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Casio Graph 90+E calculator announced

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b/Calculator Talk publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga January 30, 2017, 06:40:50 PM
A few weeks ago, Casio unveiled their upcoming successor to the fx-CG10/20 calculators: The fx-CG50. Now they have just unveiled its French counterpart: the Graph 90+E:

Casio has thus reverted back to their old ways of renaming their calculators for the France market, with only the Classpad series and the original PRIZM models not being renamed (although the fx-CG10 was released as the fx-CG20 in all of Europe, with extra image capabilities):

fx-7400G: Graph 20
fx-9750G: Graph 30
fx-9750G PLUS: Graph 35+ (French model has more RAM)
fx-9750gII: Graph 35+ USB
CFX-9850G: Graph 60
CFX-9950G: Graph 65
fx-9860g: Graph 85
fx-9860g SD: Graph 85 SD
fx-9860gII: Graph 75
fx-9860gII SD: Graph 95
Algebra FX 2.0: Graph 100

It is widely speculated from the name that this new calculator will have an exam mode or restrictions allowing its use in French exams after the 2018 rule changes, unlike the fx-CG20, which lacked one despite OS updates.

Regarding the technical specifications of both the Casio fx-CG50 and Graph 90+E, it appears that they will feature the following:

61 KB of user RAM
16 MB of Flash
Add-in support (that can be installed by the user, but it's unclear if extra protections against third-party add-ins have been added)
4xAAA batteries required
USB and 3-pin cable support

Exact CPU specs are unknown, but the info page states something about high-speed calculations. It is unknown if any improvements were done in terms of LCD speed and especially BASIC drawing commands, which are notorious for being incredibly slow on the fx-CG10/20. The MSRP is 130 euros, approximately $30 higher than its American counterpart.

Source: (via )
Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 06:44:31 PM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/ztortat February 01, 2017, 12:49:40 AM
Gimmie   O.O
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 01, 2017, 02:15:31 AM
I personally probably won't buy it unless there are significant improvements in BASIC speed or if it's very popular. Even if it meets one of those criterias I would probably get the fx-CG50 instead, since it's cheaper. That said, regarding the technical specs it's still not 100% certain they are accurate, as some sites might have just copy/pasted the fx-CG10/20 specs.
u/ztortat February 01, 2017, 02:21:39 AM
yea but its a new calculator to my not so big collection... of 3 calculators but i'll probably go with the fx-CG50 because price
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 01, 2017, 02:31:20 AM
Well, I got 29 calcs and have done calc stuff for 15 years, and since my biggest purchase priorities are elsewhere lately, I might even actually sell some calcs rather than buying new ones. :P Although ideally, I would like to at least keep the classics and as many new color ones as possible (other than the Classpad II). We never know what can happen, though, such as a big discount (I remember seeing the PRIZM for $100 CAD once)

In any case, if you ever do C or BASIC, I'm sure both will be similar to older models, so you will most likely be able to ask for help on the forums from those using other Casio calcs :)
u/critor April 10, 2017, 01:25:05 PM
Actually, almost all 3rd party fx-CG10/20 apps don't work on the new fx-CG50/Graph 90+E.  :'(
The problem is too many developers did hard-cord the VRAM address, instead of getting it on-calc through the dedicated pointer.  >:(

Out of 38 game apps, only 3 of them are playable on the new models :

One of the working ones is Cubefield.

Nemhardy from Planete Casio did fix a minor related bug occurring with the Cubefield app on the new fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E models.
(graphics were ok, but text outputs were missing, as the function used was referencing the old VRAM address)

Check the new models huge performances compared to the previous models :

fx-CG10/20 :

fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E - twice faster !  ;D

Some more accurate tests would be needed, but the new models performances seem to be on par with the TI-Nspire.

The shown Graph 90+E is not overclocked.
I've tried neither Pover nor Ptune2, and anyway Ptune2 developer said it wouldn't work out of the box.

Fixed Cubefield download : (single app compatible with all fx-CG models : fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG50, Graph 90+E)

Source and more informations :
Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 01:41:26 PM by critor
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 10, 2017, 04:37:59 PM
That sucks. TO be honest I knew that we would run into apps that don't work sooner or later, but I didn't realize there are that many. The lack of an official SDK definitively doesn't help. Hopefully some older apps can be fixed in the near future.

That calc looks really fast, though. Too bad it has little improvements to BASIC speed.
u/critor April 11, 2017, 04:30:43 PM
Gravity Duck, same author, had the same minor bug : graphics ok but text outputs missing.

It has now been fixed too. ;D
Fixed Gravity Duck download : (single app compatible with all fx-CG models : fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG50, Graph 90+E)

Source and more informations :

The remaining non-working game apps now have major bugs, making them totally unplayable (completely white screen, or screen with text outputs and graphics missing) :
They might be less easy to fix.
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 11, 2017, 07:07:12 PM
Thanks for all your work. Glad to see this add-in run smoothly. Also I didn't know there was a newer version. The version I got had no title screen nor level previews, if I recall correctly
u/critor April 16, 2017, 05:23:17 PM
The Graph 90+E / fx-CG50 CPU runs at 118 MHz (so twice faster than the fx-CG10/20 CPU running at 59 MHz). :D

In some heavier memory-consuming situations, the new model is even more than twice faster.
Check the huge difference with the new 3D app :

(original CPU settings - no overclock)

You can already overclock with the new Ptune3 beta.
We've reached 236 MHz without any poblem so far.

Source :
Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 05:25:35 PM by critor
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 16, 2017, 05:34:12 PM
Is the hardware based on 2010-13 Prizms? I hope not, because overclocking those could brick them D:
u/critor April 16, 2017, 05:42:34 PM
As far as I know, the problem was with Pover which performs a bad overclock.
No problem with Ptune2. :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 16, 2017, 06:17:55 PM
Yeah but it only affected the first hardware revision, not the second one, IIRC. Hence my worries, especially if you say that the new calc can be overclocked up to 236 MHz. I am surprised my PRIZM still works today.
u/critor April 17, 2017, 04:00:38 PM
Check the Game Boy emulation performances :

The Graph 90+E appears to be a little faster than the TI-Nspire CX, although it doesn't prove the hardware is faster since it's not the same emulator.

Same ROM used on 4 models, although the Casio version of the emulator does colorize monochrome games.
No overclocking - original CPU settings :
1st : Casio Graph 90+E (french fx-CG50), SH4 @118MHz, 8MiB SDRAM
2nd : TI-Nspire CX, ARM @132MHz, 64MiB SDRAM
3rd : TI-Nspire, ARM @120MHz, 32MiB SDRAM
4th : Casio fx-CG20, SH4 @59Mhz, 2MiB SDRAM

Too bad the TI-84 Plus CE is missing on this video, we need TI-Boy CE, it's been 2 years...

My guess is that overclocking is not going to help the TI-Nspire CX at all.
Since the fx-CG10/20 could be significantly overclocked, and the TI-Nspire CX just a little before it started crashing.
Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 04:03:09 PM by critor
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 17, 2017, 04:18:08 PM
Glad to see GB emulation already :D
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