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Topics - Dream of Omnimaga

Web / My new webwebsite (music landing page)
June 10, 2024, 06:21:55 PM
I ditched those landing page services such as Linktree, Toneden/Fanlink, Hyperfollow and HypeEdit and instead made my own at , where customization options are not hidden behind a paywall. The difference is that instead of having one landing page per album and compilation I put everything on the same page. However the navigation should get you to any release you want quickly and all the available store and streaming services are linked below each release.
Other / CodeWalrus merch (2 t-shirts for now)
April 19, 2023, 12:44:35 AM
CodeWalrus now has merch! (at least as long as this Chinese print company I use exists I guess, else it would result into a massive price increase)

There are only two merch item available for now, though: :walrii: t-shirts.
So I wanted to have something Illusiat-related, since Illusiat 20th anniversary is on the horizon, but the Illusiat 1+2 remake or Illusiat 13 revival finally never happened. That said, I still got something somewhat similar, RPG-related: Darkblasters!

Back in late 2012, when the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition color screen z80 calculator got announced, I wanted to experiment with layered text sprites. Games like Serenity and Metroid Pi used this technique, although the latter did not use the shifted method. In the process, I wanted to attempt making an RPG like Illusiat 6/Nemesiat, but with larger maps while being (hopefully) smaller.

I eventually got the color calculator model before pushing this RPG engine further, so only the walking engine was done and in 2014 it was posted in Omnimaga downloads section. I have recently uploaded it to TI-Planet, Cemetech and as well. (As it turn out, layered text sprites would not work on the CSE, making a direct port of this engine impossible. )

Almost 9 years later, it's being revived as Darkblasters! It features four dungeons, a town and a forest, all with over 390 rooms to explore, some magic spells and items, but no shop and in-game currency. There will be no experience points, so your max HP/MP will go up every battle, along with your skill points. Magic will get stronger the more you use it. You'll also not be able to enter buildings in the town, but you will be able to talk to NPC's.

My goals:
-Keep the game and its RAM usage as small as possible
-Hopefully keep it in one file, unlike my entire RPG calculatography.
-Make sure that the speed remains fast enough for 15 MHz calcs. 83+ will be playable, but not the most optimal experience.
-Keep compatibility with the TI-82 Advanced and TI-84 Plus-T models. (This is why the game remains in pure TI-BASIC)

So far, what is implemented are the 390 rooms, connection between each area, magic animations (although they're currently separate from the game), the intro text (same) and everything shown in the screenies above. The file size is 5753 bytes right now.

EDIT: Changed one of the screenshots to a newer one and added a 5th one. Old screenies will remain as links above.
For those who haven't followed NumWorks development in recent times, due to NumWorks locking down their calculator with the newest firmware update, preventing the use of third-party firmwares like Omega and Delta, the team behind its development has stopped working on the project. However, their Discord server is remaining open for the community. More info on their Discord server and TI-Planet:

Like the other featured projects sub-fora here, this one will remain publicly available until the next planet-killer asteroid hits Earth.
Some comments about this one: If there is ever a remake or update to this game, then you will get an item at some point in the game that lets you teleport to any village or close, because about 50% of the game is going back and forth from one region to another right now.

Also, the Illusiat 1-12 maps will be in one single topic.
The Illusiat 12 game is slightly smaller than Illusiat 13, but has more grinding. Nonetheless, there are many maps.
My mom gave me her old computer and I installed Linux Mint on it and eventually I want to put RetroArch on it. This computer lacks wi-fi capabilities. However, I don't know if it's because I'm missing drivers or something but the computer refuses to connect to my wired connection. It says "Connecting..." at the bottom of the screen then a minute later a notification saying that the connection failed.

The connection works fine when I am using my Windows 10 computer so it's not the cable. Also, before retiring this computer, my mom was still using it to access the internet, so it's not the ethernet port either.

I could not find any help online regarding such problem, as all help was about wi-fi connections.

Any help would be appreciated.
Web / personal website
April 19, 2020, 06:14:34 PM
I wanted to get a personal website to showcase my various releases and works for a while, but I wasn't too sure what I would use as CMS. I finally went with Wordpress, which seems to get the job done for what I need.

The website will list all my music releases (with links to the various stores including Bandcamp), my PC releases (except Avions, for epilepsy reasons) and of course my TI and HP calculator games. Music will continue to be hosted on Bandcamp and elsewhere, except bootlegs.

Right now some parts of the website are incomplete, such as the calculator games section, which currently redirects to my author profile. In order to make it easy to continue tracking download counts, when clicking on a particular calculator game, the website will redirect to its respective file info page.

Anyway here is the link:
Web / Best free CMS for portfolio-style website
April 13, 2020, 11:56:08 PM
I have wanted to build a personal website for a while, but I was unsure about which CMS would fit better for a portfolio-type website. When I check Google, I find a lot of results such as "Top 10 CMS for personal websites", only to find out that as the top #1, they're advertising their very own paid CMS.

I will not consider any CMS that costs money or that is mostly hidden behind a paywall.

I also prefer a self-hosted solution (I have web space already) where editing the template/CSS doesn't take three months.

Basically, my website would have a page with my discography, another with my calculator releases, another with some old drawings and maybe pixel art and of course my biography regarding my creations. A section on every page would list all my social media profile links and another section would list the music stores and streaming services where my songs are available. A third side section would have other links such as CodeWalrus.

Given where I got punched at first, you are lucky to still see me around today, because I could have died instantly. Basically last Friday I got attacked and robbed despite all doors being locked (they came in through a window) and they even disconnected my internet and stolen my phone to ensure I lose contact with the rest of the world.

This must be one of the first home invasion in Quebec City this year. They better not get caught because some friends might do illegal, non-violent stuff as retaliation (doxxing, DDoS attack?).
Did you know that the current webpage design dates all the way back to August 12th 1999?

While some new sections were added and others removed over the last two decades, the layout has essentially remained the same. Here is a cached front page from 2000:
I am happy to announce that Superstar Hero will be released on Steam on June 13th. Here is the store page:

In addition to that, thanks to the EasyRPG Player, the Steam version of the game will be Mac and Linux compatible. It will be possible to play the game as standalone (without Steam), but it won't automatically update and setting that version up to run on Mac/Linux might be an hassle.
After much wait, it is now possible to play Superstar Hero on a gamepad. Now if you press SHIFT on a keyboard or the Y button on an Xbox 360 controller, a cursor will cycle through your 6 item slots and pressing the attack button will use the item (or do nothing if the key item is selected), kinda like in Super Metroid when selecting missiles, etc.

The original control scheme that uses the number keys will remain intact, so both can be used. Also, RPG Maker 2003 now supports the D-pad rather than just the joysticks.
Je suis en train de traduire Superstar Hero, le jeu d'action-RPG dystopique, en Français.

-Intro: Traduit à 100%
-Magasins: 95% (manque traduction images)
-Tutoriel: 100%
-Hooleigan Village: 40% (NPC, image prologue à refaire)
-Coffres au trésor: 85% (manque coffre du donjon secret)
-Hooleigan Valley/Quebec Bridge: 0%
-Sainte-Foy: 4%
-Saint-Roch: 4%
-Saint-Bottom: 6%
-Harlaka: 33%
-Ruines: 50%
-Crystal Hill: 0%
-Tibestia: 50%
-Secret dungeon: 0%

La prochaine version du jeu vous permettera de switcher de langage en commençant une nouvelle partie et je vais probablement rajouter les options de langage en plein jeu aussi, probablement dans le menu quitter. Par contre, tout le texte non traduit s'affichera en anglais.

Version 0.12 has been released, which includes all dungeons. It's not final, though, as more content might be added or adjustments be done, but you can now play through the entire game.

Hopefully @Juju can update the arcade version to match the new version.
Randomness / TI-86 calculator c (NSFW)
April 10, 2019, 08:43:35 PM
Unfortunately, this actually exists. Internet, pls xd


Although a lot of graphics in my game have been updated in the last two months already, I am continuing the process of changing the overall look of the game to be more consistent with the general direction the game has gone and also to replace most remaining placeholder graphics. Here are screenshots of some of the recent changes:

Blocked by a LEGO brick in one of the many new rooms, and new graphics:

A scrolling background! (might be recolored, tho...)

Surely, this store won't be missed. What the heck, 9108?

This dreaded room, with new graphics!

One of the new area already got a tileset facelift haha:

People sleeping inside the spacious air conditioning conduits, even though monsters can be nearby:

Not only fidget spinners have been popular for 70 years in the year 9108, but this is what clothes look like in Quebec, then:

Web / Almost every website in 2018
October 21, 2018, 01:50:12 PM
This is what almost every website look like in 2018.

from r/funny

Thanks to the rest of the CW team for not going that route.

Quote from: xlibman on October 22, 2008, 08:13:21 AM
It has been common for Omnimaga to share projects with other communities, such as MLC. This time it is happening again with my first action-RPG ever made using RPG Maker 2003: Super Star Hero.

As some people might have noticed a week ago, I uploaded a song called "Superstar Hero" in the archives and that song was a drastic change in musical genre compared to other music on this website. It was in fact intended to be used inside a game and my plan was to make one using RPG Maker 2003 using either a custom battle system or real-time action. However, since I needed to make sure such project was feasible in RPG Maker 2003, this is why I haven't been as active on the forums and IRC in the past week. Finally I opted for an ARPG, due to it being slightly easier to do and requiring less pixel art skills, as a random battle system would have forced me to draw much bigger enemy sprites.

This project will be a co-Omnimaga-TIMGUL (The International Music Generator Users Lounge) production. The game is currently being developped by me. Most graphics are also by myself, but there are others by Necro (a lot which have been modified) and a smaller amount from the RPG Maker presets (all modified too). The entire soundtrack will be created using MTV Music Generator (which was released as Music 2000 outside North America) for the Playstation. Sound effects are being created with that software as well as another software to generate 8-bit sounds. Music will all be contributed by me and members from TIMGUL. As of now, my tracks as well as Beoulve's are used.

Here are some screenshots:

Here is a Youtube video showing the game intro:

As you might guess from the title and the logo the game is intended to be a little cheesy and cliché. The main character is in fact a super hero and he must save the world, going through hordes of enemies, altough, as you can see in the intro, he's in a little bit of a trouble since he has nothing to defend himself with. When the game starts the first thing you will want to do after the mountain part you're on collapses is to find a weapon upgrade so your attack power is no longer 0. In this game the leveling up system will be upgrade-based. You will be able to raise 3 stats: attack, defense and speed. Attack and defense goes from LV 0 to LV 10 and speed from LV 0 to LV 5. To raise them you must gain gold from enemies and buy upgrades at shops. The game will be a mix of Zelda, Megaman, Ys and such popular titles, far away in the future in a semi middle age and futuristic environment. Check out for more updates soon!

Oh and happy belated birthday Netham45!
Randomness / TravisE likes "quitting"
September 09, 2018, 11:37:13 PM
Quote from: IRC*tev has quit (Quit: Quitting)

When you're on a IRC server that prefixes your quit messages, it says "Quit" three times in a row. Inception, much, @Travis ? xd
Other / Omnimaga turns 17
September 01, 2018, 03:54:10 AM
Omnimaga, the website I founded prior TIMGUL and CodeWalrus, just turned 17 years old now. Many CodeWalrus members were not even born back then O.O
Gaming / Waluigi's Taco Stand 64
August 14, 2018, 01:05:14 PM
I wonder if this is real or just a ROM hack of SM64? ???

But yeah, basically if this is real, then there could have been Waluigi on the N64

60 FPS


That last one was overkill, thanks to the rotation effect and the fact it's basically 60 images rotating simultaneously at high zoom (I wanted to see how far the software could be pushed). xd Other than that I am just experimenting for possible Superstar Hero additions (maybe 3D Tunnel levels/missions in the game, like those robot fight bosses in Mystical Ninja for the Nintendo 64.
Gaming / Cuisine Royale
July 15, 2018, 06:27:13 PM
I wonder if anyone here is into games like PUBG? Because recently there is a new Battle Royale game called Cuisine Royale that went in public alpha on Steam and I was surprised by how polished it is. If you prefer PUBG style to Fortnite but can't afford the former, then you might have more bang for your buck with Cuisine Royale, IMHO, for the following reasons:

Despite the name implying that weaponry might be 100% kitchen-related rather than World War 2, you're actually fighting with guns in there. It's just the armors that are made of cauldrons, stoves, etc.

Despite being in alpha stages, free to play and originally intended as an April Fools joke for the upcoming game Enlisted:
-It has much better graphics
-It actually manages to run at an higher and more steady frame rate despite the superior graphics. PUBG team, you have a thing or two to learn from Gaijin Entertainment and post-2016 Ubisoft games
-It crashes less often
-Finding a vehicle on the map doesn't take 40 minutes
-There are less server disconnects
-The only load time that sucks as much as PUBG is when the match starts. But again, you drop on the map instantly, which saves time
-They don't sue Epic Games every five second

The main downside I can see, however, is that games feature only 40 players at a time and you cannot choose where you want to drop. There is also no sound (yet) when the zone shrinks down.

Anyway I am posting this in case anyone would be interested in this game but can't afford (or run) PUBG.
...A video game that started existing 6 years after MSN Messenger closed down is stuck with a MSN Messenger profile field option because the company that makes the forum software they use decided to use SMF as a blueprint and intentionally remain stuck in the early 2000's xd

Gaming / Lawsuitpad... er I mean Wikipad review
July 05, 2018, 03:16:43 PM
-Haven't tested yet

-They're suing Nintendo over their joy-con controllers in a patent troll fashion, even though they only have 3000 likes on Facebook versus millions of likes and billions of dollars for Nintendo

Final verdict:
-Every single pros the Wikipad attachable controller for phones has is automatically negated by the aforementioned con. Boycott Gamevice and their Wikipad until their lawsuit fails epically. :P

(other than that it could be handy for the RPG Maker emulator)
Other / Mass-highlighting vs @ everyone
June 14, 2018, 11:18:29 PM
Back in the days, highlighting/mentioning every single user at once in an IRC chat room usually led to massive backlash or even an instant ban...

...but it's OK to do it on Discord? ???

Anyway personally I disabled @everyone/@here on every single server I'm on (even CW) xd
Gaming / Unreal Tournament 2018
April 18, 2018, 01:26:24 PM
Anyone tried the new UT game that is under development? It has some issues since it's in early stages but it sure brought back good memories from 2004, when I was playing the first Unreal Tournament from 1999 on my Pentium II 350 MHz.
Other / How to survive a successful squirrel massage
March 08, 2018, 02:48:51 AM
Remember the opossum massage lady and... ahem... the game? :P Well, as it turns out, she also did a squirrel version of it



Also there was a 3D James Bond 007 FPS

My favorite above gotta be the Asterix game.
Gaming / Fortnite: Battle Royale
February 14, 2018, 04:19:54 AM
Who plays it?
Other / Your non-walrii pets
February 14, 2018, 01:26:07 AM
This little critter likes to steal my desktop chair while I'm away. :P


Listen to the sound of that thing O.O

I have to say, though, that I had one of those as kid until it started reboot-looping on almost every power ON attempt. It was fun and better than Tiger Electronics handhelds but it made the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man sound great. :P
Other / MOVED: Just want to say Hello.
January 28, 2018, 06:23:59 PM
I saw this at the local Sears store:

I never saw those before but this looks old. On the left there were plenty of transparent things that this computer or device can apparently read.
A few months ago, I began the process of moving to Quebec City in order to escape various social issues witnessed in my former city in the last 30+ years and due to my autism. Unfortunately, as it turns out, this only solved the privacy and public transit problems and everything else remained. In addition to that, the healthcare system and how it works is completely inadequate for my person as I can't even function on my own when it comes to papers and stuff. More importantly, there is a serious close-mindness about people with mental disabilities that resulted into me being unable to make much new friends and keeping them here, partly due to how unknown stuff like autism is over here (thanks to our poor healthcare system), which is weird considering in Qc City people are much more open-minded about other things than in my former city.
(Such as LGBT or ethnic groups). My mental health deteriorated to the point where I almost moved to Quebec literally in the middle of the night and left almost everything behind.

This is why in mid September, shortly after switching jobs (which I'm about to be forced to quit due to persistent depression and scars left by issues in my previous city), I began considering moving out of  Quebec province entirely, most likely to Germany or Guadeloupe. Eventually I ruled out Guadeloupe due to being to small but Australia became considered, with mainland France far behind. I am not comfortable with the idea.of moving to France due to ISIS and tolerance issues of their own, but I know many people there. Germany is very likely other than the fact I would need to learn German but I am generally not too bad at learning spoken languages, and Australia is another possibility. Ideally, though, I would probably choose which one of the three countries have the better public healthcare for autistic adults.

But yeah if this happens, this would most likely be in January 2020 or July 2020, or if my mental health won't improve, then that could be much sooner. The main obstacle would be losing what remains of my Quebec friends and that I would probably be forced to stay at the home of a TI community friend in order to be able to afford the rent. It's also possible that I am.permanently disabled and jobless and I would prefer not moving too far from downtown.

Chances of this happening are around 10% I would say and previously hovered between 0-2%, but that's still a 10%, split 45%-45%-10% between Germany, Australia and France, respectively. Hopefully it doesn't happen but I prefer to warn in advance in case it does.
Media Talk / Star Wars c:3= Episode VIII
December 19, 2017, 10:39:42 PM
I went to see Star Wars this morning. It was very fun but for some reasons it wasn't as much as episode VII and the others. It seemed to be slower-paced at times and seemed to miss something. What about you?
This is kinda old-school style, but this uses footage from the Superstar Hero game (although cropped)

Video effects courtesy of my roomate juju2143.

It was for my latest song called Rejection (which is semi 16-bits style power metal)
Gaming / Star Wars Battlefront II DLC's
November 16, 2017, 02:57:37 AM

I was wondering: If I win the jack pot at the lottery this weekend, will I have enough money to buy all Star Wars Battlefront II unlockable content and DLC's?
Gaming / Super Mario Odyssey
October 30, 2017, 01:20:48 AM
Anyone got this game for the Switch? How did you like it so far? I got a copy from my trade-in credits Friday, but I was very busy this weekend hanging out with friends and with work, so I'll probably play tonight.

What I read somewhere is that certain people kinda considers this game as Super Mario 64's spiritual successor.
Une nouvelle ère commence bientôt sur mon canal Youtube et Twitch: Je vais faire des live stream de jeux action-RPG japonais, Paladins (plus tard), les jeux rétros et je vais même vous montrer comment je fais de la musique sur MTV Music Generator (Music 2000) sur PSOne. Bien sûr, je vais continuer aussi à poster mes chansons sur Youtube comme avant. L'utilisation du micro sera rare jusqu'au mois d'Avril, par contre.

A new era is about to begin for my Youtube and channels: I will now make live streams of myself gaming at various Japanese action-RPG's, Paladins (not now, though), retro consoles and I will even showcase how I create my own music on MTV Music Generator (Music 2000)! Of course, I will also continue posting music videos on Youtube like before. Also, I will often have my mic muted until April, but there are times you might hear me talk beforehand anyway.

Make sure to subscribe or follow me below:

By the way, for Playstation 4 live streaming, I am not using the built-in streaming feature, because it only allows you to stream to 1 service at a time. I do not like Twitch because they take down your videos after 2 weeks automatically (or 60 if you got a paid account), while Youtube keeps them online indefinitely. However, for more visibility I wanted to use Twitch and Youtube simultaneously for my live streams. At first, to get around this, I was streaming the Youtube live feed from my computer on Twitch (Yo dawg I herd u lieked streams so I put a stream in your stream so you can play live while you can play live), but I wanted a custom overlay around the game footage with pictures, text and social account IDs. So here is what I did:

-I installed OBS, a game streaming client that supports custom overlays.
-I signed up on, which lets you stream to 2 services at once for free.
-I installed PS4 Remote Play, so that I can
-However, in order to use my PS4 gamepad on the PS4 and use PS4 Remote Play software at the same time, I had to use my PS4 gamepad on the PC instead of console. Otherwise, the controller would turn OFF and turning it back ON would disconnect PS4 Remote Play. In turn, this caused my microphone to not work. So in order to get around this, I had to create a second PSN account. I use my main account on the PS4 with my controller, while on the PC I use the dummy account to connect to Remote Play.
Some of you probably remember that crappy Panasonic 3DO game called Plumbers Don't Wear Ties. What many probably don't know, however, is that a PC version was made, but it was lost (thought to be forever) and last March, it was found again:

Oh and that "elevator" music

This is one of those games that's so bad in every way possible (even Rape Games, an adult homebrew game for the Super Nintendo, is better) that it's good.
My last two days in a nutshell. (long story)

Good luck trying it. Especially if you have ASD. But yeah, I'm back now.
Other / MOVED: Discord
September 18, 2017, 06:44:30 PM
Other / Kotu will not be back on CodeWalrus
September 18, 2017, 01:49:23 PM
I know that some members here liked kotu a lot, which is partly why I am sharing this publicly so that they can say goodbye. The other people probably have witnessed what happened in the last months or so by themselves, but basically, the reason why he will not be back on CodeWalrus is because he has now been permanently banned from the forums and, as soon as @Juju gets online, on IRC, Discord and everywhere else. He will have to use Cemetech, TI-Planet or Omnimaga from now on if he chooses to continue using sites of similar interests.

Reasons for the ban: constantly disrupting topic and IRC discussions with spam, flooding or to a lesser extent false or provocative remarks about random users (especially MateoConLechuga). A 1st warning was issued last year, which eventually showed some signs of improvements, but starting July 2017 it started gradually becoming worse, to the point where it got out of control. A 2nd warning was issued around September 9th 2017 and despite being online for most of that day, nothing changed afterwards. As a result, once the 24th hour clause had expired, he got a 1 week ban (like any 3rd offense), followed by the standard 1 month probation where the fourth warning is skipped in favor of a permanent ban. Unfortunately, neither those had any effect either, so as a result, it's time to say goodbye to him.

The reasons for his behavior were caused by a mental disability where he is not always in control of himself. Many of my family members have the same problem, yet they receive proper treatment for their illness and thus, their behavior have remained generally correct. Unfortunately, kotu decided to not pursue such treatment and instead relied on the use of illicit drugs, which rendered his behavior completely unpredictable and it got worse as the year went on, especially since August. We do not like to ban members and some of us liked kotu when he behaved well (or during his mild randomness moments). But at the same time, we have to think about the overall quality of our forum posting and making sure that our IRC channel remains actually usable. We also want to remind everyone that all users are responsible about what use is made of their account.

Technically, this could have happened much earlier, but CodeWalrus remained unmoderated from July 18th to September 9th due to the entire staff being off-duty.

So now we are saying goodbye to a member who once made great contributions to the forums and we hope that he will choose the right path for his life (eg proper treatments and not stopping them after a few months) so that one day we can allow him back on the forums.
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