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Messages - 123outerme

I know a number of times I've accidentally cleared a line then replaced it from memory, and it didn't work.
Also, one time, something in my code was being skipped (can't remember what), so I just put in 0/0 on the line after the one I wanted it to read, and it fixed. I don't remember why that fixed it. It didn't even throw an ERR: DIV BY 0.
Calc Projects, Programming & Tutorials / Re: D-Fend
March 24, 2015, 08:43:27 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 23, 2015, 12:15:17 AM
Aah thanks for clarifying. And I'm fine with the late graphic update. I did that in Illusiat 13 item menu to speed cursor movement up. Item descriptions will appear only once you stop moving it. Maybe make the X green?
Yeah. It was really the only plausible option, other than having the enemies in a For( list, but that would make gameplay stuttery.
Quote from: Unicorn on March 23, 2015, 01:38:35 AM
The X should be purple. This is looking cool Outerme!
Thanks! I'll think if I want to make the enemies another color. I probably will, though.

Anyway, today I added unlockable powers. Your game score is added on to your "Gold" as I call it (it's a F2P game!!!1!) after you finish a game. Use this gold to purchase new passive abilities or swap out your ALPHA super move! I have only one passive ability and two ALPHA super moves completed, but I might add more.
Calc Projects, Programming & Tutorials / Re: D-Fend
March 22, 2015, 06:59:30 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 22, 2015, 06:00:55 PM
Interesting. What doea it mean when enemies change to X characters instead of dots?
It means that you are on the same "lane" as them, and can fire and push them back. However, due to the way the graphics update, you can move into a new lane and the dot will still be there for a bit. I can't change that.
Calc Projects, Programming & Tutorials / Re: D-Fend
March 22, 2015, 04:45:21 PM
Quote from: CKH4 on March 22, 2015, 04:42:07 PM
Looks pretty cool, maybe you could move the laser down like 2px? Unless its intentionally at the top of the 0?
It's on top of the O just in case you move and fire before the game has time to make the dot an X. That way, it'll erase the dot.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 14, 2015, 09:43:05 PM
Heya nice to see you again, I was worried you had quit calc programming altogether since you had vanished from the community for a while. D: I don't exactly remember about speed, but I remember that vertical blocks drew with horizontal lines and I thought that vertical would be a faster solution.

What other projects are you working on by the way?
I believe I had already fixed that. I know that speed is definitely still an issue, and I am ready to start work on it again!
So lately, I have been working on a certain new project in math, which I talked about in my latest post in my topic for Flatforme. Written in pure CSE Basic, this project is a "defender" game where you defend your side of the screen against evil people or whatever. (Does this even need a story?)

Anyway, it's a shoot-em-up with unique controls: to fire a laser blast, you have to rapidly tap the XTON button, charging it up. Pressing 2nd will fire the laser when it's charged, and pressing Alpha will use a special attack, if ready.

Enemies charge at you in four "lanes". Hitting them with a laser will knock them back to the start. Using the special initially unlocked will knock all four enemies back to the start, but you will have to wait quite a while to use it again. There are 3 difficulty modes: Boring (easy), Normal (medium), and Unforgiving (Hard). As the game progresses, the enemies speed up, based on your difficulty setting. You can also purchase new abilities (passive or ALPHA super abilities) in the Shop, where you can spend Gold and equip new abilities.

Download is attached.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 21, 2015, 08:44:36 AM
By the way, how is this progressing? I was wondering since this looked quite cool and it has some potential if some issues get fixed. :)
I haven't really been working on this much. Whenever I was bored enough in class, I was working on some other side projects. I don't exactly remember some of the issues besides speed and level design, with the one platform; have you found any?
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 06, 2015, 03:14:53 PM
Quote from: tr1p1ea on February 06, 2015, 11:16:06 AM
Haha gold, its pretty crazy the naming conventions they use, its as if they hired people from Nintendo's Pokémon, DS or Gameboy naming teams to help out.
New Nintendo 3 & Knuckles DS

Now imagine if Nintendo made calcs O.O

New Alpha TI-84+SE Stats Pocket Color Advanced SP XL 2 & Knuckles.
I created a nice homescreen vertical scrolling engine for the TI-83+ family. It's specifically written for the CSE, however I will comment with changes if you want to make it a monochrome engine. I intend to use this to make a CSE game of some sort, but I'll have to think.

Uses all variables in the DelVar line at the end.
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"→Str1 ;26 Xs for the top boundary, remove 10
For(θ,1,10          ; you could change the third argument to any number (be careful though!), but for the CSE I used 10.
Str1+"X                        X"→Str1 ;24 spaces for the inside, remove 10
Str1+"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX→Str1 ;same deal as the first 26 Xs.
53→A:260→B ; Change B to 8*16 or 128. Change A to ((third For( argument + 2) - maximum amount of lines on the homescreen) *26 or 16) + 1. So for this example, ((12-10)*26)+1=53.
12→V:9→W                       ;change W to 7
Repeat K=105:getKey→K
If K:Output(W,V,"       ;one space
min(25,max(2,V+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26→V  ;change the number in min( to 15
min(9,max(2,W+sum(DeltaList(K={25,34→W  ;change the number in min( to 7
If 2=Wnot(A<3) or 9=Wnot(A>51:Then:A-26(W=2)+26(W=9→A:If not(A:1→A:3(W=2)+8(W=9→W    ;change all "W=9" to W=7 (including "9=Wnot(A>51" and the -26 and +26 to -/+16
DelVar ADelVar BDelVar KDelVar VDelVar WDelVar Str1

Quote from: princetonlion.tibd on February 01, 2015, 06:06:54 PM
Memory leaks?
Do you mean why to not use Goto? I think DJ explained it, but Goto and Lbl are extremely slow, taking up to a second to find the Lbl command.
If you are saying that you found a memory leak, I haven't encountered one, but if you have, I'll fix it.
Quote from: princetonlion.tibd on January 31, 2015, 08:45:31 PM
Jumping up, when it changes to a lowercase o for a few seconds and then jumps
Oh, okay. I've made the time between pressing the key and the visual cue shortened (thanks to DJ :) ). It should better.

Also, I uploaded a new beta!
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 28, 2015, 03:03:12 AM
Speed seemed fine on my calc, but the enemies should probably move at an higher pixel interval, especially in later levels. Although they would move as fast, if not faster than your character, you can actually stab them so you could easily get through them anyway. You should move more stuff out of the main loop, though (if possible, everything that isn't movement), because then speed might get even greater. However, I would advise against using Goto for such game. Instead, take an extra variable then store a value in it when exiting loops rather than using a Goto. Then replace labels with If Variable = That value:Then:<code>:End. Otherwise, Goto search from the very beginning to the end of the game code to find the appropriate label and it slow things down a lot (for large programs it can take as much as 1 second to find the Lbl if it's at the end of the code)

I didn't have time to try the level editor, though.
Thanks for the tip! And to get back to the main loop, do I use a Goto?

Quote from: princetonlion.tibd on January 31, 2015, 05:54:36 PM
I tried this. I like the jumping animation.

I think moving in mid-air is a bit hard. The main menu is cool though :)
Thanks! Are you talking about jumping up in a direction, or when "floating" down?
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 26, 2015, 09:13:56 PM
Awesome, I'll install this on my calc soon :D

EDIT I finally tried the new version. At first I think it failed to send because when I tried it it looked identical to the old one, but then I tried sending it again and it was the new version.

My suggestions:
-Make the character start to the complete left all the time, with enemies spawning from the right when you are located in the left half of the screen, but make them spawn from the left like they do when you are on the other side of the screen. You could make enemies start in the middle too when the level is loaded. It would add extra challenge without being annoying.

-Make the vertical platforms drawn using vertical lines rather than horizontal so that they draw faster.

-add holes in the floor (not in every level, but it would add extra challenge)

Thanks for the input! I'll definitely add the first two things. I'll add the third too, but knowing me I'll somehow mess it up ;)
Was the speed okay? I tried to move a few things out of the main loop and connect them with Gotos, but I still have more that I can move, if the speed wasn't good enough.
And as for the level editor, how was that? The platform editor was just temporary, as I'm now working on making it based on your position. (Also, passing through the platform erases it for now, I'll see what I can do)
Got the level editor to work! You can create a level, which it then stores into LFFCUS, and then you can play it in the new "Add" menu! A new beta coming soon, with this feature. All I have to do is test, and I'll probably design a few more levels for the main game. I can use this to make levels as well, but I'll have to manually import them.

Edit: Added the new beta to the first post!
I used to play the cello. Now, I play the bassoon, alto sax, and piano. I can play Linus & Lucy on the piano >:D
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