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First Fantasy: Mana Force RPG Color remake! [84+CSE] [hybrid BASIC] [DCSE8]

b/[Completed] First Fantasy Series (TI-84+CSE/84+CE/83PCE) Started by Dream of Omnimaga, February 11, 2015, 07:07:49 AM

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u/Snektron March 26, 2015, 01:50:48 PM
Yeah doesnt look like it to me either :/
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 26, 2015, 02:36:10 PM
Quote from: CKH4 on March 26, 2015, 12:14:15 PM
Quote from: Duke "Tape" Eiyeron on March 26, 2015, 08:14:04 AM
Why are you updating the whole HUD? Can't you just update the part it needs to be?
It doesn't look like he does to me but it may be my phone lagging. It looks like he just hits two of the options in succession.
Depending of what I need to update I will either update the first  half, either the second half or both.

.1->X:prgmMFCH //updates the first half
.2->X:prgmMFCH //second half
.3->X:prgmMFCH //both
0.01->X:prgmMFCH //displays battle sprites
4->X:255->theta:prgmMGCH //erases lines of text 1 through 4 with white (X can be a value from 1 to 10 and theta a value from 0 to 255)
4.1->X:255->theta:prgmMFCH //erases lines of text 2 through 5 with white (X can be a value from 1.1 to 9.1. It doesn't matter what is the decimal part as long as there's one)

The reason why I am updating an entire half at a time is because xLIBC text is transparent and displaying a small rectangle between each part of the text one by one would be a major PITA. I could always try but I am not certain it would improve much, other than reducing flickering. I wish that xLIBC had an option to overwrite the background for text.
Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 02:38:17 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 04:57:20 AM

All Lbl and Goto instructions have now been eliminated from the game. The last program that still had them was the battle command selection. I still need to do some testing to ensure that everything is operational, though.
u/Unicorn March 27, 2015, 05:00:20 AM
Great! When is an expected release?
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 06:37:05 AM
Thanks. I don't know yet. A demo  is entirely possible, though, considering the basics are done. But I would prefer polishing some stuff first and release a full game since not that much needs to be done. I'll also need to play through the game to ensure that it's not too easy nor too hard. And obviously the final version will have extra boss event animations.

As for progress, I have managed to shrink down the game to 5 sub-programs:

Basically, prgmMFBM is both the battle and in-game menu now, while prgmMFCH involves anything related to HUD, map or battle layout rendering. Those used to be roughly 7-8 sub-programs. A slight speed drop occured by merging stuff into MFCH but it's not that bad.
u/jamu March 27, 2015, 10:28:49 AM
I dont think a demo is all that good of an idea
Leave us waiting and dying
EDIT: besides, theres the non color version right?
Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 10:30:28 AM by jamesguessis
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 02:15:27 PM
Yes but there are quite a lot of changes since that version came out. :P
u/jamu March 27, 2015, 03:11:43 PM
Well, that makes sense xD
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 04:06:57 PM
On a side note, for damage and dynamic enemy stats I was considering replacing them with static data or with dynamic stats from one of the Illusiat games. Also, some enemies might become immune to certain elements or even regular attacks (in the original game, only boss 5 is immune to regular attacks)

Also, the final boss event sprite is now pink and dungeon 3 now shows the floor you're on on the walls to clear up confusion. That dungeon has 99 straight rooms so people might have thought it's an infinite path.
u/jamu March 27, 2015, 04:32:42 PM
Would it be possible to split numbers by, for example 21642 and like divide that by 1000, and do whatever to get 21, and yeah, blah blah blah
(sounded better earlier when I thought of it)
u/Unicorn March 27, 2015, 06:00:42 PM
Could you make the sub programs into AppVars for the sake of cleenlyness? Or am I not getting the idea of AppVars right? :P
u/Snektron March 27, 2015, 07:07:34 PM
You can't run basic from an appvar (Well, you can theoretically, it just takes some ASM h4x)
u/novenary March 27, 2015, 11:10:55 PM
Nice to see you got it this small. :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga March 27, 2015, 11:11:07 PM
Quote from: Unicorn on March 27, 2015, 06:00:42 PM
Could you make the sub programs into AppVars for the sake of cleenlyness? Or am I not getting the idea of AppVars right? :P

If you can figure out how to do it with Celtic libs then tell me, because on the DCS wiki there is absolutely no documentation about how to convert an appvar to a program nor copying code from an appvar to a program.
Quote from: jamesguessis on March 27, 2015, 04:32:42 PM
Would it be possible to split numbers by, for example 21642 and like divide that by 1000, and do whatever to get 21, and yeah, blah blah blah
(sounded better earlier when I thought of it)

You might need to rephrase because I don't really understand what you mean. Sorry D:

Quote from: Streetwalrus on March 27, 2015, 11:10:55 PM
Nice to see you got it this small. :D

Thanks. To be honest I'm really surprised at the size. The game was about 25 KB large just a week ago or so when I still used the old 16x8 map engine. Considering the many extra commands required to clear the screen in this version of the game (since I can't use ClrHome) and the extras, I am surprised it went back under 18 KB so far. I'm betting it will grow much larger soon, though, as I add new features.
Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 11:13:04 PM by DJ Omnimaga
u/jamu March 27, 2015, 11:49:44 PM
Its too hard to explain
I believe it would work though
Just no idea how
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