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Topics - Dream of Omnimaga

Site News & Announcements / CodeWalrus 3rd anniversary
October 25, 2017, 01:20:42 AM
Today, CodeWalrus has turned 3 years old! We would like to thank everyone who have made this possible. :)

Not much has been done for this anniversary due to lack of time, but I'm currently live on Twitch and Youtube, playing Sorcery of Uvutu PC and probably other CodeWalrus games later.
I found an interesting death metal band. Their latest album W2246​-​0526 and their second latest album "Apałohija Samaźniščęńnia Ŭ Daktrynie Wyzwalieńnia Philippa Mainländęra, Jak Dumka Jakaja Biaskonca Pahłybliajecca Ad Z'jawy Da Sutnaści, Jość Adzina Dakładnaje Mierkawańnie Ab Wyšęjšaj Marali Indywiduaĺnaj Woli Supraćstajačaj Nieświadomamu, A Tak Ža Sutnaść Baraćby Za Nieisnawańnie​.​.​." are definitively... interesting:

So I don't think I need to inform anyone that in the last 6 months, the activity on CodeWalrus has dropped drastically, even lower than what Omnimaga had after CW opened. The reason why this time around I did not complain non-stop about it in the last year is because this massive activity decline was inevitable. Everyone who got access to the safe-haven sub-forum are aware of the reasons behind this, but now that September has passed, I can now publicly share some of those reasons.

For the past 31 years, I have lived in the city of Lévis, on the south shore of Quebec City. Unfortunately, over the last decade, problems happened then I slowly discovered that the overall mentality, quality of public transit and nightlife made Lévis inadequate for me to live in compared to Quebec City. So in August 2016, I decided that I would quit my old job in late 2017 then move to downtown Quebec City in April-July 2018 (the year where I expected to have saved enough money for both the move and to counter the lower payroll I expected to get at first at a new job). I wanted to get a new job close to my future home at least 6 months ahead of the move in order to ensure that my employment is stable by the time the move happens. I also did not want anyone in Lévis to know about the move until my final week of service at my former job, because there is a serious privacy problem in this city and I would probably not have survived the consequences.

Unfortunately, this meant that I have to spend 6+ months commuting to work, and that CodeWalrus would pay the price. This was exacerbated by the fact I have moved on from programming entirely before taking the decision to move and the fact I started rebuilding my friend circle afterwards. In other words, the activity decline of Fall 2017 was inevitable. It just happened two months earlier because of health issues (caused by the aforementioned Lévis problems) that forced me out of work for the entire month of July. So now, CodeWalrus averages at 300 posts a month instead of 1500, which is much higher than the 50 posts a month I originally feared that would happen the day after I switch jobs.

Oh and I screwed up big time. The move should have happened much longer ago and I should not have spent decades keeping everything inside instead of talking, but I guess that's what happens on the autism spectrum (which I am nearly guaranteed to be diagnostic-ed with in the near future, alongside Tourette syndrome). So shortly before the job switch I ended up with what appeared to be post-traumatic stress disorder, and it's possible that this was not the first time this happened in the last three months. This rendered me very unstable for a few weeks and this was followed by a month of depression due to the PTSD effects having put one of my very few friendships into jeopardy. My health also suffered because of the many panic attacks I got during a month as a result of the uncertainty surrounding the aforementioned friendship and the medications that failed. So while the activity has not decreased as bad than originally anticipated, my three trips at the ER and the depression didn't help. It could have been worse, though, because I barely even survived the experience (my heart almost stopped three times during the first week of panic attacks and there was an actual suicide attempt two weeks later).

Nowadays I am fine, as I took steps to feel better (eg getting more support, socializing with other friends more and distracting myself), but CodeWalrus will have to live as a shadow of its former self from now on. I don't think it will die, though, because our Discord server user count is skyrocketing and people tend to be more into real-time chats than forums nowadays, but yeah, I hope this explains things (as well as why I am much less active than before). The other good news beside the fact that I feel better now is the fact that 24 hours from now, CodeWalrus will turn 3 years old.
Une nouvelle ère commence bientôt sur mon canal Youtube et Twitch: Je vais faire des live stream de jeux action-RPG japonais, Paladins (plus tard), les jeux rétros et je vais même vous montrer comment je fais de la musique sur MTV Music Generator (Music 2000) sur PSOne. Bien sûr, je vais continuer aussi à poster mes chansons sur Youtube comme avant. L'utilisation du micro sera rare jusqu'au mois d'Avril, par contre.

A new era is about to begin for my Youtube and channels: I will now make live streams of myself gaming at various Japanese action-RPG's, Paladins (not now, though), retro consoles and I will even showcase how I create my own music on MTV Music Generator (Music 2000)! Of course, I will also continue posting music videos on Youtube like before. Also, I will often have my mic muted until April, but there are times you might hear me talk beforehand anyway.

Make sure to subscribe or follow me below:

By the way, for Playstation 4 live streaming, I am not using the built-in streaming feature, because it only allows you to stream to 1 service at a time. I do not like Twitch because they take down your videos after 2 weeks automatically (or 60 if you got a paid account), while Youtube keeps them online indefinitely. However, for more visibility I wanted to use Twitch and Youtube simultaneously for my live streams. At first, to get around this, I was streaming the Youtube live feed from my computer on Twitch (Yo dawg I herd u lieked streams so I put a stream in your stream so you can play live while you can play live), but I wanted a custom overlay around the game footage with pictures, text and social account IDs. So here is what I did:

-I installed OBS, a game streaming client that supports custom overlays.
-I signed up on, which lets you stream to 2 services at once for free.
-I installed PS4 Remote Play, so that I can
-However, in order to use my PS4 gamepad on the PS4 and use PS4 Remote Play software at the same time, I had to use my PS4 gamepad on the PC instead of console. Otherwise, the controller would turn OFF and turning it back ON would disconnect PS4 Remote Play. In turn, this caused my microphone to not work. So in order to get around this, I had to create a second PSN account. I use my main account on the PS4 with my controller, while on the PC I use the dummy account to connect to Remote Play.
In the past, many programming projects died due to various factors and more often than not, none of their history was preserved (no source code, no demo, no screenshot left, etc). Because it's impossible to just ask people to take over someone else's project without requiring them to get used to a different style of programming (which often fails), I thought about a different idea that would not necessarily bring back those projects to life, but at least show their past existence.

Sometimes, releasing what you got isn't feasible (eg if there are many dependencies of any kind or lack of time or disk space or the high chances that the game will stop working in just 1-2 years), so why not at least making a video where you play through the game? People won't be able to play the game, but they will still be able to enjoy watching it, like people who watches gameplay footage, speedruns or livestreams. I also think this would be a good idea for games that requires an online connection, like Videoway games way back then, that risks disappearing off the face of the earth in half a decade or already did so.
Some of you probably remember that crappy Panasonic 3DO game called Plumbers Don't Wear Ties. What many probably don't know, however, is that a PC version was made, but it was lost (thought to be forever) and last March, it was found again:

Oh and that "elevator" music

This is one of those games that's so bad in every way possible (even Rape Games, an adult homebrew game for the Super Nintendo, is better) that it's good.
Contrary to what some people might have thought, the CodeWalrus Minecraft server, located at , is still in operation. It just has terrible uptime.

The only catch is that now that Juju has moved, if the server goes offline then it is only re-opened on-demand, meaning that you have to bug @Juju about it. Also, it requires a Minecraft version from the early 70's and it's world-edit-based creative rather than survival, but our affiliate BosaikNet runs a survival server for those who prefers that.
My last two days in a nutshell. (long story)

Good luck trying it. Especially if you have ASD. But yeah, I'm back now.
Good news, my music is now available for sale at Les Disquaires Sunrise (Sunrise Records)
at the Galeries Chagnon and Galeries de la Capitale shopping malls. Since I'm at the hospital, I couldn't check them out for myself, but the Lévis store's manager was kind enough to send me a picture:

And as an October 10th update, here is the picture from the Galeries de la Capitale store in Quebec City (where the indoor amusement park is located):

So for the first time ever, my music is available at a brick and mortar store locally, along with a few other independent artists.

First happy hardcore song (that isn't fast eurodance) in years. This one is a bit different in the way that the bassline uses the guitar sounds used in all my metal songs. It also doesn't follow the general hardcore rules as much as my previous hardcore songs and was created at a time where my autism had taken a toll on my social life for quite a few years already. Hence the title.

It's also my second longest hardcore song ever, behind only the 2007 UK hardcore remix of Firestorm, and my 5th longest song ever overall.
This is a status update about the CodeWalrus staff, as changes are now taking place tonight:

-@CVSoft is now part of the CodeWalrus staff. He will help @Juju take care of the server, as well as assist in the migration to PhpBB3 (and hopefully the TIMGUL+CW merger). He, along with the rest of the team, will also take care of taking decisions about future additions to the staff and other things.

-Unfortunately, both @Snektron and myself will no longer be part of the team. The former was demoted due to inactivity and myself due to personal matters, which finally did not allow me to continue being staff as I wished.

-A second staff will probably be added at a later date (@Caleb Hansberry), assuming he is still interested, but the remaining staff will be in charge of his promotion, if applicable.
Although we had a Discord server for a while, it was only linked to our IRC and WalrusIRC chats recently and our Telegram group is no longer in operation. So we invite those who were in the latter group to join us on IRC, WalrusIRC or Discord instead. The IRC info topic was also updated to reflect the changes:

QuoteUPDATED on September 18th 2017

#CodeWalrus IRC channel is available on the EFnet IRC network. EFnet is where most TI-related IRC channels (most notably, #Cemetech, #Omnimaga and's channel #TI) are located, and a list of available servers is available at . The IRC channel is +s (secret) right now, so it won't show up when regular IRC users type /list in their client, but you should be able to join with no problem using your favorite IRC client, IRCCloud or Mibbit. If a server doesn't work for you, try another from the list.

You can also chat from WalrusIRC directly above the forums if you have 5 posts and higher, or from our Discord server at . Regardless of where you chat from, your messages will be automatically relayed between the IRC channel and the site shoutbox.

#CodeWalrus shall be a place to hang out for CodeWalrus forum members. We recommend that people who need calculator, programming or other kind of technical help use the forum, though, in case their query gets missed. More people will benefit that way, since it won't get lost in the logs.

In addition to #CodeWalrus, there are other CW IRC channels, also on EFnet and Discord:
#cw-anime: While our main channel allows anime discussion, it's recommended to use this smaller channel instead when #CodeWalrus is busy with programming discussion.
#cw-craft: CW Minecraft server IRC channel. You can chat with people in-game there or vice-versa.
#cw-spam: Bot-testing channel. This is *not* a flooding channel.
#texttospeech-discord-only: Moonbase alpha style trolling. Use /tts command for text to speech. This channel is only on Discord.
#safe-haven: Discord-only channel for real-time private matters discussion
#staff: Discord-only channel that is only available to CodeWalrus staff.

A voice chat is also available on Discord.
Other / MOVED: Discord
September 18, 2017, 06:44:30 PM
Other / Kotu will not be back on CodeWalrus
September 18, 2017, 01:49:23 PM
I know that some members here liked kotu a lot, which is partly why I am sharing this publicly so that they can say goodbye. The other people probably have witnessed what happened in the last months or so by themselves, but basically, the reason why he will not be back on CodeWalrus is because he has now been permanently banned from the forums and, as soon as @Juju gets online, on IRC, Discord and everywhere else. He will have to use Cemetech, TI-Planet or Omnimaga from now on if he chooses to continue using sites of similar interests.

Reasons for the ban: constantly disrupting topic and IRC discussions with spam, flooding or to a lesser extent false or provocative remarks about random users (especially MateoConLechuga). A 1st warning was issued last year, which eventually showed some signs of improvements, but starting July 2017 it started gradually becoming worse, to the point where it got out of control. A 2nd warning was issued around September 9th 2017 and despite being online for most of that day, nothing changed afterwards. As a result, once the 24th hour clause had expired, he got a 1 week ban (like any 3rd offense), followed by the standard 1 month probation where the fourth warning is skipped in favor of a permanent ban. Unfortunately, neither those had any effect either, so as a result, it's time to say goodbye to him.

The reasons for his behavior were caused by a mental disability where he is not always in control of himself. Many of my family members have the same problem, yet they receive proper treatment for their illness and thus, their behavior have remained generally correct. Unfortunately, kotu decided to not pursue such treatment and instead relied on the use of illicit drugs, which rendered his behavior completely unpredictable and it got worse as the year went on, especially since August. We do not like to ban members and some of us liked kotu when he behaved well (or during his mild randomness moments). But at the same time, we have to think about the overall quality of our forum posting and making sure that our IRC channel remains actually usable. We also want to remind everyone that all users are responsible about what use is made of their account.

Technically, this could have happened much earlier, but CodeWalrus remained unmoderated from July 18th to September 9th due to the entire staff being off-duty.

So now we are saying goodbye to a member who once made great contributions to the forums and we hope that he will choose the right path for his life (eg proper treatments and not stopping them after a few months) so that one day we can allow him back on the forums.
General Music Talk / DJ Omnimaga Greatest Hits album?
September 16, 2017, 01:03:04 AM
If the Sunrise Records thing is somewhat successful, I was contemplating making a new compilation with 80 minutes worth of music I made, based on which songs people seemed to like or play the most over the last decade, and as a potential track list (which must fit on a single CD, while still having a reasonable amount of tracks included), this is what I got:

5:17(2009)(Happy Hardcore)
5:25(2007)(UK Hardcore)
5:07(2011)(Power Metal)
6:01(2013)(Power Metal)
5:27(2014)(UK Hardcore)
5:40(2007)(UK Hardcore)
6:21(2007)(Happy Hardcore)
5:15(2011)(UK Hardcore)
4:53(2011)(Power Metal)
TOTAL TIME79:59:58

I thought it might be a great idea for the people who wants mostly those songs, but don't want or can't buy the entire discography. Plus they would get An Obestian Tale early. The reason why so many 2007 tracks are included is because I released four albums that year alone. If I switch tracks, it could be one of the power metal tracks or New Beginning 2012, but I am reluctant about replacing the latter, since it got many Youtube views and Bandcamp plays very fast at first.

You can listen to the tracks at .

EDIT Fixed post
With that lame-duck year at my old work place being almost over, I am announcing that I am returning to staff at 4:45 PM. I will be part of the moderator and forum maintenance group.

We will also have two new staff in the near future.

Since we will have at least one moderator again, we would also like to remind members to not use the forums and chatroom while under the influence of alcohol and drugs or without receiving proper treatment for any disability unless they are 100% guaranteed to remain in full control of themselves . Each user is responsible for what happens with their user account.
@Juju it seems that the site Telegram group vanished off the face of the Earth. It had been unsynced with IRC/WIRC/Discord for months now but now it's completely gone O.O
Gaming / Secret of Mana remake next year
August 25, 2017, 06:57:28 PM


I hope they keep the co-op multiplayer intact because this  will be epic
An update on CodeWalrus' status and upcoming changes:

-Based on Juju's life schedule and mine (all of which is explained in two topics located in the access-restricted safe-haven sub-forum), CodeWalrus has most likely been saved at this point.

-No matter if things in Juju's life go haywire or not, the Discord, Telegram and IRC channels are here to stay.

-We are switching to PhpBB 3.2 software. This is our final weeks as a SMF 2.0 website.

-We will also attempt to merge the TIMGUL archives into CodeWalrus database, but it is not 100% guaranteed (a temporary conversion to MyBB is necessary).

-The new website will only replace the current one once Juju got OmnomIRC or WalrusIRC to work on it. (most likely OmnomIRC for multi-channel support)

-The new website will only replace the current one once Juju made sure that the current CodeWalrus topic URLs are still working (either via redirect or read-only archive).

-The old SMF CW website will remain fully browsable in read-only mode for posterity, but file attachments, as well as very large files (such as the arcade content) will only remain available on the PhpBB site for disk space reason.

-Work on the new website will begin somewhere around August 25th, where I will gain SSH and PhpMyAdmin access under @Juju 's supervision.

-All CodeWalrus features that are exclusive to SMF plugins have 99.99% chances to be reset, permanently lost or read-only during the PhpBB conversion, such as the following:
*Topic cloning (the ability to place one topic in multiple categories at once, which only staff could use)
*Post rating, karma and rating reasons
*Custom profile fields (, Skype, calcs owned, etc). You will have to manually copy their content one by one from the archived SMF CW website onto the PhpBB one.
*The list of all front-page news posted before the upgrade. It will be archived in a topic.
*Publicly-visible board statistics (posts per day, Juju stat graph, site traffic, top members, etc)
*Other things I might have forgotten.

-There is no exact timetable about when exactly the new website will go live. While the bulk of the upgrade will happen during a short timeframe at the end of August up to early September, the rest will be slow, as work on the new website can only happen while me and juju are online at the same time for extended periods of time.

More information will become available as the upgrade process begins, but feel free to ask here or in this forum section, as we will not bite any member for being curious.
Albion is working on a new furry power metal album again: Buried Souls. This time, it's inspired from Undertale the RPG and like the previous album, it uses advanced guitar and instrument VST plugins, unlike the 2010-14 releases, which used old-school music softwares like most of my songs. I like it so far:

There's also another version of "Undertale" that is more recent at but I couldn't find differences yet
Preview of "Of Man and Machine", "Delta Rune", "Kill Or Be Killed":

Is there an easy way to add programs to Windows 10 start menu manually, as in without having to install nor uninstall->install again said program? If you try to drag and drop shortcuts manually in the Start folder it gives an error saying you are not allowed to do that.

What I am trying to do right now is fixing my Starcraft shortcut, because it points to the old installed copy I got (which I installed in C:\\Starcraft\ by accident in 2010) instead of the 2017 install. Windows 7 or below allowed me to just drag and drop any shortcut to the Start menu, but in Windows 10 they desactivated or removed that feature entirely.

Note that I do not want to put the programs to the pinned apps list on the side of the menu. I just want them in the classic start menu list like other programs. This is why I am asking here, because on Google the only results explained how to pin apps to the grid rather than adding shortcuts to the start menu.
Bad news for students who are planning to purchase a brand new TI-84 Plus CE for this upcoming school semester: If you planned to play Oiram CE, Calcuzap, Wal-Rush! CE or First Fantasy on your calculator, then you might be out of luck.

Last Spring, Texas Instruments introduced the 13th hardware revision for the TI-84 Plus CE model, ending with the letter I. Unfortunately this change breaks compatibility with many a few ASM and C program and games released by the TI community over the last two years, causing the keypad to no longer respond during execution, forcing you to hit the reset button on the back. And what makes this worse is that there is no way to tell if the calculator you will buy (new or used) is gonna be hardware I or later or if it's gonna be an older one that can run those games.

For now, there is no estimate about when (or if) a C SDK libraries update that circumvents this issue is gonna be released, if it's even possible at all, because none of the TI community developers own such recent TI-84 Plus CE version. The TI-83 Premium CE is also affected.

In April 2007, a similar situation affected the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition with missing RAM pages, while in 2016 it was the TI-Nspire CX's turn with a new LCD hardware. And TI isn't alone, as the fx-CG9860G series changed processor completely in 2011.

Source : via &

Update: Turns out it breaks compatibility with only one way out of many to fetch keyboard inputs, namely interrupts. Fortunately, the only known program that uses them is Oiram CE and some toolchain demos, but still, it is a problem if you're planning to use them in your programs. Mostly every program should work fine on hardware revision I, provided they don't use interrupts. Please check with your program's author if it's affected.
We are aware that a number of people (if not everyone) had issues logging in directly from the front page portal. A session timeout error will happen. I thought this was only an issue on ganjahusky's laptop for the last two months or so, until a few minutes ago when @PT_ reported the same problem and the fact I had it happen when I last tried using the portal to login from my own PC.

It's unclear when the issue started, but it's most likely related to the SMF 2.0.13->2.0.14 upgrade a while ago or other things.

For the time being, we recommend everyone to login by using the "login" link in the site navigation bar, which additionally gives you the option to login by using various social networks if you want to (note that social login will log you out after every session, though).

Also note that we are not planning to continue using Simplemachines software if we remain open, due to them using Sears Canada as a blueprint to grow their userbase and the various issues we've been running into in the last few months. CW also currently doesn't have any active staff. As a result, until an upgrade (if any) is decided, it might take a while before the front page login gets fixed (or terminated).
Gaming / Mega Man Maker
July 22, 2017, 04:12:02 AM
This is a Mega Man Fan game where you can make your own levels, kinda like Super Mario Maker but for PC. I thought I would share ^^
Site News & Announcements / The end of CodeWalrus?
July 15, 2017, 11:42:11 PM
UPDATE: Codewalrus will remain open for the time being. The remaining staff will decide what happens to the site at a later date, depending of if people are interested in continuing posting on a site that will soon average at 50 posts a month.

However, see the last post in this thread.
Does anyone know if there is any good app for Android that is free and can either block or filter incoming calls from specific phone numbers other than existing spam list (for example, calls from specific people, not surveys nor spam calls)? My mobile carrier has such feature, but it costs $6 a month to use and I am not willing to pay any money just to block calls from specific numbers. Ideally I would also prefer shadowbanning than banning, though.

I have checked Google and found lists of such apps, but many of them look shady, now costs money or bombards you with ads everytime an incoming call arrives, so I want to make sure to not make my mobile experience worse.
Seems like they are back, after a decade of absence:

I found this out via TI-Story wiki after discovering they had updated their own page. There isn't much there yet (the site went offline in early 2006 or so and just came back recently with the old logo splash screen) but I am curious if they are gonna make some new games for calcs or other platforms... so far it seems like they have switched to music and fractal animations)

They used to be called Destination Software, back when they were hosted on Dimension-TI/ and they worked on Zenith Saga for the TI-89, 92+ and Voyage 200.
Is anyone planning to buy the new SNES Classic? Personally I am reluctant, especially that the Sega Genesis re-release will have a cartridge slot and not the SNES Classic, but it comes with 21 games and even Star Fox 2 is included. I wonder if they'll make more than 300 copies this time around...
So I was wondering if you were more a fan of buying digital games, music and movies or if you still prefer physical copies?

Personally I still prefer buying physical games whenever possible, because if the download shop closes down and my game console breaks, then I lose everything I bought. This is unlikely to happen with Steam or PSN, but again Eaton and Sears used to be huge success for decades and still ended up in deep troubles or shutting down entirely. I also cannot trade-in digital games except on Steam where you can get a refund after 2 weeks of minimal gameplay, so if I get bored of a game I cannot get anything back in return (not that you will get much with physical copies of popular games, especially at Gamestop, but some games are more rare or valuable). On the other hand, physical copies are often harder to find, takes more storage room in my home and they are often more expensive (especially compared to Steam), and can be damaged/scratched to the point they become unreadable.

What about you?
Gaming / New Atari console?
June 18, 2017, 05:48:44 AM
Apparently Atari is working on a new console, called the Ataribox, which apparently has a design with wood-like case parts, like the 2600 had. I wonder if it will really be a new console, an Atari 2600/7800 clone or just another Flashback with no cartridge slot?

Meanwhile it is $60 in USA, even though the Canadian exchange rate is $0.73 USD. Are they forecasting that the dollar will be worth $0.60 USD by October or is that an error? Because it's 100 on too. ???
They have finally modernized some laws and parts of the justice system in Canada. Believe it or not, fake sorcery is illegal in Canada and until recently, challenging someone to a duel was, too.

Seems like fake witchcraft and crime-based comic books will be legal soon, too. :P
Ok I know Paladins is a bit Pay-to-win in terms of model since it's free to play and currently in beta, but I was curious if anyone was playing? I kinda like it so far, despite some of its limitations (especially social-wise, such as how private chat windows get closed (and their content lost) once you get in the game lobby) and level requirements for some modes. Games can get pretty intense XD. I mostly play as Cassie and to a lesser extent Pip (I usually prefer long range characters, but when I am healer I use Pip)

The June 2017 Monthly CW Project Award survey is now up, with 18 eligible projects to vote for. Unfortunately, the bad news is that this award will be the last, as the Monthly CW Project Award is being discontinued due to personal matters.
Edit by aeTIos: The monthly award will continue, albeit in slightly different form. Keep an eye on the news.
Here is the project list below:

(83+/84+) Driller Knight
(83+/84+) Puzzler's Sudoku
(83+/84+) Raiders: A Zelda-Like game
(84+CE) 3D rendering of simple objects in TI-BASIC
(84+CE) AspirinCE
(84+CE) Dragon Warrior
(84+CE) File Manager in TI-BASIC
(84+CE) Oiram CE
(84+CE) The Game of Finding Free Wifi
(84+CE) TI-Planet CE C Project Builder
(Casio) libcarrot - fxlib Alternative
(Colecovision) Copyright Infrigment: The Regressive Right (NSFW)
(PC) Chess
(PC) Platformer V2
(PC) Superstar Hero
(Web) Java code to spellcheck via google
(Hardware) Juju's Arcade Cabinet
(Hardware) RPN-Calculator

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select four (4) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

There will be no tie-breaker poll this time around, regardless of how many projects finish with the highest vote count.

You have You have until June 7th to vote, so hurry up before it's too late!
This, below, is exactly what happened on the Moon when the NASA went there:

Gaming / Roblox
May 13, 2017, 08:33:55 PM
I stayed away from Roblox for so long because the commu ity, based on their forums and the crappy comments I got on non-Roblox-related videos (95% of which were from Roblox players), is crappy. However, I saw friends play it and a other person recommended the game to me and if I had people to play with, the game would be more fun. So I was wondering if anyone here was playing? For now I'm mostly interested in Lumber Tycoon 2 (although it's not mobile-compatible) and Natural Disaster, but I didn't have time to try the others yet.

Also is it possible to make camera controls use the mouse but not require holding down another  button?

The April 2017 Monthly CW Project Award survey is now up, finally! 23 projects (out of 26) are eligible to participate this month and here's the list below (or above, in the poll):

(83+/84+) Axe Nemesiat Remake
(83+/84+) Driller Knight
(83+/84+) Raiders: A Zelda-Like game
(84+CE) C SDK & Library Toolchain
(84+CE) Dragon Warrior
(84+CE) File Manager in TI-BASIC
(84+CE) Gravity Simulator
(84+CE) Kill CMND
(84+CE) Linux TI-BASIC Clone
(84+CE) Neural Network in TI-BASIC
(84+CE) StopwatchCE
(84+CE) TI-Planet CE C Project Builder
(Nspire CX) Alterego Nspire Port
(Nspire CX) Engineering Tools Pack
(Casio) libcarrot - fxlib Alternative
(Casio) The P7 Project
(NES) Wal-Rush!
(PC) Juice, an Image Viewer
(PC) Superstar Hero
(PC) VJ Audio Visualization App
(PC) Walrus Kingdom
(Web) Fiscal Kombat English Translation
(Hardware) RPN-Calculator

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select five (5) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

You have You have until May 16th to vote, so hurry up!
Randomness / 57o9
May 05, 2017, 05:21:00 AM
@Juju should start appoving user changes again. Last time he did was in 2014. What do ya think? :P
On June 10th 2002, I started making electronic dance music. Eventually, I released various albums, two of which were in cassette format and many others in digital download format. However, over the last 15 years, many people from Omnimaga, Cemetech, CodeWalrus, other websites and social media have requested physical CD copies of my 32-bits eurodance, trance, happy hardcore, UK hardcore and power metal work.

Tonight, the wait is over:

Thanks to Kunaki's on-demand, direct-to-customer CD printing service, you can now purchase all the full-lenght albums that I have released from January 2007 to present, many of which includes songs from as early as 2002. Here are the ten albums that are now available in physical format:
Epic Journey through the Galaxy (2007) EDM
Journey through the Moon Dark Side (2007) EDM
Enter the Dream World (2007) EDM
Angel in the Stars (2007) EDM
It's the End of Time (2008) EDM
Destiny Knight (2009) EDM & VGM
Tales of the Knight of the Moon (2011) Power metal
Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga Special Edition (2014) Power Metal
In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust (2017) EDM
Illegal Music Chemistry (2017) Experimental & VGM

Of course, as always, my entire discography, including two compilations and one DJ mix, are available for purchase in digital format at for much cheaper, but for those who have been waiting for physical collectibles for so long, head to to grab them. Note, however, that shipping might take up to 5 weeks in USA and 7 worldwide, and that Kunaki doesn't accept returns, due to being essentially an automated service.

Thanks to @Juju for recommending this CD fullfilment service to me and to @p2 for convincing me very hard to put my music on CD earlier this year. Also thanks to everyone that supported my music in the last 15 years.

Physical CD store (Kunaki)
Digital music store (Bandcamp)
Youtube channel (for new song uploads)
Gaming / Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
May 03, 2017, 06:25:25 AM
Is it even possible to beat one boss in that game? O.O
So those who don't have access to the safe-haven sub-forum are probably unaware of it, but several months ago, I stopped programming softwares entirely, with future game projects being 100% restricted to pre-made game engines such as RPG Maker 2003. The reason why is because since spending so much effort to write working code was never really my cup of tea, the only reason why I still made calculator games was because I loved designing them. There was a period of time where I regained interest in programming, thanks to the TI-84 Plus CSE/HP Prime release, but I eventually got bored of it again.

In addition to that, I've kind of transitioned to a new social life over the years and the transition shall be complete in a not so distant future (I won't get into details), which kinda had its toll on the free time I used to allocate to hobbies, so as a priority, calculators and programming in general eventually ended up last.

So from now on I will remain active on CodeWalrus mainly to chill, while maintaining the site, with my only real future calculator contributions being the Monthly Projects Award and commenting on projects.

I'm also looking into selling my entire calculator collection in the near future (most likely the entire lot in bulk, for parts or repair, not one by one), but I might keep the TI-84+, TI-84+CE and HP Prime at the very least.

So in summary, after 15 years of calculator programming, I am now calling it quit, but I am remaining active on CodeWalrus.
Gaming / Starcraft: Brood War is now FREE to play!
April 18, 2017, 09:41:40 PM
OMG! Starcraft is now Free to play! The game came out in 1998 and used to be paid, but just like Starcraft II, they have now made it free (although unlike SCII where the Free version has limited features, this seems to be the full game). So in other words, if you liked SC go download the original game now and maybe we could play some games together at some point like back in the days

In addition to that, the patch (version 1.18) improves Windows 8.1 and 10 compatibility, although I dunno by how much. It also adds a windowed mode and improves various other things.

You need to use "Run as Administrator" to apply the patch.

A 4K remaster is supposed to come out later this year.

Gaming / Your favorite video games per console
April 18, 2017, 03:04:25 PM
I thought it would be interesting to see what is your favorite games from a per console perspective, because normally people are asked what is their favorite game overall, but I feel that each generation or console is different and can't really be compared. So here are mine so far:

NES: Super Mario Bros 3
SNES: Secret of Mana
N64: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Game Boy: Metroid II: Return of Samus
Game Boy Color: Pocket Music
Game Boy Advance: Zelda: Minish Cap
DS: Final Fantasy III remake
Playstation: MTV Music Generator (Music 2000)
Playstation 2: Ys: The Ark of Napisthim
PSP: Star Ocean: First Departure
PSVita: Ys Memories of Celceta
Turbografx-16: Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
Atari 2600: Solaris
Atari Lynx: California Games
Sega Master System: Space Harrier 3D
Sega Genesis: Pier Solar and the Great Architect
Xbox: Halo 2
Xbox 360: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Wii: Mario Kart Wii
Wii U: Super Mario maker
PC: Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

I did not include 3DS, PS3, PS4, Sega Dreamcast nor Xbox One, because there are way too many games on those platforms that I own but have not played enough (some are still factory-sealed lol), if at all, to judge, and I only have 1 Nintendo Switch game so far. But I would say that Mario Kart 7 ranks very high. And on SNES and PS1, close seconds would be Final Fantasy III (VI) and Star Ocean: The Second Story, with Chrono Trigger not too far behind Final Fantasy III/VI on the SNES

Overall, I would say my favorite game is Secret of Mana, with the PSOne version of MTV Music Generator (the PC version is c) not too far behind.
Discontinue it.

Based on the NES Classic and the fact the Switch had the biggest launch sales of any of their consoles so far, this means that the Switch will be discontinued by the end of the year. :P
Anyone remember this? This was made in early 2009 (notice the different music, CRT monitor and noisy PC lol) and obviously never made it to the final game, but it showcased one of RPG Maker 2003's capabilities:

I might also post unused game soundtrack in this thread later, if I end up not using certain tracks (I can think of two in particular)
General Music Talk / New Dragonforce album and song
April 13, 2017, 12:43:23 AM
Dragonforce definitively inspire themselves from old video games, especially since Ultra Beatdown. Here's their new song from their upcoming album. Notice the heavy Castlevania Simon's Quest influence at the beginning

In the near future, Casio will release the Casio fx-CG50, the fx-CG10/20 successor. In France, the calculator will be named the Graph 90+E.

To our surprise, those two new calculators still have backdoors that allow third-party ASM and C add-ins to run on the platform, a big contrast with the locked-down Casio ClassPad II (fx-CP400), soon to be replaced with the fx-CP500. However, just like with the differences between the Casio fx-9860g/II SH3 vs SH4, TI-83 vs TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus vs TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition vs TI-84 Plus CE, it appears that most PRIZM add-ins cannot run properly on the new model. Until now, only three of the original add-ins ran properly (see compatibility list), with the others being riddled with glitches or crashing outright. Parts of the problem is that there was no official SDK for the Casio PRIZM series, so the risk of add-ins using undocumented code or working directly with certain memory addresses was higher, and doing so resulted into said add-ins to be dependent on the hardware they were designed for, not for its successors.

However, thanks to Critor, two games that had smaller issues on the fx-CG50 have been ported and now work properly: Gravity Duck and Cubefield!

As you will notice, there's also a noticeable speed increase. Hopefully other add-ins still have their source code available and can be ported without too much hassle.

Source: and
I'll add the older screenshots and videos in this thread in the future, but here is the latest video, which showcases what Quebec City looks like in the year 9108:

Around 3:50 in the video, c goes down. :P
In 2002, I released my first song ever, called Ultra Beat, using mostly pre-made riffs from MTV Music Generator.

In 2017, here comes the 15th anniversary remix:

EDIT: Now it's Ultimate End's turn to be remixed: (EDIT 2: New version)
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