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Sorcery of Uvutu 84+ Series Port

b/[Completed] Sorcery of Uvutu (TI-84+/CSE) Started by 123outerme, January 29, 2017, 06:32:06 PM

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u/Dream of Omnimaga February 03, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
The good thing is that the game will most likely be much smaller and faster than the CSE one, since monochrome sprites take less space and the 15 MHz monochrome calcs takes less time to display stuff on the screen. I still hope you don't have too much troubles converting dark maps to monochrome (eg with the main character being black, he might be hard to see on black tiles)
u/123outerme February 04, 2017, 02:26:27 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
The good thing is that the game will most likely be much smaller and faster than the CSE one, since monochrome sprites take less space and the 15 MHz monochrome calcs takes less time to display stuff on the screen. I still hope you don't have too much troubles converting dark maps to monochrome (eg with the main character being black, he might be hard to see on black tiles)
I agree, it will probably be faster and smaller, although I have to be honest, I have my doubts. Smaller part is absolutely true (each map is something between 200-250 bytes per, because they're stored in a 12x8 matrix rather than a 500 byte long hex string :P). However, I've noticed with the addition of some of the internal loop code (checking if certain keys were pressed, moving the character, etc.), the game has slowed down quite noticeably. I'm hoping that when I add the rest of the code (at this point, I think it's just the random battle code, but that has some randInt() calls in it). I don't think I will have any trouble converting darker maps to monochrome, but I have yet to test out this tileset, and how understandable the environment is in such a map.

This is the newest screenshot! I finished the menu screen (except for the items screen; I don't really have the save file save file set up, so I can read from to find the items. I imagine it'd be fairly easy, though). I like the way it looks personally, and I hope everyone else does too. I tried to keep the style and layout as close to the menu screen in Sorcery CSE. I really had an itch to add some other stuff, but I don't think I will (unless I decide to add it to the CSE version, but I don't know if I even have the space for that :P ). The Save and Continue / Save and Quit options don't work, but once this code is imported into the main program (or more correctly, once I import the rest of the main program into this), it should work correctly.
u/WholeWheatBagels February 04, 2017, 02:32:28 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
(eg with the main character being black, he might be hard to see on black tiles)

Perhaps invert the main guy? So it would be white-on-black.
u/123outerme February 04, 2017, 04:10:52 AM
Quote from: WholeWheatBagels on February 04, 2017, 02:32:28 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 03, 2017, 12:28:01 AM
(eg with the main character being black, he might be hard to see on black tiles)

Perhaps invert the main guy? So it would be white-on-black.
I tried to do it with the xLIB method, but it seems to not work (at least, not anymore). That's okay though. When I created another sprite to be used as an inverted one, it looked alright, but I think the character was plenty viewable. I'll see what I can do to make him way more viewable, though.
u/123outerme February 04, 2017, 10:42:05 PM

This is my progress so far! Battles are nearly complete (just have to have the Exp code, the leveling up, etc.), The main menu is finalized (the code is all set up so that I can go in and add creating a new save file, loading from the save file, etc.), and the Overworld menu is still 90% complete (still, I don't have the save file, so I can't really read from that to get any items). The last things I have to add are boss encounters, chest pickups, save file code, and the entire 8 worlds. I hope I'll be able to learn some language so that I can write a program to make maps from the computer. I can't use Tokens, because the data is stored as a matrix, not as a hex string. Otherwise, creating new maps will likely be extremely tedious, so I think if I can't figure that out, I'll probably recruit other people to help me with maps.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 05, 2017, 05:32:37 PM
I like the DCS7 icon :D. Also the title screen really really looks old-school in this version. That's how many 90's TI games looked like lol (eg Dying Eyes).

Glad to see battles coming to fruition :) However, for some reasons the text area at the bottom is missing its horizontal line at the bottom. Also yeah I think Tokens only supports xLIBC data. What you can do, however, is try to use Notepad++ to find/replace each element from the Token data to the corresponding tiles ID with commas around them. For example, AEAEAEAE01010101 would become ,21,21,21,21,01010101 if you use find/replace AE to 21, (comma included). Once done you just resize the Notepad++ window to ensure that you only have 12 numbers per row of text and manually add the [][[]] stuff around stuff. That might still be tedious, though. What I usually did is make an on-calc map editor and copy/pasted each map one by one in the code.
u/123outerme February 05, 2017, 05:39:24 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 05, 2017, 05:32:37 PM
I like the DCS7 icon :D. Also the title screen really really looks old-school in this version. That's how many 90's TI games looked like lol (eg Dying Eyes).

Glad to see battles coming to fruition :) However, for some reasons the text area at the bottom is missing its horizontal line at the bottom. Also yeah I think Tokens only supports xLIBC data. What you can do, however, is try to use Notepad++ to find/replace each element from the Token data to the corresponding tiles ID with commas around them. For example, AEAEAEAE01010101 would become ,21,21,21,21,01010101 if you use find/replace AE to 21, (comma included). Once done you just resize the Notepad++ window to ensure that you only have 12 numbers per row of text and manually add the [][[]] stuff around stuff. That might still be tedious, though. What I usually did is make an on-calc map editor and copy/pasted each map one by one in the code.
The missing line at the bottom is actually on purpose. I can fit 5 lines of text in the text box, but if I keep that bottom line, the last line looks a little weird since the pixel below the last row of pixels for the text is the line. I removed the line to basically give the text one pixel of padding. It is the end of the screen, though, so I couldn't obviously add one below it. This was necessary for stuff like the attack menu, since I have to display the 4 moves (each on their own line) and then "Clear: Back". Since the text is graphscreen text, it isn't very high quality, which would make it hard to distinguish if there was a line below it.

I never actually thought about using Notepad++ for map creation, though. I suppose it would be faster than hand-crafting it, but I'd have to figure out a quick way to translate between hex and decimal (other than memorizing hex :P). I actually thought about making an on-calc map editor. It wouldn't be too hard, I don't think. I'll try out the hex -> decimal way first, just to see if I like it.
u/123outerme February 08, 2017, 03:39:43 AM

New screenshot! (Yes, I know the path leads into the right house's window, I will fix that :P)
I made some huge leaps, such as fully implementing all main menu features, adding save file support, making things not hardcoded anymore, and more changes. Most engine stuff like random battles (not shown here), NPC conversations, etc. are complete! Still not the items menu, I didn't have time to write that tonight, but I'll get to work on it soon.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 08, 2017, 03:56:50 AM
Glad to see new progress and I like those new walkway tiles. :)

By the way, you should try making the title screen text bolded. You would need to display each letter one by one, though, otherwise there won't be any space between letters and if you just add spaces in the text and draw it at once, since large fonts are monospaced, you'll need to split the title on three lines.
u/123outerme February 12, 2017, 04:39:40 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 08, 2017, 03:56:50 AM
Glad to see new progress and I like those new walkway tiles. :)

By the way, you should try making the title screen text bolded. You would need to display each letter one by one, though, otherwise there won't be any space between letters and if you just add spaces in the text and draw it at once, since large fonts are monospaced, you'll need to split the title on three lines.
Thanks! I'm glad to be progressing really fast. I could make the title screen bolded, let me add that to my todo :P
Two new screenshots: I completed the items menu and the levelling up code! You now can gain Exp and gold after a battle, and level up once you reach each threshold! As well, you can now use items (nearly all of them, I haven't yet programmed in the teleport stones, though) to increase maximum health, heal, and add more moves to your moveset.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 12, 2017, 03:09:55 PM
So true to the original. :) Good job. How is the world 1 map like, so far?
u/123outerme February 12, 2017, 03:43:23 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 12, 2017, 03:09:55 PM
So true to the original. :) Good job. How is the world 1 map like, so far?
So far, it's just those two maps. I think I'll be able to make it a lot like the original with the map layout. But for right now, I want to focus on completing the entire engine, so that when I make maps, I can just make it all in one pass, and not have to stop and finish the engine.
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 12, 2017, 06:52:02 PM
Glad you're planning to try to replicate the original maps :3=
u/123outerme February 15, 2017, 03:26:34 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 12, 2017, 06:52:02 PM
Glad you're planning to try to replicate the original maps :3=
Yeah, I'm glad I'm able to. I added the ability to display and pick up chests. Picking up chests is way faster thanks to the built-in DCS var->string command, and so you don't have to wait a eternity and a half on this version to actually pick up.

Unfortunately, I can't demonstrate these changes well. Since, as I've complained a lot about in irc, my wabbitemu ROM's archive is unusable (anything put in archive can't be read either by the OS or Doors). The program size has gotten large enough so that it can't all fit in RAM and still run. I don't need beta testers, but I was wondering if someone could make screenshots for me. If you do, I'll just send you the build and ask you to show off the features I've added.
u/p2 February 15, 2017, 04:48:35 PM
nothing bad about this request, but wouldnt it be easier to use an emulator or something? ^^
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