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b/Music 2000 (MTVMG) publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga February 18, 2017, 12:49:56 AM
I am pleased to announce the release of my two newest music albums: In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust and Illegal Music Chemistry!

Although I haven't done many songs since 2014 ended, my last full-lenght album release was in December 2013 with Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga and the last one to feature electronic dance music was in early 2009, with Destiny Knight. As a result, many of the electronic dance, chiptune and experimental songs I made after 2009 were never made available on any of my releases, except the A Decade of Magic Hardcore and A Decade of Omnidance compilations, both of which came out in 2012.

Just like every album I released from 2007 to 2008, both IUKHADWT and IMC go the same route as Stratovarius' Intermission: Newer songs with a bunch of older tracks. In fact, In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust is essentially a reboot of my previously canceled 2009 album Magic Hardcore, which died due to my 2 years hiatus from dance music making. However, like Destiny Knight, this album doesn't feature any track from my old tapes, and this is where Illegal Music Chemistry comes into play. IMC is basically a collection of previously unreleased songs (other than on Youtube, Soundcloud or my two massive hardcore/dance compilations), the more recent ones ranging from synthpop and hi-NRG to chiptune music, while all the 2003 songs are digitally-remastered cassette rips that never made it on any of my older albums.

You can now download the two albums on Bandcamp below, but before you do so, there's more to come: After many years of wait and increasing demand, there will now be physical CD releases of my albums! As of 2017, there are only four physical copies of my music releases in existence, all of which are Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga Special Edition. For now, Illegal Music Chemistry is setup for imminent physical album release as I wait for a sample copy to arrive to make sure the quality is up to my standards. Once this album is made available physically to the public via Kunaki shop, IUKHADWT and my two metal albums will soon receive the same treatment. While  ADOMH and ADOO compilations will never see a physical release, my back-catalogue from 2007-09 will finally get one, meaning that you'll eventually be able to hold a copy of Epic Journey Through the Galaxy, Journey Through the Moon Dark Side, Enter the Dream World, Angel in the Stars, It's the End of Time and Destiny Knight in your hands!

So without further ado, here are the links to In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust and Illegal Music Chemistry, my first albums in 3 years:
Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 02:05:08 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/p2 February 18, 2017, 01:52:19 PM
I can't wait for the CD's O.O
And I'll listen to the new albums soon  :thumbsup:

btw even my mom seems to like ur music  :ninja:
Even tho she said she wouldn't buy it for herself xD

Edit: 9108A.D. sounds awesome, I love it  O.O
Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 02:32:55 PM by p2
u/Dream of Omnimaga February 18, 2017, 05:17:21 PM
Wow, I'm glad she likes my songs actually. Glad you like the music by the way. 9108 and Frozen Danger were actually used in this game below, but the game never got finished (it was gonna use exclusively TIMGUL songs):

As for the music CDs, Kunaki just shipped my free review copy for Illegal Music Chemistry 2/16/2017 5:23:00 PM, via air mail (according to their FAQ it should take 2 weeks to arrive, but I recall air mail taking much less time than that sometimes). If the quality is good, then I'll upload In UK Hardcore we Trust there (I still need to do a back cover, though). The other albums will appear there one by one, although AITS and JTTMDS will take a long while due to having to edit the back cover art (to replace the renamed songs)
u/Luxen February 18, 2017, 09:05:24 PM
Cheers to the new album release, DJ_O!
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b/Music 2000 (MTVMG)

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