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Topics - iconmaster

After Tetris, I want on to start another game. It was called Starvault, and it was going to be a short sci-fi roguelike sort of game.

I had the bright idea to separate the game into multiple HPPRGM files for my programing convenience. Well, as it turns out, this is a very bad idea. I eventually made a cyclic dependency in the code. As it turns out, if one of the dependants has a syntax error, none of the other dependants will ever compile again. As a result, this code can never run again, as one can never fix the bug that causes every check to fail. This proved to be the end of Starvault development.

I decided Source would be a better use of my time.

Anyways, the program does some cool graphical effects, so I suggest you check out the source code to see it. Maybe you can learn something from it?? I've attached the source code and assets.

I really wish I had made screenshots when it was working. Oh well.
I was working on this a while ago. I don't think I have the time to keep working on this project, but here it is anyways.

IconusCalc is a calculator written in Java. It's biggest feature is something I call AutoRPN. It can accept input in all 3 major notation formats: Infix, polish, and reverse polish. Of course, this means sometimes you have to use parenthesis in RPN expression ('sacrilege,' RPN enthusiasts cry), but it's generally a lot more convenient than any one input method.



  • AutoRPN: Input things in ALL 3 input modes at once!
  • Do some basic math functions!
  • Symbolic math! Create and simplify variable expressions!
  • Variables! Also with a file system for your variables!
  • Multiple windows!
  • Customizable screen size and color schemes!


Get IconusCalc here! Note that this program requires Java 8 to run.

Source Code

IconusCalc is open source! Look at the source code here.

This was my first HP Prime game. It's none too shabby, if I do say so myself. Of course, I haven't really made any other games yet (Source and all eating up my time), but I plan on making other cool things in the future.



  • Classic Tetris gameplay
  • Accurate piece rotation
  • Both soft-drop and hard-drop keys
  • Adjustable difficulty level
  • Original Tetris scoring rules
  • High-score tables - challenge your friends!


Get this program here!
Once upon a time, I was writing programs for the HP Prime in HPPL. The more I worked in HPPL, the more I became dissatisfied with the language. I mean, it was usable, but I wanted better.

So I decided to make something better. I started work on Source. It's a programming language.

Source is a procedural, statically-typed bytecode-compiled language that can either compile to whatever platform you need or interpret directly on your computer. Currently, it compiles to HPPL.

Source gives you control. It's statically typed, so you can read your code more easily. It can assume types, so it's not needlessly verbose. You can control how it compiles through directives.

Source is flexible. It provides data structures and user types. You can define methods for data types anywhere. You can organise your code into packages. Source even can handle cyclic dependencies!

Source has tools. Compile it into HPPL from the command line, or use SourceBench to write and compile code on the fly. Use SourceBox to run your code on your PC. Run SourceLine to interactively execute Source code.

Source isn't done yet. The core libraries still need implemented, not to mention a bunch of features such as custom structs and classes. In the future, it will be able to compile to a bunch of places, not just HPPL. I wouldn't describe it as 'usable' yet. But stay tuned!

Anyways, the important bit: The link. Check out the source code at:

Want to download Source? Want to learn more? Check out the wiki at:

The wiki has downloads, documentation, and tutorials.
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