somewhat faster last night, but that might be because nobody was online. I remember once when it took a minute to send something.

I am definitively curious about what goes on behind the scenes during an Omnom text sending. Does it just attempt to send it, then if it fails it plays ping pong until it does it fine?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 14, 2014, 12:46:48 PM
That's a question for Sorunome, I have no idea how Omnom works as I didn't write it. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 15, 2014, 06:16:45 AM
He honestly doesn't know what could cause it actually. I suspect it has to do with setup from one ISP to another, tho, because Scipi has the same problem and my city's shopping mall doesn't.

Also a little update: The banner now has a small poem or something below, including the Coming Soon 2015 text.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 15, 2014, 10:58:55 AM
Well I think the problem might be that browser -> server communication is kinda wonky, because that's basically the only thing that doesn't work well. It might also explain why it dumps the whole thing when a message is sent from IRC. Basically the client receives the message and then retries to send.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 16, 2014, 06:16:30 AM
In the worst case scenario, we can always write a modified version of Simpleportal shoutbox without the weird interface and using some script that relays the shoutbox with IRC and vice-versa.

Not that it's a serious issue right now, though. If we can't get lag fixed before site opening, there will be an IRC link in the navigation regardless, where you can access alternatives and OmnomIRC Full.

What we really need on opening day, though, is the post notifier online 24/7, a backup cron job as you planned to do, and for the weeks before a decent post+project update rate (so far the average is pretty good, except maybe this weekend).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 16, 2014, 01:56:47 PM
Yeah I still need to sort out my ethernet issues to hook up my server for the backup service. <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 16, 2014, 05:09:31 PM
Is it because your ethernet port is broken? D: I had this happen on this computer I think, or maybe the ethernet card is dead. One day, for unexplained reasons, my wired connection stopped working entirely and I never could figure out how to connect this computer to a wired connection again. As a result, I am forced to use wifi.

EDIT: I also added a new sub-member group that is just a badge like the CW staff and DOmain name owner groups: Original 5, which defines the 5 people who founded this site. That way, even after retiring one day, they'll still keep their badge.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 17, 2014, 10:07:49 PM

- The New bot on IRC should probably work I guess?

EDIT: Yep, it works. There's like 4 lines of code on SMF's side total (I should convert it to a mod, I have the diff if anyone wants it) and 17 lines of code as a plugin for EeeZorBot. If you're wondering, it's on EFNet because we needed ops there.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 17, 2014, 10:42:29 PM
Awesome! Keep in mind though that Omni used to have a similarly-working post notifier bot in 2011 or so and it caused many issues, so if possible you should give us instructions in the staff board on how to restart it.

Also what SMF file did you modify? Because modifying some source folder files will prevent future SMF upgrades. Converting it to a mod would definitively be a must (make sure it can uninstall fine).

EDIT: Bot doesn't work with Tapatalk D:

Btw a question: If someone's IP change, is there an easy way to add the new IP to our respective ZNC's and the new post bot for auto-ops? Otherwise that could become a problem in the future.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 17, 2014, 11:20:02 PM
I posted some instructions on the staff board please refer to it, including what to modify to make a mod. Also the bot is designed to run on (the same server as the web server). And yeah I should probably look at how to make the post bot easily give ops and change its config.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 18, 2014, 06:10:55 AM
OK thanks. We need to keep SMF file modifiying to a minimum, to make it easy to upgrade. Currently, if SMF 2.0.10 came out tomorrow, then unless the package manager can workaround custom file code, then in order to upgrade, we would need to proceed as follow:

1) Manually revert the changes done to the site navigation bar (remove Downloads, the Forums sub-menu, About, Store and the extra options)
2) Remove the post notifier code
3) Upgrade via package manager
4) Re-add the post notifier code
5) Re-add the custom navigation

Regarding ops, we need a way to identify on boths and stuff, so if someone's IP change then ops are given automatically. I doubt it will happen on ZNCs tho.

As for site affiliation, as I said it will be limited to link exchanges when it comes to other sites. Right now, only BroniesQC (A Quebec-based MLP community) is affiliate and the first calc site to be is most likely gonna be Planète-Casio. Funny how all our affiliates use French. :P

Anyway here's the updated todo list for stuff that needs to be fixed before site opening (although Omnom lag is unlikely to get fixed by then, seeing the problem is more on Omnom side and Soru can't figure out)

-Fix massive lag issues caused by OmnomIRC (it's not as bad as it was before tonight since it doesn't affect the rest of the site, but Omnom text sending and loading still sometimes peak at 30 seconds)
-Setup regular automatic backups including a script letting me or someone else auto-download backups off-server, such as my own computer. (I currently backup stuff manually, which is effective, but not everyday since it's a little tedious)
-Finish configuring #codewalrus on Omninet and Freenode. Pimathbrainiac owns the Omninet chan so he might have to transfer its ownership to Street or Juju so that they can add other staff to the auto-ops list
-Split all ZNC/auto-oping bots accross three different connections for better EFnet security. Currently, they're all on CodeWalrus, so if CW goes down or server reboots then we're screwed.
-Disable MLOCK in the Omninet chan so it can be set -s (just +nt), since the channel is publicly available anyway. Same for Freenode if #KnightOS is also public, but not on EFnet due to spam

EDIT: forum theme collapse/expand icons were replaced.
I also moved affiliates out of the Like our site block, so that they are visible to guests.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 18, 2014, 11:33:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 16, 2014, 05:09:31 PM
Is it because your ethernet port is broken? D: I had this happen on this computer I think, or maybe the ethernet card is dead. One day, for unexplained reasons, my wired connection stopped working entirely and I never could figure out how to connect this computer to a wired connection again. As a result, I am forced to use wifi.
Nah it's just that I have two computers and a single 15M cable to hook up to the router so I need to hack some stuff up I guess (iirc ethernet only needs 2/4 pairs so I can probably split the cable).

Edit: indeed, two pairs are for power which is unused by 99% stuff (and PCs definitely don't use it) so I can sort this out when I go back to campus. If I need two comps there at all.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 18, 2014, 10:11:44 PM
On the member list, it is now possible to sort members by last post date:;sort=last_post;start=0

It should also make it much easier to find out if someone has been active recently.

I would also like Karma to show up there, but the mod allowing such thing is SMF 1.1-only. D:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 18, 2014, 10:14:56 PM
Test failed?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 18, 2014, 10:16:35 PM
Ignore the post I deleted above (and check my previous one :P). It was to check if post notifications worked in Tapatalk (and they do).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 18, 2014, 10:19:25 PM
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 19, 2014, 02:31:52 AM
Ok so now in addition to the last post date (and link to said post), the member list now shows when an user was last online.

You can now stalk your friends faster? :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 21, 2014, 05:30:50 PM
Something that would be cool with the URL shortener is if it was possible to find a post in particular just by typing for example:*/1924

Or something like that. I don't know if it would be resource-intensive, though, but I guess when grabbing the post data it could check in which topic it's assigned to, if post data includes that.

Also the URL shortener now has an easter egg if you manage to find it (assuming you don't know yet). :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on December 21, 2014, 09:04:03 PM
Hey, don't even try guys! :p
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 21, 2014, 09:53:17 PM
Yeah, right, leaking it is magic. :P

Also I split urgent stuff in half since it's clear some will not be done before opening (such as fixing Omnom lag, which is out of our hands unless it's a server config issue). Some stuff was moved to the  new "must be done ASAP" section.

EDIT: Added post board select mod (when you start a new topic and realize you're not in the right section, then you just select the new board in a drop down rather than having to copy your post into clipboard then going back.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 24, 2014, 01:25:15 AM
So now when you receive a new PM, it will show a big red bar with yellow text below the site banner, warning you that you got new PMs, which can be clicked to go to your inbox. If this is not visible enough, then I don't know what will. In the worst case scenario, I could just make the bar position fixed and fill the entire screen, blocking the forum view until they clicked the inbox link :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 24, 2014, 05:22:56 AM
Recieving a PM should be the most annoying experience ever so the sender makes sure you read it. Well not that much but still, it should be made clear you recieved one, and usually a something turning red should be enough.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 24, 2014, 05:30:09 AM
Right now, by default you have the option to receive an email and pop up disabled by default. Not sure why SMF disables that by default, though. At least the red bar cannot be disabled, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 24, 2014, 06:35:12 PM

-Since this is the final week before opening, the board is slowly unveiling itself even more. Now instead of being entirely locked down it will show partial areas, such as an empty board index, a portal with no active topic/news list (there are extra blocks tho) and some other limited access.

Someone remind me before Jan 1st to unlock the following for guests:

-View memberlist and groups EDIT Dec 29th Done
-View user profiles EDIT Dec 29th Done
-View who's online EDIT Dec 29th Done
-View latest activity/recent posts blocks EDIT Dec 29th Done
-Unhide all sub-forums (except staff/thrash bin) from guests
-Remove the extra block visible for guests
-Replace the intro block with a short summary of the site. EDIT Dec 29th Done
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on December 24, 2014, 06:58:35 PM
Okay I'm starting to get excited. I'll try and remind you before the 1st
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 24, 2014, 07:02:11 PM
Thanks :walrii: . I might not forget but since most options must be altered in different admin panels I might at least forget one or two.

Heck there could be other things I forgot since the very start that I don't remember.  <.< At least I know the portal works for guests, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 25, 2014, 01:33:28 AM

Now when a new member joins and has his account activated, he will automatically receive the folliwng PM ^.^

QuoteHello, {$username},

Welcome to CodeWalrus forums, a community for fans of mobile, calculator (mostly TI-84 Plus, TI-Nspire and HP Prime) and computer programming, as well as hardware, retro gaming and art.

With a forum account, you can now participate to the forums. We encourage you to introduce yourself ( so that people know more about your hobbies or yourself. :) More features will be unlocked in your forum profile ( as you post more messages (such as the ability to setup an avatar, signature or to send private messages (

If you need help using the forum software, we have an help ( section available for you. We also have an about ( page with more information about CodeWalrus itself and you can review the rules at any time here ( Should you need help on something missing from there or want to give feedback, feel free to post in the site discussion ( board. 

Otherwise, we welcome users of all levels who are willing to contribute to our forums and the community, so once you are set, head to the forum index ( or the Latest Activity ( section. :)

We also have a few games available for download (, all of which are made by our users, and an IRC chat room called #CodeWalrus, where our members hang out, which can be reached from EFnet, Omninet, Freenode, using an IRC client of your choice or the website client called OmnomIRC.

We hope that you enjoy your stay!

The CodeWalrus Staff :walrii:

Since e-mail notifications for PMs are disabled by default for new members, they will not get a duplicate welcome e-mail from this.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 27, 2014, 06:06:51 AM
By the way @Juju , have you moved YukiBot to Soru's server yet?

Also if somebody could type @DJ Omnimaga in his post it would be appreciated. I want to check if the mention mod is working.

EDIT: Nevermind. After creating a test account and giving it a postcount of 25, it seems to work.

Now it is possible to call/mention someone in a topic like on yAronet and Facebook: If you type, for example, @Streetwalrus , it will notify him via the site navigation. The Profile link will change to Profile [1] and there will be a new section called Mentions in there.

He can then choose to enable e-mail notifications for mentions, so that if someone needs him in a topic and uses this new feature, then he'll receive an e-mail.

This could be handy for when someone needs help from someone in particular or wants to report an important game bug.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on December 27, 2014, 07:32:31 AM
Oh hey @DJ Omnimaga ^_^

And nope, it's probably better YukiBot stays on localhost (that is, CW's server) for security reasons and so she can access the mysql server and listen for new posts directly easily.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 27, 2014, 07:52:13 AM
Ok, but then which bot goes on Soru server?

The issue right now is that we have two bots on localhost and only one on Withg. We need three different connections (ideally two bots per connections via different EFnet servers for a total of 6) to keep the EFnet channel viable.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 27, 2014, 10:49:15 PM
My server is ready to be deployed stuff onto, will go online tomorrow. Also, I just setup a cronjob to restart Omnom every night at 00:00.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 27, 2014, 10:58:19 PM
Thanks a lot. Is it GMT or GMT-5? It's 5:51 PM, which probably means 10:51 PM GMT, meaning I'll have to check in 71 minutes to see if it works, right?

As for backup setup let me know when they are operational. Ideally we should have the ability to download copies as staff from somewhere, but at least what counts is that automatic backups are done, especially that there are only 4 days left before I lose most server access (I currently backup manually).

I added the Omnom disconnection issues to the todo list but I was running out of color ideas so yeah <_< (not that it will remain there for long, though, if the script works tonight)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 27, 2014, 11:01:03 PM
It's server time (montreal time).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 27, 2014, 11:03:21 PM
Aah ok. I was unsure because while the server is set to that, the forum is set to some random African city. I originally set the site to Montreal time too but then another staff engaged into a timezone war. O.O

(That said the board is fine as it is, considering most members are from Europe. :P)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 28, 2014, 05:02:14 PM
Update: @Streetwalrus script to reconnect OmnomIRC did not launch last night. Did the backup cron job work?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 29, 2014, 09:24:41 PM
The cronjob to restart Omnom is on cw, backups aren't operational yet (I have no idea how to download everything to my server).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 30, 2014, 12:53:30 AM
Ok this time when the bot cron job ran, it failed to connect to Omninet. Only Freenode/EFnet syncs with Omnom right now. Seems like it might need to retry connecting 2-3 times when it fails?

Also good luck with backups X.x
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 30, 2014, 07:49:03 PM
This is an Omnom issue, can't do anything (unless you poke Soru about it).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 31, 2014, 12:17:34 AM
Ah ok I was worried the cron job either didn't start correctly or that the bot was banned.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 31, 2014, 05:58:33 PM
Summary of what needs to be enabled before site opening:

-9:30 PM (4:30 PM GMT-5, 10:30 PM France time)- DJ will approve all members that have signed up by then. I will most likely not be online until about 6-7 hours later.
-11:55 PM or so (6:55 PM GMT-5, 12:55 AM France time) - At;area=featuresettings , someone will need to check the "Allow guests to browse the forum" box
-11:55 PM or so - At;area=regcenter;sa=settings , the "Method of registration employed for new members" option will have to be changed to "Immediate registration"
-11:55 PM or so - At;area=oasl;sa=settings , the "Method of registration employed for new members?" option will have to be changed to "Automatically approve users that registers with Social Login".
-12 AM (7 PM GMT-5, 1 AM France time) - Approve and send e-mail to whoever registered after the initial 9:30 PM GMT wave of account approval.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: pimathbrainiac on December 31, 2014, 11:56:53 PM
We are now open for business!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 01, 2015, 05:29:27 AM
Awesome! Now I removed that counter. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 01, 2015, 11:26:00 PM

The online list on the front page was replaced with a custom one that is basically the same as on the board index. I got annoyed at how the default Simpleportal block had a scrollbar when there are more than 7 users online at once and the lack of a setting to make it horizontal.

I also added a second, stripped-down copy just above the Recent Posts page.

EDIT: Signatures now allow 10 images instead of 4, for people with special banners and effects, but mind the  board rules and advices ( <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 03, 2015, 08:05:18 AM
We now have an IPv6 mod installed, but we have to check if it actually works first, since other people reported problems in the past with it on SMF website. Keep in mind that even with this mod we will probably still continue to have to approve IPv6 users manually when they register, though, and do so as long as Stop Spammer lacks IPv6 support. (When an user registers on CW, it checks Stop Spammer database in case the user IP or e-mail was reported as spammer in the past. If it's unable to find the user IP or if it's suspected to be a bot, then the account will require an admin to validate it)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 03, 2015, 08:14:03 PM
Yep, now waiting for the next guy who'll visit the site on IPv6... Anyway, no worries, I doubt spammers started using IPv6 for now... (Although I'd like to see one.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 03, 2015, 09:01:34 PM
I hope they won't anytine soon O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 03, 2015, 09:08:29 PM
Hehe, yeah. Also, this is an IPv6 test. (yay posting from elinks.)

EDIT: Test successful!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 03, 2015, 10:25:04 PM
On IRC earlier, you mentionned that your IP was cutoff, though. Is that still the case?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 03, 2015, 11:28:40 PM
It was in the error log, probably a bug there but not much people cares about that section. At least the bans should work.

EDIT: Nope. Still doesn't support IPv6 correctly. I think.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 04, 2015, 06:06:25 AM
I guess we will have to forget about IPv6 until SMF 2.1 then (if it even comes out in SMF 2.1). The mod we have right now is reportedly buggy. Or you could submit a bug report to the author on SMF board:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 04, 2015, 07:29:06 AM
I guess. That will be one thing we'll try when we'll think upgrading to SMF 2.1 soon.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 04, 2015, 07:43:58 AM
That said, I am not looking forward for the upgrade, because this means we will lose many features that are only available via current mods. That's unless their respective authors are still around to update them by then. Also, having to redo the forum theme from scratch will be annoying. >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 04, 2015, 08:15:59 AM
Well, according to common sense, 2.0 -> 2.1 should be less painful than 1.1 -> 2.0. But you never know...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 04, 2015, 10:28:31 PM
Quote<Hooloovoo>   should walrified links direct to a specific post? they are putting me to the top of the correct page for me
Fixed. Links like are redirecting to the correct post instead of the top of the page.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 06, 2015, 09:50:46 PM
I found out why the Simpleportal Recent posts block shows a random amount of topics and cannot show more than about 29-31:

Basically, it uses SSI functions, like the older versions of EzPortal, so if in the SSI settings I have things set to only show, for example, the latest 400 posts, then the recent topics block for SimplePortal will only show recent topics in which those 400 posts were made. So basically, if, one day, we had 400 posts in a single topic, then the recent posts page would only show 1 topic.

I'll have to figure out how to change SSI settings in SMF 2.0.9 and if that requires modifying the source code.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's too resource intensive. There is also an AJAX-based mod on SMF website, but it lacks the "New" icon and is buggy. Every other New posts mod is buggy or incompatible as well.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2015, 08:13:22 AM
UPDATE: In Firefox and Opera, the iframe version of OmnomIRC shoutbox now shows an image when it takes a while to load. I enabled the shoutbox again to see how it would go since some of the lag was fixed a while ago.

However, in IE11, the image and gray placeholder box will not show up at all until Omnom finally loaded. Instead, a blank space will appear.

And in Chrome, OmnomIRC doesn't work at all. It says ERROR: couldn't join channel. You must be logged in in order to chat, even though I am logged in. The loading image shows up, though.EDIT: Nvm I cleared Omnom settings and it works now. So only IE11 fails to show the image.

Btw this is what the image looks like:

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 08, 2015, 05:19:57 AM
UPDATE: There is now a way to disable OmnomIRC entirely, as in it won't even appear at all anymore, which can be useful if you use a very old phone or computer but cannot use Tapatalk. To do so, go to your profile, then click "Group Memberships". In there, you will see the "Regular Members (shoutbox disabled)" group. Join this group to hide the entire OmnomIRC block. You can join or leave this member group as you see fit.

By the way, is the PM notification bar visible enough for you? Personally, if people still misses their PMs with such bar in the future, then I don't know what to say *.*

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 09, 2015, 06:31:47 PM
Some smileys have been updated to be the same size as most others :ninja: <_<  8) O.O *.*  . It might require you to update your cache to view the changes, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 11, 2015, 11:23:37 AM
Could you remove the link decoration for images? It gives strange margin between my userbars? Thanks!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 11, 2015, 12:05:03 PM
I might need to remove all link decoration altogether for this, right? I wonder how would I remove just image link decoration?

That said, I don't see any margin for your images right now in Opera 26. What browser do you use?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 11, 2015, 06:24:21 PM
I use Firefox. Only the image link decoration should be enough.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 11, 2015, 06:33:43 PM
Another solution would be to change link colors to be more visible and remove decoration. I'll see what I can do when I am not busy
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 11, 2015, 10:37:36 PM
I think he means image border. So you'd want to set border: 0, I think.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 11, 2015, 10:59:06 PM
Yeah, I could replace the border-bottom with underline to see what happens. I think images are underlined with the underline property, though, so I assume I'll just have to remove that entirely. Otherwise, that could work. Just as long as links remain visible enough.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 13, 2015, 01:02:48 AM
Update: I made the links use underline and made them more blue instead of their former grayish color. Green didn't work too well as it made it impossible to distinguish the staff group, plus it didn't look that great anyway IMHO. But yeah, from what I could see, the firefox signature image issues are now fixed.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 13, 2015, 02:56:02 AM
OmnomIRC is getting 504 Bad Gateway errors once in a while, anyone knows why?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 13, 2015, 03:42:40 AM
I think that's when it takes too long to register a connection and timeouts. I have it happen every once in a while.

It might be worthwhile to investigate again into what might be causing such Omnom lag, especially considering the rest of the site runs perfectly. Is there a way in Firefox or on server-side to monitor what your internet is doing back and forth with the server, such as some console, so that you could probably track down the problem? I am illiterate about server stuff so I am not familiar if such tool is even possible at all, let alone exists.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 13, 2015, 10:17:37 AM
Juju, can you tell your secret? How do you do that? That could interresting with good pictures!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 13, 2015, 05:43:11 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on January 13, 2015, 10:17:37 AM
Juju, can you tell your secret? How do you do that? That could interresting with good pictures!
it took me like 10 min to notice


Only admins can use this though
theres also


but this is only syntax highlighting i believe
[ html] and [php] are both syntax nvm
*bbcode hack googling intensifies* but it's probably some php easteregg we can't do
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 13, 2015, 07:53:59 PM
I myself can't even use [html] because only full admins like juju, Street and pimath can. :P That said I am unsure if I am a  big fan of such signature, because it doesn't really give a good example to forum members when we encourage smaller sigs.  ;) That said, it could be one of the site's easter egg-type things, plus there is also the fact that it doesn't increase the post size considerably like if the image was placed in a signature on a forum with no signature scrollbars.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 14, 2015, 03:01:47 AM
[html] can embed HTML in your posts, but it's an admin-only feature. (For the record, SMF does not consider DJ Omnimaga and aeTIos admins.) I also thought [php] would run php code, but nope, it only does syntax highlighting. The picture in my signature has been done with the html tag and a little javascript to inject some background CSS in the current post. Also thanks to DJ for the idea to put some opacity in the background image. Yeah well I did something normal members can't do, so yeah I dunno, but at the same time it does not impact the signature size since the pic is not in the signature but as a post background. (Look how it goes below the text wow :P) So yeah, lil easter egg for you guys :P

For the record, AcmlmBoard and derivatives (ABXD, BlargBoard) lets you style your posts, put background pictures and stuff (I've seen a lot of creative stuff on those boards), but I think it's pretty much the only forum software that lets you do that without hacking something with the [html] tag.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 03:18:22 AM
Yeah my issue was more if we ever get less mature members who get very large or distracting sigs, then after they get removed, they complain about double-standards with your sig.

As for Alclm I believe people suggested that we add custom CSS support inside posts, but we won't for readability reasons. If people want to know how bad it can get, take a look at this:

And that link is nothing compared to stuff I saw in the past O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 14, 2015, 05:30:07 AM
Well yeah, I guess I can remove it if anyone complains, then say, that was fun while it lasted.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 06:54:52 AM
New todo list thing: Make current theme responsive. A new topic will be created and linked in the first post soon.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 14, 2015, 07:27:02 AM
That's not so bad on my phone. It could have been worse (ahem. Planet Casio.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 07:57:45 AM
The main issue is mostly the site navigation, especially when zooming. When you expand a drop down it clicks the parent link so if you're not fast enough it won't let you click sub-links. Also since text is hard to read on mobile, it would be nice if posts took the entire screen width.

EDIT: I also enabled OpenID on the forums, if anyone actually uses that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 14, 2015, 09:35:31 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 07:57:45 AMWhen you expand a drop down it clicks the parent link so if you're not fast enough it won't let you click sub-links.

Not if you remove the url to the main link. And I'd really like that, as this link is redundant with Summary's
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on January 14, 2015, 01:23:56 PM
I asked my ma if I could take the (unused) Acer Aspire One with me, and she thinks it's OK. If my pa also agrees (and I'm pretty sure he will, as no one can use it at all) I can set up a backup server. I'll report back after the weekend.
Also I got router access so I threw open bunch of ports to the IP I want the server to be using ( :P), namely 1337, 80, and 21 (I wanna run a small web page on it, too)
Keep in mind that the backup server will be on roughly 20/6, as I have no internet on Sundays nor at night. This might change: staff's talking about different rules when they are going to take better connections :). I do hope though that when they change connections that they'll let me open the ports, but if I tell it's for backing up a website they'll probably let me. We'll see :D
Oh also, my external IP is I asked juju if he could give me a subdomain on is-a-brony.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 14, 2015, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: aeTIos on January 14, 2015, 01:23:56 PM
Acer Aspire One
Lel, got one of them too.
But what are you using it for other then backing up?
(i think i've missed something)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on January 14, 2015, 04:00:08 PM
Nobody is using it atm, that's why I can take it with me.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 04:21:12 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on January 14, 2015, 09:35:31 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 07:57:45 AMWhen you expand a drop down it clicks the parent link so if you're not fast enough it won't let you click sub-links.

Not if you remove the url to the main link. And I'd really like that, as this link is redundant with Summary's
The issue with removing the URL to the main link is that it kinda makes things inconsistent, though. I'll need to investigate on Google and SMF website to ensure that doing this is good practice before doing it and if it might annoy users. I know on Omni some people complained that top navigation was not always clickable.

That said, I wonder if it would be possible via CSS to only make them clickable on desktop view and not mobile?
Quote from: aeTIos on January 14, 2015, 01:23:56 PM
I asked my ma if I could take the (unused) Acer Aspire One with me, and she thinks it's OK. If my pa also agrees (and I'm pretty sure he will, as no one can use it at all) I can set up a backup server. I'll report back after the weekend.
Also I got router access so I threw open bunch of ports to the IP I want the server to be using ( :P), namely 1337, 80, and 21 (I wanna run a small web page on it, too)
Keep in mind that the backup server will be on roughly 20/6, as I have no internet on Sundays nor at night. This might change: staff's talking about different rules when they are going to take better connections :). I do hope though that when they change connections that they'll let me open the ports, but if I tell it's for backing up a website they'll probably let me. We'll see :D
Oh also, my external IP is I asked juju if he could give me a subdomain on is-a-brony.

Cool to hear. I currently backup the site wherever I have copy access on FTP but ideally that should be done automatically since I only do it weekly and sometimes am late, and it was made clear when the site was first discussed with the entire staff that I would only have limited access anyway :P

Also: Small update: aeTIos was promoted to server maintenance, now that he can perform such task, and the front page and about sections are getting update to reflect those changes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 14, 2015, 06:01:03 PM
On the same offtopic, I bought this (, a similar laptop to what I intended to buy, but way less expensive (about the RAM I still can buy it later)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 14, 2015, 10:13:47 PM
Hmm nice and large screen too. :D

As for the site, I noticed that on Omnimaga, I am unable to use OmnomIRC anymore. All I see is the following:


This happens in every browser on this connection, but I couldn't check if it worked fine at the shopping mall. I am hoping this doesn't start happening on CodeWalrus as well, because even clearing my cache and cookies didn't fix the Omni issue. If it's because they upgraded to a new Omnom version, then CodeWalrus is gonna stay a few versions behind for the time being, in case.

Has anybody else gotten this issue over here, by the way? (excluding loading)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 14, 2015, 11:57:46 PM
Dunno, works fine for me.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 15, 2015, 10:42:46 AM
Don't even talk about it there. The lag is just awful and most of them time I can't get into the channels for some reason.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 15, 2015, 12:18:36 PM
Strange, if you can't join IRC directly (using IRCCloud for example) on any IRC server then it might be some ISP issue with blocked ports or maybe EFnet/Omninet blacklisted your ISP. I know OmnomIRC lags a lot sometimes but IRC itself doesn't for me when I access it directly from EFnet, Freenode or Omninet.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 17, 2015, 03:22:03 PM
Increased max topic limit for the recent posts mod. If you notice any lag let us know.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 18, 2015, 06:42:34 AM
I changed something in nginx.conf and the lag somehow disappeared o.o
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2015, 06:44:19 AM
I beg to differ. It disappeared for several minutes for me, but now the November OmnomIRC issue where the site lags out if you try to reload a page before Omnom is done loading is back again, so some site pages takes 10 seconds or more to load. In addition to that there is still some noticeable lag in Omnom sometimes.

Quote from: Too good to be true[1:32:22 AM]   Juju   no lag?
[1:32:26 AM]   Juju   o.o
[1:32:28 AM]   Juju   hi
[1:32:31 AM]   Juju   lol
[1:32:45 AM]   Juju   yep.
[1:34:37 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   O.O
[1:34:43 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   maybe less traffic at this time
[1:34:53 AM]   Juju   no
[1:35:15 AM]   Juju   I changed something in nginx and it somehow worked
[1:35:21 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   O.O
[1:35:23 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   wait
[1:35:26 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   *.*
[1:35:32 AM]   Juju   yep
[1:37:47 AM]   *   Walrified post by unknownloner on Re: What are you listening to?
[1:40:30 AM]   *   Walrified post by Juju on Re: What are you listening to?
[1:40:43 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   juju
[1:40:49 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   site suddenly spazzed out
[1:41:02 AM]   Juju   o.o
[1:41:36 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   yeah it's somewhat laggy at times now
[1:41:40 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   keep an eye on this
[1:42:34 AM]   *   Walrified post by Juju on Re: todo list & updates discussion
[1:43:00 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   juju it might be that you reverted the November changes cuz now when you load a new page before Omnom is done loading, the site doesnt respond
[1:44:19 AM]   *   Walrified post by DJ Omnimaga on Re: todo list & updates discussion
[1:44:46 AM]   DJ Omnimaga   juju you might have to change it back for the time being. The November site lag is back

So yeah it was too good to be true D:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 18, 2015, 11:56:59 AM
): It has moments for me when its instant, but a few seconds later it goes back to super slow :/
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on January 18, 2015, 12:08:14 PM
So yeah, got my hands on a lappy for backups but 1) I have no charger for it :P 2) I first gotta clean it before I am going to run it 24/7 because it's got like its own mass in dust inside it. I'm not going to take a risk of a fire (dust is pretty flammable and fire loves plastic and the battery has lithium in it, if I get a fire I'm totally super screwed).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 18, 2015, 12:18:28 PM
Put it in a fridge. Trust me it'll be fine! Who wouldn't trust a russian snake!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: brentmaas on January 18, 2015, 01:05:02 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on January 18, 2015, 12:18:28 PM
Who wouldn't trust a russian snake!
An American snake
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2015, 04:26:27 PM
Quote from: aeTIos on January 18, 2015, 12:08:14 PM
So yeah, got my hands on a lappy for backups but 1) I have no charger for it :P 2) I first gotta clean it before I am going to run it 24/7 because it's got like its own mass in dust inside it. I'm not going to take a risk of a fire (dust is pretty flammable and fire loves plastic and the battery has lithium in it, if I get a fire I'm totally super screwed).
Since it's a laptop from 1998-2000 do you think they still make chargers for that kind of laptop? And yeah normally a laptop cannot run 24/7 unless you mod it to be heavily cooled, so you might have to either monitor it or sometime turn it off. What I notice is that when people use their laptop a lot, especially for gaming or intensive tasks, it usually lasts less than 2 years, although most of the time it's the LCD or hard drive that die first.

Also I just disabled OmnomIRC's shoutbox version because with juju's changes it caused the site to lag like mad. It will probably be enabled again once he reverts the changes back or make it again so that if we load a page before Omnom is done loading, then we aren't throttled until OmnomIRC was supposed to be finished loading.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 18, 2015, 06:06:06 PM
Yeah, guess it was too good to be true. I reverted it back.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 18, 2015, 06:17:37 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 18, 2015, 04:26:27 PM
Quote from: aeTIos on January 18, 2015, 12:08:14 PM
So yeah, got my hands on a lappy for backups but 1) I have no charger for it :P 2) I first gotta clean it before I am going to run it 24/7 because it's got like its own mass in dust inside it. I'm not going to take a risk of a fire (dust is pretty flammable and fire loves plastic and the battery has lithium in it, if I get a fire I'm totally super screwed).
Since it's a laptop from 1998-2000 do you think they still make chargers for that kind of laptop? And yeah normally a laptop cannot run 24/7 unless you mod it to be heavily cooled, so you might have to either monitor it or sometime turn it off. What I notice is that when people use their laptop a lot, especially for gaming or intensive tasks, it usually lasts less than 2 years, although most of the time it's the LCD or hard drive that die first.

I have the same laptop and i also lost my charger, but my father happened to have a charger that worked, so i guess its a standard.
Also yeah, i've "gamed" on it, and indeed the hdd is broken now :(. Maybe it can run linux pendrive some day but i dont really have a use for it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on January 18, 2015, 06:20:09 PM
The Acer Aspire One is not from 1998 :P It's a 2006 laptop but it's super cty. The charger I have for my laptop fits, it's just that I need the charger all the time for my own laptop at school :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2015, 11:21:54 PM
Aah ok, because you said it was old so I thought you meant like a Pentium or Pentium II :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 19, 2015, 12:48:37 AM
It has an atom i believe
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on January 19, 2015, 09:49:05 AM
It runs an atom Z270. Full specs in the what is your computer thread.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 06:12:28 AM
OmnomIRC has been replaced with WalrusIRC. All smileys are still missing, though.

I also added extra links below the Welcome text on the forums.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 06:15:35 AM
The absence of am I smilies is a good tradeoff for the loading speed which is now dramatically increased. Nice job!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 06:28:56 AM
Indeed. At least it's almost instant now. I kept a copy of in case, though :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 07:36:42 AM
Make it your wallpaper if you need to make screencasts!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 07:57:19 AM
Erm I am confused about what wallpapers have to do with my post ???
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 08:16:54 AM
Make the loading image your wallpaper.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 09:00:41 AM
Erm, nope :P

(That reminds me, we need a post your desktop thread)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 09:39:16 AM
(Do you want me to show my W8 desktop? D:)

Yeah I'm having the scrolling problem on FX on W8.1 too...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 03:55:12 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 09:39:16 AM
(Do you want me to show my W8 desktop? D:)

Yeah I'm having the scrolling problem on FX on W8.1 too...

As long as it doesn't look like this :P


Also I need to ask if aeTIos have setup the backups yet. IIRC he needed to clean his old PC before setting them up, but I forgot where he was at now.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on January 21, 2015, 03:57:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 03:55:12 PM
Much simplistic, Many flatstyle, wow.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 21, 2015, 04:13:15 PM
That's the Start Menu, not the Desktop.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 04:27:47 PM
Maybe, but I am betting in a not so distant future, with the current minimal design trend, that it will be like Atari with just 1 screen soon :trollface:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on January 21, 2015, 04:30:46 PM
Hmmm. Windows 8.1 is actually much better. Once configured properly it's really functional. Best windows I've ever used.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 04:51:30 PM
To be honest I wouldn't mind such start menu in mobile mode, but with a mouse and a computer I prefer the classic start menu. The Windows 8.x start menu is the only reason why I'm skipping straight to Windows 10.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on January 21, 2015, 04:58:50 PM
I don't really need the start menu anymore actually. I changed mine to display the list of apps, the rest in in the sidebar menu. You can also install classic shell.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 21, 2015, 05:31:04 PM
Oh right, I forgot about that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 22, 2015, 08:04:31 AM
UPDATE: Until we get a suitable Recent Posts mod, I did some changes on the current Recent Topics block:

( (

All I did was taking the SimplePortal block and making everything one line, though. It's possible that there might be some bugs if I forgot to remove some parts of the code. But at least there should be less scrolling
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on January 22, 2015, 01:40:47 PM
It's fine for now I think.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on January 22, 2015, 06:12:30 PM
I kind of like it but I thought about something to maybe make it even better. Could the topic name be next to the last poster ? I mean that for example, instead of having
Smartphone technical discussion | [General Hardware and Modding] | CKH4 on Today at 06:06:57 pm
we would get
[General Hardware and Modding] | Smartphone technical discussion | CKH4 on Today at 06:06:57 pm
or something else, but not with the subforum in the middle.
Because when I check that list, I look at interesting topic titles then at the name of the last poster to see if I already read it, but almost never at the subforum so it would be great in my opinion if I could easily see the last poster (instead of maybe slipping a line due to the last poster being far away from the topic title).
Or maybe different colors for two consecutive lines (like on WalrusIRC) to avoid slipping ?

Also, why is there a ")" after the date ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 22, 2015, 07:15:53 PM
Hm good suggestion actually. As for the ) I don't know :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 22, 2015, 08:01:39 PM
Actually yeah the other way around would probably be better.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 22, 2015, 11:31:26 PM
I'll probably make it so that the sub-forum is aligned right and the topic name left, like at;sa=page;p=5 , because I tried with left alignment for everything and it looks horrible. Centered isn't any better.

EDIT: Ok now it's like back in the old days, although the alignment is a bit different.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on January 23, 2015, 05:49:33 AM
Well that's perfect now in my opinion :)
(also, lol at the moment when you replaced the extra ")" with "the game" :P).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 23, 2015, 05:50:55 AM
Yep, I like it this way. (other than the "the game" every line but yeah).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on January 23, 2015, 05:54:15 AM
Wait, or maybe a very little suggestion if possible :P
Could the "new" label (the orange thing) be moved between the subforum and the thread ? Like
[Off-Topic] [New] Funny (and awesome) picture thread , by Streetwalrus Today at 05:14:52 am
Instead of
[Off-Topic] Funny (and awesome) picture thread [New] , by Streetwalrus Today at 05:14:52 am

Because for now, there are orange labels all over the place :P
But if you move them here, they would be aligned and it would feel less messy :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 23, 2015, 05:56:15 AM
I agree. Also the comma in the way, that could maybe go away?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on January 23, 2015, 06:28:38 AM
Yup both would be good.

I need to check if I can make one similar to Omni's as well as an alternative for people that prefer it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 23, 2015, 12:09:05 PM
Actually I put the label there so it's easier to distinguish the topic titles from the nicks but whatever. :P Also Street if you do that it might be better to take the code of a topic listing (such as )  and modify it so that it lists topics from any visible board instead of just one. You could maybe ask for help to Cooliojazz. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 25, 2015, 07:29:43 PM
@Juju restart relay bot, pl0x
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 27, 2015, 05:42:25 PM
I added something to the todo list, although I am unsure if many people use it, but it seems that there are problems reaching the site via a Playstation Vita. I assume it's the same browser as the PS3 but I could be wrong. Basically, after about 6 pages, the browser will throw Connection Failed messages and a browser restart will be required. The error is also trigger as soon as you try submitting a new post.

Also the language drop down at the top of every page was temporarily removed, because when somebody changed his language it changed everyone else's instead of just his.

Go to Profile->account settings to change the language now.

EDIT: A new dropdown has been added. However if you are not logged in, the setting will only persist during that session or at least until you logged in again.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 29, 2015, 03:28:03 PM
Very minor security update: Permissions for post ratings were wrong. Normally, only people with at least 20 posts should be able to Like/Flag posts (to prevent vote spamming from brother/friend/duplicate accounts). But permission issues allowed anybody with an account to do it, so this was now fixed.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 02, 2015, 01:06:34 AM
So the top post blocks now shows 5 users. I need to make the title clickable, though, and get rid of those underlines.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 03, 2015, 02:14:16 AM
There is now an extra easter egg on the forums.

Hint: HP Prime
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on February 03, 2015, 06:58:03 AM
Okay. I had a laptop to run a backup server on, but I'm afraid I fried the power circuit. At least it doesn't respond to plugging the charger anymore.

Should not use chargers that look broken. They usually are.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 03, 2015, 09:16:19 AM
"Huh, did it made a bunch of sparks? Meh, just plug it anyway."

I hope that will be quick and not too expensive to repair that up.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on February 03, 2015, 10:07:15 AM
I have no idea how much it'll cost. Not that I care: I don't intend on repairing it anyway.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 03, 2015, 04:00:32 PM
That sucks aeTIos. I think you should get a new laptop or desktop if you plan  to replace it because repairing it will cost much more than a new computer, especially if you get it repaired at a store or something.  That's unless you live in USA where you can order parts online for dirt cheap with free shipping and do it yourself.

EDIT: Update on forum theme: Attachment text is now larger and download links bolded.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 06, 2015, 08:02:16 AM
Bump: Something we might need to get fixed ASAP because it states that this might affect our Google ranking when people use Google from a mobile device:

QuoteWebmaster Tools
Fix mobile usability issues found on

To: webmaster of

Google systems have tested 79 pages from your site and found that 99% of them have critical mobile usability errors. The errors on these 78 pages severely affect how mobile users are able to experience your website. These pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search, and will therefore be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.

Fix this now:

Find problematic pages
View a report of the non-mobile-friendly pages found on your site, and the issues discovered.
Inspect mobile issues
Learn about mobile-friendly design
There are a variety of techniques you can use to make your site mobile-friendly. Specifically, look for information about the issues brought up in Webmaster Tools.
Follow our guidelines
3   Fix mobile usability issues on your site
Fix the issues preventing your site from being mobile-friendly.
Not sure how to proceed?

•   If your site is built with software like Wordpress or Joomla (also known as "Content Management System" or CMS), read the easy steps to make a CMS mobile-friendly.
•   Read more about building mobile-friendly websites on our Developer site.
•   Ask more questions in our Webmaster Central Forum —mention message type [WNC-451500]

But I'll need assistance from more experienced web developers.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 06, 2015, 08:12:16 AM
Suggestion : add Duke Tape as smiley, it'd take the "(-_(//));" code! :p (Oh and original content guys!  :thumbsup: )
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on February 06, 2015, 12:59:16 PM
I'm not sure how urgent it is to fix that issue DJ. Do we have a list of incompatible pages?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 06, 2015, 01:05:50 PM
Our entire site is not responsive and mobile-friendly. But yeah, I'd wait until the SMF2.1 rehaul.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 06, 2015, 03:17:01 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 06, 2015, 08:12:16 AM
Suggestion : add Duke Tape as smiley, it'd take the "(-_(//));" code! :p (Oh and original content guys!  :thumbsup: )
Will do later ^^

Quote from: aeTIos on February 06, 2015, 12:59:16 PM
I'm not sure how urgent it is to fix that issue DJ. Do we have a list of incompatible pages?
Nah. Google is being cryptic.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 09, 2015, 02:02:01 AM
Small skin update: Moved social buttons to the top for more visibility. I left extra links at the bottom of the page, though, since the Like our website stuff is still there and I don't want to move all of it at the top.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 09, 2015, 08:07:55 AM
Where did the on site IRC go to though?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 09, 2015, 04:10:13 PM
Erm I still see it? ???

Normally it should show up for everybody, unless you opted in the no-IRC membergroup by accident (which unknownloner and JosJuice joined a while ago).

EDIT Oh wait I see what the problem is: When I added the extra membergroups for users between 100 and 499 posts it did not enable the block by default. It's fixed now.

(That group is called Full user like the other one, but it has access to an extra sub-forum in the off-topic section)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 09, 2015, 05:56:15 PM
Ah thanks for fixing! :D
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 12, 2015, 12:40:08 AM
A minor update to emoticons: The :walrii: emoticon can now be displayed with :3= as well. :P

I am also starting adding extra project sub-forums. There are several projects being considered in our staff board and Mana Force Color was already added yesterday.

The new elite coders will probably be added Friday or Saturday. Two have confirmed they are still interested and I am still awaiting for a reply from the third (in case he disappeared). Currently, we are offering spots ourselves, but in the future, as we get to know our members more, if people apply on their own we will take them into consideration too.

A sitemap mod has been added as well and the resulting site map submitted to Google webmaster tools.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 12, 2015, 09:18:11 AM

i really need to make something worthy of elite coder  <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 12, 2015, 08:02:51 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 12, 2015, 12:40:08 AM
A minor update to emoticons: The :walrii: emoticon can now be displayed with :3= as well. :P

I am also starting adding extra project sub-forums. There are several projects being considered in our staff board and Mana Force Color was already added yesterday.

The new elite coders will probably be added Friday or Saturday. Two have confirmed they are still interested and I am still awaiting for a reply from the third (in case he disappeared). Currently, we are offering spots ourselves, but in the future, as we get to know our members more, if people apply on their own we will take them into consideration too.

A sitemap mod has been added as well and the resulting site map submitted to Google webmaster tools.

You didn't introduces Duke Tape to our smiley list? Aww. Nevermind, it's not so important.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 12, 2015, 09:02:13 PM
Oh right, I forgot >.<

Will do ASAP.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 12, 2015, 09:11:44 PM
Nah, you don't have to. Menage yourself.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 13, 2015, 07:28:32 AM
Well it is added now (-_(//));
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 13, 2015, 12:26:20 PM
This is wonderfully excentric. Quite. (-_(//));
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 13, 2015, 05:03:50 PM
I have yet to figure out how the duke tape joke started, though <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 13, 2015, 10:15:25 PM
With a stupid idea, like most of my ideas. (-_(//));
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 03:21:27 PM
Is there a chance that you'll change the buttons from the images or whatever to svg or using box shadows? When I zoom on my phone it gets all blurry and stuff.

Heres an example using box shadow: (
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 03:26:29 PM
I have some plans to replace them with actual CSS instead of images, although I have to figure out how to do it first when I decide to update the CSS again. :P

Why does it display as Times new Roman on your phone though? O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 03:34:53 PM
That is codepens doing. Here's the actual site:

Edit. That's using nearest neighbor.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 03:39:47 PM
Wait, Codepen has a browser? ???
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 03:41:59 PM
No, I just made the button with html and css and posted it on codepen. (

Edit. Box shadow inset would be even better.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 03:49:28 PM
oooh I see. I didn't know that box-shadow alone could do this. I thought that for dual borders you absolutely needed to use two divs. Does it work in Opera 12.17 (last Opera that has a menu bar) or IE11?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 03:52:02 PM
No idea. For compatibility I've just learned to ignore IE users because they're bringing it on themselves.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 04:36:18 PM
I don't because many people at school or public computers with no admin privileges are stuck with IE. I tend to only support the latest version, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 05:13:50 PM
Huh, good point. I don't know how many people there are so use a public computer here though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 17, 2015, 05:15:03 PM
NO admin privileges? Portable Apps ( (Okay that sounded like a Babbel advert.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 05:32:30 PM
And box shadow is supported by IE 9 and up and opera 10.5 and up.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 08:41:50 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 17, 2015, 05:15:03 PM
NO admin privileges? Portable Apps ( (Okay that sounded like a Babbel advert.)
what if the public computer gives no access to external storage devices or even the USB ports?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 17, 2015, 08:55:52 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 08:41:50 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 17, 2015, 05:15:03 PM
NO admin privileges? Portable Apps ( (Okay that sounded like a Babbel advert.)
what if the public computer gives no access to external storage devices or even the USB ports?
That's pretty unlikely.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 17, 2015, 09:36:51 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 08:41:50 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 17, 2015, 05:15:03 PM
NO admin privileges? Portable Apps ( (Okay that sounded like a Babbel advert.)
what if the public computer gives no access to external storage devices or even the USB ports?

You don't have tyo put them in an USB key, any folder is usable.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 17, 2015, 10:02:22 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 17, 2015, 04:36:18 PM
I don't because many people at school or public computers with no admin privileges are stuck with IE. I tend to only support the latest version, though.
You can actually install chrome without admin privileges
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 17, 2015, 10:06:28 PM
Not if an old version of chrome is already installed. In that case I use chrome canary.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 18, 2015, 12:52:55 AM
I did that a while ago, but I forgot to tell you guys:

Also we have a file uploader! It's up to you to find where it is (although you can find some clues at some places) :P But I still want to give you some rules about it in case you find it.

The file uploader is perfect for quickly sharing some small files such as calc screenshots and random smilies, and WalrusIRC will show a 50px thumbnail when you post it there, but please don't abuse it and upload a lot of files. The file limit is 128KB, you should be enough. (Note: the maximum file size can change at any time.) It cannot upload anything else than images either. The files are subject to all our forum and IRC rules, so no NSFW. The uploads are logged and I can know who uploaded what, so yeah, watch yourselves :P We also recommend Omnimaga's for anything else such as bigger image files and have fun! (
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 18, 2015, 06:29:26 AM
It's installed in your Appdata folder,  not in Program Files.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2015, 08:02:18 AM
Quote from: Juju on February 18, 2015, 12:52:55 AM
I did that a while ago, but I forgot to tell you guys:

Also we have a file uploader! It's up to you to find where it is (although you can find some clues at some places) :P But I still want to give you some rules about it in case you find it.

The file uploader is perfect for quickly sharing some small files such as calc screenshots and random smilies, and WalrusIRC will show a 50px thumbnail when you post it there, but please don't abuse it and upload a lot of files. The file limit is 128KB, you should be enough. (Note: the maximum file size can change at any time.) It cannot upload anything else than images either. The files are subject to all our forum and IRC rules, so no NSFW. The uploads are logged and I can know who uploaded what, so yeah, watch yourselves :P We also recommend Omnimaga's for anything else such as bigger image files and have fun! (
Nice update for the image uploader. Just make sure to add a flood control of like 8 files a day (maybe 4 an hour too so people won't spam in one go) in case in the future. If 30 members upload 8 files a day non-stop for 3 years straight and all those files are 128 KB large, then our disk space is maxed out. Maybe we should make it so that there cannot be more than 1000 files in the folder and the oldest file gets deleted once the limit is hit?

Nonetheless, this gets quite handy when I want to post a screenshot fast (assuming it's not a very long topic page requiring me to scroll a lot) because I can now upload it directly from the same page where I am posting, then grab the URL. :P

Also is there anything new on the Recent posts page or is just a redirect?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 18, 2015, 12:29:10 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 18, 2015, 08:02:18 AM
Nonetheless, this gets quite handy when I want to post a screenshot fast (assuming it's not a very long topic page requiring me to scroll a lot) because I can now upload it directly from the same page where I am posting, then grab the URL. :P
Yeah, that's the point :P

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 18, 2015, 08:02:18 AM
Also is there anything new on the Recent posts page or is just a redirect?
Yep, just a redirect.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2015, 04:07:29 PM
That reminds me, at one point Street or yourself said they might look into SMF's topic listing to see if they could do their own recent posts mod based on it. I wonder what happened to this?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on February 19, 2015, 08:12:59 PM
I don't know if it was reported already and 26 pages is a bit too long for me to check :P

WalrusIRC doesn't scroll automatically for everyone. Cumred_Snektron (Chrome) said it worked but matref and I (Firefox) are having problems.
Note, I am only talking about the embedded thing, works great.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 19, 2015, 08:31:36 PM
Already reported there with my Fx on Windoze 8x64
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 19, 2015, 10:20:05 PM
Yeah same issue in Firefox here. Seems like juju's code is Chrome/Chromium-only.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 21, 2015, 08:35:36 AM
So the todo list on the first page was quite out of date. I updated it now:

Among the most recent entries in the TODO list are the following:
-If possible, a mod that adds extra customizable links to the post/quick-reply form (for example, if we want to link to an pop up) or make work with the post forms instead of just WalrusIRC.
-Make WalrusIRC show forum users in the online list instead of just IRC users
-Get a better Recent Posts mod similar to the one Omnimaga has (or the actual one they use, although it has been several months since we asked permission.)
-Figure out why website stops working randomly (and prevents posting) on the Playstation Vita browser, requiring a restart.
-Make current site skin mobile-friendly (Mediaqueries) -

Site development has kinda stalled in the last month (eg school for people in charge of fixing certain issues I cannot fix and in my case, both being exhausted from work or stress) or so but a lot of things on the todo list were either finished long ago or got worked around, while some were deemed impossible to fix/not a serious issue.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 23, 2015, 05:01:53 PM
Usually it crashes on Playstation handeld devices because of their low memory. It happened to me on some old websites with the PSP, it'll happen on the Vita also on bigger sites. (IIRc it only has 256/512 MB RAM...)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 23, 2015, 05:33:31 PM
Do you mean when you get the Failed connection message? I guess that could explain things. The message is rather cryptic, though. >.<

What sucks is that Tapatalk isn't even available for the PSVita. All there is is WAP, WAP2 and imode, which are basically like text-based CodeWalrus.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 23, 2015, 05:39:27 PM
I'm going to be honnest to you : almost no one is browsing the intertubes with the Vita. even though their browser is based on Opera, Opera itself have a really tiny brwosing part ( and thus the Vita (or the Wii) is way smaller. I don't think web devs will get to catch some more annoyment for something that won't even run a medium-heavy sized site (I'm talking about heavy scripts like jQuery or something like these).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 23, 2015, 05:49:11 PM
Yeah I guess you have a point. It's probably why not much effort was put in the Vita/PS3 browser and why not many develop for it. I know also that the Vita isn't that popular. However, some people don't have a computer and only have their gaming console as a way to get online. I know on TIMGUL we had an user that used the site using a PS3.

I'm probably gonna strike out that from the todo list, though, because it's among the oldest thing added in the most recent (in black) stuff that got appended there and it's probably not a serious issue for everyone. I was mostly worried that it was a site bug or something or perhaps because of OmnomIRC since the problem only happened when logged in.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 23, 2015, 05:51:47 PM
I have often these errors, I don't think they're related to the sites I get them though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 24, 2015, 02:46:03 AM
Hmm I think this would be very useful! *.*

Not necessarily like on but still pretty handy. cnCalc also allows searching by tags, but that is still nice I guess.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 24, 2015, 01:55:45 PM
Yeah, that's handy to have, even Planète-Casio does have a similar feature, so yes, that's handy.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 24, 2015, 03:09:50 PM
Ah, yeah. That's an ABXD feature ported to SMF, that should be pretty useful.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 24, 2015, 03:15:05 PM
I like this one but I hardly ever go to the who's online page. (

Oooh, and do you use this one? (
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 24, 2015, 05:03:54 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 24, 2015, 01:55:45 PM
Yeah, that's handy to have, even Planète-Casio does have a similar feature, so yes, that's handy.
Oh nice I didn't know that. I wonder how I can use it? It would be pretty handy since Google search isn't always reliable.

Quote from: CKH4 on February 24, 2015, 03:15:05 PM
I like this one but I hardly ever go to the who's online page. (

Oooh, and do you use this one? (

I don't have the first, but if I implement it it will probably scale down avatars to about 32x48 or 48x48 because if we ever get many people online it would get annoying to browse. What would be nice is if it also separated registered users from guests like on PhpBB2/3.

Also wow the 2nd mod might be very handy in the future O.O. I am unsure if it would install though since we already heavily modded the post page. It might require manual template installing, which could make it very hard to uninstall if we ever get rid of the mod. However it would be handy for calculator game releases with more than 1 author and also for lists of tutorials or actual tutorials.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 24, 2015, 05:12:46 PM
Quote from: Eiyeron on February 24, 2015, 01:55:45 PM
Yeah, that's handy to have, even Planète-Casio does have a similar feature, so yes, that's handy.

Nope, nevermind, forget it. I'm efinitely tired and sarting to see things where they're'nt. I thought it meant that selecting some text then clicking on a BBCode tag just wrapped the text with said tag.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 24, 2015, 05:18:04 PM
Protip: Don't do drugs. :P Just kidding, yeah actually what the current mod we have does is that if you put any topic text inside brackets, it converts it into a graphical tag. There aren't any limitations (other than how it doesn't work on the front page nor the Latest Activity page) so people better not abuse it :P (eg naming their topics [T][H][E][ ][G][A][M][E] or something <_<)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 26, 2015, 07:47:52 PM
Does anyone know what is the best Android application for RSS feed? It needs notifications so that when a feed is updated it shows a notification in Android status bar.

I am asking, because with SMF 2.0, via;sa=recent;limit=10 you can get the latest posts on the forums and if there is a reliable Android app that can notify the user when feeds are updated, then this could behave as a CodeWalrus post notifier app. What about Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 26, 2015, 08:08:12 PM
I can make an android app that sends a push notification :)
iOS will be harder since it costs about $400/yr + a mac to dev  >:( java does have some windows notification api though i can maybe do something with
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 26, 2015, 08:58:09 PM
Yep, Android push notifications shouldn't be hard. And every OS should have some sort of RSS thing.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 26, 2015, 09:23:40 PM
Maybe a custom app/program for wherever it can and RSS for the rest?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 26, 2015, 10:44:14 PM
A custom app could work although maybe people won't want an app just for 1 single site.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 26, 2015, 10:47:38 PM
Yeah, but i'll make it anyway for myself and then post it here  :P but i wont put it on the play store
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 26, 2015, 10:48:47 PM
Does it cost something for each app you put there? Or is it an one-time fee? I forgot.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 26, 2015, 10:54:05 PM
$25 for life ;D unlike apple's $100/yr  >:( *grumble*
Edit: 420th post. MLG Blaze it
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 26, 2015, 10:55:28 PM
I would actually prefer an app just for this if it were feature full rather than one app for everything.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 12:17:06 AM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on February 26, 2015, 10:54:05 PM
$25 for life ;D unlike apple's $100/yr  >:( *grumble*
Edit: 420th post. MLG Blaze it
Ah nice. If you already paid it then I guess it wouldn't hurt to have the app there. Just make it small. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 27, 2015, 06:45:15 AM
I paid mine, if this helps.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 06:46:09 AM
I paid mine too, have a whole 3 apps on there :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 06:49:22 AM
Also if someone makes an app, please put an icon on it :P (maybe my avatar but with a white background?)

Not a full app to browse the site, though. Ideally, in long terms, we should probably focus on a responsive theme. I am unsure if Street still plans to contribute much in the distant future since he hasn't been around much lately, but he seemed interested in making one. Such theme should probably be SMF 2.1, though, to avoid wasting too much effort on a SMF 2.0 theme we will have to get rid of in just a few years. In the meantime, though, new post notifications would definitively be awesome.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 27, 2015, 06:49:50 AM
I have only one D: (and a second one in planning stages :P)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 06:51:35 AM
(off-topic: You should perhaps think about updating that first one in the future to be more polished and stuff :P (and perhaps get it a permanent highscores home so they won't stop working all the time)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 06:55:43 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 06:49:22 AM
Also if someone makes an app, please put an icon on it :P (maybe my avatar but with a white background?)

That's the easiest part :P and the white bg doesnt even need to be there, android has alpha support :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 07:32:47 AM
If it's the easiest part, then why do so many apps that are often not that bad and are sometimes actually good lack an icon? :P

And ok but my avatar looks like crap on dark backgrounds >.< (and I happen to use a dark wallpaper)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 27, 2015, 12:15:52 PM
Most apps with bad icons were developed before google had set the standards for icons (and pretty much anything else). I can do the icon if no one else wants to, it'll be easy.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 03:19:16 PM
Supersonic Ball had no icon at first. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 03:36:55 PM
But won't walrii be the perfect icon though?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 27, 2015, 04:08:31 PM
Agreed. Just put Walrii as an icon and presto,  you're done with it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 04:14:59 PM
And also as notification icon  ;)
Edit: this is abouts how it looks like (i just made a shortcut with chrome)
(Also, looks like theres a small bug in my lwp :P)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 27, 2015, 04:24:00 PM
Also wallpaper, ID photo and pretty much everything you could see. Only Walrii. Only him.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 04:32:30 PM
In the beginning there was walrii. In the end there will be walrii. All hail our supreme leader :walrii:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 05:08:31 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on February 27, 2015, 04:14:59 PM
And also as notification icon  ;)
Edit: this is abouts how it looks like (i just made a shortcut with chrome)
(Also, looks like theres a small bug in my lwp :P)
oh actually that doesn't look too bad. i was worried that the background would be too distracting. What is the icon size by the way?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 27, 2015, 05:09:44 PM
Oh, please, a nearest neighbour scale would give a better pixelated result for high-res phones.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 05:12:42 PM
@DJ Omnimaga i don't know, as i said it's just quickly made with chrome :3, but my phone id xhdpi i think if that helps

@Eiyeron indeed, but yeah, chrome shortcut >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on February 27, 2015, 05:13:39 PM
You meant the favicon? Why not using DJ's avatar? Or (-_(//));
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 05:14:44 PM
Because chrome automatically takes the favico when you create a shortcut >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 27, 2015, 05:17:10 PM
You could scale it up in an image software like Eiyeron suggests so that it won't look blurry on large screen resolutioms.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on February 27, 2015, 05:22:28 PM
Ofcourse, that's done in a few sec :P (paint.NET ftw)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on February 27, 2015, 05:29:21 PM
Here's the icon that I made:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 28, 2015, 12:40:45 AM
That looks nice, although it would probably be better to include the C behind the Walrii and maybe make Walrii occupy more space. I personally prefer Cumred icon, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 02, 2015, 05:08:55 PM
In the near future it will be possible to use OmnomIRC again on the website. An extra sub-member group will be created so you can do this. There already exists a group to disable WalrusIRC. This one will enable Omnom.

We are not ditching WalrusIRC, but some people are unable to access it (it says you must login to chat even if they're logged in) or might be annoyed by the scrolling bug in Firefox. Since it is clear that with school there won't be any fix soon, the new member group will act as an alternative for those who want it.

The drawback with OmnomIRC is the extreme lag on some ISP's.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 02, 2015, 05:55:09 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 02, 2015, 05:08:55 PM
The drawback with OmnomIRC is the extreme lag on some ISP's.

The nightmares D:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 02, 2015, 08:26:29 PM
Yes, and near the end it was worse on my side (up to 2 minutes of lag). But some people didn't have any lag. It wasn't browser-specific.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 02, 2015, 10:04:20 PM
There's a minecraft mod that allows you to talk via IRC, i tried it out once with FreeNode. No Problem.
Tried it with Omninet, 90% FPS Drop and crashed my game <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 02, 2015, 10:43:25 PM
Omnimaga : crashing things with IRC since 2014! :p

Jokes aside they should really fix that problem now.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 02, 2015, 11:26:52 PM
@Cumred I am surprised that Omninet would not work with Omninet, because many people on Omni used to play Minecraft and run servers. However Omninet derped quite a lot lately so that might be why. I had to ask Juju and Street to restart WalriiBot at multiple occasions because it kept disconnecting from Omninet.

@Eiyeron Omnom started in 2010, not 2014, and you would need to remind Sorunome, since he's mostly the one working on Omnom right now and since the last 2 years or so. I think he is unable to fix the issue because he doesn't have any lag. I am thinking that OmnomIRC just requires some ports to be open and some ISPs probably don't like that.

EDIT: On top of that the last Omnom update overwrote our custom CSS O.O. That didn't happen with the previous one. Good thing I kept a backup.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 03, 2015, 06:21:01 AM
@DJ Omnimaga I know about the creation date but I get lqg if death since 2014. And welp about the custom CSS :S. What has been destroyed?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 03, 2015, 03:40:38 PM
Oh I don't know then, because I had OmnomIRC lag since it reached version 2.0 in 2011 or so. However on Omnimaga there were times where lag was much less noticeable. It became worse after their December hosting maintenance, although far less bad than it was on CodeWalrus. One thing to note, however, is that CodeWalrus runs on a much cheaper single-core VPS, while Omni runs on a multicore host (I forgot if it's cloud or VPS) and they use CloudFlare. It isn't because of SMF 2.0 upgrade because SMF 1.1 was much more resource-demanding.

As for the CSS, I mean the Omnom CSS. When we updated to our CSS remained intact, but the upgrade reverted OmnomIRC to its default blue state. Fixing this was easy, though, since I have many site backups, so don't worry :P

-It is now possible to switch between WIRC and OmnomIRC at will via your profile. Just join or leave the new group called "OmnomIRC mode" via the Group Memberships option and you're set.
-When you register, you now have a subscribe to e-mail/newsletter option, which is checked by default. So you can now disable it before your account is created if you don't want such e-mail.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 04, 2015, 05:01:23 AM
The link to the official store has been retired from the navigation and the Bandcamp page reverted back to its previous design, since I have withdrawn from the music industry. It might be brought back up if one day there is a merch store on the site, but from now on it will become an alternate download link via sub-menus.

EDIT: Moved to submenu.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 06, 2015, 05:09:38 AM
In case of funny spam topics and for 0.0001% extra transparency, the thrash bin, where posts automatically land when deleted, is now visible to all members that have at least 5 posts instead of just staff. It will remain invisible from certain recent posts sections and in read-only mode.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on March 06, 2015, 05:12:20 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 28, 2015, 12:40:45 AM
That looks nice, although it would probably be better to include the C behind the Walrii and maybe make Walrii occupy more space. I personally prefer Cumred icon, though.
Cumreds is much better than mine, it just seemed to have funky transparency.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 06, 2015, 05:09:38 AM
In case of funny spam topics and for 0.0001% extra transparency, the thrash bin, where posts automatically land when deleted, is now visible to all members that have at least 5 posts instead of just staff. It will remain invisible from certain recent posts sections and in read-only mode.
I really like this. It may be very interesting.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 06, 2015, 05:15:41 AM
I am curious if we will ever get spambots advertising walrus recipes from Alaska? <_< (like that lobster spam on Omni back in the days)

That said, if we ever get a forum games section, the funny junk topics might be moved to that subforum instead. It's just that in order to get a forum games section I want to write a script that limits its growth to like 5% of the entire CodeWalrus postcount so that it doesn't draw too much attention away from the rest of the site.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 06, 2015, 07:54:44 AM

Good news! Check the site portal/home page: For those who liked that feature that Omnimaga had before their 2014 upgrade, there is now a forum navigation in the right sidebar, so you can reach your favorite sub-forums much faster now. :)

Not only that, but thanks to SiNaN from Simpleportal website, the code used for this list is dynamic. This means that when we add sub-forums, we will not need to manually update the portal navigation like I had to do back in the days on Omni (most people in charge usually forgot, including myself at a few occasions). The only drawback is that it currently looks a little weird.


I also edited the CSS so that SimplePortal block images (such as Karma/Top poster avatars) are smaller.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 09, 2015, 06:28:10 AM
Bump: I added in the "urgent" section something about Telegram bot. Basically, it would be nice if we got a bot that relays the IRC channel content to the Telegram usergroup and vice-versa. The main reason why our IRC channel is not that active is because the entire CW staff or former staff seems to prefer Telegram IM and group chat client for some reasons. Being able to communicate with IRC users would be nice, in such case.

By doing this, this would also allow Telegram users of the group chat to get notifications about new forum posts.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 09, 2015, 05:58:41 PM
oh that's a good idea actually :D
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 10, 2015, 01:55:42 AM
Do you mean the navigation menu on the front page or the Telegram linking? :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 10, 2015, 06:17:31 AM
The telegram linking :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 10, 2015, 07:07:05 AM
Oh ok. Apparently Telegram has an API so perhaps such bot is possible. The question is more if someone would be willing or have enough time to write one :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 10, 2015, 09:04:29 AM
You're really wanting that not, aren't you? :p
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 10, 2015, 04:52:32 PM
Well, it would help reviving the IRC channel and possibly give Telegram users incentive to check the forums more often. A lot of the people who started using Telegram almost completely stopped using CodeWalrus IRC channel since the staff or former staff can easily chat directly from their IM client. At least with such bot the staff would be able to interact with the users again on IRC on a more regular basis.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 11, 2015, 09:22:40 AM
False and lies, I haven't forgotten about the forum! DX

But yeah, as we're closer and more direct on Telegram, it doesn't help to stay active here.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 11, 2015, 04:09:20 PM
Yeah the lower activity resulting from Telegram is what I was refering to and the risk that some users actually quit foruma in favor of instant messenging.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 12, 2015, 02:27:16 AM
-Calculator collection profile field added (max text lenght: 1000). Your calculator collection will appear right above your signature.

-Signature, attachment and custom profile field CSS also edited to take less height.

-This was also added to the forums, so now when you view the topic list you can see a list of all attachments in it. A link was also added in every topic besides the Short URL thing for easier access.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 15, 2015, 07:24:25 PM
Is there something to have the correct time for every time zone in posts? Something like [time=19:00] and it automatically changes to the user's
time zone or is this a bad idea?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on March 15, 2015, 09:40:38 PM
Oh that would be pretty cool indeed.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 16, 2015, 01:37:50 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on March 15, 2015, 07:24:25 PM
Is there something to have the correct time for every time zone in posts? Something like [time=19:00] and it automatically changes to the user's
time zone or is this a bad idea?
Nice idea indeed. But we need to ensure it's not confusing
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 16, 2015, 02:47:54 PM
Maybe some prefix like (local time) before it
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on March 16, 2015, 04:07:32 PM
Or a small clock sprite. Hover it to know the time for you time zone, but keep the actual time the person posted displayed.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 17, 2015, 05:08:05 PM
Bonus point if you load different spirtes/infos as the time offset changes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 17, 2015, 05:42:59 PM
oh that would be cool actually, but thats also a lot of work :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 18, 2015, 12:17:32 AM
That could be an idea.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 18, 2015, 06:42:18 AM
I'm full of these, most of them are stupid but I can have genius moments sometimes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 18, 2015, 03:57:01 PM
In emergency cases you can always use a little canvas and some JS
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 18, 2015, 04:17:00 PM
Huh, no thanks, JS is giving me allergies and a canvas to draw a clock where a CSS spritesheet could be enough seems overkill.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 18, 2015, 04:35:41 PM
CSS is giving ME allergies >.< ( or it could just be the "spring")
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 18, 2015, 05:32:55 PM
I prefer to keep javascript to a minimum. We already use it for some site features, but ideally I would prefer not adding more. I don't mind CSS, though, other than the high amount of trial and error involved.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 19, 2015, 08:34:28 PM
Board stats page now shows the 30 most active weekly posters (or less when less people actually posted) and top 15 highest karma ratios.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 04:55:51 AM
All right, some stuff changed with OmnomIRC and WalrusIRC permissions now:

-Omnom mode didn't work in 4 of the sub-forums. Fixed.
-The shoutbox now requires 5 posts instead of 20 to be used. As always, the full screen versions (if you know the URL) or direct IRC access also works even below 5 posts.
-A message now appears as a placeholder for people who cannot use the shoutbox yet or are part of the restricted or disabled shoutbox mode usergroups. It informs people about the requirements and alternatives like what Omni used to have back in the days.
-Other permission issues were fixed.

Please let me know if you have any problems accessing OmnomIRC or WalrusIRC.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 23, 2015, 02:39:22 PM
- SPDY has been enabled for SPDY-enabled browsers
- WalrusIRC does not show up in HTTPS (because it's insecure)
- The HTTPS certificate has somehow the wrong name, should fix it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 04:21:16 PM
What does SPDY do?

Also yeeah we might need to fix HTTPS at one point. Not sure if it's mandatory in today's browsing but some people prefer to use it. TI-Planet and Cemetech still seems to get away fine without using it by default.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 23, 2015, 04:23:47 PM
SPDY is a new protocol to compress/speed up normal communications between a client and a server for HTTP related things.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 04:25:59 PM
Oh I see. If SMF uses compression of its own can this break stuff if stacked with SPDY, though?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 23, 2015, 04:29:06 PM
Not at all. SPDY replaces HTML if it can. From a server program to a client brower, it's invisible. Think of it as a capsule to transmit data.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 05:30:44 PM
Oh OK. Can it cause compatibility and rendering issues in certain browsers, though? I am asking because I know all the problems we had server-side when CodeWalrus ran with HHVM and we had to ditch HHVM for PHP >.<

Also some updates were done on the website CSS for mini-profiles. This might take a bit to get used to, but some mini-profiles were so large that even with a small signature and little post content, their post took a considerable amount of page height. Hopefully topics should be a little easier to read now. You might need to hit Shift+F5 to see the changes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on March 23, 2015, 06:21:54 PM
The Omnonirc is not working fo me on my kindle, it used to work about a week ago, now it doesn't. Or,if it did register my messages, I couldn't see them.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 06:35:09 PM
Maybe the addition of WebSockets support broke compatibility with Kindle? You would need to bug Sorunome about it since he maintains OmnomIRC.

What about WalrusIRC?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on March 23, 2015, 06:39:41 PM
That doesn't work either. I think it allows me to send messages but it doesn't load previous posts/messages after I reload the page. It also makes the site to laggy to use, so I just started relying on the external OmnomIRC. (Keep in mind that this is on an older kindle paperwhite and I am probably the only person browsing these forums with one :P)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 23, 2015, 06:53:02 PM
SPDY is not a replacement for HTML or PHP but rather a replacement for HTTP. Actually, it's probably going to be the new HTTP/2.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 23, 2015, 08:01:47 PM
Oh dang, I meant HTTP. i'm sorry, my mind slipped. Yeah, it'll replace the work HTML already does with compressing headers and arguments, encryption(?) and better packet managment.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 09:08:17 PM
Quote from: Unicorn on March 23, 2015, 06:39:41 PM
That doesn't work either. I think it allows me to send messages but it doesn't load previous posts/messages after I reload the page. It also makes the site to laggy to use, so I just started relying on the external OmnomIRC. (Keep in mind that this is on an older kindle paperwhite and I am probably the only person browsing these forums with one :P)
It's possible that your device is deprecated now and is no longer receiving updates, so now it,s lagging behind in features and compatibility.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 25, 2015, 06:19:12 AM
CODE tags now shows a scrollbar again after a few lines of code, because removing scrollbars did nothing to circumvent the small Chrome CODE divs inside spoiler tags and ignored user posts (that causes CODE blocks to only show 2 lines at a time). I just forgot to put scrollbars back on after testing.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on March 25, 2015, 12:15:24 PM
/* code selector */ {
    min-height: 200px !important;
    max-height: 600px !important;

Should achieve what you are trying to do but you might also have to specify height. In case you're unfamiliar, !important overrides any other more specific selector.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 25, 2015, 04:25:20 PM
Strange, the last time I used !important to attempt fixing the issue  it didn't appear to make any difference.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on March 25, 2015, 06:40:27 PM
You may have to specify all the forms of height.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 25, 2015, 06:57:25 PM
Ah I'll try that I guess.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on March 25, 2015, 07:47:32 PM
Entirely what I think is the case.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 29, 2015, 04:45:17 AM
I realized that we lack a sub-forum to discuss about non-programming/news/help calculator topics, such as how we started calc programming/foruming. So I renamed the non-project calculator board to allow such discussion as well. I'll move some topics there. I also renamed the non-calc board so that topics that are both calc and non-calc simultaneously don't have to be posted in the offtopic section.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 29, 2015, 10:13:33 AM
That might clear the off-topic section a bit out :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 30, 2015, 04:08:49 AM
That was my goal. The next clearout will probably be gaming-related material, but I am unsure in which category the gaming board would go. It's possible that I might actually include game design discussion in it so that I can put it with the other creativity and art-oriented sub-forums.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 30, 2015, 04:34:07 PM
Or maybe under something like "recreational"
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 31, 2015, 12:19:45 AM
That sounds a bit closer to that one green substance people use as a replacement to beer during parties that is semi-legal in the Netherlands and Colorado :P

That said, the music section allows both general talk and showcase, so maybe a gaming board could allow both as well. It would probably be a sub-forum, though.

Also update: The site about section now provides banner codes for people who wants to put the site in their signatures:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on March 31, 2015, 03:56:39 AM
Oh Nice :D
I Aldo noticed a certain mail containing a certain programming newsletterr :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 31, 2015, 05:35:59 AM
Yes, see the news. There will be a newsletter at the end of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

I also need to add a link to newsletters in the site navigation, but I will need Street or Juju to upload the updated file.
Title: Re : todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 01, 2015, 06:27:23 PM
Update: should no longer throw any security errors. And use SPDY, if supported. The certificate was issued for the wrong subdomain and I just figured out I could reissue it for a different subdomain for free for the remainder of the validity of the cert. Also we could probably get a wildcard cert, but those are incredibly expensive.

EDIT: WalrusIRC does not work on https.
Title: Re : todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 01, 2015, 06:33:55 PM
So HTTPS browsing should no longer throw errors, now?
Title: Re : todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 01, 2015, 09:22:35 PM
Pretty much yeah. The only error it should throw is about WalrusIRC and you probably won't see it right away.
Title: Re : todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 02, 2015, 06:33:52 AM
Ah ok. Hopefully it won't happen. Is there a way to fix it? Also I wonder if our Youtube plugins work under HTTPS...
Title: Re : todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on April 02, 2015, 03:10:43 PM
WIRC should work fine on https if we move it to a subdirectory like Omnom.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 03, 2015, 02:13:09 AM
I wonder if WIRC actually works if it's a sub-directory? IIRC Omnom had issues with such setup. Maybe @Juju knows.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 03, 2015, 02:50:00 AM
Well, the only way to know is to try.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 03, 2015, 08:37:21 PM
Aaaaand it works. Quite fine. (which is the same thing as via some weird hacks)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 03, 2015, 08:51:41 PM
Nice! Will the main site be https too sometime?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 03, 2015, 09:02:20 PM
It is already! ( Should we enforce https, though?

Also it still have some errors because not everything is loaded as https.

Edit: Also please note that https is faster in supported browsers due to SPDY :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 03, 2015, 09:29:33 PM
Ohh nice :D i will be using that :P
What is SPDY btw?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 03, 2015, 09:35:22 PM
It's pretty much HTTP version 2, something like that.

EDIT: SPDY is actually a precursor to HTTP/2 and will go deprecated when it comes out.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on April 04, 2015, 06:01:20 AM
I don't really get the interest by compressing the header, I mean, the page is most of the times hundred times heavier than the request.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 04, 2015, 06:53:26 AM
Quote from: Juju on April 03, 2015, 09:02:20 PM
It is already! ( Should we enforce https, though?

Also it still have some errors because not everything is loaded as https.

Edit: Also please note that https is faster in supported browsers due to SPDY :P
I don't think it should be enforced unless there is enough demand. We should consult the users first I think. Besides, it could cause our site mods to stop working (eg Youtube). Plus enforcing it before we get a valid certificate (with zero warning anywhere) would scare some users. Cemetech and TI-Planet still use http by default and they still are fine.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 04, 2015, 11:56:17 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 04, 2015, 06:53:26 AM
Besides, it could cause our site mods to stop working (eg Youtube).

Funny you say that, i've jsut noticed a bug where youtube videos don't show, though i'm not using https...
No errors in the console either :/
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 04, 2015, 09:39:27 PM
Do you get similar warnings on Omnimaga?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 04, 2015, 10:31:32 PM
Noh, i'm not very often on Omnimaga :/
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 05, 2015, 04:57:21 AM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on April 04, 2015, 11:56:17 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 04, 2015, 06:53:26 AM
Besides, it could cause our site mods to stop working (eg Youtube).

Funny you say that, i've jsut noticed a bug where youtube videos don't show, though i'm not using https...
No errors in the console either :/
It depends from what device you are browsing CW. We have one of the Youtube feature setup to now automatically embed Youtube videos when browsing from mobile devices.

Quote from: Juju on April 04, 2015, 09:39:27 PM
Do you get similar warnings on Omnimaga?
I have not gotten any warning on OMnimaga for months. The only issue I encountered was how Youtube vids were blocked by default. Not sure if that was fixed since I haven't checked their off-topic section in months. In any case, I would rather make sure that everything we offer is 100% functional in HTTPS mode before we start rolling out changes to our users. We already have some issues with WalrusIRC logs since we switched away from a sub-domain.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on April 05, 2015, 08:07:49 AM
Have you already been on Omnimaga for months? :S
I should post there once or twice, but I can't. :/
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 05, 2015, 08:42:59 AM
Why can't you? (just curious)
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 05, 2015, 04:57:21 AM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on April 04, 2015, 11:56:17 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 04, 2015, 06:53:26 AM
Besides, it could cause our site mods to stop working (eg Youtube).

Funny you say that, i've jsut noticed a bug where youtube videos don't show, though i'm not using https...
No errors in the console either :/
It depends from what device you are browsing CW. We have one of the Youtube feature setup to now automatically embed Youtube videos when browsing from mobile devices.
I was just browsing from my PC, but it seems to have fixed it self now
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 05, 2015, 04:13:06 PM
Quote from: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on April 05, 2015, 08:07:49 AM
Have you already been on Omnimaga for months? :S
I should post there once or twice, but I can't. :/
Well near the end I already didn't post as much in non-calc threads there, but since I left I barely even check off-topic stuff there altogether, since I spend more time here or to a lesser extent Cemetech. Even on Cemetech since I got a bit busy lately most of my posts are FF:MF updates.

Also I am trying to fix CODE tags







But even with the following CSS it still doesn't fix them in Chrome:

/* A code block - maybe PHP ;). */
   display: block;
   font-family: "dejavu sans mono", "monaco", "lucida console", "courier new", monospace;
   font-size: x-small;
   background: #eef;
   border-top: 2px solid #999;
   border-bottom: 2px solid #999;
   line-height: 1.5em;
   padding: 3px 1em;
   overflow: auto;
   white-space: nowrap;
   min-height: 200px !important;
   max-height: 600px !important;

THe strange part is that with QUOTE I have no issues:

blockquote.bbc_standard_quote, blockquote.bbc_alternate_quote
   font-size: x-small;
   color: #000;
   line-height: 1.4em;
   background: url(../images/theme/quote.png) 0.1em 0.1em no-repeat;
   border-top: 2px solid #99A;
   border-bottom: 2px solid #99A;
   padding: 1.1em 1.4em;
   margin: 0.1em 0 0.3em 0;
   overflow: auto;

EDIT It seems that after several refreshes in this page it finally worked. But we'll have to see I guess. But now there's an empty gap.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 05, 2015, 06:56:48 PM
What exactly is the problem? because it seems fine to me?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on April 05, 2015, 08:01:07 PM
Code tags in spoilers show only one line of text in Chrome it seems.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 06, 2015, 02:01:01 PM
Yes. It's either a Chrome bug or a SMF bugs. This happened as well if you had someone on your ignored user list.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 07, 2015, 04:58:45 AM
Thanks to SirCmpwn, the CODE blocks appears to be 100% fixed. You might need to do an hard refresh to see changes, though. Let me know if there are more problems.

My previous fix solved the small divs in Spoiler tags issue in Chrome that has been present on SMF for ages, but it added a large gap below code if the code was short.

I'm Curious if SMF 9.0 will fix that issue? 9_9
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on April 07, 2015, 07:50:06 AM
What was the problem in the end ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 08, 2015, 05:56:59 AM
Not sure what caused it, but I bet that SMF stuff was overriding pretty much any possible CSS we tried for CODE tags. Hence why !important was necessary. But my initial fix caused CODE tags to be stretched vertically when the code was small.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 12, 2015, 09:59:27 PM
Not a major bug, but a little annoying: On Chrome Mobile, there are no checkboxes in the members awaiting approval page. I wanted to approve @catastropher account and finally had to do it from his profile.

Also, since we never get registration errors due to StopForumSpam, I am contemplating making people be automatically approved when their db is down. This would solve the issue causing IPv6 users to require manual admin activation.

EDIT I also need to edit the site navigation at one point to include more profile links.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 20, 2015, 03:53:09 AM
So one future project I have in mind is to attempt to get this on the website:

This will require uninstalling each currently installed mod one by one until it no longer throw warning during installing attempts. It currently conflicts with one of the 30 mods we have installed. Once the conflict has been found, we can attempt to reinstall them in a different order, which usually work, but is time-consuming and tedious, especially if you forget in which order you uninstalled the mods.

However, this feature would be nice, as it would allow staff to put certain topics in multiple categories (eg First Fantasy download topic inside both the download section and the official project sub-forum.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 20, 2015, 07:04:55 AM
Yeah that would be very handy
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on April 20, 2015, 04:35:35 PM
Custom pages for major projects could be a thing. They could use a or as link and they would only get one only page. It could be an interesting thing to allow to major projects and serious members here (not the genre prone to hack us for instance).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 21, 2015, 05:08:09 AM
That could be a nice idea, but only as long as the project pages don't have blogs used as replacement to the forums. The last thing we want is to kill off project activity on the forums. The page could probably have a downloads page listing all attachments in the sub-forum or topic, though. Also the page content could remain on the forums, since it's possible to make a post content show up outside the forums using special SMF features.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on April 21, 2015, 12:17:21 PM
It would also be cool if there were an automatic post to a download topic. Though you can also just use the link i guess
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 21, 2015, 04:16:02 PM
Do you mean dynamic topic listing on the blog?

Also I finally figured out how to fix the Karma log permissions. I wanted them viewable so it's easier for staff to see which post's karma was changed, but for odd reasons non-mods couldn't see it. It turned out that in addition to permissions, there was an extra box to check in the Karma settings to enable that feature. >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 27, 2015, 06:57:58 AM
Site updated to SMF 2.0.10. This supposedly fixes some bugs over the previous versions, although for the most part nothing that seems to have affected our user experience before.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 06, 2015, 10:06:38 PM
So I updated the first post again with what still needs to be done and feature ideas. It was pretty outdated since various things have been fixed (CODE divs in spoilers), were confirmed to not be issues anymore or were scrapped ideas.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 07, 2015, 07:24:38 PM
UPDATE: Members that have 0 posts are no longer allowed to post external website links. Hopefully this cuts down some of the spam.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on May 07, 2015, 08:30:01 PM
Ah thats a good update, i hope it will work :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Jonius7 on May 08, 2015, 12:08:27 AM
Ah that's why it said I couldn't post links when all I did was have BB Code. I was however able to quick modify it in afterwards.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 02:48:10 AM
Yeah we had an increase in spambots lately and since we currently only have 3 moderators (only one having regular computer+internet access) sometimes it takes a while before bots get banned. If they try to bypass this by trying to camouflage their links as something else then we can always add a filter for it.

Or we could get extra moderators :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 02:53:36 AM
Its kinda weird, I haven't seen any spambot posts. If you need a sort of part time mod I can be on every other day. I don't really want it though so if your getting more moderators pick other people over me.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Strontium on May 08, 2015, 03:10:46 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 02:48:10 AM
Yeah we had an increase in spambots lately and since we currently only have 3 moderators (only one having regular computer+internet access) sometimes it takes a while before bots get banned. If they try to bypass this by trying to camouflage their links as something else then we can always add a filter for it.

Or we could get extra moderators :P

*raises hand*noplsdon'tmakemeamoderatorisuckatmoderatingplusihaventevenbeenherelongenough
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on May 08, 2015, 03:17:31 AM
Quote from: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 02:53:36 AM
Its kinda weird, I haven't seen any spambot posts.
DJ has time to slay them before anyone can see them, what an efficient guy.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on May 08, 2015, 03:23:48 AM

I might be able to Mod, I'm on almost every day for at least an hour... That is if you want me to. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 03:42:08 AM
Quote from: Juju on May 08, 2015, 03:17:31 AM
Quote from: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 02:53:36 AM
Its kinda weird, I haven't seen any spambot posts.
DJ has time to slay them before anyone can see them, what an efficient guy.
Erm, while I can send the topics right to the trash bin, I cannot ban members. I can move them to the restricted membergroup, though (which requires admin approval on every post). Only server maintenance guys who have been here since the very start, along with moderators, can ban/delete accounts. Hence why I said having more moderators would be nice. But of course we need to know the user well and trust him enough to not end up with a moderator that uses his powers out of anger (which is why I didn't want to be mod) or for entertainment purposes. :P

EDIT lol Unicorn at that pixel art.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on May 08, 2015, 05:35:21 AM
I was just wondering, could the membergroups feature be used to make coding groups in the future? I actually see a contest bbetween coding groups if that happens.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 06:02:53 AM
What do you mean by that? Because we already have the Elite Coders group, in which notable programmers get put if they are still planning to make new stuff and contribute to the site. For contests, I think it would be counter-productive to restrict them to just members of such group.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on May 08, 2015, 06:08:42 AM
Mayb like you are put into a group of people, the game coders and the ed coders?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on May 08, 2015, 08:53:40 AM
But if those groups would contest each other, what would they make? I mean if they make a game, the game programmers are in a massive advantage. Also i love that pixel art earlier :). And i went on their website for fun, turns out they hadn't even installed it yet  >:D
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 11:14:55 AM
Good job DJ. Where does the spam usually hide? Is it in topics or subforums or just all over? Another thing that we could do is have people with 0 posts have to get their posts approved by the mods/admins and like 5 members. I would definitely have time for that if that's the path that you decide to take.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 11:18:53 AM
CKH4 it gets posted in random subforums, often in already existing topics. We move them in this topic

As for post approval we would prefer not having to take that route, due to the inconveniences it would cause to members who broke their calcs or need urgent help that they couldn't find on Google. Same for using CloudFLare antispam. CloudFlare antispam has a long history of false positives, often on existing members, and we could lose legit members as a result. One idea I had in mind was to force members that got less than 2 posts to post twice in a specific sub-forum before they can post anywhere else.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 11:26:10 AM
That seems like a good idea, my question would be why 2? Do some spam bots post constructive stuff for their first post?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 08, 2015, 11:31:32 AM
Because while flood control settings often kills spambots, it doesn't work on every one of them, and since they rarely try to post twice in the same thread, this rendered this trick pretty effective in the past (although the problem is that many members don't read the instructions properly).

This is how it was done on Omnimaga way back then:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 11:33:57 AM
That seems like the best idea. That thread was filled with hellos.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: alexgt on May 08, 2015, 07:40:59 PM
6 Pages of hello's O.O.That is a good idea but it is a little ironic to stop spamming you must spam!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on May 08, 2015, 08:08:42 PM
You could possibly make it so that it automatically delete new posts.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 11, 2015, 04:03:04 PM
That could work. In any case we will avoid Cloudflare antispam until the very end.


-Rules now link to transparency/banning policy.
-I'm part-time maintenance until May 31st. Technically I am supposed to be since late April, but I didn't bother changing my status until now. Site updates from me might be more spiradic until June. (And maybe afterward due to the contest deadline being around then)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 17, 2015, 11:23:59 PM

-Find a way to install the Clone Topic mod. SMF mod install sucks because each mod install themselves on top of each others, so if you install 30 mods, then decide to uninstall the 2nd one you installed, then you need to uninstall everything in reverse order except the first. In some cases, it won't even let you do so. As a result we might have to modify the SMF code ourselves and keep a backup of the file before the modification.

We are not going to uninstall mods one by one until we can uninstall the ones we need to get Clone TOpic installed. I tried earlier and this resulted into issues we now need to fix (maybe from a backup?)

-Fix issue causing Karma received per post to appear twice (requires FTP access since you have to edit display.template.php)
-Fix issue causing fonts to be very large in main admin panel and profile summary pages.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 19, 2015, 05:17:04 AM
Site code and theme restored from a May 17 backup in the package manager. This was to fix issues mentioned above, which were caused by installing/uninstalling the Karma Description mod.

If you run into any weird error, please let us know. Otherwise, everything should look normal and site content unaffected.

EDIT: For unknown reasons, the topic tags mode is currently not working.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 04, 2015, 02:01:05 AM
Minor site updates:

-Added a notice on every page for members that have 0 posts, explaining how to circumvent the anti-URL spam. We don't really mind if people do it on CodeWalrus as long as it's not actual link spam, especially not automated. People who use common sense but are new to the site might have interesting programs to share, so it's kinda unfair to leave them out.
-Fixed voting permissions
-Attempted to fix poll editing permissions, but that didn't change anything, so I'm gonna have to look into this later.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 06, 2015, 02:38:06 AM
Other site updates:

-Added Gaming and Walkthroughs sub-forum. Moved all gaming-related topics that used to be located in the off-topic section into the new board.
-Updated affiliates section, as BroniesQC now uses URL.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 11, 2015, 05:29:57 AM

-Links to both Android and Computer post notification softwares have been added to the Latest Active Topics page, inside a green alert box: . Those links are subject to changing, as the notifiers are still not 100% finished and hosted on third-party sites.
-About section and team blocks updated to reflect the new Elite Coder additions.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on June 11, 2015, 07:58:38 AM
Oh awesome :D, i quite like the little box telling you theres a notifier :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on June 11, 2015, 11:31:29 PM
indeed Cumred. DJ, is there somewhere we can remove the box above the Recent Posts page?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 12, 2015, 02:36:21 AM
Nope, sadly. I should check if there is an easy way to disable it, but to be honest I am unsure if that is really a big issue. What will most likely happen instead in the future is that it will become smaller, but since it's new I wanted people to see it more easily.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on June 12, 2015, 03:09:31 AM
Awe... I guess I'll just adblock it, because it is kind of anoying.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 12, 2015, 04:14:40 AM
Strange, I don't see how it's that annoying considering it doesn't take that much space.  But yeah I guess that's a solution (I have SAX on Cemetech adblocked and it does the job)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on June 12, 2015, 06:24:49 AM
Quote from: Unicorn on June 12, 2015, 03:09:31 AM
Awe... I guess I'll just adblock it, because it is kind of anoying.

Doews adblock work on that? O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 12, 2015, 06:46:40 AM
It depends what. Sometimes, it will block other things on the site if you try to block non-ad material, so it might not always be the most ideal solution.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on June 12, 2015, 07:49:00 AM
Adblock is the sunblock of the enternet!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on June 12, 2015, 08:09:05 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 12, 2015, 04:14:40 AM
Strange, I don't see how it's that annoying considering it doesn't take that much space.  But yeah I guess that's a solution (I have SAX on Cemetech adblocked and it does the job)
It's flashy. :P

Another way if you use stylish :
@-moz-document domain('')
  .sp_block #profile_success
    display: none;

In chrome just remove the wrapping @-moz-document and set the proper website filter in your style.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 12, 2015, 11:20:12 AM
I hope that doesn't remove it completely for all mobile users, though, because that would be quite counter-productive, especially that one of the link is for mobile users.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on June 12, 2015, 02:16:24 PM
It's supposed to be used as a userstyle which is the same as userscripts for css.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 14, 2015, 05:18:24 AM
So yeah, plans for an [hide] post content tag have been scrapped. The mod I just tried that adds such feature is too buggy and requires javascript to function. When I installed it, there was no admin panel for it and when I tried what was supposed to be the admin URL, it didn't exist.

If people are too scared of posting their birthdays in public they'll just have to put it in the private board and the others will use the public thread like everyone else on Cemetech, Omni, MaxCoderz, etc.

EDIT: Also the anti link spam mod was not setup properly. It's fixed now.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 25, 2015, 06:00:04 AM
Added to first post: Add a New Topic button inside topic view. I added one on Omni v4.0 or 5.0 back then, but I had completely forgotten that SMF lacks one, so I didn't add one here. I am taking note of it now in case I forget to add it later.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 26, 2015, 05:12:19 AM
UPDATE: The above has been done. On topic view, there should now be a New Topic and New Poll button set next to Reply and Add Poll. That way you no longer have to exit topics in order to access the New Topic creation button.

Let me know if those buttons don't show up for you.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 05, 2015, 05:12:29 AM

Mentions now works for members above 500 posts. For some reasons, they only worked if you had from 20 to 499 posts, when in fact they were supposed to work for any member with 20 posts or higher.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 05, 2015, 08:55:38 AM
That was weird. It still worked for me, maybe because I'm admin/staff?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 06, 2015, 02:20:57 AM
Yeah I think this is why. It only affected regular members.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 09, 2015, 04:04:21 PM
There is now a front-page news sub-forum, but I don't think subscribing will work, since topics are technically part of other sections.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on July 09, 2015, 04:09:59 PM
Sounds good, I'll try it and we'll just have to see.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 10, 2015, 01:35:57 AM
Actually, something I could do is remove all clones, then move the topics to the new section then clone them back in their original sections, but then if we ever lose the cloning feature, this would be a mess to sort and it would require too much work anyway.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 22, 2015, 09:21:44 PM
Improved security on HTTPS, this test ( should give us a nice A+. Something about weak Diffie-Hellman security, HSTS and SSL stapling. Thanks @Lionel Debroux for the tips.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 22, 2015, 09:45:54 PM
Awesome :). Does this break Youtube vids, though?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 22, 2015, 09:51:39 PM
I don't think so. The only downsides I see is that it breaks Android 2.3, IE6-8 on Windows XP and Java 6 (but you'll still be able to see the site on normal HTTP, though, but you should definitely upgrade if you use those browsers) and, on recent browsers, if you visit the site on HTTPS you may probably be stuck on HTTPS (which is probably a good thing?). If this poses a problem, just tell me and I'll see.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 22, 2015, 11:03:21 PM
Has this been implemented yet? Because omnimaga did something and I can't veiw the page on https.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 22, 2015, 11:38:58 PM
On CW, we do not force HTTPS like on Omni with a 302 redirect, but we do send a header to tell your browser they can attempt forcing HTTPS (only if you're already browsing on HTTPS, most recent major browsers will honor it). The downside is that if there's a certificate error it won't allow you to continue anyway so I guess I'll have to keep the SSL certificate updated when it expires...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 22, 2015, 11:42:26 PM
Yeah I don't think we should force people to use HTTPs yet.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: alexgt on July 23, 2015, 01:00:21 AM
Quote from: Juju on July 22, 2015, 09:21:44 PM
Improved security on HTTPS, this test ( should give us a nice A+. Something about weak Diffie-Hellman security, HSTS and SSL stapling. Thanks @Lionel Debroux for the tips.
Awesome :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 23, 2015, 02:07:14 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 22, 2015, 11:42:26 PM
Yeah I don't think we should force people to use HTTPs yet.
Yeah, please don't do that, as My kindle can't use it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 23, 2015, 02:25:48 AM
Well, that settles it, CW won't enforce HTTPS with 30x redirects, although you can use the HSTS technology to do so on your browser if it supports it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 23, 2015, 02:51:34 AM
Quote from: Juju on July 23, 2015, 02:25:48 AM
Well, that settles it, CW won't enforce HTTPS with 30x redirects, although you can use the HSTS technology to do so on your browser if it supports it.
Yay! Thanks juju.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on July 23, 2015, 06:00:38 AM
Unicorn: can your Kindle deal with , and , both of which have different cipher selection from ?
ToutMonExam has always been accessible exclusively through HTTPS, as any brand-new site launched in 2015 onwards should be, and for testing purposes, I've recently disabled AES-128-based ciphers for it, as well as the lone remaining 3-DES-based cipher - only AES-256 is now allowed on TME. [EDIT: actually, this config will probably not last too long, because a number of browsers switch from AES-128 GCM to AES-256 CBC, which is no good.]

Doesn't Amazon provide upgrades for your Kindle model anymore ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 23, 2015, 11:18:45 AM
It appears that this user has the same problem on Omnimaga:

Not sure why people would want to stick to old browsers, other than using an old device or OS (eg Android 2.2.2 or Windows XP), but I definitively recommend everyone to upgrade if they can (which isn't Unicorn's case, since he is stuck on an outdated Kindle).
Quote from: Lionel Debroux on July 23, 2015, 06:00:38 AM
Doesn't Amazon provide upgrades for your Kindle model anymore ?
I think it's one of the earliest models. It probably got discontinued long before smartphones came into existence.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 23, 2015, 12:27:49 PM
Nop. its from 2008 or something. And I stil recieve updates, but they don't update the browser.:/ 
And I can connect to those two sites.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on July 23, 2015, 02:46:42 PM
QuoteAnd I stil recieve updates, but they don't update the browser.:/
How careless and user-unfriendly - heck, even criminal - behaviour of them. Nowadays, browsers are among the most complex pieces of user-facing code, contain many vulnerabilities, and should be updated quickly :(

QuoteAnd I can connect to those two sites.
Alright, thanks for the information :)
Based on the SSL Server Test reports for Omnimaga, TI-Planet and ToutMonExam, I think that what your Kindle's browser doesn't like, is the Elliptic Curve-based initial (Diffie-Hellman) key Exchange. Omnimaga (CloudFlare) only proposes ECDHE ciphers.
Now I can revert TME to the previous set of ciphers.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 23, 2015, 02:56:07 PM
Quote from: Lionel Debroux on July 23, 2015, 02:46:42 PM
QuoteAnd I stil recieve updates, but they don't update the browser.:/
How careless and user-unfriendly - heck, even criminal - behaviour of them. Nowadays, browsers are among the most complex pieces of user-facing code, contain many vulnerabilities, and should be updated quickly :(

QuoteAnd I can connect to those two sites.
Alright, thanks for the information :)
Based on the SSL Server Test reports for Omnimaga, TI-Planet and ToutMonExam, I think that what your Kindle's browser doesn't like, is the Elliptic Curve-based initial (Diffie-Hellman) key Exchange. Omnimaga (CloudFlare) only proposes ECDHE ciphers.
Now I can revert TME to the previous set of ciphers.
Well, its not surprising that they don't update it that much. I mean, its a black and white kind;e, and I'm probably the only person who actually uses the brower. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 24, 2015, 03:18:41 AM
Quote from: Lionel Debroux on July 23, 2015, 02:46:42 PM
QuoteAnd I stil recieve updates, but they don't update the browser.:/
How careless and user-unfriendly - heck, even criminal - behaviour of them. Nowadays, browsers are among the most complex pieces of user-facing code, contain many vulnerabilities, and should be updated quickly :(

QuoteAnd I can connect to those two sites.
Alright, thanks for the information :)
Based on the SSL Server Test reports for Omnimaga, TI-Planet and ToutMonExam, I think that what your Kindle's browser doesn't like, is the Elliptic Curve-based initial (Diffie-Hellman) key Exchange. Omnimaga (CloudFlare) only proposes ECDHE ciphers.
Now I can revert TME to the previous set of ciphers.
To be fair, it seems common among most companies to stop providing updates for older devices, which sucks. For example, the Samsung i5510 phone is stuck with a browser dating back in its latest-supported OS (Android 2.2.2) and TI hasn't updated 68K calcs and the 83+ since 2006, despite still selling them in stores in North America.

At least Simplemachines still updates SMF 1.1 with emergency security updates from time to time, even though they said over one year ago they would no longer be doing so.

Nowadays, though, it's better to upgrade to newer devices to keep up with times, but with parents or money that is not always possible.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on July 24, 2015, 11:43:32 AM
Well, to be fair, if companies are held back by old technology we'll never get anywhere :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 24, 2015, 03:25:28 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on July 24, 2015, 11:43:32 AM
Well, to be fair, if companies are held back by old technology we'll never get anywhere :P
Thats true. But for now, I'm fine with my kindle. When sites upgrade to that crazy HTTPS thing, I'll go for a new device.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 25, 2015, 05:46:06 PM
So I just discovered a bug with Topic cloning I think, which causes some old topics to become unlisted from board directories. I believe it might be the page count of each topic listing that is wrong, and the topics are still available, so it's not a big issue (not that necroposting for no reason would be recommended, anyway), but that's still something we might want to look at before the site gets too large (since even more topics will end up being hidden)

In a long-term future (eg in 4-5 years), since we mostly rely on recent posts, maybe we should switch to a tag-based forum system which has categories like we have now, but more like , and allow people to check/uncheck categories to access many at once. It would be more modern in terms of social networking, although we would have to make sure that it's possible (and not messy) to have topics listed in multiple sections.

EDIT: Update: I fixed the Facebook share link at the top of the posts.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 27, 2015, 12:38:36 AM
Optimus Brave has been installed on the forums to improve page titles in topics (they did not even have the site name in them)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 27, 2015, 07:50:45 AM
Another site maintenance update: It looks like I might have managed to kill the Tapatalk pop-up on mobile (the blue screen that prevented you from going further until you clicked the X in the top-right). I am not 100% sure this was fixed, though, but normally, only the small ad at the top of pages should appear (even though I disabled it, but whatever)

EDIT: The banner is gone as well, but now WalrusIRC stopped working for some reasons. Not sure if related.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on July 27, 2015, 11:25:31 AM
Oh awesome! I hated that stupid ad <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 27, 2015, 08:03:16 PM
Yeah same. It wasn't as bad in previous versions of Tapatalk, as we could disable the pop up, but they removed that ability in 2015 or so so now we have to edit the code (although that could cause issues if we ever update, but we plan to get rid of Tapatalk anyway if not enough traffic comes from there)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 28, 2015, 03:32:11 AM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on July 27, 2015, 11:25:31 AM
Oh awesome! I hated that stupid ad <_<
Indeed! it was quite anoying!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 28, 2015, 05:01:34 AM
Yep, glad you've been able to get rid of it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 01:35:34 AM
My main worry is that removing it would break the website when browsing from mobile, such as showing errors, but that finally wasn't the case. And apparently we can do it fine, as the Tapatalk staff themselves even explained how to do it, but if they ever decide to disallow it then we can simply get rid of Tapatalk anyway. We average at 20 posts a month from Tapatalk and 300 page views IIRC so we would prefer not losing those, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on July 30, 2015, 06:39:41 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 01:35:34 AM
My main worry is that removing it would break the website when browsing from mobile, such as showing errors, but that finally wasn't the case. And apparently we can do it fine, as the Tapatalk staff themselves even explained how to do it, but if they ever decide to disallow it then we can simply get rid of Tapatalk anyway. We average at 20 posts a month from Tapatalk and 300 page views IIRC so we would prefer not losing those, though.
maybe someone would like to make an iOS/android app for posting on CW?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: princetonlion.tibd on July 30, 2015, 11:14:58 AM
That would be nice, tapatalk is hard to use IMO :P

And/or a free Cw IRC app for mobile :P I just tried efnet and the button to send is tiny.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on July 30, 2015, 02:41:18 PM
Quote from: Unicorn on July 30, 2015, 06:39:41 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 01:35:34 AM
My main worry is that removing it would break the website when browsing from mobile, such as showing errors, but that finally wasn't the case. And apparently we can do it fine, as the Tapatalk staff themselves even explained how to do it, but if they ever decide to disallow it then we can simply get rid of Tapatalk anyway. We average at 20 posts a month from Tapatalk and 300 page views IIRC so we would prefer not losing those, though.
maybe someone would like to make an iOS/android app for posting on CW?

I don't trust myself yet with authentications. I'm guaranteed to c up somewhere and leave a giant security hole.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 03:56:07 PM
I heard before that when a website relies on an external app to make browsing easier, then that website has serious design issues. Ideally we want to focus on making the mobile theme even more mobile friendly if it isn't already. Of course Tapatalk is a nice option when you have a slow device or connection but if not many people are gonna download it just to browse CW, then even fewer people will download an app just for 1 site
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on July 30, 2015, 04:39:50 PM
You know what would be cool for a mobile site? A side drawer. Also some way to view recent posts on the home screen on the mobile version would be cool though, since i miss that a lot
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 04:44:36 PM
What is a side drawer? Do you mean the ability to scroll in side navigations? That would be cool. Also maybe scroll bars for the member list so we can see everything but without distorting the page.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on July 30, 2015, 04:45:39 PM
It's a menu that appears when you swipe across the screen (horizontally). Walrifier android has one too
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on July 30, 2015, 07:53:05 PM
Swipe testing is difficult without a JS lib. Usually a simple button is good enough but if you feel like being fancy slide out menus are cool.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 30, 2015, 10:24:45 PM
I wonder if @Streetwalrus  might know about it...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on July 31, 2015, 07:08:07 PM
I'm no web dev. Ask @Juju. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 31, 2015, 07:17:08 PM
Didn't you create the responsive theme, though? :P

Unless of course the sliding thing requires javascript?

Another idea I thought was to not have any animations and simply buttons to expand/collapse the boxes, but the question is where to put them.

What about putting the sidebars at the bottom of the page in mobile mode? I mean, it would be like when we are in the admin/profile panel in classic mode, except that instead of having the navigation/extra content at the top, it would be at the bottom due to not being as important in this case.

EDIT: Also, the 404 page now has a link to
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on July 31, 2015, 07:23:00 PM
The responsive theme is just a css hack lol. It works well enough for our purposes though. :3 As for the menu, you need some js yeah.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 31, 2015, 09:52:18 PM
I think you can do the sliding thing all in CSS.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on July 31, 2015, 10:02:26 PM
Yeah but to toggle the menu you need a bit of js I think.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 31, 2015, 10:11:07 PM
Yeah I think that is the main issue. CSS can do the animation (see the flying walrus animation in Streetwalrus's profile, for example) but not trigger it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 31, 2015, 10:16:30 PM
Not even, you can do that in CSS too.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on July 31, 2015, 11:12:29 PM
@Juju yes, take this recent site design idea that I've made. But, registering swipe data is impossible in CSS.

Lol forgot the URL.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 31, 2015, 11:17:48 PM
Quote from: Juju on July 31, 2015, 10:16:30 PM
Not even, you can do that in CSS too.
Really? I thought that CSS didn't have any interactivity.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on July 31, 2015, 11:21:57 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 31, 2015, 11:17:48 PM
Quote from: Juju on July 31, 2015, 10:16:30 PM
Not even, you can do that in CSS too.
Really? I thought that CSS didn't have any interactivity.
With :hover, :target and animations, you can do quite a lot of interesting stuff. But if you want to swipe instead of pressing on a button, then yes you'd want to use JavaScript.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on July 31, 2015, 11:26:11 PM
Well in CSS on mobile you can do hover and on desktop you can do focus. You could also do a radio button/check box label for more control but I mostly use a focus hack.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 02, 2015, 02:24:27 PM
Ah right, I guess :hover or whatever is for clicks could be handy. We could simply use buttons for when in mobile I guess. Swiping isn't necessary, especially that one day browsers might have swipe menus which would prevent the page from working properly.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on August 02, 2015, 03:02:19 PM
Well the nice thing about :hover on mobile is that it works the same as :focus on desktop except it applies to any element rather than elements that require user input.

Also nowadays it would be a poor choice to add a swipe action on Android as it would cause many websites (such as and to not function as intended. On ios it is less of a problem because it seems they handle swipes differently.

The current setup for mobile nav is satisfactory but you may want to make the hover action to see the subitems more accessible. I can make a codepen demo of that functionality when I get internet back at my house.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 02, 2015, 03:14:07 PM
When do you get Internet back by the way? Also my idea was to have translucent or green arrow blocks on each side of CW website, on the home and stats pages. Clicking them would make navigation visible. Those arrows would float on the page (absolute position)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: CKH4 on August 02, 2015, 04:57:10 PM
We're switching to twc so it may take a while but were going out to get our modem/router combo today. I'm thinking about but it may be too expensive in stores (or they may not even carry it).

Also I can't quite visualize your design idea, could you possibly do a mockup in Photoshop or whatever? My idea to make subitems more accessible is to have you click the box once to open the submenu and then click it again to navigate to the main item. I might do a position hack to complete it in the demo but maybe JS would be better for the final version but more intensive.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 10, 2015, 05:24:25 AM
SOrry, I didn't have time to post my design, but I will try to do it if I have some time and won't forget again.

As for the site, Juju or Streetwalrus might need to fix the issue causing some admin settings to not update immediately (often takes 5 minutes) and posts not being marked as read all the time.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on August 10, 2015, 05:35:58 AM
I don't have that problem with the posting... I know that when there is an edit, it shows th new sign.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 10, 2015, 05:38:27 AM
Yeah it started happening a week ago or so for me.  I had the same issue on Cemetech but it's more pronounced on CodeWalrus.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Unicorn on August 10, 2015, 06:21:35 AM
Oh really? huh. I have a problem with posts I havent read being shown as read over there, but that doesn't matter to much.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 02, 2015, 06:08:34 AM
I updated the first post to include and remove stuff that was either missing or outdated. The highlights are the following (the first two were already there, but I changed them). There is already another topic for the WIRC issue so discussion about it should be kept there.

-Make topic tags show up in Recent Posts and IRC post notifications. (Mod was updated to support that, but the author has yet to implement it)
-Make WalrusIRC show forum and Telegram users in the online list instead of just IRC users

-Add merch store (there is one under construction but the selection is poor and I need to buy samples)
-Fix cache issues causing stuff to remain marked as unread from time to time, even after visiting it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 02, 2015, 09:01:58 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 02, 2015, 06:08:34 AM
-Fix cache issues causing stuff to remain marked as unread from time to time, even after visiting it.
Whatever that is, it's an SMF or mod bug, not a browser cache issue.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 02, 2015, 11:34:34 PM
Could it be server-related?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 03, 2015, 12:19:43 PM
No, as I said, it's SMF, and it's a server-side problem (the posts stay unread in the DB).

I just added a calc tutorials board because I realized that we didn't have one and it would be very hard to find them in the general section, and stickying a bunch of threads is not really an option.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 04, 2015, 05:06:23 AM
I see. It's just kinda hard to understand considering how weird SMF can get >.<

Also nice addition. I made a news about the recent changes now. The tutorial board was considered a while ago but I wanted to wait until we get enough posts so that the site won't look spread out. With the many topics we got so far, though, finding stuff was getting harder.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 06, 2015, 03:31:53 PM
Update: post length limit has been increased from 20000 to 50001 characters.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 06, 2015, 03:33:28 PM
More seriously, why the 1 ? :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 06, 2015, 03:35:59 PM
Because :trollface: ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 10, 2015, 03:53:12 PM
Todo list (don't have time to update 1st post)

-First Microcat sub-forum
-make some ad space on site
-change tags CSS
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on September 10, 2015, 08:03:32 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 10, 2015, 03:53:12 PM
-make some ad space on site

Hot walrusses in your area!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 11, 2015, 12:33:39 AM
l'OL. That reminds me that nasty ad we got on Omnimaga once in 2005. XD

Also I just remembered that I need to find a way to bring back the Recent Files list on the front page, like what Omni had in 2005 and from 2008 to 2013.

EDIT: I have updated the thread tags to new CSS so they aren't as intrusive. I could not get rid of the colors without making tags the same color, though, because it appears that colors are done via PHP.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 16, 2015, 09:17:13 PM
Minor update: Since the topic tag changes, the New icon became harder to notice, but I didn't want to revert the tag changes. So instead, I just made the New icon much brighter
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 19, 2015, 05:42:16 AM
More updates:

-Site upgraded to SMF 2.0.11. If you find new problems please let us know!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on September 19, 2015, 11:16:49 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 16, 2015, 09:17:13 PM
Minor update: Since the topic tag changes, the New icon became harder to notice, but I didn't want to revert the tag changes. So instead, I just made the New icon much brighter

i've noticed. It really jumps out now :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 24, 2015, 02:11:37 AM
So for some reasons, @DarkestEx primary membergroup was no longer Elite Coder. I am unsure why this happened, but it was set as secondary group. It has been fixed now. Sorry for that >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 24, 2015, 10:26:47 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 24, 2015, 02:11:37 AM
So for some reasons, @DarkestEx primary membergroup was no longer Elite Coder. I am unsure why this happened, but it was set as secondary group. It has been fixed now. Sorry for that >.<
I changed it so that the blue text shows up on his mini profile in posts because for some reason it was hidden by the "featured project author" text.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 24, 2015, 03:59:40 PM
It's because he's moderator of his subforums.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 24, 2015, 06:43:04 PM
Alexgt is as well, but he doesn't have that label. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive, or at least the text should remain blue.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on September 24, 2015, 06:46:41 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on September 24, 2015, 06:43:04 PM
Alexgt is as well, but he doesn't have that label. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive, or at least the text should remain blue.
The label is gone now :(
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 24, 2015, 08:23:21 PM
By the way I just updated the ssh motd to remove aeTIos and pimath and include Eiyeron.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 24, 2015, 08:54:17 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on September 24, 2015, 06:43:04 PM
Alexgt is as well, but he doesn't have that label. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive, or at least the text should remain blue.
I'm unsure why it's inconsistent per sub-forum. I guess it's a SMF bug. ANyway I think all EC should have blue nicks. The stars/label will only disappear in the MIcrocat and TwoStep sub-forums anyway. I will need to check if a SMF mod exists to fix that, but I don't see how this is such a serious issue.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 24, 2015, 08:57:09 PM
Oh I see why it's that way now, thanks for clearing it up.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on September 24, 2015, 09:11:25 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 24, 2015, 08:54:17 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on September 24, 2015, 06:43:04 PM
Alexgt is as well, but he doesn't have that label. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive, or at least the text should remain blue.
I'm unsure why it's inconsistent per sub-forum. I guess it's a SMF bug. ANyway I think all EC should have blue nicks. The stars/label will only disappear in the MIcrocat and TwoStep sub-forums anyway. I will need to check if a SMF mod exists to fix that, but I don't see how this is such a serious issue.
I was referring to the "Featured Project Author" which is now gone
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on September 25, 2015, 12:17:43 AM
Yeah it's only visible in threads that are in the microcat subforum.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on September 27, 2015, 04:54:18 PM
Here is a list of improvements and bugs I had in the last time:

Improvement requests for WalrusIRC:
Could @Juju please add a button to the WalrusIRC window that has an image symbol and allows doing two things in a window similar to the smiley one:
1st: Upload an image using the browser file selection tool (because you cannot drag and drop on Android)
2nd: Have a scrollable thumbnail list of all images to easily select images and paste them into the chat

Also it would be great to allow larger images and let the software scale them down to maximum size and compress them maybe.
You could e.g. make them expire when not viewed for over a month, or have other ways to work with them (also maybe having filenames lile on imgur that are autogenerated)

Facebook like button cutoff bug:
The facebook like button is cutoff and is partially covered by the twtter button.

WalrusIRC image frame cutoff bug:
The frame when hovering over larger (in width) images in WalrusIRC is cut off.

Thank you all in advance! :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 27, 2015, 04:57:24 PM
I can't address bug 1 and 3, but for bug 2 I could simply change the code for those Facebook buttons and make them English-only, like the one at the top of the page. In French, "Like" is "j'aime" so it's not as bad, but I didn't know that in some languages "like" was several thousands of characters large. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 01, 2015, 03:40:51 AM
There appears to be some issues with posting permissions for regular members. I believe that I fixed them (they caused regular members to have their topics require approval from time to time instead of just inside the randomness board). However, I still don't know if approval will work for restricted (banned) users, so I might need to create a dummy account and ban it to test some stuff (eg if posting topics still works with approval despite having set auto-approve permissions as denied). SMF is strange sometimes >.<

EDIT: Currently it appears they can post replies requiring approval, but posting new topics won't work.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 08, 2015, 06:18:34 AM
TODO list (short-terms):

-Add a tutorials link in the site navigation
-Finish the Summer newsletter (over 1 week late >.<)
-New staff (they are currently awaiting approval)
-Fix some theme issues preventing some text from being visible on mobile. For example, on the board stats page, maybe we could hide New members column or make some lists a smaller width percentage, such as 95%?

I also updated the TODO list on the first page. Darn, some stuff there is kinda old >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on October 09, 2015, 11:23:50 AM
I have another feature request regarding WalrusIRC.
Normally nobody uses the full name to talk to a person and it might be good to be alerted when somebody is talking about certain things.
I think it would be cool to be able to define a list of additional keywords to be alerted of.

Also the alert boxes mess up when using control characters.
You should clean the message of any color tags and characters that are not printable before alerting.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 09, 2015, 06:47:53 PM
I agree about the first. Maybe in the options we could enter tags? Or we could allow people to choose how.many nickname characters we need to enter to get highlighted and also disallow Walrified from highlighting us.

*pokes @Juju about those feature ideas*

What do you mean by alert boxes, by the way?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on October 09, 2015, 11:20:52 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 09, 2015, 06:47:53 PM
I agree about the first. Maybe in the options we could enter tags? Or we could allow people to choose how.many nickname characters we need to enter to get highlighted and also disallow Walrified from highlighting us.

*pokes @Juju about those feature ideas*

What do you mean by alert boxes, by the way?
I mean the notifications you can enable in the settings.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 10, 2015, 01:42:32 AM
Oh right, those. Juju will have to look into the bug then.

Mind reposting the bug rrport in the WalrusIRC thread?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 12, 2015, 05:08:36 AM

The PM notification was made less flashy, at the expense of people probably missing it again like before. THere were some complains about it being too flashy. We'll see how things go. You might need to clear cache or wait a while to see the changes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on October 12, 2015, 03:02:38 PM
"A while" being a whole year but in fact browser cache should expire faster than that due to size limits. Don't use disk cache anyway, it's slow. I have it disabled so restarting my browser is enough to clear cache.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on October 12, 2015, 05:00:44 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on October 12, 2015, 03:02:38 PM
"A while" being a whole year but in fact browser cache should expire faster than that due to size limits. Don't use disk cache anyway, it's slow. I have it disabled so restarting my browser is enough to clear cache.
You really need to have it cache. It saves me a hell lot of data when I am on the go. But I could just resort back to the wap2 version. Somebody should make a theme for that one.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on October 12, 2015, 05:05:22 PM
Cache is enabled on the site. What I was saying is that the expiration time is set to a year for all static content, can't guarantee anything for external content that is embedded into posts though.
I have disk cache disabled in my browser for performance reasons, RAM cache builds up pretty fast and is much faster than disk cache. Since I have a lot of RAM I don't lose anything from that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on October 12, 2015, 05:42:52 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on October 12, 2015, 05:05:22 PM
Cache is enabled on the site. What I was saying is that the expiration time is set to a year for all static content, can't guarantee anything for external content that is embedded into posts though.
I have disk cache disabled in my browser for performance reasons, RAM cache builds up pretty fast and is much faster than disk cache. Since I have a lot of RAM I don't lose anything from that.
Me not either, though on my smartphone I have to pay so much for data usage that I like caching stuff.

Well I fell back to mostly using the WAP2 version of CW which is pretty small and quick.
It would be nice if it would be CW themed.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 12, 2015, 08:10:36 PM
I had plans to theme WAP2 at some point, if it usea any CSS. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on October 13, 2015, 06:48:21 AM
If it doesn't you can still add it in. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 13, 2015, 07:17:33 AM
Most likely, but only as long as it doesn't involve directly modifying SMF source. That's bad for upgrades.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on October 31, 2015, 12:20:03 AM
I have no idea where to post this so I'll do it here :P

When I write a post in the quick reply box, I then have to press "Post" under the box. But I always press the "Reply" button above it. Obviously, it doesn't produce the same result.
So would it be possible to make the "Post" button more visible, or the Reply button less visible (same color as its neighbours, not standing out as it is right now) ? Because yeah, it's logical that the "Post" one is the right one, but the "Reply" button is just a lot more tempting...
Or couldn't the "Reply" button lead to the same place as the "Preview" one ? This way, even people who don't think before clicking don't lose what they wrote.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 31, 2015, 03:13:37 AM
I didn't realize this was an issue, because the distance in height between the Reply button compared to the Quick reply box is very large.

Or could there be an extra quick-reply button next to Reply that immediately go down in the page?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Hayleia on October 31, 2015, 08:03:38 AM
Yeah, I know the chances to click "Reply" are supposedly low, but I don't know, I blink after finishing my post then click on the most visible button or something. Even though yeah, the organization makes it clear the right one is "Post".
And an extra "quick-reply" button would kill that organization in my opinion.

Isn't it just possible to make the "Reply" button less standing out and the "Post" button more standing out ?
So that we see there are two important buttons instead of one super-important button.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 12:52:03 AM
I know HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript pretty well. If I make a Codewalrus site from scratch then can you please put it on the server replacing this current site? I want to go for flat design and touch friendly.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 01, 2015, 12:54:16 AM
Not happening bro, do you have any idea how many hours were put into this site ? You can count that in weeks. And we can't afford migrating the db to another CMS. The site already features everything you mentioned.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 12:55:52 AM
What I mean is only writing the client side parts from scratch. The server side parts i'll leave alone.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 01, 2015, 12:58:12 AM
The design is fine as it is. Everyone likes it and we've  spent many hours tweaking it to our liking. Feel free to suggest improvements, but we won't let you redo it from scratch unless you can show us a design we like and it is compatible with SMF.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 12:59:14 AM
What exactly is SMF?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: bb010g on November 01, 2015, 01:02:22 AM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on November 01, 2015, 12:58:12 AM
Feel free to suggest improvements, but we won't let you redo it from scratch...
More, you're free to do remake or reproduce anything you want on here from scratch, but that's at your own discretion. Its future use here is neither guaranteed nor denied.

Quote from: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 12:59:14 AM
What exactly is SMF?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 01:04:30 AM
SMF looks pretty old fashioned unless i'm wrong and I can modernize it with CSS.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 01, 2015, 01:06:46 AM
You're wrong, you can modernize it with CSS if you want.

Also, introducing the [video] tag! It's pretty much like img tags but for videos. controls, width and height parameters supported!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: bb010g on November 01, 2015, 01:09:44 AM
Edit: Could you give a rundown of how [video] works?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 01, 2015, 01:10:45 AM
It's not for YouTube. We have [youtube] for that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 01, 2015, 01:11:18 AM
It's not meant for YouTube videos, it's a simple wrapper around the html5 <video> tag.
Oh, ninja'd by Juju.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 01:14:30 AM
SMF 2.1 comes out in 1-2 years and we'll most likely start working on a 2.1 theme shortly afterwards. But we're on SMF to stay.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ephraim Becker on November 01, 2015, 01:17:12 AM
Should I grab the beta and start work on a theme?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 01:40:59 AM
No, beta themes will not work in final version and RC1 themes won't either. We can't start until final version and I think we will most likely use a similar-looking theme anyway, since we don't see what's wrong with it.

If you dislike CW theme so much as to say it looks like it's straight from the 80's (see IRC logs) and that the site needs to be redone then you probably can always start your own calc forum if you aren't fine with the existing ones, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on November 01, 2015, 07:47:22 AM
QuoteIf you dislike CW theme so much as to say it looks like it's straight from the 80's (see IRC logs) and that the site needs to be redone then you probably can always start your own calc forum if you aren't fine with the existing ones, though.
Looks like he's still as rude as before, so good luck attracting non-insignificant following on a brand-new site...

The current site design looks functional enough.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 07:57:54 AM
Do you mean myself or Ephraim? Because I could understand that my post can come accross as rude by people who missed part of the context (half of his feedback was posted on IRC), past history, as well as what recently happened in #omnimaga and #knightos.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on November 01, 2015, 08:07:51 AM
Nope, Ephraim, of course :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on November 01, 2015, 10:41:34 AM
Lol WTF is happening?!
The theme of CW is great. Even on mobile devices. Though on the go I am using the WAP2 one most of the time as my prepaid data plan would be dying otherwise (8MB ~ 1 EUR)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 04:42:27 PM
You only got 1 kilobyte of monthly data? :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on November 01, 2015, 05:08:36 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 04:42:27 PM
You only got 1 kilobyte of monthly data? [emoji14]
Well it depends, but 5 euro per month is the absolute maximum I may spend.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 01, 2015, 06:33:11 PM
I was kidding actually. Even the login page in WAP mode doesn't fit under 1 KB. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 02, 2015, 07:27:45 AM
Quote from: DarkestEx on November 01, 2015, 10:41:34 AM
Lol WTF is happening?!
The theme of CW is great. Even on mobile devices. Though on the go I am using the WAP2 one most of the time as my prepaid data plan would be dying otherwise (8MB ~ 1 EUR)
Not sure. The guy seems to prefer that the site changes around him rather than getting used to it, same with software he uses and stuff, judging from his past posts, and he is banned from Omnimaga, Cemetech and #knightos, so it's better to only take his posts with a grain of salt and simply different opinions.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 02, 2015, 09:16:17 AM
It's not the first time he wants to rework something that is perfectly fine from scratch.Some people are less tolerant than we are but we also have our limits, so don't push the joke too far.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 03, 2015, 08:51:09 AM
Yeah I remember when he wanted CodeWalrus to merge with Omnimaga and Cemetech, just a few weeks after getting banned from the latter two. That and some other things on Cemetech. And what you said about tolerance to changes and different interfaces. The thing is even ourselves, who got an hard time getting used to new stuff compared to some others, still had to adapt to changes to not be held back (and when it was impossible to adapt, we simply made our own stuff, eg CodeWalrus).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 03, 2015, 11:19:23 AM
In the case of Omni changes it wasn't really that it was hard to adapt but that human relations don't work the same way as other things do. There were conflicts so we left. That's really all there is to it and that's also why none of the site teams are willing to merge (no one even considered it in the first place).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 04, 2015, 02:24:17 AM
Yeah true. A merge would only be possible under certain conditions and even then it's possible that it would drive away some of the current Omnimaga users that either joined after the changes took place or prefer the new ways. But yeah basically there are multiple sites for a reason.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 04, 2015, 09:27:03 PM
Just renamed the Comics and TV shows board to Media Talk, since as Turiq pointed out, we don't have any place for books and it's pretty fitting. So yeah, basically pretty much anything fits in there, movies, TV series, comics, anime, novels...
Renamed "Gaming and Walkthroughs" to just "Gaming" as well to make it clear that it is the gaming section and not just a walkthrough section.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 05, 2015, 06:36:44 AM
Well that could work as well. Just as long as it's clear if it's for news medias or not as well. As for gaming I actually added walkthroughs a while ago because I wanted to encourage people to post walkthroughs as well. It can always be put in the description, though, if not already.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on November 05, 2015, 07:14:57 AM
In both cases the description is pretty clear already.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 05, 2015, 07:16:16 AM
Ah ok good. It just seemed a bit akward about the gaming section since I recall it was just called gaming at first then I changed it to include walkthroughs, or maybe I just added it with walkthroughs from the start? I forgot :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 19, 2015, 02:09:17 AM
We have renewed our SSL certificate now so the site should not throw any HTTPS error.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 19, 2015, 08:33:37 AM
Well it did for a few hours, but thanks for fixing. :P What did cause the error?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2015, 06:37:30 PM
TODO: Fix topic listing. Subforum with 3 pages have empty topics listed and some are not ordered correctly. I suspect it's due to the topic cloning mod.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on November 25, 2015, 08:50:25 PM
I just noticed i can tag members again too :D
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2015, 09:30:40 PM
I blame your Chrome version being outdated, cuz it has always worked for me on WIndows 7 <.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Snektron on November 25, 2015, 10:22:58 PM
My chrome is always up-to-date <_<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 25, 2015, 11:18:13 PM
Then it might be the way you were trying to use mentions or the OS the browser is on, since on Windows it always worked fine for me. I know that quick edit lacks the mentions drop-downs, but when saving it works.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 28, 2015, 06:46:21 AM
Minor updates:

-Welcome message on the front page edited to mention all TI, Casio and HP calculators, instead of just TI-84 Plus, TI-Nspire and HP Prime. It didn't make sense considering many people program for the CSE and we had a few Casio programs before.

-Super Walrii Land sub-forum terminated

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 04, 2015, 05:39:06 AM

-Find a way to make website links in block titles open in the same window

-Make custom profile links such as Youtube/Reddit open in a new window

-Maybe install ENotify at some point? Sorunome provided a fix for the author that solves the issue about page views being inflated greatly by the mod. Basically, it shows new posts in real time anywhere on the forums. On the other hand, we already have WalrusIRC, as well as DarkestEx/Cumred post notifiers that do that and the latter two even show notifications on your computer or phone .
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 05, 2015, 06:58:52 PM
Quote<debrouxl> Bug report, CW admins: today, I filled in my ID in my profile settings, but the generated link in the profile information at the left of my posts on CW is incorrect. The "<userID/100>/" part is not added automatically, unlike on Cemetech :)
Allowing partial url input is not very secure, this field should be changed to numeric input and parse the ID manually, I have no idea if it's scriptable though. Possibly with JS but I'd rather avoid it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 05, 2015, 07:46:19 PM
I browse all forums of the TI community without JS. No need for JS in this instance, the checks and translation must be done server-side.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 05, 2015, 08:00:58 PM
I don't know if I understand your bug report @Lionel Debroux but I might have an hint of what you mean. I will check custom profile fields once I get home, because there are various parameters there that can help security and possibly do what you want.

Would you prefer that it requires you to enter 112/11234? That's what it did on Omni when I ran it.

Also I don't like Javascript either. I can tolerate it for certain automated things such as WalrusIRC, but for stuff like posting and navigation I prefer keeping it to a minimum.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 05, 2015, 08:47:03 PM
I could of course enter 58/5891 instead of just 5891, but I think it would be more convenient for CW users with profiles to just enter the ID, like they do on Cemetech. That's why I posted the bug report / feature request :)

QuoteAlso I don't like Javascript either. I can tolerate it for certain automated things such as WalrusIRC, but for stuff like posting and navigation I prefer keeping it to a minimum.
Exactly. What's more, JS is a constant source of vulnerabilities in the browser... the least JS all of us execute, the better.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 05, 2015, 10:34:04 PM
Ah tha ks for clarifying. I should see if it's possible. I am afraid not with the current custom field feature so it would need to be coded ourselves.

We could always link to accounts instead, but we won't, because despite Omni stating that you have to enter the ID, people would still enter their nick instead, leading to a 404 link. So author ID is better
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 07:57:31 AM
@Lionel Debroux a small update: It looks like the Custom Profile Field feature in SMF 2.0 doesn't support what you would like. What I have done right now is limiting that field to 9 characters instead of 255 due to a security issue brought up earlier on IRC (thanks @Vogtinator) and someone will have to help me figure out what regex to use instead to only allow the / character and digits.

We will have to modify SMF code via a mod ourselves, I guess, so adding this feature might take a long while. Sorry.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Vogtinator on December 06, 2015, 01:11:24 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 07:57:31 AM
What I have done right now is limiting that field to 9 characters instead of 255 due to a security issue brought up earlier on IRC (thanks @Vogtinator)

Looks like the change didn't affect already set fields, my link is still working :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 06:02:55 PM
I know. I didn't change yours because it was safe and I was lazy :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 06, 2015, 06:32:11 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 07:57:31 AM
someone will have to help me figure out what regex to use instead to only allow the / character and digits.
Added the regex, but I think I can't test it myself as I'm a root admin and it seems to let me type in anything.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 08:25:40 PM
Nope it does nothing. I can enter 9 chars of any kind ._.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 06, 2015, 10:00:29 PM
Odd, I tested the regex and it works fine but this might be because you have admin rights. Do we have a dummy unprivileged account for testing ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: 123outerme on December 06, 2015, 10:03:54 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on December 06, 2015, 10:00:29 PM
Odd, I tested the regex and it works fine but this might be because you have admin rights. Do we have a dummy unprivileged account for testing ?
Hey, I may be a dummy but I have privileges too!
/me leaves now
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 11:03:22 PM
Quote from: 123outerme on December 06, 2015, 10:03:54 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on December 06, 2015, 10:00:29 PM
Odd, I tested the regex and it works fine but this might be because you have admin rights. Do we have a dummy unprivileged account for testing ?
Hey, I may be a dummy but I have privileges too!
/me leaves now
Strange, I am not even full admin. But again I can edit some account profile fields like calcs, github field, etc. I have a test account somewhere but I am not gonna be home until 10:30 PM like yesterday

We also need to install @Sorunome password plugin once ready, but we need to ensure he's planning to port it to SMF 2.1 so we don't remain locked up in SMF 2.0.* once 2.0 reaches EOL.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on December 06, 2015, 11:10:55 PM
Apparently the non working regex might be an SMF bug. I more or less thoroughly tested it and it's perfectly fine, 123outerme tested that for me as well and he can type what he wants. :/
For the mod, of he doesn't port it Juju (or me) can port it as a last resort.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 11:14:29 PM
That sucks. At least at 9 char it's safer now anyway.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Sorunome on December 07, 2015, 06:01:03 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 06, 2015, 11:03:22 PM
Quote from: 123outerme on December 06, 2015, 10:03:54 PM
Quote from: Streetwalrus on December 06, 2015, 10:00:29 PM
Odd, I tested the regex and it works fine but this might be because you have admin rights. Do we have a dummy unprivileged account for testing ?
Hey, I may be a dummy but I have privileges too!
/me leaves now
Strange, I am not even full admin. But again I can edit some account profile fields like calcs, github field, etc. I have a test account somewhere but I am not gonna be home until 10:30 PM like yesterday

We also need to install @Sorunome password plugin once ready, but we need to ensure he's planning to port it to SMF 2.1 so we don't remain locked up in SMF 2.0.* once 2.0 reaches EOL.
I do plan on porting it to SMF 2.1 but right now my main focus is 2.0.
It will probably end in a way so that it will take some time (a month or two) after 2.1 was released or something, so you wouldn't be able to switch right away.
And, also, I can't and don't want to guarantee that, I cannot know what life will through at me, also uni-wise, but that are my current plans :)

EDIT: If you want to help me making it more secure:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 08, 2015, 07:42:22 PM
Nice to hear. I hope that SMF team don't decide to kill 2.0 the day 2.1 comes out, even if a major security exploit appears in 2.0 right after 2.1 release, now <_<

In any case, we will probably do a backup of the database prior switching, in case an horror show happens :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Sorunome on December 08, 2015, 07:57:52 PM
Just noticed that SMF2.1 actually uses that method of password storing, only with strtolower($username) prefixed, so i'm adapting the mod now to fix that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 08, 2015, 07:59:11 PM
Oh that's great news then. Good idea too to make your mod compatible.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on December 19, 2015, 01:34:12 PM
I guess now that it's pretty much decided that we're going to move to a new forum layout sometime in the relatively near future, should we start thinking about adding it to the todo list? I was thinking to e.g. first rename some forums before moving them.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 23, 2015, 04:46:55 PM
So it looks like Twitterfeed is either dead (no more updates/tweets from them) and now Facebook no longer works, because the last repost is from December there. It looks like I'll have to either setup Twitter to repost stuff on Facebook or find an alternative, because the CW page no longer shows new topics since December 7th
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 25, 2015, 06:33:17 AM

-Forum sections changes initiated. Some sub-forums are still missing, though, descriptions might be outdated and some topics have yet to be moved

-The site slogan changed a bit. Press Shift+F5 if it doesn't show up. Eventually it will be replaced with an info box below the logo and we might use the discussed Minecraft-like humoristic slogans.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 06, 2016, 02:06:01 AM
I have now disabled the Captcha on user registration, just to see if it was actually useful or not (I think it was useless, since most bots can now bypass it)

If it doesn't cause an increase in spam accounts, then the next thing I'll try is disabling the verification question. Who knows?

(so far, we use Stop Forum Spam and when users with 0 posts try to post a web link, they get an error)

If that fails, then they'll be re-enabled again quick.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 06, 2016, 08:23:04 AM
After a good software update, we moved from SPDY to the newer HTTP/2. If your browser is up to date, you shouldn't see any changes. Also at the same time I added experimental support for the Gopher protocol.

Visit the site on Gopher here: gopher:// (
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 06, 2016, 07:24:33 PM
What is the difference and improvements over SPDY?

Also lol at the Gopher site. XD
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on January 06, 2016, 07:42:08 PM
Heh, adding support for a protocol which pretty much died a couple decades ago ? ;)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 06, 2016, 07:44:04 PM
Well, when I ran Omni, Netham45 added Opera 3.0 support to OmnomIRC-Mini, after all, and SMF still has support for old mobile phones such as the Nokia 3310 and I bet it can be browsed easily from a 50 MHz computer via ;)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on January 06, 2016, 08:52:14 PM
Haha, that reminds me Juju was working on a telnet bbs at one point. Or was it an omni or cw frontend ?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 06, 2016, 08:54:22 PM
That was on Omni, but it disappeared at some point. I forgot if it was due to 57o9 shutdown or something else.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on January 06, 2016, 08:59:45 PM
Nah that was more recent, something like last year.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2016, 12:34:41 AM
Oh ok. Not sure why it failed, then. Didn't it at least get online for a short while?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 07, 2016, 03:27:34 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 06, 2016, 07:24:33 PM
What is the difference and improvements over SPDY?
They pretty much took SPDY (which was Google's attempt of making an improved HTTP protocol), improved it and made it into an Internet Standard. Vendors, such as Nginx and Google, are now replacing and phasing out SPDY for the newer HTTP/2.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2016, 06:07:21 AM
Ah I see then. As long as it doesn't cause compatibility issues. I remember when DarkestEx had massive CW lag when we switched to https.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2016, 11:49:56 PM
I just changed the max unused session lenght from 48 minutes to 3 hours. That should fix some of the issues people have when they write very long posts during 2 hours (unless they take 6 years to write the said post)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 29, 2016, 08:41:24 AM
TODO: Investigate why CW Twitter now posts everything twice. I suspect that the Facebook account has been linked to Twitter by one of the staff or automatically or Twitterfeed is messed up.

EDIT: I just delinked the Facebook page from Twitter now. Let's see if it works on next Twitterfeed update...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 15, 2016, 04:57:47 AM
I have updated the todo list and feature idea in the first post, but I might have forgotten some stuff. I removed stuff that was already fixed and added the following:

-Fix karma showing up twice below posts
-Fix Soundcloud plugin.
-Get @Juju to move some of his less useful files elsewhere than CW server and get @Streetwalrus to check if some old server logs could be pruned, because we almost used all of our 30 GB disk space (we have less than 3 GB left from what I saw on some server page a few days ago and Juju used about 16 GB alone IIRC).

I also lowered the priority of the Merch store, because the Canadian dollar is just too low (a sample t-shirt would probably be $50 as a result).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on February 15, 2016, 08:25:47 AM
Just freed up >3GB of space by cleaning apt's cache. Package manager cache takes a lot more space than logs (currently <500MB) and isn't really worth keeping around. Juju still needs to move his stuff off the server (he uses 14GB <_<) but at our current growth rate this should be enough for now. We have 20% disk space free now (6GB).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 16, 2016, 09:12:13 AM
Yeah, it might be nice if he moved his stuff, though, or at least, the bigger files. We try to keep hosting costs to a minimum so we would rather prefer not having to upgrade >.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on February 17, 2016, 05:04:19 PM
Why does he even have 14GB <_< That's ridiculous. FIX PLS
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 17, 2016, 05:48:19 PM
Not sure, Juju is not known to keep his stuff in order regularly, so when he finds something cool he probably just uploads it to CW since it's faster to access for him, then forgets to clean his space up. <_< But he will have to eventually because once we run out of space, his folder would be the first thing to be deleted in such case¨(regardless of if he has backups or not, since he was told a few times about it before). <_<

/me pokes @Juju to fix ASAP
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 17, 2016, 06:24:32 PM
Alright, alright, I'm looking into it.

EDIT: Moving a big 12G folder with 3 things in it I named "BigStuffINeedToMoveAway", it's gonna take a while, hold on.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 17, 2016, 05:48:19 PM
Not sure, Juju is not known to keep his stuff in order regularly, so when he finds something cool he probably just uploads it to CW since it's faster to access for him, then forgets to clean his space up.
Back when my internet was insanely slow, I often found downloading big stuff from a slow server was faster using the CW server than downloading it directly. Now that I have a good speed, it's kinda useless now.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2016, 03:51:11 AM
What is in that folder? O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 24, 2016, 04:17:13 AM
Sub-forum updates:

-Added X3D sub-forum under featured projects
-Moved all small Elite Coder project sub-forums into a parent sub-forum for more space for big projects.
-Added a sub-forum for CUmred and myself for our smaller projects (like the other Elite Coders)
-Added 123outerme to the sub-forum moderator list for Sorcery of Uvutu.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 03, 2016, 03:20:57 AM
I noticed a bug with Like and Flag as abusive buttons: In locked topics, they show up in the middle and the text is larger.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on March 03, 2016, 07:59:05 AM
I can't reproduce that.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 03, 2016, 08:33:44 AM
Yeah, it only happens when you don't have staff powers it seems.

Another strange bug is that topics posted in the randomness board sometimes land in the site feedback section, requiring approval.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 08, 2016, 10:17:07 PM
Update: Now all custom profile fields (Youtube, Github, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Steam, Ticalc) opens in new window when clicked.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 29, 2016, 09:19:20 PM
Good news: We now have top 10 posting statistics for multiple categories on the stats page: Top 10 posters and topic starters by day, week, month and even year :D


Of course I bet this will be gone if we upgrade to SMF 2.1 in a few years, since the mod stopped being updated in 2011 or so, but there will most likely be an alternative by then. Also, there was a display bug causing topic starter stats to not work, but I applied a patch on the mod that fixed it.

What I would like as well (but is SMF 1.1-only) is monthly stats per profile:
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on March 29, 2016, 09:26:42 PM
Wow. I post more than I realize. O.O
Why are the top 2 cut off?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 29, 2016, 09:27:30 PM
Because I didn't want the screenshot to be too large. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on March 29, 2016, 09:33:24 PM
Oh, I just now realized it's also cut off at the bottom...   :-[
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 30, 2016, 03:55:14 PM
It's fine. Actually I was originally gonna post a news about this, which was partly why I shrank down the image size, but then I decided to wait since I had just posted a calc news an hour or two before. :P

Also, keeep in mind that the stats aren't 100% accurate. The weekly poster stats resets somewhere around Monday night, but includes Sunday stats for whatever reasons, and I don't think the monthly stats ever reset at all. Stats will be more accurate at the end of the month/week/year.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 02, 2016, 11:41:38 PM
Is there going to be a theme changer widget? I got a bit confused on how to change my theme, and I was trying to get back to yesterday's.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 03, 2016, 05:29:15 PM
I might add one, but we don't recommend switching to joke themes, since they are not maintained
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 03, 2016, 09:42:02 PM
Are there any other themes other than default, plain, html, or the Ninjabyte thing?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Araidia on April 04, 2016, 02:56:48 AM
Quote from: Dudeman313 on April 03, 2016, 09:42:02 PM
Are there any other themes other than default, plain, html, or the Ninjabyte thing?
There is a crazy theme (, but it doesn't seem to be working right now...
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 04, 2016, 04:40:04 AM
Yeah, switching to https broke it. I need to fix some links.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 13, 2016, 01:08:10 AM
This isn't really related to site-specific maintenance, but I have just updated the About section with a new signature banner:


This one reflects the changes made to the site logo a few months ago and removes the translucent background so that the image is smaller (and thus allows for smaller signatures). The About page at also has the BBCode or HTML for if you want to put the logo above in your signature elswhere or your web page.

And before you ask, I didn't animate Walrii in it because many places don't allow animated signatures.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 13, 2016, 08:14:46 PM
Okay. Looks cool!
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 14, 2016, 05:29:44 AM
Thanks. :) Also I just updated the site description meta tag because it looked like it was almost completely focusing on calculators. I changed it to put more emphasis on our other focuses, such as retro gaming and art. and other platforms. I still need to update the front page description, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 14, 2016, 08:37:43 PM
Alright. It's good to show that we are not just a calculator forum so that people like Mr. Schrage(<_<) won't jump to conclusions by saying I'm "looking up games for calculators" every time I visit.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 15, 2016, 06:17:33 AM
Well, if he asks and wants to check then he will definitively see calc stuff, so be careful. I mean, on the front page there are often calc screenshots. But you can always try to access the forum directly and if it takes too long, then just type and you'll land on a topic with no calc stuff in it. I doubt you should bookmark the site in case they monitor your bookmarks. And of course don't visit the site while you're supposed to do school work. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 15, 2016, 07:17:12 AM
/me pokes @Juju @aeTIos @Streetwalrus @Cumred_Snektron @Ivoah (and the other members can voice their opinion too of course :P)

I changed the block of text that was on the front page above the news to reflect our larger focus compared to when we opened our doors, but I am unsure if it's good. Would you have ideas for changes (I wanted to show the type of platforms we program for, but I also wanted to show the most popular ones more in details)?

QuoteWelcome to CodeWalrus!
Welcome to CodeWalrus: A software development community with a focus on retro-gaming and art on TI, HP, Casio calculators (such as the TI-84 Plus series, TI-Nspire CX and HP Prime), Android, iOS devices, vintage game consoles and PC.

Since October 2014, our active members and staff have released new games such as First Fantasy: Mana Force, Line++, Lazer 2 and Wal-Rush!, as well as softwares such as HoustonTracker 2, CEmu and many more including calculator ports of popular games from vintage consoles. And there are lots of WIP in the development section, so make sure to check them out, voice your suggestions and encouragements!

We intend to provide a friendly place to discuss your favorite topics, to hang out and to showcase your projects and releases, so hopefully you feel at home here. Registration is free and only takes a few seconds!

I am also contemplating adding a strip of downscaled game screenshots (including demos that got a release) below the site description. What do you think?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Ivoah on April 15, 2016, 12:36:12 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 15, 2016, 07:17:12 AM
/me pokes @Juju @aeTIos @Streetwalrus @Cumred_Snektron @Ivoah (and the other members can voice their opinion too of course :P)

I changed the block of text that was on the front page above the news to reflect our larger focus compared to when we opened our doors, but I am unsure if it's good. Would you have ideas for changes (I wanted to show the type of platforms we program for, but I also wanted to show the most popular ones more in details)?

QuoteWelcome to CodeWalrus!
Welcome to CodeWalrus: A software development community with a focus on retro-gaming and art on TI, HP, Casio calculators (such as the TI-84 Plus series, TI-Nspire CX and HP Prime), Android, iOS devices, vintage game consoles and PC.

Since October 2014, our active members and staff have released new games such as First Fantasy: Mana Force, Line++, Lazer 2 and Wal-Rush!, as well as softwares such as HoustonTracker 2, CEmu and many more including calculator ports of popular games from vintage consoles. And there are lots of WIP in the development section, so make sure to check them out, voice your suggestions and encouragements!

We intend to provide a friendly place to discuss your favorite topics, to hang out and to showcase your projects and releases, so hopefully you feel at home here. Registration is free and only takes a few seconds!

I am also contemplating adding a strip of downscaled game screenshots (including demos that got a release) below the site description. What do you think?
Looks good to me. What was the text before?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 15, 2016, 02:11:50 PM
It was this:

QuoteWelcome to CodeWalrus: A discussion forum to showcase your projects for all TI, Casio and HP graphing calculators and other mobile devices, as well as discussing retro gaming, drawing and music. Founded in October 2014, we intend to provide a friendly place to discuss your favorite topics and to hang out, so hopefully you feel at home here. Registration is free and only takes a few seconds!

Watch website HCWP trailer on Youtube.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 15, 2016, 08:30:19 PM
The new one is more descriptive. I like it. :)

[spoiler= ?]
Can I comment on this even though I'm not a mod?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 16, 2016, 07:47:37 AM
Yes. This is why I posted this outside the hidden staff section, after all. :P
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 16, 2016, 06:26:15 PM
There is a hidden staff section?  O.O
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 16, 2016, 08:55:36 PM
Of course. Most calc forums have that ;)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on April 16, 2016, 11:28:17 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 16, 2016, 08:55:36 PM
Of course. Most calc forums have that ;)
Most forums in general do.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 17, 2016, 12:07:35 AM
Okay. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 19, 2016, 06:44:46 AM
The site navigation have been updated:

-A direct link to recent posts page has been added for easier access on mobile devices.
-An extra download link has been added to reflect the change to the downloads section.
-An arcade link has been added
-CSS has been altered to accomodate the changes
-Unfortunately, I am unable to make the navigation display on two lines on mobile for administrators (for regular members it only shows 2 lines). I tried various things, to no avail, so should IRC/arcade/about be replaced with Misc/Other and grouped together? Otherwise, maybe @Streetwalrus might know a way since he made the theme mobile-friendly.
-The Microcat sub-forum has also been updated to reflect the changes above.

Changes to download section:
-Utilities are now split from games. So you can now upload math programs as you wish (providing they're not redundant stuff. For example, we don't need 3 quadratic solvers)
-A music section (which redirects to my Bandcamp) has been added.

Thanks juju for uploading my changes.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: novenary on April 19, 2016, 07:20:17 AM
Depends on the size of your screen, for me the navbar is only two lines on both of my phones (though I've changed the internal screen size, on my Nexus 4 it's 3 lines at the stock size).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on April 19, 2016, 07:22:13 AM
QuoteUnfortunately, I am unable to make the navigation display on two lines on mobile for administrators (for regular members it only shows 2 lines). I tried various things, to no avail, so should IRC/arcade/about be replaced with Misc/Other and grouped together? Otherwise, maybe @Streetwalrus might know a way since he made the theme mobile-friendly.
For me it's 2 lines but like streetwalrus I made the internal screen bigger so everything gets rendered smaller.  I don't think any admins really mind it.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 19, 2016, 07:23:01 AM
On my Nexus 5, it's 3 lines, but only the Logout link shows on the 3rd line.

Not that I really mind but it's a little annoying since it hides parts of the logo. <.<
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 21, 2016, 02:36:30 PM
More file archives fixes:

-Files now sorted properly. It was just a matter of editing titles. Here is how to make sure files are sorted properly:

1) Put the main platform before the title, inside a tag, then put the secondary platforms after the title inside tags. Tags will show last regardless.
2) All files for 1 primary platforms must either have a space between the first tag and the title, or none at all.

Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 21, 2016, 07:48:28 PM
Great! I see Graphset CE is in there. :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 22, 2016, 04:29:26 PM
Yeah I planned to add it but we didn't have a non-game section until now. If we start getting many utilities I'll probably split it into educational programs and programming/drawing tools.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 22, 2016, 06:31:07 PM

I saw the new things on the top bar there. Cool! :)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 23, 2016, 03:59:39 AM
Yay! I was unsure about if they would update automatically so I just used the trick where you add ?something21 at the end of the CSS URL in the PHP templates and it forced users to reload cache.

The next step I think will be to add a strip of calc screenshots in the Welcome box on the front page. Either one larger strip of releases and a smaller one showcasing past/present projects as a way to show what can be done on old-school platforms and what we like to make, or just the larger one. Of course the strip will be zoomed out to allow more screenshots on one line (it might just be one large image containing large screenshots).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 24, 2016, 07:10:56 AM
Front page update:

-I now added a strip of screenshots in the Welcome to CW box that contains games from the downloads section. I will add more screenshots to it soon (eg Androides and Crystann). There will also be a second screenshot strip in the future that includes some past and present CW member projects to show what kind of stuff we program.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dudeman313 on April 24, 2016, 09:13:11 PM
Nice, but it's kinda hard to see from my display.  :-|
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 24, 2016, 09:43:28 PM
Yeah I noticed on mobile. I'll make it in two lines
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 24, 2016, 09:54:25 PM
That or put all the screenshots individually so on mobile it'll decide automatically how many lines to make.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 24, 2016, 10:01:04 PM
Nah I don't want them to wrap automatically. My goal was to just have a narrow strip and not increase vertical scrolling too much, even if it means small screenshots. What I could do eventually when we're online together is make multiple banners with fewer screenshots but a different one would appear on every page load.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on April 24, 2016, 10:07:41 PM
Check <picture> and <source> HTML tags. They let you show an image according to media queries, like the width of the page.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 25, 2016, 05:29:01 AM
Well, I changed the banner to the 2-lines one anyway now. Also, I use small screenshots with reduced color depth because I wanted to keep the banner small. It seems to work fine on my side at least (mobile and desktop)

In the future, I guess we could alter the site banner to have screenshots in the background (in grayscale of course).
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 27, 2016, 04:45:32 PM
Small sub-forum updates:

-I added a new download section that redirects straight to the topic for SDL ports for the TI-Nspire (which contains Wolfeinstein 3D, Super Methane Brothers, Another World and various emulators in the first post), because @gameblabla doesn't want to split each release into separate topics. The topic is also listed in both the games and utilities download sections, but I felt some of those SDL/n2Dlib ports needed more visibility. :P

EDIT: Custom profile field additions:

-Below Calculator owned you can now list non-calculator platforms that you own, from mobile devices to vintage computers and game consoles.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 05, 2016, 05:01:39 AM
Clone Topic 0.41 has been successfully installed, replacing v0.40. Unfortunately, the issues we had with 0.40 in sub-forums that have more than 2 pages of topics is still present with it, so we are waiting to see what could be the cause with the author. (I hope it isn't a conflict with another mod we use)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 30, 2016, 02:27:59 AM
On a side note, the first post of this topic was updated with a 3rd section, which is about the future site upgrade. The two other sections might be invalidated by the upgrade, such as some feature additions or bug fixes listed there. But you should get an idea of what we would like to add.

Now that Summer is arriving it might be the occasion to process some of the TODO list elements in the 2nd and 3rd sections, but of course it depends of many factors. Anyway here is the current list:

QuoteMajor site upgrade features to add
Recent Posts:
-Recent posts feature with the same layout as regular sub-forums (like on Omnimaga) with the category and cloned locations appearing below the title next to the author
-The ability to filter the recent posts list by category (like on Lexaloffle and Flarum), one at a time and also by genre (eg dev-related) and certain tags (calcs, tutorials, etc)
-Recent posts page shows by default instead of board index, but there would be an option to switch between board index by default or vice-versa, depending of user's preference.

AJAX notification system (for those who don't use IRC nor WalrusIRC):
-Updates every 30 second
-When mentioned in a post (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When a PM is received (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When there are new posts on the forums  (a (1) digit appears in the navbar and browser title bar)
-When a new post is made in the currently-viewed topic (a warning appears below the list of posts in the topic)

Site navigation
-Welcome User+Avatar inside navbar, to the left
-Inbox and profile gets replaced with icons that appears next to it
-Rest of navigation moved to the center

Feature ideas (some might be scrapped if a SMF 2.1 upgrade come at the horizon)
-Add more games to the arcade, which must either be ports/remakes of calculator games or games made by our members. Having more z80/ez80-themed games would be nice, like Supersonic Ball.
-Make the Report to Moderator feature downvote posts automatically.
-Make WalrusIRC show forum and Telegram users in the online list instead of just IRC users
-Fix theme glitch when using search (green rectangle appearing besides the Logout link
-Fix all PHP errors. None causes any harm it seems, but an error-free site would definitively be much better and professional.
-Add merch store (there is one under construction but the selection is poor and I need to buy samples) <-This is scrapped until the Canadian dollar increases again. I can't afford to spend $50 for a t-shirt.

-Add flood control to and fix the directory listing.
-Get W-803, W-804, W-805 and W-807 back online and on a stable connection. We need more than 3 bots to keep the channel opped.
-Make WalrusIRC iOS-compatible. (seems like a CSS3 problem causing the textarea to be hidden in shoutbox view)
-Add a tutorials link in the site navigation
-Fix some theme issues preventing some text from being visible on mobile. For example, on the board stats page, maybe we could hide New members column or make some lists a smaller width percentage, such as 95%?
-Fix karma showing up twice below posts
-Fix display issues with upvote/downvote buttons inside locked topics for non-staff members.

And perhaps I should add "Fix image upload in there"
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 05, 2016, 03:48:41 PM
Minor update:

-Future members now receive notifications of new replies to their posts via e-mail by default. They get notified of only the first reply to their post after they post, though, not all replies. They can disable this in their profile.
-Future member accounts now have the member profile navigation setup as a sidebar instead of top navigation by default. It can be changed via the << or >> image icon there.
-Child boards now show up on every page inside boards.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on June 06, 2016, 04:41:04 PM
I might be getting every reply in my email. I don't really mind (keeps me up to date) but maybe something to note.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 06, 2016, 05:03:18 PM
Did you start getting replies now without changing any settings? Because I personally don't get any email and the aforementioned change should only apply to future user registrations.

Not to mention SMF topic notification is supposed to only send 1 reply notification until you read the topic again (ActuallY I think it might send the next one after even if you don't reply, if that's what you mean)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: aetios on June 06, 2016, 05:05:27 PM
I just checked and while I don't get multiple updates  per topic, I do get the updates in my mail. Like I said no biggie but it's worth noting.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 06, 2016, 05:05:58 PM
Ok thanks for the info.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 17, 2016, 11:52:55 PM
Could you please add a field to the user profile that allows adding a copyright notice to the avatar.
Like a hover (alt) field that allows specifying who originally made the image.
This will certainly prevent issues in the future and I would have had use for this field more than once yet.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 12:00:35 AM
Wait, did a forum member stole one of your avatar artwork? O.O

That could be an interesting feature. Couldn't it be the custom user text, though?
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 18, 2016, 12:02:46 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 12:00:35 AM
Wait, did a forum member stole one of your avatar artwork? O.O

That could be an interesting feature. Couldn't it be the custom user text, though?
Nono, but I am using avatars created by other people since a while now and using my Signature for the copyright is not ideal.
A dedicated copyright field that is visible when hovering over the image. I don't think the custom user text is too good for that either.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 12:06:47 AM
Ah ok. @Streetwalrus or @Juju would need to look into this, but I think it would require writing a new SMF modification (unless you want to write one :P)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Yuki on June 18, 2016, 07:03:20 AM
I never heard of anyone having the need of a special place to attribute the copyright of their avatar, the signature is a pretty fine place to do that IMO, but if someone on the staff wants to look into this that would probably be nice. (Not that we have a lot of user-customizable fields already but eh, that wouldn't rank very high in our to-do list.)
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 18, 2016, 09:21:25 AM
Quote from: Juju on June 18, 2016, 07:03:20 AM
I never heard of anyone having the need of a special place to attribute the copyright of their avatar, the signature is a pretty fine place to do that IMO, but if someone on the staff wants to look into this that would probably be nice. (Not that we have a lot of user-customizable fields already but eh, that wouldn't rank very high in our to-do list.)
Well especially here in Germany, there is nothing like Fair Use, so even if you get the permission of using the image, displaying the original copyright is extremely important. Giving copyright and source near the image is absolutely important. I would even go and write the mod for myself, if you can't just use the existing fields library to add a small hover to the image.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 04:36:18 PM
We can't please every country authorities, though. It would come back to our forum rule #1 anyway (about people or groups trying to instate rules on CW that don't exist). SMF software is international. But yeah, a mod allowing people to do this wouldn't hurt. I guess what could be done is allow people to take their custom text so that it hovers on the avatar, but it would need to be an option.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 18, 2016, 04:40:54 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 04:36:18 PM
We can't please every country authorities, though. It would come back to our forum rule #1 anyway (about people or groups trying to instate rules on CW that don't exist). SMF software is international. But yeah, a mod allowing people to do this wouldn't hurt. I guess what could be done is allow people to take their custom text so that it hovers on the avatar, but it would need to be an option.
Well a lot of other countries are affected aswell. Also this is something I always found to be an important feature. People get fined thousands of euros/dollars/tomatoes for violating copyright rules. Even though I try to get copyright sorted out for me by contacting artists myself and putting stuff into my signature and whereever else it, would it still be an incredibly useful feature for others too.

The only thing it would need to do is set the title attribute of the img html tag. This displays the text when you hover over the image.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 05:28:07 PM
I am curious if there would be a way to make the attribute dynamic, based on user ID, and if the Custom text field contains a certain character or tag then it's parsed differently.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 18, 2016, 05:30:41 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 05:28:07 PM
I am curious if there would be a way to make the attribute dynamic, based on user ID, and if the Custom text field contains a certain character or tag then it's parsed differently.
Probably, but adding a separate field would be easier as you just need to add the field's contents to the title tag and not having to bother with specially formatted fields.
If the tag is empty, there won't be a tool tip showing up anyways.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 08:48:42 PM
I'll see if we can embed CSS inside the field. I know we can use special codes but I don't know about CSS and HTML. It will probably take a while, though, before we look into this.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on June 18, 2016, 09:25:18 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 18, 2016, 08:48:42 PM
I'll see if we can embed CSS inside the field. I know we can use special codes but I don't know about CSS and HTML. It will probably take a while, though, before we look into this.
Sure, thanks, though it should be quite simple to do.
CSS is not even involved at all. It's just adding the field to the theme's img tag for th avatars.
It's nowhere urgent but a small thing.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 24, 2016, 07:35:08 AM
Update: The screenshots banner on the front page has been updated with a 3rd row, including some more recent releases. I only included programs that had a download being posted, though.

As before, note that there might be more additions in the future, though, such as a smaller strip of game ports (eg the SDL ones) and unreleased projects that we worked on to showcase what our users do, though.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 03, 2016, 06:53:05 AM

Site updates:
-The Randomness board is now visible to guests. Since it isn't that spammy (eg no word association/ban the user above you games) and that topics there requires a moderator to approve them when created, I might get @Juju to whitelist it on Walrified bot.

-I recycled my old Omnimaga monthly stats graph (I still had the OpenOffice file) and added this below Juju's statsgraph. Unlike Statsgraph, cwpoststats is static, though. If anyone remembers, despite stepping down from Omnimaga admin in 2011, I unofficially remained in charge of updating that graph, with the difference being that I had to bug an admin to copy the updated picture on their server. They ditched that graphic during the 2014 upgrade:


EDIT: Not worthy of a bump, but I made the affiliate links at the bottom of the page so that they open in a new tab.
Title: Re: todo list & updates discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 12, 2016, 05:13:04 AM
Site updates:

-About section now has updated disclaimers: (mainly to ensure that CW's history is preserved in long terms)

-MTV Music Generator production/showcase board added to the music section (due to the recent TIMGUL partial merger)

-PC & Mac sub-forum renamed to include vintage computers
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 18, 2016, 06:51:26 PM

-@DarkestEx now has editor status, so adding topics to the front page no longer requires a moderator to approve them.
-The Classifields sub-forum will arrive soon.
-Some WalrusIRC smileys were replaced (s:3= and r:3=), and broken (404) ones that happened as a result were fixed soon afterwards.
-Spambot queue was cleaned up and userlist scanned again to detect previously undetected spambots. One was set to require user activation and the rest were rejected.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 19, 2016, 06:03:16 PM
The OneAll Social Login plugin has been updated. THis caused some social login outages for a few minutes as upgrading that particular plugin resets our settings, but it should be working now. If you encounter any issues with any social network let us know (at a d m i n @ c o d e w a l r . u s if you can't login at all)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 02, 2016, 05:52:07 AM
So I spotted some things that need updating and I'm writing them here in case I forget the next time I update the site:

-The Short URLs in topics needs to be changed from http to https. That might require me temporary ssh access to the template files, though.
-Adding the classifield/yard sale sub-forum
-Maybe a translation/dubbing/subbing sub-forum as well?
-Making other/walriifanart or whatever the folder was so that they show up as images in WalrusIRC.

The rest seems to be in the previous posts overall.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 05, 2016, 12:20:02 PM
In "New Posts" when clicking a tag like [z80] or [ti 84+ ce] it redirects to the search site (;search=) but its always searching for an empty string... Maybe add tags as Additional options to the search function? :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 05, 2016, 05:56:49 PM
That might require some modding to the search feature. We'll see what we can do. Also I hate how guests cannot search by tags
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 05, 2016, 06:04:51 PM
It would be cool if I couldnt only search for tags but also limit the search results to calculator models...
like "New posts" but only for "83+/84+" or something like that ^^ Like an additional option to both search and new post site ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 05, 2016, 07:33:54 PM
That might be more complicated. However, I think it would at least be cool to have a search option with clickable search queries such as calculators.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 05, 2016, 08:24:10 PM
I think I found a little bug.
Isn't this supposed to say "Karma"? ;) Or is karm some kind of singular form of "Karma"? O.o
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 05, 2016, 09:29:07 PM
Yeah that's a known issue. It's something to do with our custom theme >.<

There is also another issue that started happening recently with the mobile theme: Some topic lists have scrollbars. Maybe it's due to someone's nickname being too long? The mobile theme was being worked on a while ago but we didn't elaborate it too much because we thought when SMF 2.1 comes out that we would need to redo the entire theme from scratch. It was also unknown if we would switch to a different forum software or not.

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 06, 2016, 01:58:48 PM
I just noticed the safeHaven posts arent shown in IRC (thats fine) - but at the bottom of "Board Index" page, in the "Forum Stats" they are shown... ^^

Quote from: Forum Stats43970 Posts in 1446 Topics by 562 Members. Latest Member: PeggyKidma
Latest Post: "Re: Random SMS sent - am..." ( Today at 01:46:06 pm )
View the most recent posts on the forum.
[More Stats] [Karma Stats]

*sorry for reporting every single baby-bug I see and annoying you so much but I'm pretty bored lately so I read thorugh everything I come across...  9_9
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 07, 2016, 01:15:00 AM
They don't show up in the stats if you're logged out or lack privileges to see that section. This is why when I was Omnimaga admin the people watchlist thread was among the top 10 in post count  in the stats :P

However @Juju should make safe-haven and staff/news draft posts show up on IRC IMHO, so that people know activity is happening. The only difference is that instead of saying New post by DJ Omnimaga in How to get instant level 40 at Pokémon Go at it should say New post by DJ Omnimaga in [hidden sub-forum category] at

Also thanks for reporting issues. Of course we have no timetable set to fix them, if we can fix them at all, but it's definitively helpful since we might forget some important stuff or miss smaller things.

Also I updated the mobile theme so that the sections that says stuff such as "4908 Posts 218 Topics" no longer show up.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 08, 2016, 03:15:02 PM
It should be possible to change the reason for karma changes within a minute (accidentally pressed enter while typing, spelling mistakes, ...)
It just happened to me :/ (pressed enter)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 08, 2016, 03:38:19 PM
That request would probably need to be directed towards the authors of the Karma description mod, unless one of our staff knows how to add such feature to it. It would be nice to have, though. We can probably edit the karma description via the database, though, if you need.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 08, 2016, 03:40:28 PM
nah its nothing super serious just  few words missing xD Moesnt matter ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 09, 2016, 04:33:32 AM
Ah ok. Also I fixed a bug with the theme edit I introduced the other day, which caused stats to be invisible on mobile, as well as the online list link.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 09, 2016, 12:56:07 PM
*annoying bugfinder is back, yaay*
this time it's the topic ( where you link to;c=2;sa=collapse;be0aca75=cec070f4921b395069e1b3b1e0187a9c#c2 (;c=2;sa=collapse;be0aca75=cec070f4921b395069e1b3b1e0187a9c#c2) but that link seems not to work :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 09, 2016, 04:34:09 PM
Ah right, that post still exists. I should update it someday x.x
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 16, 2016, 02:07:07 PM
This time annoying random members instead of just dj ^^
Had some free time so I logged all broken links and stuff ^^ But this is only topic IDs 1-30 (!!)
[spoiler]@Juju: Link to theme (not working) in your profile:
Quote from: Juju link=;u=5Crazy Borked Mode: OFF ( ON (
Video was deleted:
Quote from: Juju on June 14, 2015, 12:46:06 AM

@Araidia: Link to theme (not working) in Post
Quote from: Araidia on April 04, 2016, 02:56:48 AMThere is a crazy theme (, but it doesn't seem to be working right now...

@DJ Omnimaga: A lot of broken image links in your sprites collection
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 13, 2014, 12:30:47 AM(

@Streetwalrus: You messed up the youtube embedd stuff I think (or maybe its not working at all...?)
Quote from: Streetwalrus on November 30, 2014, 09:32:56 AM

@unknownloner: Same as above :)
Quote from: unknownloner on January 25, 2015, 06:20:32 PM
Quote from: unknownloner on May 16, 2015, 10:32:38 PM
Quote from: unknownloner on June 01, 2015, 04:54:57 AM

@Cumred_Snektron: Link is broken aaaand you set image size fixed so it's a huge empty space now ^^
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on January 27, 2015, 07:09:54 AM(

@Keoni29: The site you're linking to seems down...
Quote from: Keoni29 on November 17, 2014, 10:39:48 PM
This time even with fixed size so it's a huge empty space ^^
Quote from: Keoni29 on January 11, 2015, 04:56:51 PM(

@Streetwalrus: The video was deleted:
Quote from: Streetwalrus on November 19, 2014, 11:40:15 PM
/me is bored :3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Snektron on September 16, 2016, 02:36:14 PM
Yeah i switched to nginx on my server and now it doesnt have permission in the web server folder :( i dont really know how to fix it.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on September 16, 2016, 02:38:39 PM
Damn, you were really bored, @p2.

Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on September 16, 2016, 02:36:14 PM
Yeah i switched to nginx on my server and now it doesnt have permission in the web server folder :( i dont really know how to fix it.
Make sure the files are owned by the user account your web server runs as (usually www-data), or at least have access to them.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 16, 2016, 04:06:54 PM
I'm not sure if we will fix all broken links on the forums <_<

Also @Cumred_Snektron , mind if I host Walrifier on CW server?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Snektron on September 16, 2016, 04:41:03 PM
Sure, go ahead  :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on September 16, 2016, 06:36:27 PM
Fixed mine. The YouTube embed mods are all pretty broken. :/
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 16, 2016, 06:40:45 PM
I have no issue with the one where you enter the URL with no tag tho. ??? Just make sure the Youtube link is https.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 21, 2016, 09:34:04 AM
still when clicking a tag in teh new posts site, I end up here:;search= <--- Searching for empty string
Which made me notice a second bug on search site:
There's an empty button in the menu bar. It's li#button_search
it seems to only appear on teh earch site ^^ probably should just remove it ;)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 21, 2016, 01:52:41 PM
I never figured out how to >.<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 21, 2016, 02:07:58 PM
That's strange...
I'm just guessing now:
It seems there once was a separate "search" button there, which should have been created by your content management system. But obviously it was removed (at least it's content) but the item (<li>)is still left. Which means there's either a list of buttons to create where you forgot to remove the item ooor it's automatically created like going through  pagecollection and adding an item for each of them.
So the fix should be excluding "search" in pagecollection or to remove the item from the list. Deending on how the CMS works ^^
did you already try both?

Else (to hide the problem) just add li#button_search{visibility:hidden;} to the css :3

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 22, 2016, 02:27:39 AM
Yeah the issue started happening after we implemented the custom navigation. I think SMF just doesn't like the navigation to be changed (anymore). And there is a separate search button next to the search field. It's called Advanced. I'll have to check if there are some leftovers from the search button that was in the nav, though, but I am sure there are not. I guess I could go the cheap route and hide it via CSS' though.

Which reminds me, @Streetwalrus should really get to work on those checkbox options for the recent posts list. :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 28, 2016, 01:10:12 AM
Site updated to SMF 2.0.12
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on October 10, 2016, 08:39:35 AM
aaaand it'S me again (yess I love finding bugs) :3
Watching teh CodeW staff site;sa=members;group=10 the HTML isn't filtered and shown in the tab's title
like Viewing Group: <span style="color:#007733;">CodeWalrus Staff</span>

Also can someone please tell @Juju to reduce his signature length or put it in a spoiler...? My mousewheel will start burning if I have to scroll for much longer xD (no offense Juju)
Maybe you could just create a little table and put the pic besides the text? that should already solve it I think ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 11, 2016, 03:29:44 AM
YEah that's because we used HTML in a field where it wasn't intended. This was the only way to get colored member groups :P  (basically, the member group name is actually "<span style="color:#007733;">CodeWalrus Staff</span>")

As for Juju's sig it seemed fine to me since it had scrollbars, but yes it's kinda annoying to see the page stop scrolling everytime it reaches one of his posts. Plus it's pointless to have so much stuff in a signature if only 30% is visible anyway, not to mention the borded mode ON OFF thing is no longer working (the psychedelic theme was removed)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on October 11, 2016, 04:25:00 AM
Ah, yeah, I should check those out and do a better sig.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on October 11, 2016, 06:34:03 AM
I keep hearing about this special mode everywhere, odes anyone have a picture of it? xD
Btw why was it removed? Due to an update or something?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 13, 2016, 04:51:10 AM
I think there might be one somewhere. There was also another psychedelic style theme from December 2014 which never existed and was a photoshop. The April 1st theme was removed because we didn't feel like having to update two themes, especially if one was pretty much irrelevant.

Also a tiny site update: You can now browse the board in Chinese, Russian, German and Hebrew. Note, however, that like the current French, Dutch and Japanese modes, those are only partial translations.

EDIT: Wow Hebrew left to right mode totally wrecked the board up to the point it's unuseable in mobile mode, so for now I disabled left to right mode for that language. <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on October 13, 2016, 07:40:31 AM
lol right-to-left mode sure is strange xD
Do you need help with German translations? :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 13, 2016, 04:50:18 PM
Indeed it's weird <_< (especially when typing text as someone who normally uses alphabet), but also due to our setup >.<. Just see below XD


As for German translations, it,'s not just that I would need help, but rather I would need help understanding how to add new language strings to the site code and stuff for all our customizations, since most stuff that ended up remaining in English is static text rather than dynamic.

Also lol I had forgotten that the Japanese mode used a different CW logo :P

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on October 14, 2016, 06:45:19 AM
that sure looks weird xD
I would have expected my avatar to be mirrored, too ;D

About the translations: Many CMSs provide translation functionality. But are they all based on such wordlist? Isn't there even functionality like using translation APIs? (google or something maybe) ?
Anyways if you find out how it's done I'd be happy to hlp out with translations :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 14, 2016, 06:51:59 AM
SMF uses a list of strings of text. But most custom CW specific features or third-party SMF plugins use static text. The only translated parts are the strings of text.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 08, 2016, 08:46:42 PM
Minor update from last night on CW forums: There is now a featured project sub-forum for all :walrii: games that are either smaller-scale projects or are still in early production stages at

I moved all related topics there, but they still also appear in their original sections.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 20, 2016, 08:07:04 AM
Not much of an update, but I finally fixed my post rating ratio, which still included two accidental downvotes from before we instated voting reasons and a test downvote by @aeTIos in the staff board.  <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 20, 2016, 08:49:13 PM
so thats how admins get their good voting results :trollface:
but yess, I remember you having 7 downvotes, now it's 4... ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 20, 2016, 10:21:51 PM
More like, @123outerme gave 1000 downvotes by accident :trollface:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 22, 2016, 09:04:06 AM
all broken links from topics 32-103
If you'd please fix some of them, the walruses would be pleased  :) <3
skipped all topics with >10 pages (only did the first 5 pages for each of them) <_<

@DJ Omnimaga: Deleted youtube video Deleted youtube video Walrii wasn'T added to the Walrii Fanart topic... :'( Pls update here: Deleted youtube video quoted a now proken link from Keoni29

@Vijfhoek: [OT] is no valid tag... <_< Scientology is stupid

@pimathbrainiac: broken link (link to your old website?)

@unknownloner: broken link (ludum31 project is gone?)

@Snektron: just HOW did you get positive karma for that?  :ninja:

@aeTIos: It's /me runs not just /runs ^^

@Duke "Tape" Eiyeron: Last link is a 404 picture link redirects to cBook... <_<

@Keoni29: broken link

why is one of the snowmen called "P2"... <_<

Help me Im bored...
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: unknownloner on November 22, 2016, 09:12:19 AM
My link probably isn't gonna be fixed. I don't think I have that project anymore.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 22, 2016, 09:43:33 AM
To be honest, I don't think members should always go in their old posts to fix all their broken links, else it would become too much of a chore, especially with Youtube and all those copyright claims flying over them, but  thanks for reporting anyway. :P

Also the music note Walrii works in the first post ???. I still need to update the fanart list, though, with the newly created :walrii:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 22, 2016, 10:06:13 AM
I'm sorry I didn't see the walrii >.< :(

abd about broken links: idk as I post the links it's a matter of 1min to fix the links xD because I think it's really annoying to have broken links everywhere :/
And at least the cBook / SexSearch link should be fixed... <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: aetios on November 22, 2016, 11:35:06 PM
Wow you must have been really bored.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 22, 2016, 11:58:31 PM
He was probably starring at the Walrii fanart page and it motivated him. :trollface:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 23, 2016, 09:38:05 AM
never gonna check that whole thread <_<
but as I mention pretty often, I'm always bored...
maybe now you understand... :/
I always have to do something, and if it's only reading random posts and checking for dead links ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 23, 2016, 05:13:16 PM
@p2 I meant the first post of that thread :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 23, 2016, 07:36:45 PM
luckily I can just wait and see if all pictures are loading...  :thumbsup: Else I'd never do this  :ninja:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 24, 2016, 12:48:40 AM
Something I noticed sometimes on wi-fi mobile at home is that some images from sub-domains will fail to load, then  will load successfully on the next reload. It's very rare, though.

Also, now that we use Let's Encrypt, /me pokes @Streetwalrus and @Juju to setup so that it can be reached via SSL. <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 27, 2016, 06:14:56 PM
how about enforcing users with >100 posts to use their own avatar...?
I'm ALWAYS at the urge of sending a "WELCOME TO CODEWALRUS AND GO INVITE YOURSELF" message to @Lionel Debroux since he has no avatar... then I realize he has >200 posts... and STILL no avatar <_<
Nothing against Lionel Debroux in particular, just something that came into my mind :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on November 27, 2016, 07:13:59 PM
I wonder, what if I set an avatar which is a copy of the "no avatar" avatar ? :P

I don't think avatars, or for instance, the fact of introducing oneself in the appropriate topic / board, should be enforced, because that might make users not feel at ease and truly welcome - and we definitely don't want to cause such feelings :)
I know that's what I felt myself, a while ago, on another forum, where "you need to introduce yourself" was in the rules, IIRC. I didn't follow that ludicrous rule, but it turned that they were really serious about it. One of the admins requested multiple times that I introduced myself in the topic suitable for that purpose, but I had bigger fish to fry (posts technically more useful) than post an introduction post just for the sake of it. Eventually, I got a message telling me that I shouldn't even try to make another post on the forum, unless it was in the introduction topic, because my behaviour was considered disrespectful...
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 27, 2016, 07:17:41 PM
yeah youre right I didnt think about it that way... :/
I usually ignore it once someone has >30 posts to tell them they should introduce themselves as many other members then already know them, I think an introduction post that late doesnt make any sense ^^
but you should anyway think about setting up a pic, even if it was just a red circle ^^ (for guys like me that are super bad with names but good with memorizing images) xD
didnt want to annoy you with this, I'm sorry. <3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 27, 2016, 07:21:59 PM
Eh, here we don't ever enforce anything such as this, Lionel here definitely needs no introduction, and if he likes the default avatar, then let him be.

I've seen many forum admins trying to enforce ridiculous things and come up with a 12-step procedure (including writing a 800-word essay formatted in a particular way you don't have time to write) in order to post and combat unwanted visitors, rest assured we won't do any of that.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on November 27, 2016, 07:23:49 PM
I would also never enforece that to new members, that would totally scare everyone away...
I just thought that members that obviously plan to stay longer (>100 posts) should probably set an avatar to recognize them by xD
I'm sorry I brought it up at all it wasnt ment that way >.<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on November 27, 2016, 09:03:48 PM
Don't worry, we know you didn't mean it that way :)

I used to use the following avatar on the dead TICT/TIGCC message board: ( .
Well, technically, I still do - it's just that I haven't browsed that board, even as a guest, for years, even though I am one of the place's owners, after a post of mine mentioning another forum (at the time, the ancestor of CW) with more activity than that dead board was censored for no valid reason by we know who, then I rewrote the contents of my post back and complained about the inappropriate censorship, yielding deletion of my post...
But animated avatars are considered annoying by some people, among which I think I am (they can distract eyes and mind from the post's contents). I know that some forum board software extracts an image from this kind of images, I haven't checked whether CW's SMF does.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 28, 2016, 08:18:52 PM
Lionel that forces member intro rule seems quite rash O.O. I swear I saw it before on multiple forums but most of the time it was spambot protection as the rest of the board was unlocked after making the intro post.

As for TICT I made a similar post earlier this year when an user complained about the inactivity, where I explained that the activity just moved elsewhere, and it went unnoticed for now it seems.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on December 10, 2016, 05:35:38 PM
I updated the cache policy for the site, so that static files don't need to be renamed (or other cache busting hacks) on each change without losing the benefits of caching. This will cause a request to be sent to make sure that you have the latest version of the file, if you do, the response will just be an ok from the server, if you don't, the new file will be loaded without any delay.
Best of both worlds ! ... as long as your browser hasn't cached said files before I made this change, so you might need to either clear your cache or wait until your browser discards cached contents to know that it should validate them instead of passively ignoring the server. Chrome (and probably the others) will always validate things on PCs regardless of the configuration, but not on mobile devices, so watch out for that.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2016, 03:49:07 AM
Good move @Streetwalrus . That was seriously problematic with certain images in the past, such as the post stats chart thing, which sometimes didn't even refresh even after an hard refresh.

Also I updated the front page pic with the screenshots. I also gave another site theme a try a few days ago but the theme is not public, because it's kinda broken (and probably won't be used at all). I think a theme switch will be problematic with Simpleportal x.x

By the way @Lionel Debroux , I haven't seen that TICT avatar in ages O.O. It would probably be fine on CW, especially due to TICT history, TI-wise, but the original Omnimaga animation probably wouldn't :P

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on December 13, 2016, 07:18:07 AM
Actually, I made an exception for to cache aggressively, but that's because the contents aren't supposed to change once up.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2016, 07:50:30 AM
Which reminds me, isn't supposed to use https by now?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on December 13, 2016, 09:01:02 AM
as far as I know it's already fully implemented :)
@Sorunome already added that a few weeks ago ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on December 13, 2016, 10:50:59 AM
Quote from: p2 on December 13, 2016, 09:01:02 AM
as far as I know it's already fully implemented :)
@Sorunome already added that a few weeks ago ^^
I don't have any access to that kind of stuff :P
What I did do was force https on the upload page of ;)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2016, 10:37:42 PM
From what @Streetwalrus said, it seemed like either our current hosting lacked support for multi-sub-domain HTTPS, or he just couldn't figure out how to implement it via Debian, and it seemed like implementing him would require switching to a new hosting provider for him. I could be wrong, though. I just can't see how on a VPS something can be impossible.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on December 13, 2016, 10:41:51 PM
Nah it's just laziness. I can do it in 5 minutes but I'm going to bed right now.
The problem with debian/our current server is that it's a nightmare to maintain and keep up to date.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 13, 2016, 10:58:16 PM
Oh ok, phew. I was a bit worried >.<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 14, 2016, 06:14:02 AM
In case you don't know about it yet: I've found unattended-upgrades to be a significant time-saver for the task of maintaining a computer's packages up to date. Besides my personal computers, I've installed it on a dozen computers at work, where it automatically installs updates from jessie-security, then sends me a message about what it did (only when it did something).
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 16, 2016, 05:17:55 AM
File attachment limits have been updated on the forums:

-Max size per attachment: 512 KB
-Total attachment size per post: 1 MB
-Max amount of attachments per post: 4
-Attachment diskspace allocated: 1 GB

-Max size per attachment: 1 MB
-Total attachment size per post: 4 MB
-Max amount of attachments per post: 4
-Attachment diskspace allocated: 4 GB

So now you have much more freedom to upload files on the forums. Only 57 MB of the previously allocated 1 GB was being used so far. However, make sure to not abuse this feature , because there's still a 4 GB folder limit for now and it could fill up very fast if you do.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on December 26, 2016, 07:17:58 AM
About page updated. Some info was outdated and I added more, particularly about current staff/how to contact the team, donation-related stuff and the site description.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 12:08:07 AM
We will upgrade to SMF 2.0.13 within the next three years. It's a security patch.

EDIT: Just kidding, it's upgraded now :P

EDIT 2: Also the snow is now made of squares, because we're mostly pixel-oriented, after all <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 07, 2017, 03:57:45 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 12:08:07 AM
EDIT 2: Also the snow is now made of squares, because we're mostly pixel-oriented, after all <_<
I thought there was suddenly something wrong with the CSS and things my browser couldn't support >.>

I have a fairly recent Chrome

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 04:40:40 AM
I suggested the snow edit to Street the other day :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p4nix on January 07, 2017, 06:37:05 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 12:08:07 AM
EDIT 2: Also the snow is now made of squares, because we're mostly pixel-oriented, after all <_<
Can you make the snow color HSV and cycle through hue? :3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 08:53:58 PM
That might be a bit annoying lol, unless the colors were very light.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 09, 2017, 04:36:40 PM
A little reminder (already reported this before):
the staff list on the main pagei s linking to a group that doesnt contain all staff members.
please add a third staff group (no special permissions) with ALL staff members, and let it display that list.;sa=members;group=10 (;sa=members;group=10)
thx a lot <3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 09, 2017, 05:25:55 PM
I don't think aeTIos and Streetwalrus want to get rid of their pink usernames though

Also as I told you the other day, we already have a full list of the staff at
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 10, 2017, 08:48:53 AM
but in the main site's left info panel the wrong staff list is linked :'(
the list in which aeTIos and Streetwalrus are missing... :'(
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 15, 2017, 09:12:38 PM
I guess I'll add them when I have time<_<

EDIT: By the way, I did another massive spambot purge, which is why the Online users in last 7 days dropped so much (went from 95 to 70) and why the total member count dropped as well.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 16, 2017, 10:00:35 AM
nuuu, DJ is killing our bots (
we should add that as little info texts to the statistics, else it would look like the site is dying...  :'(
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2017, 07:52:52 AM
Although I would say it's kinda better to not have 90% of members with zero posts and junk nicknames. Besides, we always have the total member registrations in the daily/monthly/yearly stats.

Also I updated the front page banner to include Oiram, Crafti and Uvutu screenshots. I might replace the Reuben 1 screenshot with a Reuben 3 one later but it doesn't matter that much since both games share similar graphics.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 18, 2017, 07:59:13 AM
- deport the robots
- update the "wall"
- make walrii great again
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2017, 08:07:40 AM
I don't think we need a wall. :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 18, 2017, 08:08:37 AM
was ment as a wordjoke-reference to the front page ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 18, 2017, 04:32:44 PM
I don't get it D:, unless you're refering to Facebook walls or the strip of screenshots above the site news :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 18, 2017, 06:15:55 PM
It was indeed ment as a comparison between the front page posts and a Facebook wall, packed in a checklist Trump-style. I thought that would be obvious, sorry :/
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 19, 2017, 08:59:26 AM
can we maybe add Omnimaga as another account you can link to, just like gitHub and facebook...?
Happened way too often that I wanted to look at a users profile on omni and didnt find it or wasted much time looking for it...
(c you, search capcha, why do you hate me??)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 23, 2017, 05:41:47 PM
Yeah I got the Trump reference but wasn't sure what it had anything to do with CW lol. As for linking to Omni it's impossible unless they decide to provide an API or something to OneAll Social Plugin  and that OneAll team is willing to add support for a forum that has less posts and users than Gaia Online.

Also yeah I often login on Omni only to search stuff, because the CAPTCHA on SMF search for guests  is really annoying. >.<

Anyway I updated CW logo a bit. It's roughly the same but with the alpha transparency redone somewhat properly. That way, the logo will look fine on any background color (except of course the slogan thing)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 23, 2017, 10:57:27 PM
@Sorunome Tell them to do it!! That captcha is way beyond annoying, it's a Terrible waste of time!

Also I already miss the little Santa hat walrus... xD
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 24, 2017, 03:49:21 AM
Regarding the CAPTCHA, can't you just login? It goes away as regular member. If your concern is about not letting people know you logged in then you can set OmnomIRC to not show OmnomIRC join messages, IIRC.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 24, 2017, 09:52:57 AM
nah its just that im too lazy to login just to lookup how many posts pimathbrainiac or whoever else had on Omni.... >.<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 24, 2017, 08:37:34 PM
On sites I visit daily I usually try to check the "stay logged in" option personally so that I don't need to login everytime. But that option doesn't work properly on all websites (for example, on TI-Planet it never works on mobile and I have to login every few week on PC, while Cemetech logs me out every 3-4 days on my 3G connection
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 24, 2017, 09:38:43 PM
I guess im a little too paranoid for that, I never login for over 24 hours even if I know for sure I wont leave the device during that time ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 26, 2017, 11:31:34 AM
Quote from: Sorunome on January 26, 2017, 09:54:41 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 25, 2017, 11:47:20 PM
In any case, we shouldn't require users to disable adblock/change it settings in order to get the site to work :P
Everything is broken with umatrix :p

Oh, and it prolly amplifies as i don't wanne whitelist to like bootstrapcdn or jquery or googleapis :p

seriously though, why won you guys just self-host the libs?
we should actually do that, seriously!! :ninja:
just download the CSS and JS files, put them on the server, and then link to them instead of other domains...
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on January 26, 2017, 11:41:25 AM
here's a list of unneeded external domains i can easily find:

(3 CSS, 1 JS)
(1 JS)
(1 JS)
(1 JS)
(1 JS)
(2 CSS, 1 JS)

The other external things look to me liek facebook integration and stuff

EDIT: I just noticed that the stats page links the statsgraph to http instead of https. This is obviously a possible targeting vector to steal cookies, so please fix :3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on January 27, 2017, 08:00:46 AM
I'll fix the stats graph links in a few minutes :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Lionel Debroux on January 27, 2017, 08:54:11 AM
Caution: as one of the forms of bundling and duplicating code, self-hosting external libs (the proper way, that is) requires staying on top of external updates, including security fixes, and is therefore a maintenance burden. Unless you give up on the updating part, but that's no good for users :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on January 27, 2017, 08:57:32 AM
there shouldn't be that many updates, maybe one every few months, at least for bootstrap and jQuery ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on January 27, 2017, 09:01:08 AM
As I said in another thread, this might ease the burden.

Quote from: Juju on January 27, 2017, 06:53:02 AM
Hm, yeah, we should use this trick I got taught once, load the lib from the CDN, if it didn't loaded then load it locally. As in, pretty much this:

<script src="some link to the jquery cdn">
if(!jQuery) //jQuery didn't loaded
document.write("<sc"+"ript src=some link to the local version of jquery>")
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 02, 2017, 01:22:23 AM
Quote from: Lionel Debroux on January 27, 2017, 08:54:11 AM
Caution: as one of the forms of bundling and duplicating code, self-hosting external libs (the proper way, that is) requires staying on top of external updates, including security fixes, and is therefore a maintenance burden. Unless you give up on the updating part, but that's no good for users :)
Yeah true. If we decide to host them ourselves then Street will have to make sure to not forget to update. I usually upgrade SMF as soon as upgrades go live, but I don't have full access.

Also I need to update the list of project sub-forums someday...
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 04:28:19 AM
Site update:

-In the happy hardcore section of the TIMGUL archives, all topics that have missing or broken song download/streaming links are now marked as such.
-The notice about missing songs in both the hardcore and house sections have been edited to encourage users to search Youtube or other music websites by author/title in case the songs are available elsewhere.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 08, 2017, 09:44:21 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on May 23, 2016, 05:34:27 AM
Which reminds me *pokes @Streetwalrus and @Juju*: For the future version of CW we still need to add an option to replace img tags with URLs (and a second option that lets the user decide if he wants to do it only on 3G or on wi-fi as well)
nüf nüf
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 08, 2017, 05:18:10 PM
What does nüf nüf mean? ???
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 08, 2017, 05:19:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 08, 2017, 05:18:10 PM
What does nüf nüf mean? ???
It's a sound that p2 makes. Scientists are trying to figure out what this means since 1998.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 08, 2017, 05:22:11 PM
Ah ok, I thought it was a new internet meme
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 09, 2017, 08:57:14 AM
DJ that was ment as a reminder to do that special mobile mode, try not to focus on the Nüf nüf  9_9

Quote from: Sorunome on February 08, 2017, 05:19:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 08, 2017, 05:18:10 PM
What does nüf nüf mean? ???
It's a sound that p2 makes. Scientists are trying to figure out what this means since 1998.
nice one  :thumbsup: It's just that I wasn't born in '98  ;)

Nüf nüf <3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 09, 2017, 08:15:16 PM
Ah ok. We need someone with enough skills to be able to do it but that person needs free time. Such person doesn't exist from September to June <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 10, 2017, 09:16:24 AM
we definitely have to work on that one:
it's bretty much unusable right now...  :ninja:
you can't even get to the NEW POSTS page as the menu point is missing.......

Edit: maybe we should leave the menu structure and CSS intact and really just remove the images...
Sure we're a retro site but noone would want to use such a terrible retro site :ninja:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 10, 2017, 05:24:38 PM
That wap thing was made for old 90's phones
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 12, 2017, 11:42:17 PM
that stuff was outdated even before I was born...  <_<

but still I like the idea of having a special mobile site without images :)
even tho it's probably pretty uncool to kill any css  :ninja:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 13, 2017, 03:01:35 AM
It uses some minimal CSS actually. I guess overall our current mobile theme can do the job, even though it has some bugs. I can't wait to see what SMF 2.1 has in store in terms of responsiveness.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 13, 2017, 10:12:02 AM
I was trying to change the title of my reply to Topic #87 when I realized that the current name was already 2 letters OVER the regular maximum title length (I guess you guys modded the database there again).
Could we maybe change the max length globally?
It should be a rather simple config file in clear text, @Sorunome should know where to look for it (hopefully) :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 13, 2017, 10:14:51 AM
Quote from: p2 on February 13, 2017, 10:12:02 AM
I was trying to change the title of my reply to Topic #87 when I realized that the current name was already 2 letters OVER the regular maximum title length (I guess you guys modded the database there again).
Could we maybe change the max length globally?
It should be a rather simple config file in clear text, @Sorunome should know where to look for it (hopefully) :)
You will probably have to also modify the DB to allow more chars for that column in VARCHAR, and these limits are usually hardcoded into SMF but rather simple to find.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 13, 2017, 05:37:25 PM
Yeah we didn't change anything, but maybe something happened when editing. The lenght can be altered IIRC, as demonstrated on Omni once, but it might glitch out.

Also I updated the front page description of the site to include more platforms and more release examples
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on February 13, 2017, 09:38:24 PM
You can edit the max length in the HTML, I think the PHP makes no check on that until it's thrown in the SQL.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 14, 2017, 12:15:59 AM
Ah ok. I remember when this was attempted on Omni, some HTML tags were not parsed properly everywhere, though.

EDIT: I installed a mod to allow searching for single characters words. Now C programmers should be able to search for C SDK-related posts. However, to prevent server overload, I increased the search limit to 5 seconds instead of 2 (I'll set it to 10 if I notice any lag). Thanks @MateoConLechuga for notifying me of the issue
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 16, 2017, 05:08:10 PM
We should fix the mail notification thingy :)

QuoteHello p2!

DJ Omnimaga mentioned you in the post "Juju, you have been mentioned at a post in CodeWalrus", you can view the post at *link*

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2017, 12:08:37 AM
We can't. I notified the author about the issue, to no avail (it appears he hasn't updated the mod since 2014). Unless someone in our team knows enough PHP/SMF modding to do it? Or maybe Soru could help? :P

When I brought that post back up, I got told that the mod was last modified in May 2014, and since the bug was reported in Sept 2014, it's unlikely this mod will ever get updated again.

Thankfully, SMF 2.1 probably has this feature by default.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 18, 2017, 12:26:19 AM
file Mentions.php

function mentions_process_store(array $mentions, $id_post, $subject, $approved = true)
        global $smcFunc, $txt, $user_info, $scripturl;

        foreach ($mentions as $mention)
                // Store this quickly
                        array('id_post' => 'int', 'id_member' => 'int', 'id_mentioned' => 'int', 'time' => 'int'),
                        array($id_post, $user_info['id'], $mention['id'], time()),
                        array('id_post', 'id_member', 'id_mentioned')

                if (!empty($mention['email_mentions']) && $approved)
                        $replacements = array(
                                'POSTNAME' => $subject,
                                'MENTIONNAME' => $mention['real_name'],
                                'MEMBERNAME' => $user_info['name'],
                                'POSTLINK' => $scripturl . '?msg=' . $id_post,


                        $subject = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $txt['mentions_subject']);
                        $body = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $txt['mentions_body']);
                        sendmail($mention['email_address'], $subject, $body);

                if ($approved)
                        updateMemberData($mention['id'], array('unread_mentions' => $mention['unread_mentions'] + 1));

replace with

function mentions_process_store(array $mentions, $id_post, $subject, $approved = true)
        global $smcFunc, $txt, $user_info, $scripturl;

        foreach ($mentions as $mention)
                // Store this quickly
                        array('id_post' => 'int', 'id_member' => 'int', 'id_mentioned' => 'int', 'time' => 'int'),
                        array($id_post, $user_info['id'], $mention['id'], time()),
                        array('id_post', 'id_member', 'id_mentioned')

                if (!empty($mention['email_mentions']) && $approved)
                        $replacements = array(
                                'POSTNAME' => $subject,
                                'MENTIONNAME' => $mention['real_name'],
                                'MEMBERNAME' => $user_info['name'],
                                'POSTLINK' => $scripturl . '?msg=' . $id_post,


                        $subject_email = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $txt['mentions_subject']);
                        $body = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $txt['mentions_body']);
                        sendmail($mention['email_address'], $subject_email, $body);

                if ($approved)
                        updateMemberData($mention['id'], array('unread_mentions' => $mention['unread_mentions'] + 1));

EDIT: the spaces are because i copypasted out of nano :P

EDIT2: Disclaimer: I didn't test this but the fix is IMO so obvious that it shouldn't need testing :P Just a variable name collision with the variable $subject

EDIT3: the modified lines are line 261 and 263
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2017, 05:23:14 AM
Hm we might want to uninstall the mod and apply this change to the mod itself before reinstalled the updated version, though, so we avoid editing the SMF code directly. Thanks for the fix, though. Do you plan to cross-post this in the SMF Mentions thread on the official support site?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 18, 2017, 11:04:18 AM
Since the changed file is a file the mod only added itself it still uninstalls clean.

I do not plan on posting it there because i'm lazy >.>
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on February 18, 2017, 11:09:20 AM
I've applied it and it seems to be working fine. Thanks.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: aetios on February 18, 2017, 11:23:54 AM
Sorunome for prez, lol. Fixes more issues in a night than all of us in a year :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 18, 2017, 02:48:04 PM
Quote from: aeTIos on February 18, 2017, 11:23:54 AM
Sorunome for prez, lol. Fixes more issues in a night than all of us in a year :P
Sorry, it was like 2am <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 18, 2017, 03:40:39 PM
Awesome to see this fixed :3=
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: PT_ on February 20, 2017, 10:03:08 AM
Hopefully this is the right place to post a bug/feature. I've had it several times that I'm looking/chatting at wIRC, and then someone posts in (for example) in my AoCE thread. Then I get an email because I turned that on, but that is pretty annoying since I'm just looking at the chat and thus see it 'live' happening.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 20, 2017, 10:04:41 AM
so a feature request for the mail notification only being activated when ur not online at the time it happens? :)
I'm not sure if that will be easy... :/
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 20, 2017, 03:39:20 PM
@PT_ that would probably be difficult to alter, but maybe if someone with the PHP knowledge knows how to implement such feature then it could be added. It would probably have to check who is online everytime someone posts, so that people who have last clicked somewhere on the site in the last 10 minutes or so won't receive the e-mail notification.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 21, 2017, 04:30:03 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 20, 2017, 03:39:20 PM
@PT_ that would probably be difficult to alter, but maybe if someone with the PHP knowledge knows how to implement such feature then it could be added. It would probably have to check who is online everytime someone posts, so that people who have last clicked somewhere on the site in the last 10 minutes or so won't receive the e-mail notification.
Yeah we discussed the theoretical possibility of this in WIRC yesterday, where you could buffer the email for like 5min and if the user visits that topic then the email notification would get purged. Every x min would run a cronjob to send out email tasks older than 5min.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 22, 2017, 12:53:14 AM
Would that be server-intensive, though, if many users are online?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 22, 2017, 03:37:02 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 22, 2017, 12:53:14 AM
Would that be server-intensive, though, if many users are online?
If written correctly it shouldn't
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 22, 2017, 03:57:47 PM
checking every 15 minutes it would be 96 updates per day, for each of the users with activated mail notifications, which should be about 20% of the ACTIVE users I guess.
sooo indeed the load will be a minimum :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on February 22, 2017, 04:17:45 PM
Quote from: p2 on February 22, 2017, 03:57:47 PM
checking every 15 minutes it would be 96 updates per day, for each of the users with activated mail notifications, which should be about 20% of the ACTIVE users I guess.
sooo indeed the load will be a minimum :)
That isn't how the check would work, it would propagate through the notification queue, so actually even fewer / actually more dependent on posting activity (and how many people set to be notified on replies etc.) than on traffic
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 22, 2017, 10:06:42 PM
Yeah my main concern was if there were like 1000+ checkups to do every minute or so
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 24, 2017, 06:52:20 AM
I updated the zero-post welcome message so that the notice about posting external links is more visible and explain how to circumvent the anti-link spam. I noticed that several legit users sign up an account, seemingly interested, only to never post, and I suspect that it's because their first post contains a Youtube link or an external download link, and when they get an error, they simply walk away from the site. CodeWalrus is setup so that members with zero posts cannot post http/https links nor use the URL tag, because this was the only way to prevent spambots from posting, but we are perfectly fine if legit users circumvent this protection to post links (they basically have to change http to hxxp or something, post their message with a non-working link, then edit it with a working URL afterwards)

If that method still doesn't work, then I might simply disable the URL anti-spam at the cost of getting spambots again, just so that we don't lose members.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 27, 2017, 08:59:08 AM
Little bug report here:
The NEW POSTS button inside the Ninjabyte subforum doesn't work :3
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on February 28, 2017, 02:08:25 PM
okeyyyy the button seems to work again (even tho I tried 3 cache swipes and hard relodes of the page yesterday and the bug waas persistent...)  ???
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: c4ooo on February 28, 2017, 02:17:43 PM
Quote from: p2 on February 27, 2017, 08:59:08 AM
Little bug report here:
The NEW POSTS button inside the Ninjabyte subforum doesn't work :3
Thats what i said on IRC :)
Not all the buttons work for me either right now.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 01, 2017, 06:25:35 AM
I fixed it by copy/pasting the CSS but for some reasons other buttons appear to not work, still, for some people. I'll check later, but it's possible that I forgot to copy some code that I am unaware of. (@Streetwalrus is the one who wrote the script)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: novenary on March 01, 2017, 06:55:29 AM
What script?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 01, 2017, 06:57:14 AM
er I mean styling. There is some CSS that makes some of the button so that they're clickable and others not. I copied it in the Microcat theme but I don't know if there was something else I had to copy there in order to sync the button behavior between both themes.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on March 05, 2017, 10:36:44 PM
todo for me:
creating a script for better graphical representation of the post count of certain users (top posters) including future prediction as well.
Maybe in Java, idk yet ^^ (AutoIt's graphic libs seriously suck, so it's either gonna be first swift project or second java project)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 06, 2017, 02:23:48 PM
It would be nice if it could run from CW server so the extra stats could be embedded on the site
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on March 06, 2017, 08:43:39 PM
Quote from: p2 on March 05, 2017, 10:36:44 PM
todo for me:
creating a script for better graphical representation of the post count of certain users (top posters) including future prediction as well.
Maybe in Java, idk yet ^^ (AutoIt's graphic libs seriously suck, so it's either gonna be first swift project or second java project)
Just write it in PHP + GD so that you can make like userstats.php?id=1337 or so and it'll output an image :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 07, 2017, 03:15:29 AM
Yeah it would also allow us to embed it on every profile page dynamically. (like on Cemetech)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on March 07, 2017, 09:18:20 AM
Which means I have to learn PHP... <_<
or do a Java servlet and let a REST-service grab the JSON output which a client-sided JavaScript will then turn into some nice graphics... <_<

I think I'm gonna draw it by hand... 9_9
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 07, 2017, 09:20:18 AM
Nah, PHP + GD with data taken directly from lovingly hand-crafted SQL queries is the best solution.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on March 07, 2017, 09:23:15 AM
I'm not even sure what the GD stands for... :ninja:

but yay I just remembered I once learned SQL :D
But I never actually worked with it... :/
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 07, 2017, 09:24:29 AM
GD is the library to dynamically generate images used by PHP. It's a pretty nice thing you should learn it.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on March 07, 2017, 09:30:17 AM
which means we go back to learning PHP first xD
which will probably not happen anytime soon... :-/
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Sorunome on March 07, 2017, 10:53:49 PM
Quote from: p2 on March 07, 2017, 09:23:15 AM
I'm not even sure what the GD stands for... :ninja:
Me neither... :P
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 08, 2017, 02:35:13 AM

No, seriously, according to Wikipedia, "gif draw".
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on March 14, 2017, 04:32:49 AM
Lol, I remember when CW domain name showed the above pic at first in October 2014 or so. I thought the ghost was a walrus without its tusks at first. :P

Also some site updates:

-reCAPTCHA was installed on the registration page
-Users with zero posts can now post web links again! (including Youtube videos, Imgur/ourl screenshots, etc), although they will show as non-active for the time being (we're checking to see how effective reCAPTCHA is, first, in case)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 18, 2017, 02:23:46 PM
For whatever reasons, attachments were invisible to guests in the TIMGUL archives (basically, pretty much everyone unless someone remembers his TIMGUL password). This has now been fixed. The option was set to allow guests to view attachments, but it looks like I had to clear the cache and stuff. Stupid SMF x.x
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on May 04, 2017, 09:40:16 AM
I know we already have Male, Female and Other as Options.
But could someone pls try to fix the statistics (or expand it to accept 3 options)? :)
I'm really curious about those stats ^^
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: aetios on May 04, 2017, 12:17:35 PM
We should change the gender options to Yes, No and Maybe

Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on May 04, 2017, 01:39:45 PM
like what? Do you have a gender?  ???

go for "Did you in the past or do you now posess a penis?", we'll have 99% yes <_<
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: _iPhoenix_ on May 04, 2017, 09:28:36 PM
Quote from: p2 on May 04, 2017, 01:39:45 PM
like what? Do you have a gender?  ???

go for "Did you in the past or do you now posess a penis?", we'll have 99% yes <_<

Best (but also wtf inducing) post I've seen in a long time... Which is sad...
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 30, 2017, 06:11:33 AM
Quote from: p2 on May 04, 2017, 09:40:16 AM
I know we already have Male, Female and Other as Options.
But could someone pls try to fix the statistics (or expand it to accept 3 options)? :)
I'm really curious about those stats ^^
zthis would require modifying the board stats page code.

On a side note I updated SMF to 2.0.14.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on June 02, 2017, 01:04:27 AM
Small update: After a power failure, one of the servers is out of service for the time being, so no Minecraft, W-803 or Discord relay for the time being. We're working on bringing the Discord relay back as we figure out Node.js' rapid release schedule doesn't really work out with Debian's and we prefer Arch even if it's way less stable than Debian.

EDIT: Relay is working. Woo. The rest isn't as mission critical, so I'm not going to give any ETA. Now I have work to do...

EDIT2: This server, nicknamed pinkiepie (because it's pink), is okay, I only need to run fsck manually so it can boot correctly. Hopefully. And I have to find a keyboard that isn't broken.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on June 02, 2017, 11:30:46 AM
Does the Edit means Minecraft is back too?
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: _iPhoenix_ on June 02, 2017, 11:33:20 AM
A) I hope so.
B) fsck is a very unfortunate acronym.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on June 02, 2017, 06:32:58 PM
Quote from: xlibman on June 02, 2017, 11:30:46 AM
Does the Edit means Minecraft is back too?
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on June 02, 2017, 11:33:20 AM
B) fsck is a very unfortunate acronym.
Pretty sure it was intentional.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on June 11, 2017, 03:31:08 AM
Small update: It's back. Also my brother repaired the keyboard so I could type "fsck /dev/sda5".
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on July 26, 2017, 10:06:30 PM
During a short-lived period where juju granted me forum maintenance privileges (about 15 minutes), I performed the following site updates:

-Replaced portal login block with buttons leading to the full login page since the former was broken for at least two months
-The entire staff can now auto-approve front-page news articles even if they are not part of a sub-group.
-The entire staff can now clone their own topics even if they are not part of a sub-group.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 12, 2017, 06:48:50 AM
Juju added a read-only channel on the Discord server  called #welcome, which is the default channel. It provides server and CW-related info to newcomers.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: p2 on September 29, 2017, 09:54:18 AM
Quote from: Juju on June 02, 2017, 01:04:27 AM
EDIT2: This server, nicknamed pinkiepie (because it's pink), is okay, I only need to run fsck manually so it can boot correctly. Hopefully. And I have to find a keyboard that isn't broken.
Idk why I missed this earlier...
But is that server really pink?  :ninja:
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on September 29, 2017, 12:02:33 PM
I suspect that the server is his mom's former laptop. And yes, it was pink.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on September 29, 2017, 02:24:42 PM
That laptop came with Windows 7 and couldn't even run it correctly. It ended up being retired, mom buying another laptop, and I installed Linux so it could be more useful to steal wifi run servers.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: xMarminq_ on October 09, 2017, 04:02:02 PM
To minimize costs you could just turn CW into a subreddit  ;)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: _iPhoenix_ on October 09, 2017, 04:13:56 PM
Quote from: xMarminq_ on October 09, 2017, 04:02:02 PM
To minimize costs you could just turn CW into a subreddit  ;)

No. CW is much better off as a forum.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 09, 2017, 04:33:04 PM
Yeah right now the plan is to switch to PhpBB 3.2
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: _iPhoenix_ on October 09, 2017, 04:38:33 PM
Quote from: xlibman on October 09, 2017, 04:33:04 PM
Yeah right now the plan is to switch to PhpBB 3.2

By the way, how far is that until completion? I kinda want to know what's happening :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on October 09, 2017, 04:51:18 PM
The big of it is done, there's still a few stuff left so we're at least on par with the old boards and so the data is properly transferred. We're slowly working on it, between other things. So I'm a bit afraid to put any ETA on it yet.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 09, 2017, 05:50:38 PM
Yeahwe prefer tonot.set any date in order to avoid disappointments.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: _iPhoenix_ on November 11, 2017, 03:30:19 PM

I just want to say that, despite all initial precautions, I love CW and there are many talented programmers here.

I do have a few observations/suggestions about CW, all of which are constructive criticism.

1) It seems CW has shifted focus away from programming. (Which isn't 100% horrible)
2) It seems that there are less and less people there, which may be related to the first observation.
3) I think the community should be a bit more family-friendly, maybe not 100%, but maybe a subforum for not so family-friendly content that is hidden, like the safe-haven one. (And, you can opt in/out of seeing it)

Don't get me wrong, CW is still an amazing place for art, music, and programming, but I think it could be better.

I have noticed a general trend of negative attitude towards CW going up, and I think it is almost all related to these three things ;)

Just trying to help  :)
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 13, 2017, 01:10:28 PM
Yeah that was why we wanted to add special sub-forums. Hopefully PhpBB3 will have an age-restricted feature for sub-forum permissions.

Right now the randomness section of the forums serves that purpose, but it isn't very clear.

Regarding negative remarks about CW that comes from certain TI community members I will not name, we stopped taking them seriously over 5 years ago, 3 years before CW even existed at all. We discovered with the time that no matter how good we would do, those people would find excuses to criticize us and criticize anything we like. Also, 99% of the criticism about Omnimaga (before the TI-Planet conflict) and CodeWalrus was given by people who were staff or admin at other calculator sites. So we prefer taking into consideration only the feedback from people who voice it directly to us, like you did above, since it is much more likely to be devoid of bias.

As for the family-unfriendly atmosphere, now that Kotu is gone we have more control on it, and while it's here to stay we can definitively split it into specific Discord and forum sections
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on November 13, 2017, 09:15:49 PM
As I always say, anything you do, you'll never make unanimity. That's why many sites like ours exist, all with slightly different opinions and we do our best to please those people whose opinions aligns best with ours. The others can go somewhere else if they want. And of course we take criticism, as long as it's constructive, thank you for that.

We did have a bit of problems with troublemakers lately, but they're mostly gone, so I guess we can go back to the family-friendly site we were before? Well, at least the friendly part, that's the goal.

Well, in any case, we're doing our best.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on November 13, 2017, 09:36:24 PM
I forgot to answer the first points about programming and activity. Part of the reason why CW is more off-topic is  because most founding members quit calcs or programming as a hobby shortly before the site creation. All we wanted was a place to hang out and chill and Omnimaga, where we were before, was no longer considered adequate for us.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: DarkestEx on March 11, 2018, 04:27:02 PM
Could these Facebook/Twitter Like buttons be replaced with non-tracking ones like these:

Or possibly have them enableable with a slide switch?
I think others would appreciate this too.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Yuki on March 11, 2018, 08:21:33 PM
Oooh, nice, thanks. We'll put them on when we'll have some time for that.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 19, 2019, 05:24:30 PM
I started adding custom icons for each sub-forum. For example, the gaming and game-related project sub-forums now have a gamepad icon and 3D engine boards got cubes
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: nulledprodigy on October 22, 2019, 11:21:44 PM
I don't know where the new thread button is on mobile but it seems avatar uploading is broken here (renders a broken file in the edit profile page), probably PHP's GD or imagick extensions not being installed on the server being the reason.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on October 23, 2019, 04:04:32 PM
Hm I will check about the New Topic button on mobile when I get wifi again on my phone, I haven't noticed that it was missing. As for the avatar uploads, @Juju might have to check his server settings.

EDIT: Oh I see now. In mobile view, you got the "USER ACTION" button, which lets you access New Topic/Poll
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 23, 2020, 09:09:31 PM
Social login features have been re-added to the forums. You can now login or register an account on CodeWalrus via Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, etc
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on April 28, 2020, 11:43:36 PM
UPDATE: Utilities download section has been restored. Many softwares were unlisted since the upgrade.
Title: Re: General site updates, TODO list and discussion
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on May 01, 2020, 08:55:59 PM
Game downloads section has been mostly restored.