If you thought my last esolang idea was bad, wait until you see this one...

Languish is an (admittedly derivative) esoteric programming language in which there are 8 commands: E, T, A, O, I, N, S, and H. These commands can be mixed together with any non-command characters, so you can embed Languish programs into arbitrary text (if you're talented!).

The home page for Languish is right here (still under construction), and it includes a download link for the Python interpreter, as well as a comprehensive tutorial. Examples of code are to come!

And actually, this is where you all come in. If any of you can write a program in this language that shows off a feature well, or implements a common programming example (like 99 Bottles), I will include it on the website, and in the interpreter's .zip file (once I have compiled enough).

I could write them all myself (and I probably might), but I have a deadline of October 21, 2018 to have my site finished for my web development class, so any help filling it with content would be appreciated!