In 1999, Jester Interactive released Music 2000, published by Codemasters on the original Playstation from 1995, as MTV Music Generator in North America. Although the software is extremely powerful for its time and even has sound quality that is superior to the PC version that came out the next year, documentation about the PS1 software's most advanced features was never published anywhere or was lost to time or deep far into the depths of the Wayback Machine.

The fact it's becoming easier and easier to emulate the console Music 2000 runs on on more and more platforms, as well as the software's new statuses as a retro gaming software and music software have revived its popularity in recent years, while a Discord server about it opened and revived the Music 2000 online community in the process, something that was mostly lost after TIMGUL closed down in early 2012.

This renewed popularity led to an efford by INFU to create a website where as much documentation about the PSOne version of Music 2000 as possible is included along with open-source songs released by various artists including myself. And by documentation, I am talking about the AM channel. Yes, the thing that was so cryptic to use that almost no one dared to touch it. And we're trying to find more advanced tricks, and don't worry we also talk about other things than the AM channel, I was just trying to get your attention. :)

The Discord server also contains plenty of useful tricks, a resources section and a lot of cool new tracks being posted regularly. There are already 200 members as well.

Anyway here are the links (unfortunately, @Yuki  lost mtv-music-generator . com to a domain name squatter, so we couldn't re-use that URL.)

MUSIC 2000™ Hall of Fame:
MUSIC 2000™ Discord server: