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Beware, there is a lot of them  :P Still need to grab those from omnimaga though  <_<


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u/p2 March 15, 2017, 09:51:52 PM
U know what would be really cool? To redo all of those models with the current engine, just to see the speed improvements ^.^
u/Ranman March 15, 2017, 10:33:38 PM
Very cool! :thumbsup:

But all those screenshots crashes my WinXP 4GB laptop. :-[
u/xMarminq_ March 15, 2017, 10:57:13 PM
download link pls  O.O

I love this so much!
u/_iPhoenix_ March 15, 2017, 11:02:52 PM
Those are really cool! Rip my graphics card, though....
u/daviduk September 09, 2018, 09:37:14 AM
Impressive work from what i've seen - is the development still on going?

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b/[Inactive] gLib 3D polygon library (TI-83+/84+/CE/83PCE)

A 3D polygon engine for the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus CE calculators, by TheMachine02

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