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KnightOS Updates

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This post has originally been posted by SirCmpwn on TI-Planet and has been crossposted with his permission.

Hello again! We haven't posted any updates since November so there is a lot of news for you:

  • New contributors! We now extend thanks to kedarbramhe, Hugo "s0r00t" Courtial, Francis Lewis, Noah "Ivoah" Rosamilia, Kevin Lange, altbdoor, Justin "Jnesselr" Nesselrotte, Bjorn Neergaard, Willem "willem3141" Sonke, and Andrew Boos!
  • New games have been ported: ports/ztetris (thanks unlimitedbacon!) and ports/rubik (thanks Ivoah!)
  • New software from boos1993: community/progcalc is a programming calculator app that lets you do integer math on KnightOS (thanks boos1993!)
  • community/calendar has been added to the default distribution (thanks willem3141!)
  • We have redesigned to be prettier and such (thanks altbdoor!)
  • There is a KnightOS wiki now (thanks boos1993!)
  • Users can upgrade their OS through the settings tool without pulling a battery (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • Lots of improvements have been made to PKO ( (thanks boos1993!)
  • Date/time support in the kernel is nearing completion, settings has been updated to support it as well (thanks willem3141!)
  • We've started working on calcsys (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • Our new assembler/linker, scas, is nearing completion. It will be released as independent software when it matures. (thanks, lots of people!)
  • The castle is maturing, and now lists app manifests from /var/applications/ so you can run any installed app. We've also made /var/castle/pin-{0-9} symbolic links to app manifests, which defines the apps pinned to the home screen. (thanks, SirCmpwn!)
  • We have partially implemented the KIMG format and produced a tool to convert most image formats into KIMG files. (thanks, neersighted!)
  • We have started work on a text editor called "bed" - Basic EDitor. (thanks, lots of people!)
Pretty pictures:

Quote from: SirCmpwn
This time around, I'm pretty sure most of the work was NOT done by me, which is a first :) Thanks everyone!
Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 08:03:28 PM by Vijfhoek
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u/Snektron March 22, 2015, 04:34:13 PM
Awesome :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 22, 2015, 05:50:59 PM
Good to see this progressing. I can't wait for the day it will become entirely useable by the public. :)
u/CKH4 March 22, 2015, 06:17:08 PM
Thanks for sharing this. I wouldn't have found it and I'm glad to know that knight os is still progressing.
u/Duke "Tape" Eiyeron March 22, 2015, 06:49:47 PM
This is going way more fine than I would expect! Nice work dudes! I hope Axe will soon be ported to KOS and be able to mess with that! (-_(//));
u/SirCmpwn March 22, 2015, 07:04:02 PM
Juju invited me to create an account here for KnightOS stuff. Hi everyone.
u/Snektron March 22, 2015, 07:06:35 PM
Ello there, and there is an "introduce yourself" thread :P
u/novenary March 22, 2015, 07:08:43 PM
Oh wow nice, looks like it's really taking shape now from a user's point of view. :D (well, math aside, but who uses that :P)

And hi Sir, you're welcome to post whatever about KOS here. ^.^
u/Yuki March 22, 2015, 07:10:03 PM
Welcome here! Nice to see your project is going well.
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 22, 2015, 09:38:03 PM
This is definitively coming along well. Hopefully you and contributors have the chance to make this come to fruition in the future so the big public can use it. I was contemplating making a subforum for this if matref, street, vijfhoek or sir himself decides to cross post updates, although updates were slow in recent months so I kinda waited then forgot. Good luck in KOS developement!

Now if only the TI-84+CE didn't use a 2048 bit RSA key, I wonder how fast such OS would have been on that new calc...
Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 09:39:37 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/Yuki March 22, 2015, 09:45:56 PM
Yep, we have quite a few KnightOS devs here, so a KnightOS subforum can definitely be doable.
u/SirCmpwn March 22, 2015, 10:21:50 PM
I think a subforum would be valuable. If it sees a good amount of use we could adopt it as an official KnightOS thing.
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 23, 2015, 12:06:39 AM
That could work. Of course it doesn't mean CW would be the official home of KnightOS and it doesn't provide extra privileges but notable community projects that have updates being cross-posted over here are eligible for a sub-forum on the board index for extra visibility (or at least whatever visibility CW board index can provide for the time being).
u/Duke "Tape" Eiyeron March 23, 2015, 04:18:29 PM
Oh. do you have any work done to make something like a C compiler or anything-better-than-asm compiler for KOS?

EDIT : after checking once more the screenshots, I find your UI quite useful and helpful. Do you have any technical infos for doing such graphical UI server like that? I could be interrested into doing such a project for FiXos.
Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 04:26:55 PM by Duke "Tape" Eiyeron
u/Snektron March 23, 2015, 04:33:17 PM
They have their own C compiler :)
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b/[Inactive] KnightOS (TI-73/83+/84+/CSE)

A third-party operating system intended to be compatible with every Z80 TI calculator that can be upgraded from the TI-73 to the TI-84 Plus series. It is still under development.

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