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Topics - mazhat

Something I made for school, but I think you guys would like this.
The interface is not very well programmed, but it works (just barely).

H- Change algorithms (From A* to Dijkstra and back)
C- Clear the board
LClick- Block Tile
RClick- UnBlock Tile
Enter/Return- Start the algorithm

Niches of these algorithms:
-Movement value is mathematically depressing: Going diagonally costs 1.4 units and not sqrt(2).
-You can always move diagonally to an open neighbor.

Remember to extract the file before running.
Drawing & Animation / Mazhat's Art
April 11, 2017, 10:46:04 PM
EDIT 2018-07-22
I changed the name of the thread.
It was supposed to be a haha funny name,
but it seemed more like extreme self-centrism.
For the curious it was  "My very own art thread".

I don't have a tablet, sorry :^(
Just like you guys I like the occasional doodle,
and now I can share them with all of you :D

Of-course I don't only draw MOS in particular, it's just that my game and concepts are on my pc.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm not really an art guy, so don't expect depth or colour theories or weird-abstract things.


I don't work on this game religiously, because I don't want to get burned out :)
The game has gone through a few iterations,
the first engine is way more different than the latest edition.

Above is a screenshot of the graphics. Hope you likey.

The game started as an RPG which was a ripoff of Liberal Crime Squad.
Now it's a rip off of X-COM Apocalypse!

The game so far only has the technical stuff. Like path finding (A Star), Line of sight (As you can see in the picture),
and it even has a level editor, but the editor was made in a day, so you can guess what the quality of it is ;)

*The game takes place in a city and you must protect it from damage,
so basically just think of X-COM Apocalypse.
*If I can, I will add dwarf-fortress-like limb detachment and damage!
*The sprites are (hopefully) just place holders, but I have no idea where the art direction is going.

Thanks for viewing, and hopefully this belongs in this section!

p.s. If you have any ideas or questions, then please do share. I'm excited to hear about it.
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