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Not a Number: Aphelion Redux (single) (2021)

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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/racingstripeAV July 01, 2021, 05:14:19 PM
Aphelion Redux (2021)

01. Aphelion Redux 9:26
[spoiler]02. Aphelion Redux [Instrumental] 9:26
03. Aphelion Redux [A capella] 8:17
04. Aphelion Redux [2021 Rough Demo vers.] 9:31[/spoiler]

Today marks the tenth anniversary of my debut EP, Day One.
And honestly looking back on it, I feel the years have not been kind to it. My vocal range was much narrower back then compared to now, the mixing was pretty lackluster (it sounded great through my headphones, but PC speakers? oof), and overall far too rough-sounding. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty proud of that release, but over time, I've always felt that I could have done much better, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to give it the sound I was originally aiming for back in 2011.

Initially, I was going to remake the entire EP, but the other three tracks in DAY ONE wouldn't be able to exist in the same form if made today. Not to say those ideas won't get repurposed elsewhere; I still have an old harddrive from that time full of unreleased songs and unfinished projects, they too might get the redux/repurpose treatment soon...?

As for DAY ONE itself, I'm still keeping it public, but only for archive's sake:
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u/Dream of Omnimaga July 01, 2021, 06:16:31 PM
Nice to see you again! I just listened to this now and am near the end. This sounds so professional. I am glad you still make music. :)

u/racingstripeAV July 09, 2021, 09:31:31 PM
It's far from "professional sounding"; I'm still recording everything in my living room and mixing it all using Logic's stock plugins, it's just a matter of tweaking it until it sounds right.

And I'll admit, I've been pretty quiet on the YouTube front. My last cover was back in January (not counting the cover I put out yesterday (neither of which I can't seem to link properly without BBCode taking a dump all over this post for some reason? Link to my YouTube's over of the left of the post, you'll see it all there), but I've mostly been busy with bigger projects; mostly Album 4 (which is about 90% written, I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the year at the latest, and is honestly looking that way), but I've also been slowly chipping away at a potential book which actually serves as a sequel to the *Messenger Trilogy* albums.. whether or not it'll actually get finished I can't say (I might share what I've written so far, but it is still all first draft stuff, and a good portion of it needs rewriting anyway).
Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 09:35:03 PM by racingstripeAV
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