
General => General Help => Topic started by: E37 on August 11, 2016, 05:54:47 PM

Title: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 11, 2016, 05:54:47 PM
EDIT (Feb 6 2024) by Dream of Omnimaga:

After a crash I decided to reinstall my 84's OS since it wouldn't get past the ram cleared screen.
Now it will install the OS but fail the validation after 3 seconds and ask for it to be reinstalled again.
I've tried 5 times...
I have unsigned installed, and can't get past the "Waiting... Please install operating system now."
Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Welp... I messed up
Post by: c4ooo on August 11, 2016, 06:25:20 PM
Try installing a different (perhaps older) OS?
Anyways, i dont know this "unsigned" program you are talking about :(
Title: Re: Welp... I messed up
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 11, 2016, 06:47:28 PM
It's a tool that allows TI-84+ calcs that run Boot code 1.03 to downgrade below OS 2.55MP:

I never used it myself and never got Validation Error messages during OS transfers, but make sure you don't press any key during the validation process. If it still fails then I hope it's not due to a broken certificate.

Anyway I'm renaming your topic to be easier to find.

EDIT: When the "Waiting: Please re-install OS" message pops-up, does pressing MODE open a screen saying "Testing flash..."? Maybe you need to remove a battery then put it back while holding down ON+MODE, I forgot. But if you run this for a while it erases your flash (except the certificate and boot code, according to this post ). Once this is done you could try resending an OS again and see if it works. If the Testing flash thing fails then it might mean that your calc is bricked.
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: p2 on August 12, 2016, 11:30:51 AM
A couple of years ago I got the exact same problem on a TI-84+ too and never found a solution.
The old OS was deleted (wanted to install an older one) but then it always failed to validate the new ones...
Already tried with numerous versions of the OS both from other TIs and from computer (using different software)
But for me that hasn't changed anything.

I used unsigned, too, but back then I caused this by messing around with a very old (unstable) version of axe.
(It was putting some funny stuff of some random memory in my Y1 var so I was playing around to see what else I could do with it...)
So unsigned wasn't the trigger, but maybe it also got something to do with it ^^
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 12, 2016, 04:03:32 PM
@p2 was your calc bricked for good? :(
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 12, 2016, 06:03:22 PM
It is installing now. Ill see if it works.
I was messing around with Axe too, but it was 1.2.2 and I wasn't fooling with anything serious.
I probably brought some of this on my self. It said ti-84 plus 2.43 but not RAM cleared. It wouldn't advance past that point even after pulling all the batteries several times. My reaction was to reinstall the OS. Which brought all the trouble on me.
Update: It didn't install but ON + mode did work. Ill try it again. It's counting up... to what though?
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 12, 2016, 06:38:13 PM
I forgot how high the counter goes up. Maybe @Adriweb or @critor might know?

If you have an OS installed but it crashes instead of RAM Clearing, could you remove a battery and hold down CLEAR while putting it back? IIRC that forces a RAM Clear, then you have to do a full memory reset.
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 12, 2016, 07:06:01 PM
If by crashing you mean Erroring and sending me back to reinstall the OS? Then yes.

Edit: Nothing works. Any final suggestions? Its behavior has remained unchanged with any/all methods.
I found out that the number after the ON+ mode is how many times it has checked the flash. It will go on forever.

I may just have to call it dead.
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 13, 2016, 04:13:34 AM
Darn, sorry to hear. Maybe someone on Cemetech might know more but I'm afraid your calc is officially dead. If it's still under warranty you will be better off getting the receipt and returning it to the store :(

You could always try to e-mail the author of Unsigned on, though, in case this happened to him while debugging it. But if you forgot an important step while installing Unsigned then that is very prone to damage, like with other similar tools.
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 13, 2016, 12:38:28 PM
Update: Fixed it!
It turns out that instead of sending 2.55MP I was actually sending 2.22. No idea where that came from.
It worked fine with 2.55. I have a copy of 2.22 if anyone wants it. (PM me)
Thanks for all your help!
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: p2 on August 13, 2016, 12:42:10 PM
glad to hear that! :D
I would really appreciate if you could send me the instructions how you fixed yours and the necessary files ^^
mine has bean like that for 2 years now... time to revive it! ^^
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 13, 2016, 01:37:47 PM
Once it is at the please wait... install OS, turn it off and the back on while holding mode.
That will clear the flash. wait until the periods are done (don't wait for the numbers, they go on forever)
I sent 2.55MP to the calc (download it from TI's website) and it worked fine.
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 13, 2016, 02:43:05 PM
Where did you get 2.22? If it's an official 2.55MP download link the it might be worth it to notify TI (and keep a backup of 2.22 in case).

Anyway I am glad you fixed your calc. :D I am surprised that even with Unsigned installed you couldn't downgrade below OS 2.55MP, though
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: p2 on August 15, 2016, 07:30:31 PM
@E37 I love you! <3
I finally fixed my calc after all these years!! :D :D :D  :w00t:
Thank you so much!  :thumbsup:

just pressed MODE to get the flash cleared and then send 2.43 *-* <3
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: E37 on August 15, 2016, 07:43:28 PM
Quote from: p2 on August 15, 2016, 07:30:31 PM
@E37 I love you! <3
I finally fixed my calc after all these years!! :D :D :D  :w00t:
Thank you so much!  :thumbsup:

just pressed MODE to get the flash cleared and then send 2.43 *-* <3
Awesome!!!  ;D
I didn't do all that much but cobble together the suggestions of everyone else...
Did you used Unsigned? Or just have an older boot code?
That must be an awesome feeling! I was so excited when I fixed mine after a day of being broken.  :w00t:
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: p2 on August 15, 2016, 07:49:41 PM
The last time it was a newer version (I think it was 2.55) then it crashed....
and now I just sent 2.43 without using unsigned or anything.... something must've been really messed up xD
Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on August 24, 2016, 06:23:28 AM
If you had an older boot code then you can downgrade from 2.55MP without any extra tool. Anyway I'm glad your calcs are now fixed :)

Title: Re: TI-84 Plus fails OS validation after multiple re-install attempts
Post by: Dream of Omnimaga on February 06, 2024, 10:40:41 PM
An increasing amount of users with the recent OS validation loop problem on the TI-84 Plus CE are visiting this topic but since it was originally about another similar issue I wanted to link to the TI Education page about what to do if you have a revision AA TI-84 Plus CE/CE Python calculator stuck in a boot loop when plugged in.

A few months ago, Texas Instruments released an older batch of TI-84 Plus CE and CE Python calculators, probably due to failure to rotate their inventory properly at one point in time and by the time those calculators (revision AA from 2022) made it to stores the batteries inside those calcs became completely discharged or dead.