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84p apps on the 84pce?

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b/Calculator Talk publicado por u/TheChosen’s World February 10, 2019, 01:32:54 AM
How would i run a 84 program on my ti-84 plus ce without a syntax error, I really want to run fruit-ninja and SuperSmashBros:open on my calc  :crazy:
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u/Lionel Debroux February 10, 2019, 07:49:45 AM
Simply put, if you want to run a 84+ program, get yourself a 84+, or use an emulator on your computer: TilEm-NG is usually considered one of the most accurate ones :)

The monochrome 84+ and the color 84+CE are very different platforms: different processor, different memory layout, etc. Assembly programs and FlashApps written for one of these platforms will simply not work for the other platform. Nobody wrote a monochrome 84+ emulator for the 83PCE / 84+CE(-T). It's not that nobody knows how to emulate a 84+, but the thing is, making an emulator is a lot of work, and making it work on such a relatively underpowered platform as the 84+CE is even more work. The 84+CE is not much more powerful than the 84+.
u/TheChosen’s World February 10, 2019, 08:56:53 PM
Quote from: Lionel Debroux on February 10, 2019, 07:49:45 AM
Simply put, if you want to run a 84+ program, get yourself a 84+, or use an emulator on your computer: TilEm-NG is usually considered one of the most accurate ones :)

The monochrome 84+ and the color 84+CE are very different platforms: different processor, different memory layout, etc. Assembly programs and FlashApps written for one of these platforms will simply not work for the other platform. Nobody wrote a monochrome 84+ emulator for the 83PCE / 84+CE(-T). It's not that nobody knows how to emulate a 84+, but the thing is, making an emulator is a lot of work, and making it work on such a relatively underpowered platform as the 84+CE is even more work. The 84+CE is not much more powerful than the 84+.

it really do be like that sometimes
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