I've been working on porting Adventures of Jetman to JavaScript for a short while now, and I'm happy to announce that I'm almost done.

You can check out what I have currently at https://legend-of-iphoenix.github.io/AdventuresOfJetman/

It currently is not mobile-compatible, yet, but I plan on adding it.

I just need to make a few sprites and add some critical gameplay features. I've been putting off the former, so I'll casually post the list of sprites I am working on here:
[spoiler]Dude wearing a jetpack, with the jetpack boosting. (facing at the camera, to the left, and to the right. 2+ frame flame animation.)
Dude wearing a jetpack, walking. (to the left, and to the right. 2+ frame walking animation.)
Dude wearing a jetpack, standing still. (facing the camera)
Powerups (red, green, gold)
Site favicon. (done, not implemented)
Currently, I plan on using our :walrii: as a placeholder.
I will be using as a placeholder for the jetpack dude. [/spoiler]