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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/matrefeytontias August 01, 2015, 05:36:28 PM
Hi there,

Some (if not all) of you may know it already, but I've been playing guitar for quite a long time, and sometimes I record myself playing. I put everything that's worthy of listening there on my SoundCloud page, so if you like metal you should consider giving it a look (and a hear).

I (nearly) only post full songs, so you can pretty much make an actual playlist out of it.

Also, special occasion : here in France there's a contest running, so I need as many likes as possible. Give that post a look, and a like would be much appreciated o/
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u/Dream of Omnimaga August 01, 2015, 05:38:23 PM
Quote from: matrefeytontias on August 01, 2015, 05:36:28 PM
but I've been playing guitar for quite a long time,
Not as long as James Heitfield, though :P

Just kidding, I always liked your stuff and I liked your video on Facebook. Good luck. I'll have to listen to your new tracks soon, though, as I missed a lot of them during your absence on forums. :)
u/matrefeytontias August 01, 2015, 05:43:36 PM
Well 6 years is still something :P

Yeah, I was absent for some months because I stopped calc programming and because school was becoming less and less compatible to fun in general. So yeah, I'm back for summer break, can't say about next year.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 01, 2015, 05:50:22 PM
Indeed. Also you made so much music since I last checked that I didn't have time to listen to all of it yet, but I did listen to the first 4  songs. Very nice work :D That sounds like the metal I would mosh to.
u/TheMachine02 August 02, 2015, 03:01:04 PM
A wild matref appears  O.O

Btw, it is nice to have some new metal song  :P
u/matrefeytontias September 14, 2015, 03:13:50 PM
I released a new cover from Imperial Circus Dead Decadence a few days ago :

Some fast death metal. I loved playing it, and it's definitely in my top 10 songs (even if it doesn't have a solo in it, yes !).
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 14, 2015, 05:51:41 PM
I'll have a listen once I come back from the Metallica concert \m/
u/matrefeytontias September 14, 2015, 05:52:12 PM
Wow, nice :D it doesn't make much sense saying that, but I hope it's good (of course it is) :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 14, 2015, 07:06:32 PM
There are two concerts, one at the old 1949 stadium that's gonna be boarded up or locked down tomorrow. In this one theu're gonna play old songs mostly and the stage set up like the 80's. In two days they'll play at the new arena that opened this month, with more new songs and a 360° stage.

I couldn't get tix for the 2nd concert but my priority was for the first concert. While I like Reload and Death Magnetic, I much prefer Black Album and older.

Anyway I'm done hijacking your topic. By the way do you plan to do some Metallica covers?
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 16, 2015, 10:51:16 PM
@matrefeytontias I just listened to your new song now and I am impressed. It sounds a lot like professional stuff :D
u/matrefeytontias September 16, 2015, 11:02:27 PM
Wow really :P it still sounds pretty amateur to me, but I'm glad you like it anyway ^^

Also I have been thinking of covering the "violent part" in One, I'll probably do that soon.
u/novenary September 16, 2015, 11:03:39 PM
You mean the part where Hettfield screams "DARKNESS..." ?
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 16, 2015, 11:05:24 PM
That would be cool to hear your rendition of one or at least that part. :D
u/matrefeytontias September 16, 2015, 11:07:14 PM
Yeah that part. I like it so much as it's one of the first metal songs I ever listened to, even prior listening to Black Widow of La Porte. I fully enjoyed it later though, once I was 100% into metal :P
u/novenary September 16, 2015, 11:11:19 PM
Yeah, One is really awesome. Have fun and good luck. :D
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