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Life is Strange theories

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b/Gaming publicado por u/Hayleia June 30, 2015, 05:03:27 PM
You've been warned, don't read any further if you didn't play all episodes and plan on doing so.

I hope I am not the only one here to play LiS or I am going to feel alone here :D
So, anyone has theories about what will happen next ? Here are mine (unordered), feel free to share :)
And sorry if there are missing letters at some places, that keyboard is stupid.

We're totally going back to the first timeline. I think so because the clothes Max is wearing at the VC party in the preview at the end are the same she is wearing in the first timeline, and they are not the same as the ones she's got in the William-is-alive one.

I think that the accident with William happened between his car and David's bus (he's a bus driver in the alternate timeline). And he felt so guilty killing William in that accident that he became paranoid, refused to continue his job and became officer at Blackwell. Maybe he also felt in debt, wanted to protect William's family and married Joyce for that reason.

Complete random thought: Max's power may save lives but take others. That's why there are dead birds everywhere and even dead whales when she saves William. That's only for the balance of the world.

Chloe became paralyzed in a car accident she got in her new car. Still that balance of the world theory. If her father doesn't get an accident, she does.

Nothing about Rachel or Nathan :(
Anyone thinking something about them ?
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u/novenary June 30, 2015, 05:50:37 PM
Hmmm, didn't read since you warned for spoilers, but I should check out that game. A friend of mine plays it and it seemed nice.
u/Hayleia June 30, 2015, 06:21:30 PM
At first I was not sure I would get it either. But you know what ? It's a narrative game (well ok, you play too but still more of the narrative genre than Monster Hunter) so what I did was just watch people play it on Youtube, maybe you can do that too ? And I can tell you I was more hooked to the screen than to any TV series :P
So I decided I'd buy it so I would live the surprises myself for the next episodes when they are out, instead of watching people do choices I don't like one week after the episode is out.
u/novenary June 30, 2015, 06:36:51 PM
Yeah, a visual novel. I like those.
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