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Today comes our first TI-84 Plus CE release. Back in April, I released a remake of my 2002 TI-83+ RPG Mana Force for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition: First Fantasy: Mana Force. Today, I am proud to release the TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE version!

Like the CSE remake, this port features all the enhancements that were added compared to the original monochrome game, ranging from enhanced graphics, new magic spells, new enemies, new cutscenes, expanded storyline and many new challenges. There are 16 magic spells available, 7 character classes, 48 monsters (this port lacks the easter egg) and several hours of gameplay. It is the first RPG to be released for the TI's ez80 calculator line and this port takes advantage of CE Texlib, by DrDnar, to draw colored text and rectangles in TI-BASIC programs on the home screen, as well as his screen inverting code.

If you like JRPGs and got a TI-83 Premium CE or TI-84 Plus CE, then you should give this game a try.

Download link:;topic=375.0;attach=527 (You must also download CE Textlib in order to run the game!)
Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 07:29:21 PM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/TIfanx1999 August 19, 2015, 03:12:48 AM
Hey, very nice to see this done. The CE now has it's first RPG! :D Congrats on the release!
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2015, 03:30:05 AM
Thanks, and yeah I am surprised there aren't more since some people ported their games to the CSE. Granted, there is Age of Darkness but that doesn't really count since it's still monochrome.
u/alexgt August 19, 2015, 11:45:19 AM
Awesome and good job ;)
u/Snektron August 19, 2015, 07:37:34 PM
Nice job :) does it contain the secret walrii too? :3=
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2015, 11:38:29 PM
Thanks, and sadly not, because there's no sprite lib available for CE Basic coders yet.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 23, 2015, 04:21:00 PM
On a side note, I just checked download stats out of curiosity and since the CE version came out, its Cemetech downloads count skyrocketed. Although the file includes the CSE version as well, it jumped by about 130 downloads in less than a week. The CE version just got approved in ticalc archives so I am curious how well it will do, but the CSE version had around 50 downloads a week.

On CW it had 18 last time I checked since the CE version upload, but on TI-Planet it seems that calc gaming or at least RPG gaming is almost dead, since the game only had about 6-7 downloads since its release.
u/Snektron August 23, 2015, 08:53:19 PM
130 downloads in a week is pretty good imo O.O.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 23, 2015, 09:31:08 PM
It is, especially considering Cemetech isn't primarily a download site, unlike which is almost only visited to download stuff.
u/Unicorn August 25, 2015, 04:21:46 AM
I know that I got 10 downloads on cemetech for  game of pig, and 30 on, in the same amount of time O.O
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 25, 2015, 06:00:12 AM
That is not bad I think considering the obscure nature of the game and perhaps (not to nitpick) the menu-based game genre not being very popular on . I am surprised that FFMF is getting that many downloads on Cemetech, though. The count is now at 430+ total (250 since CE port). But again, it's the only CE BASIC game in Cemetech's new TI-84+CE BASIC games section and its name is kinda like Final Fantasy, so that is probably an explanation. :P
Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 06:02:05 AM by DJ Omnimaga
u/Unicorn August 25, 2015, 06:17:09 AM
No offence taken at the menu part. :P I usually don't download games with menu based gameplay that, but the awesome flashiness and graphics may have appealed to people.

And obscure is always better ;) :trollface:
u/Snektron August 25, 2015, 02:01:48 PM
The advantage of ticalc is that people who aren't into forums (like normal students) probably get all their calc games from there.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 25, 2015, 05:55:39 PM
Indeed, same for math stuff, seeing June download stats.
u/Unicorn August 26, 2015, 02:38:58 AM
Yeah, though I got my first games from cemetech.
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b/[Completed] First Fantasy Series (TI-84+CSE/84+CE/83PCE)

Dream of Omnimaga's TI-83 Plus BASIC RPG from 2002 called Mana Force has made it to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition ,TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE and a sequel titled First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus was released in 2023!

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