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Messages - brwn.b0i

Do you know any other way to communicate without telnet terminal? Because I don't have access to a unix shell and I don't know how to use it. It also seems like an overkill for my purpose.
I'm currently working on a project where I make two calc ti84+ wirelessly message each other using a 2x Arduino Uno and a 2x nrf24l01 module. i connected the calc to my arduino using a 2.5mm jack. i used the Articl library, and it seems to work for sending characters from Arduino to a calc. i have no idea how to receive it from the calc. my idea is to get the sending and recieving from the serial monitor and calc achieved. if that is working, then i replicate this on another TI84+ calc and then use the nrf24l01 to allow both calculators to communicate wirelessly. i'm really bad at coding and don't have much experience with TI calculators. i need someone to help me code the Arduino and TI 84 calculators for this project. ty!
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